Al-'Ubab al-Zakhir wa-al-Lubab al-Fakhir (15 Vol) العباب الزاخر واللباب الفاخر
Item #: 80769
By: Saghani, Imam Radhi al-Din al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin al-Hasan (577 - 650 AH) إمام رضي الدين الحسن بن محمد بن الحسن الصغاني
Hardcover | 8053 pp, 15 Volumes
Language: Arabic - Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language Dictionary
Publisher: Markaz al-Buḥuth wa-al-Tawaṣul al-Maʻrifi (Center for Research & Knowledge Communication), Riyadh, KSA, 2022
ISBN: 9786038269305
Al-Fihrist الفهرست
Item #: 41558
By: Ibn al-Nadim (d. 995/8 CE) ابن النديم
Hardcover | 824 pp - chamois color paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Bio-Bibliography - Pre-Islamic Arabic Literature
Publisher: Dar al-Nafaes, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953185521
Alfiyat Ibn Malik (Dahdah) ألفية ابن مالك
Item #: 83000
By: Ibn Malik, Jamal al-Din (d. 672/1274) / Abu Faris al-Dahdah / Zahwa جمال الدّين بن مالك / أبو فارس الدحداح/ أحمد إبراهيم زهوة
Hardcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar Studies - Poetry - Alfiyat
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut 2025
ISBN: 9789953279961
Amali al-Shajariyah الأمالي الشجرية
Item #: 73700
By: Ibn al-Shajari, Abi al-Sa'adat Hibat Allah Ibn Ali (d. 542/1148) أبي السعادات هبة الله بن علي/ ابن الشجري
Hardcover | 856 pp, White Paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Grammar - Philology - Syntax - Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9782745101242
Asas al-Balaghah (Dar Sader) أساس البلاغة
Item #: 73259
By: Zamakhshari, Abu al-Qasim (Jar Allah, d. 538/1144) أبي القاسم جار الله الزمخشري
Hardcover | 712 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Usages
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789953132181
Asas al-Balaghah (DKI) (2 Vol) أساس البلاغة
Item #: 81187
By: Zamakhshari, Abu al-Qasim (Jar Allah, d. 538/1144) أبي القاسم جار الله الزمخشري
Hardcover | 1392 pp, 2 colors, white paper, indexed, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Rhetortic, Balagah
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah (DKI), Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9782745121974
Asas al-Lughah al-Arabiyah (ibn al-Dahhan) اساس اللغة العربية
Item #: 41824
By: Ibn al-Dahhan, Abu Shuja' Muhammad (d. 590 AH) بن علي بن شعيب بن الدهان
Hardcover | 280 pp on cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language Study - Dictionary
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789959855299
Classic Pocket: Mutun al-Nahu متون النحو
Item #: 61025
By: Ibn Ajurrum (1273 or 1274-1323 CE) ابن آجروم
Vinyl Flexi-Cover | 104 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2012
Dala'il al-I'jaz دلائل الإعجاز
Item #: 71362
By: Jurjani, Abd al-Qahir bin Abd al-Rahman (d 1078 ce) الجرجاني
Hardcover | 415 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Balaghah (Rhetoric)
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9789953272818
Dhikr al-Farq bayna al-Ahruf al-Khamsah ذكر الفرق بين الأحرف الخمسة [ظ،ض،ذ،ص،س]
Item #: 81220
By: Batalyawsi, Ibn al-Sid (d. 521/1127) ابن السيد البطليوسي / Ed: Nashrati, Dr, Hamzah Abd Allah حمزة عبد الله النشرتي ،الدكتور
Hardcover | 383 pp, facsimiles, includes indexes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Particles - Suffixes & Prefixes - Early Works
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9782745134325
Diwan al-Insha' ديوان الانشاء
Item #: 73489
By: Hashimi, Ahmad (d.1361/1943) السيد أحمد الهاشمي
Hardcover | 462 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Style - Rhetoric - Essays - Proverbs - Poetry
Publisher: Dar al Marefah, Beirut 2012 دار المعرفة للطباعة والنشر - لبنان
ISBN: 9789953446325
Durus al-Balaghah دروس البلاغة
Item #: 74634
By: Nasif, Hifni et-al حنفي ناصف
Hardcover | 147 pp, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Rhetoric, Syntax
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2012
ISBN: 9786144162798
Faruq fi al-Lugha الفروق في اللغة
Item #: 73888
By: Askari, Abu Hilal ( d.after. 395/1005) أبو هلال العسكري
Hardcover | 636 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Close Meanings - Differences
Publisher: Al Resala Publishing, Damascus 2020
ISBN: 9789933230647
Gharib al-Musannaf (3 vol) الغريب المصنف
Item #: 70387
By: Ibn Sallam, Abu Ubayd al-Qasim (ca, 154/770 - 224/838) أبو عبيد القاسم بن سلام
Hardcover | 1,690 pp in 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Rare Expressions
Publisher: Dar al-Fayha, 2005
I'rab al-Hadith al-Nabawi إعراب الحديث النبوي
Item #: 41590
By: Ukbari, Abd Allah ibn al-Husayn (ca 538/1143-616/1219) عكبري، عبد الله بن الحسين
Hardcover | 536 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Hadith Language - Style
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2014
ISBN: 9789933103248
I'rab Alfiyat Ibn Malik اعراب الفية ابن مالك
Item #: 70701
By: Azhari al-Jurjawi, Khalid ibn Abd Allah (1434/838 - 1499/905) خالد ابن عبدالله الأزهري الجرجاوي
Hardcover | 672 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Grammar
Publisher: DKI, 2016
ISBN: 9782745187116
Ilm al-Takhatub al-Islami علم التخاطب الاسلامي
Item #: 14939
By: Ali, Muhammad Muhammad Yunis محمد محمد يونس علي
Hardcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Countries - History - Arabic Language - Pragmatics
Publisher: Dar al-Madar, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789959293688
Inayah bi-Tasrif al-Nuqayah العناية بتصريف النقاية
Item #: 73344
By: Suyuti, Hafiz Jalal al-Din (ca. 849/1445 - 911/1505 ) الحافظ جلال الدين السيوطي
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Grammar - Sarf - Morphology
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Riyadh 1440 H.E.
Jamharat al-Lughah (3 Vol) جمهرة اللغة
Item #: 14002
By: Ibn Duraid (223/837 - 321/933) ابن دريد
Hardcover | 2064 pp, 3 Volumes, 2 color text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language Studies
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2005
Jana al-Dani fi Huruf al-Ma‘ani (2 vol) الجنى الداني في حروف المعاني
Item #: 44461
By: Muradi, al-Hassan bin Qasim (d. 749/1348 or 49) الحسن بن قاسم المرادي
Hardcover | 944 pp, 2 volumes, cream matte paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Particles - Suffixes and Prefixes
Publisher: Dar ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786144153666
Jawahir al-Alfaz جواهر الالفاظ
Item #: 80941
By: Qudamah ibn Ja'far al-Katib al-Baghdadi (d. ca.347/948) قدامة بن جعفر الكاتب البغدادي / Ed: Abdul Hamid, Muhammad Muhyi-al-Din محمد محي الدين عبد الحميد
Hardcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Arabic Language Vocabulary -
Publisher: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut 2012
ISBN: 9786144146279
Kamal (4 vol - Abu al-Abbas Muhammad ibn Yazid al-Mubarrad) الكامل
Item #: 41980
By: Mubarrad, Muhammad ibn Yasid (d, 285/898) مبرد، محمد بن يزيد
Hardcover | 4 volume set, 2 color text on cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature -- History and Criticism
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus/Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789933230265
Khasa'is li-Ibn Jinni (3 vol) الخصائص لإبن جني
Item #: 16531
By: Ibn Jinni, Abu al-Fath Uthman ابن جنّي / Ed: Hindawi, Abd al-Hamid
Hardcover | 1448 pp, 3 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arabic Grammar and Lexicography Work
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9782745132451
Kitab Afanin al-Balaghah كتاب أفانين البلاغة
Item #: 72340
By: Isfahani, Raghib (Asfahani, d.502/1109 ) ال راغب الاصفهاني
Hardcover | 220 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Rhetoric
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789953130279
Kitab al-Af'al كتاب الأفعال
Item #: 71321
By: Ibn al-Qatta', Ali ibn Ja'far (1041-1121 CE) ابن القطاع، علي بن جعفر
Hardcover | 621 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar - Verbs +
Publisher: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9782745135513
Kitab al-Huruf كتاب الحروف
Item #: 80579
By: Farabi, Abu Nasr Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Turkhan (d. 339/950) أبو نصر محمد بن محمد بن طرخان الفارابي
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Philosophy
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub Ilmiyah (DKI), Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9782745149664
Kitab al-Idah wa Risalat al-Ifsah كتاب الايضاح و رسالة الافصاح
Item #: 41425
By: Nahwi, Abd al-Ghafar (d. 377 / 987) عبد الغفار النحوي / Ibn al-Tarawah, Sulayman (d.528/1134) ابن الطراوة، سليمان
Hardcover | 320 pp + 160 pp (2 books in one)
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar
Publisher: Alam al-Kutub, Beirut, 2008
Kitab al-Idah كتاب الإيضاح
Item #: 10319
By: Nahwi, Abu Ali Hasan Bin Ahmad Bin Abd al-Ghafar (d. 377 / 987) لأبي الحسن بن أحمد بن عبد الغفار النحوي
Hardcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar
Publisher: Alam al-Kotob, Beirut, 1996
Kitab al-Khat كتاب الخط
Item #: 21377
By: Zajjaji, Abd al-Rahman Ibn Ishaq أبي القاسم عبدالرحمن الزجاجي
Hardcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Calligraphy Rules
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953132136
Kitab al-Tawfiq lil-Talfiq كتابة التوفيق للتلفيق
Item #: 75413
By: Tha’alibi al-Naysaburi, Abu Mansour Abd al-Malik bin Muhammad ابي منصور عبد الملك بن محمد بن اسماعيل الثعالبي النيسابوري
Softcover | 198 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Anthology; figures of speeches - Poetry - Criticism
Publisher: Aalim Al-Kitaab, Beirut 1996
Kitab Sibawayh (2 vol, Sader) كتاب سيبويه
Item #: 41030
By: Sibawayh, Umar ibn Uthman (d. 180/796) أبي بشر عمرو ابن عثمان بن قنبر سيبويه
Hardcover | 946 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
Kitab Sibawayh (4 vol, Turath) كتاب سيبويه
Item #: 80332
By: Sibawayh, Umar ibn Uthman (d. 180/796) أبي بشر عمرو ابن عثمان بن قنبر سيبويه
Hardcover | 4 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar
Publisher: Dar Ihya Turath, Beirut 2nd Ed.
Lisan al-Arab (15 vol. DKI) لسان العرب
Item #: 14004
By: Ibn Manzur. Jamal al-Din جمال الدين أبي الفضل محمد ابن منظور
Hardcover | 9808 pp,15 volumes, 2 color text
Language: Arabic-Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Dictionary
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9782745141255
Lisan al-Arab (18 v. in 9, Dar Sader) لسان العرب
Item #: 14007
By: Ibn Manzur. Jamal al-Din جمال الدين أبي الفضل محمد ابن منظور
Hardcover | 18 volumes in a 9 book set, 2 color text
Language: Arabic-Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language Dictionary
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9789953131955
Masa'il al-Mushkilah (Baghdadiyat) المسائل المشكلة
Item #: 60283
By: Abu Ali al-Farisi, al-Hasan ibn Ahmad (d. 987 CE) أبو علي الفارسي، الحسن بن أحمد
Hardcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early work - Arabic Language - Grammar
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9782745140111
Mu'jam al-Mu'allifin (4 vol) معجم المؤلفين
Item #: 41977
By: Kahhalah, Umar Rida (1323/1905-1408/1987) عمر رضا كحالة
Hardcover | 3054 pp in 4 volumes, 2 color text on chamois color paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Bio-Bibliography
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus/Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789933231927
Mufassal fi I'lm al-Arabiyah المفصل في علم العربية
Item #: 74677
By: Zamakhshari, Abu Al Qasim (d. 538/1144) الزمخشري
Hardcover | 350 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar - Nahu
Publisher: Maktabat al-Assrya, Saida, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9789953346670
Mufradat Alfaz al-Qur'an مفردات الفاظ القران
Item #: 73486
By: Isfahani, Raghib (Asfahani, d.502/1109) ال راغب الاصفهاني
Hardcover | 798 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Vocabulary of the Quran / Linguistics
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Damascus 2020
Mughni al-Adib (Reza) مغني الاديب
Item #: 72176
By: Ibn Hisham al-Ansari (708/1309 - 761/1360) جمال الدين بن هشام الأنصاري / Ed, Ranjabar, Ali- Reza
Hardcover | 586 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar - Mughni al-Labib - Syntax, etc.
Publisher: Markaz Pakhsh, Tehran
ISBN: 9789642638697
Mughni al-Labib مغني اللبيب عن كتب الاعاريب
Item #: 50065
By: Ibn Hisham al-Ansari (708/1309 - 761/1360) جمال الدين بن هشام الأنصاري / Ed: Abd al-Hamid, Muhammad
Hardcover | 766 pp (2 vol in 1 book)
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Syntax - Rhetoric - Grammar
Publisher: Dar ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144150092
Mughni al-Labib (2 vol. in 1) مغني اللبيب عن كتب الاعاريب
Item #: 83002
By: Ibn Hisham al-Ansari (d. 761/1360) ابن هشام الأنصاري
Hardcover | 1063 pp, 2 volumes in one binding
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Syntax - Rhetoric - Grammar
Publisher: Dar al Arqam, Beirut, 1999
Mughni fi 'Ilm al-Nahu المغني في علم النحو
Item #: 21378
By: Abu al-Makarim Fakhr al-Din Bin Yousef (664-746 / 1265-1346) أبو المكارم فخر الدين بن يوسف
Hardcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2011
Muhakim wal Muhit al-Adhama (1/11) المحكم والمحيط الأعظم
Item #: 13018
By: Ibn Sidah, Abu Hasan 'Ali (1007-1066 ce) ابن سيده, أبو حسن علي / Ed: Abd al-Hamid Hindawi
Hardcover | 6640 pp, 2 colors, white paper, indexes,11 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classical Arabic Lexicon
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2000
ISBN: 9782745130341
Mukhtar al-Sihah (HC-Fayha) مختار الصحاح
Item #: 20207
By: Razi, Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr (d. ca. 666/1268) محمد بن أبي بكرالرازي
Hardcover | 500 pp, 2 color text, Chamois
Language: Arabic-Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic-Arabic Dictionary
Publisher: Dar al Fayha, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789933902551
Mukhtasir al-Maani ( ) مختصر المعاني
Item #: 20348
By: Taftazani, Mas'ud ibn Umar (d.791/1389?) مسعود بن عمر التفتازاني
Hardcover | 323 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Balaghah (Rhetoric)
Mulhat al-I'rab (sc Assiya) ملحة الأعراب
Item #: 70137
By: Hariri al-Basri, al-Qasim ibn Ali (d. 516/1122) القاسم بن علي الحريري البصري
Softcover | 108 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Poetic Arabic Grammar Study
Publisher: Maktaba al-Assriya, Beirut, 2000
Mumti' fi Tasrif (Ibn Asfur) الممتع في التصريف
Item #: 72162
By: Ibn Asfur al-Ishbili (d. 669/1270) ابن عصفور الإشبيلي
Hardcover | 380 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Morphology
Publisher: Dar Ihya Turath, Beirut 2011
Munsif: Sharh al-Kitab al-Tasrif المنصف شرح كتاب التصريف
Item #: 10320
By: Ibn Jinni, Abu al-Fath Uthman / Muhammad 'Abd al-Qadir / Bakr Ibn Muhammad Mazini
Hardcover | 704 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arabic language studies - inflection
Publisher: DKI, 1999
ISBN: 9782745126870
Nahj al-Balagha (Abdo) نهج البلاغة - شرح محمد عبده
Item #: 74451
By: Abi Talib, Imam Ali الامام علي
Hardcover | 487 pp, 2 color text, white paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Literature - Sermons - Sayings - Texts - Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Publisher: Maktab al Asriya, Saida 2021
ISBN: 9789953400501
Nahj al-Balaghah (SC, Dig Future) نهج البلاغة
Item #: 81088
By: Ali b. Abi Talib (Imam Ali, d. 40/661) علي ابن أبي طالب
Softcover | 280 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Literature - Sermons - Sayings - Texts - Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Publisher: Digital Future / Elariss
ISBN: 7608033000009
Rasa'il al-Jahiz (4 vol in 2) رسائل الجاحظ
Item #: 1557
By: Jahiz, Abu Uthman Amr ibn Bahr (159/776-255/868) أبو عثمان عمرو بن بحرالجاحظ
Hardcover | 1280 pp, White Paper, 4 volumes in 2 books
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language Study
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9782745129242
Shadha al-Urf fi Fan al-Sarf شذا العرف في فن الصرف
Item #: 75386
By: Hamalawi, Ahmad bin Muhammad (d.1932) أحمد بن محمد الحملاوي
Hardcover | 480 pp, 2 color text, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic language - Nahu - Sarf (Morphology - Word Formation)
Publisher: Dar al-Daqqaq & Dar al-Fayha, Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9789933531270
Sharh al-Ajrumiyyah شرح الآجرومية
Item #: 75351
By: Ghazzi, Najm al-Din (d.1061/1651) العلامة نجم الدين الغزي
Hardcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Grammar - al-Ajrumiyyah
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789959858832
Sharh al-Makudi ila al-Alfiyat شرح المكودي على الألفية
Item #: 75390
By: Makudi, Abi Zaid Abdul Rahman bin Ali bin Saleh ابي زيد عبد الرمان بن علي بن صالح المكودي
Hardcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Alfiyat Ibn Malik- Nahu - Sarf
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 1996
ISBN: 9782745109897
Sharh al-Tashil (3 vol) شرح التسهيل
Item #: 15468
By: Ibn Malik al-Andalusian, Jamal al-Din (d. 672/1274) جمال الدّين بن مالك الجيّاني الأندلسي
Hardcover | 1488 pp, 3 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar Studies
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2001
ISBN: 9782745132857
Sharh Jumal al-Zajjaji (2 vol) شرح جمل الزجاجي
Item #: 14943
By: Ibn Asfur al-Ishbili (d. 669/1270) ابن عصفور الإشبيلي
Hardcover | 742 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classical Arabic language studies
Publisher: Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut 2003
Sharh Kafiyat Ibn al-Hajib (5 vol) شرح كافية ابن الحاجب
Item #: 75421
By: Ibn al-Hajib (d.646/1249) ابن الحاجب / Astarabadhi, Radi al-Din رضي الدين الإستراباذي
Hardcover | 2264 pp, 5 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Grammar - Syntax
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9782745125057
Sharh Kitab Sibawayh (5 vol) شرح كتاب سيبويه
Item #: 81136
By: Sirafi, Abi Sayd al-Hasan ibn Abdullah al-Marzuban (d.368/979) أبي سعيد الحسن بن عبد الله المرزبان السيرافي
Hardcover | 2520 pp, Chamois Paper, 5 Vol
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Early Works - Grammar - Sibawayh (d. 180/796)
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9782745152510
Sharh Lamiyat al Af'al شرح لامية الافعال لابن مالك
Item #: 50013
By: Ibn Malik, Badr al-Din بدر الدين محمد بن مالك
Softcover | 79 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Ibn Malik - Arabic Language - Morphology
Publisher: Dar ibn Hazm 2005
ISBN: 9789953812045
Sharh Mulhat al-I'rab (HC 17x24 dakaa) شرح ملحة الإعراب
Item #: 60733
By: Hariri al-Basri, al-Qasim ibn Ali (446/1054 - 516/1122) الحريري، القاسم بن علي
Hardcover | 159 pp, 2 color text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Poetic Arabic Grammar Study
Publisher: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi, Beirut 2004
Sharh Mulhat al-I'rab (hc dar hazm) شرح ملحة الإعراب
Item #: 44818
By: Hariri al-Basri, al-Qasim ibn Ali (d. 516/1122) القاسم بن علي الحريري البصري
Hardcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Poetic Arabic Grammar Study
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9786144160534
Sharh Mulhat al-I'rab (HC Mini dakaa) شرح ملحة الإعراب
Item #: 70673
By: Hariri al-Basri, al-Qasim ibn Ali (d. 516/1122) القاسم بن علي الحريري البصري
Hardcover | 157 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Poetic Arabic Grammar Study
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut 2005
ISBN: 9789953275581
Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah (11 vol DKI) شرح نهج البلاغة
Item #: 15462
By: Abi Talib, Imam Ali الامام علي / Hadid al-Mada'ini, Ibn Abi (d. 656/1258) ابن أبي الحديد
Hardcover | 4088 pp, 11 volumes, 2 color text, white paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islamic Literature - Sermons - Sayings - Texts - Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9782745100115
Sharh Shudhur al-Dhahab (DKI) شرح شذور الذهب
Item #: 15351
By: Ibn Hisham al-Ansari (708/1309 - 761/1360) جمال الدين بن هشام الأنصاري
Hardcover | 544 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Classical Grammar
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9782745109934
Sirr Sina'at al-I'rab (1vol) سر صناعة ألاعراب
Item #: 10326
By: Ibn Jinni, Abu al-Fath Uthman (d.392/1002) أبو الفتح عثمان بن جني الموصلي
Hardcover | 776 pp (2 Volumes in 1)
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic language - Phonology
Publisher: DKI, 2012
ISBN: 9782745127020
Tahdhib Mughni al-Labib تهذيب مغني اللبيب عن كتب الأعاريب
Item #: 73901
By: Marzaqi, Halim حليم مرزاقي / Ibn Hisham al-Ansari (d.761/1360) جمال الدين ابن هشام الأنصاري
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Syntax, Grammar - Ibn Hisham - Mughni al-Labib
Publisher: Dar al Nafaes, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789953186207
Tanqih al-Azhariyah تنقيح الأزهرية
Item #: 73718
By: Abd al-Hamid, Muhammad Muhyi al-Din (d.1392/1972) محمد محيي الدين عبد الحميد
Softcover | 192 pp, 2 color text, white paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Grammar - Syntax
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Damascus, 2021
ISBN: 9786144151822
Tasrif al-Qawl تصريف القول في القصص القرآني
Item #: 70820
By: Mostaghanmi, Dr. Amuhammad Muhammad Safi د. امحمد محمد صافي المستغانمي
Hardcover | 350 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'anic Studies - Moses in the Qur'an
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144152423
Tatbiq al-I'rabi التطبيق الإعرابي
Item #: 72325
By: Kawawi, Kamalah كاملة الكواري
Hardcover | 621 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language- I'rab - Diacritics - Suffixes
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789959857606
Thamarat al-Awraq ثمرات الاوراق
Item #: 70244
By: Ibn Hijja al-Hamawi, Abu Bakr (767/1366 - 837/1434) ابن حجة الحموي ، أبو بكر
Hardcover | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Anecdotes.- Poetry
Publisher: Al Maktaba al Asriya, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9789953342177
Tibyan fi al-Bayan التبيان في البيان
Item #: 60736
By: Tibi, al-Husayn ibn Muhammed (d. 743/1343) الحسين بن محمد الطيبي
Hardcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Balaghah (Rhetoric)
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2004
Tuffahah fi al-Nahu التفاحة في النحو
Item #: 70564
By: Nahhas, Abu Ja'far Ahmad (d. ca, 338/950) أبو جعفر أحمد النحاس
Softcover | 41 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Grammar
Publisher: Dar al-Sumay'i lil Nashr wa-al-Tawzi, Riyadh, 2016
ISBN: 9786030203970
Turar ala Alfiyat bin Malik طرر على ألفية ابن مالك
Item #: 70911
By: Sijilmasi, Abd al-Wahid عبد الواحد بن أحمد / السجلماسي
Hardcover | 352 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar- Alfiyah (Ibn Malik)
Publisher: Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9782745190093
Unwan al-Unwan عنوان العنوان
Item #: 60737
By: Biqa'i, Ibrahim ibn Umar (809/1406-885/1480) بقاعي، إبراهيم بن عمر
Hardcover | 231 pp
Language: Arabic-Arabic Dictionary
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Dictionary - Arab Authors, Muslim Scholars
Publisher: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi, Beirut 2002
ISBN: 9789953270692
Usul al-Nazariyah al-Naqdiyah أصول النظرية النقدية
Item #: 40388
By: Wadami, Ahmad ودرني، أحمد
Softcover with flaps | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic language - Rhetoric - Versification - Tabari
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Jadid, 2006
ISBN: 9789959293374
Usul fi al-Nahu 3 Vol. الأصـول في الـنـحـو
Item #: 61087
By: Ibn al-Sarraj, Abi Bakr Muhammad ( 928) ابن الـسـراج، مـحـمـد بن سـهـل
Hardcover | 1403 pp in 3 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Grammar
Publisher: Resalah Publishers, Damascus 2015
ISBN: 9789933232092
ِAlam al-Fikr al-Lughawi: part 1 اعلام الفكر اللغوي: الجزء الأول
Item #: 75415
By: Harris, Roy and Taylor, Talbot J. روي هاريس و تولبت جي تيلر
Hardcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Language Reference - History - Linguistics - Philosophy
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Jadid, (OEA) Beirut, 2004 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789959291738
Ahlam Masruqah أحلام مسروقة
Item #: 41100
By: Kayali, Mayada ميادة كيالي
Softcover | 284 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Essays and Musings - Syria/Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9781855166196
Akwariyum (Aquarium) أكواريوم
Item #: 60123
By: Basha, Abidu باشا، عبيدو.
Softcover | 391 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Essays and Writings - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9789953892016
Ala Qaydik على قيدك - خواطر
Item #: 45082
By: Mulhim, Sarah سارة الملحم
Softcover | 78 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Musings - Prose - Poetry
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786140132252
Amaniyat (Khawatir) امانيات (خواطر)
Item #: 44467
By: Ghabrah, Dr. Aman Nabih أمان نبيه الغبرة
Hardcover | 224 pp, coated paper, color illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Inspirational Thoughts and Reflections
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus,
ISBN: 9789933363048
Asabi' أصابع
Item #: 21080
By: Daher, Mona منى ظاهر
Softcover | 87 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Writings and text
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
Azraq wa-al-Hudhud الأزرق والهدهد
Item #: 15222
By: Wahba, Khahadah جاهدة وهبة
Softcover | 125 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Prose - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, 2012
ISBN: 9781855168411
Bidayat بدايات
Item #: 41951
By: Maalouf, Amin امين معلوف
Softcover | 470 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoirs - Musings - French-Lebanese
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953719917
Bulghah fi Shudhur al-Lughah البلغة في شذور اللغة
Item #: 75391
By: Ed: Haffner, Auguste / Cheikho, Louis اوغست هفنر/ لويس شيخو
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Linguistic Articles - Philology
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9782745150622
Dafatir al-Sijin دفاتر السجن
Item #: 82085
By: Gramsi, Antonio (1891-1937) أنطونيو غرامشي
Softcover | 592 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings - Italy - Political Thought
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Germany, 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922220666
Dumu' Qalam دموع قلم
Item #: 40632
By: Abu Sha'r, Muhammad Sa'id Adnan محمد سعيد عدنان أبو شعر
Softcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Writings, Musings, Prose - Syria
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786140109544
Dunya دنيا : فيلمنامۀ
Item #: 60143
By: Tawhidi, Farhad توحيدي، فرهاد
Softcover | 141 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Drama - Motion Picture Play
Publisher: Maktabat Al Shourouq Al Dawliyyah
Hadhihi Laysat Sirah هذه ليست سيرة
Item #: 44272
By: Saghiyah, Hazem حازم صاغية
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Texts - Musings - Political Writings - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9781855167933
Haram C.V. حرام
Item #: 15206
By: Thabat, Abdullah
Softcover | 136 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Musings, Prose, Poetry - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, 2012
ISBN: 9781855168527
Haram CV حرام CV نيكوتين لدماء ضامئة
Item #: 7016
By: Thabit, Abd Allah عبد الله ثابت
Softcover | 180 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Writings and Contemporary Poems - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953369679
Hayat Abidan الحياة ابدا
Item #: 75117
By: Wannus, Sa'ad Allah (1941-1997) سعد الله ونوس
Softcover | 88 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Play - Drama - Syria
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9789953893099
Hijrat al-Kalamat هجرة الـلمات
Item #: 10912
By: Bazi', Shawqi شوقي بزيع
Softcover | 206 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Literary Writings - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953890913
Hum هم
Item #: 7840
By: Basha, Abidu (Pasha) عبيدو باشا
Softcover | 527 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Writings and Articles - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953890401
Ila Matar Qadim إلى مطر قديم
Item #: 74037
By: Haydar, Ismail (Haidar) اسماعيل حيدر
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Prose Texts - Musings - Short Stories - Syria
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953872568
Ilayka ya Abi اليك يا أبي
Item #: 41220
By: Humsi, Nahla Muhammad نهلة محمد الحمصي
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Prose - Letters
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9781855164390
Iqd al-Farid ( 8 vol. DKI) العقد الفريد
Item #: 82066
By: Ibn Abd Rabbih al-Andalusi (d. 328/940) ابن عبد ربه الاندلسي
Hardcover | 4352 pp, 9 vol in 8 books
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Arabic Literature - Anecdotes - History - Compendium of Literature
Publisher: Dki, Beirut 1971
ISBN: 9782745110916
Kalimat Sayyi'at al-Sum'ah كلمات سيئة السمعة
Item #: 10899
By: Jabir, Yahya Hasan جابر، يحيى حسن
Softcover | 243 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Essays - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes, Beirut, 2001
ISBN: 9789953210520
Kalmat Min Dhahab كلمات من ذهب
Item #: 7823
By: Fayad, Dr. Kifah كفاح فياض
Hardcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Inspirational Thoughts
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953871677
Kayif Tafouz bi-Wardah كيف تفوز بوردة
Item #: 21443
By: Finjan, Abdulazim عبدالعظيم فنجان
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Modern - Iraq - Prose
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789933350321
Khabaya al-Dhakirah خبايا الذاكرة
Item #: 70131
By: Ammar, Ibrahim ابراهيم عمار
Softcover | 543 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Lebanon - Essays - Memories
Publisher: Al-Farabi, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953712642
Kitabah wa-al-Manfa الكتابة والمنفى
Item #: 71717
By: Ibrahim, Abdullah (1957-) عبد الله أبراهيم, Group عبد الله ابراهيم
Hardcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Essays - History - Criticism
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144190753
Kukh fi Utarid كـوخ فـي عـطـارد
Item #: 16383
By: Sahhar, Lubna لبنى السحار
Softcover | 207 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Musings, Writings - Palestine / Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786140109483
Maraya al-Dhakirah : Sard مرايا الذاكرة : سرد
Item #: 41967
By: Oumlil, Ali علي أومليل
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Narrative - Reflections - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953688091
Mezaj Al Madina مزاج المدن
Item #: 6776
By: Ghoussoub, Mai
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Writings - Lebanon
Publisher: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9786144253243
Min Rasaiel al-Udba' من رسائل الأدباء
Item #: 21318
By: Saggar, Mohammed Said محمد سعيد الصكار
Softcover | 203 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Letters
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953363242
Mudhakirat Randa al-Trans مذكرات رندا الترانس
Item #: 21284
By: Saghiyah, Hazim حازم صاغية
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sociology - Writings - Transsexuals in literature
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9781855166141
Munmnamat Tarikhia - منمنمات تاريخية
Item #: 75108
By: Wannus, Sa'ad Allah (1941-1997) سعد الله ونوس
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Play - Drama - Syria
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2000
ISBN: 9789953892979
Mut'at al-Qira'ah متعة القراءة
Item #: 40687
By: Pennac, Daniel دانيال بِناك
Softcover | 157 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Writings - Reader's Rights - France
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition, c. 1992
ISBN: 9786144257975
Nashwat al-Sakran نشوة السكران
Item #: 71367
By: Khan, Muhammad Siddiq Hassan (1248/1832 - 1307/1890) محمد صديق حسن خان
Softcover | 134 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Love in Literature - Poetry, Prose, Aspects
Publisher: Warraq, Beirut 2008
Qal wa Radadt قـيـل و رددت
Item #: 12798
By: Bin Muhammad, Saad سعد بن محمد
Hardcover | 419 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Literature - Poetry, prose, writings - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953685401
Raqim al-Habr رقيم الحبر
Item #: 44416
By: Amiri, Ali علي العامري
Softcover | 141 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Poets - Writings, Dialogues
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020
ISBN: 9789995843373
Rasa'il Abi al-'Ala al-Ma'arri رسائل ابي العلاء المعري
Item #: 73169
By: Ma'arri, Abu al-Ala' (363/973 - 449/1057) أبو العلاء المعري / Ed: Margoliouth, D.S.
Hardcover | 181 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arab Letters - Poetry - Philosophy - Rare Book
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2020 - Oxford, 1898
Ruhi al-Thamina روحي الثامنة
Item #: 45056
By: Sayed, Haifa Rashad هيفاء رشاد السيد
Softcover | 46 pp, 3 color, illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Writings - Thought
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786140132931
Sab'un Qiyamah wa Akthar سبعون قيمة واكثر
Item #: 70708
By: Maliki, Turki تركي محمد المالكي
Softcover | 255 PP
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Texts - Advice - Wisdom - Spirituality
Publisher: Malaki, 2016
ISBN: 9786030224333
Sada al-Mahjar 2nd Issue صدي المحجر
Item #: 75388
By: Editor: Hadad, Lotfi
Softcover | 232 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Diaspora - Magazine Issue
Publisher: Sada Magzine, Indianapolis 2006
Sada al-Mahjar 4th Issue صدي المحجر
Item #: 75389
By: Editor: Hadad, Lotfi
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Diaspora - Magazine Issue
Publisher: Sada Magazine, Indianapolis 2007
Salwat al-'Ashiq سلوة العاشق
Item #: 8114
By: Qahtani, Ayed عايض القحطاني
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Writings - Love
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953872544
Ta'amulat تأملات
Item #: 16289
By: Falahi, Ahmed (1954-) أحمد الفلاحي
Softcover | 180 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Writings - Reflections - Humanity
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9788144192917
Ufakir Mithil Shajarah أفكر مثل شجرة
Item #: 21453
By: Finjan, Abdulazim عبدالعظيم فنجان
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Modern - Iraq - Prose
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2009
Wafqa al-Tawqit al-Arabi وفق التوقيت العربي
Item #: 60131
By: Turki, Ibrahim Abd al-Rahman إبراهيم بن عبد الرحمن تركي
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Personal Essays and Musings - Arab Society - 1980s
Publisher: Bisan, Beirut 2006
Wasaya الوصايا
Item #: 72029
By: Azzam, Fadi (1973 -) فادي عزام
Softcover | 313 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Writings - Women - Syria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144691649
Zahr al-Adab wa Thamar al-Alabab (2 vol) زهر الآداب وثمر الألباب
Item #: 82064
By: Qayrawani, Abi Ishaq al-Husri Ibrahim ibn Ali ibn Tamin (d 453/1061) أبي إسحاق الحصري ابراهيم بن علي بن تميم القيرواني
Hardcover | 1,000 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature Classic - Poetry, Prose, The Art of Rhetoric
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9782745109132
A'ourak al-Khrif أوراق الخريف
Item #: 10768
By: Lulua, Abd al-Wahed عبد الواحد لؤلؤة
Softcover | 391 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Readings - Poetry, Cultural, Criticism
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 2008
Abdul Rahman Munif عبدالرحمن منيف 2008
Item #: 20478
By: Group
Softcover | 564 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - 20th Century - Critique
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 978995368362x
Adab al-Arabi (8 vol) الأدب العربي فنونه وعصوره وأشهر أعلامه
Item #: 70990
By: Mas'ud, Jubran (Gibran Masoud 1930-) جبران مسعود
Hardcover | 3312 pp, 8 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literary Studies - History - Classic literature - Bio-bibliography
Publisher: Hachette Antoine/Naufal, Beirut 2016
ISBN: 9786144385180
Awham al-Muhaqqiqin أوهـام الـمـحـقـقـيـن
Item #: 20494
By: Araji, Muhammad Husayn أعرجي، محمد حسين
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic literature - Criticism, Textual - Arabic Poetry - History and criticism.
Publisher: Dar al Mada 2004
Baghdad: al-Tarikh wa-al-Shi'r بغداد : التاريخ والشعر
Item #: 74847
By: Khalis, Walid Mahmud وليد محمود خالص
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Baghdad (Iraq) - Literature - Arabic Poetry - History - Criticism
Publisher: AIRP (Mu'assasat al-Arabi lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr), Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789953367309
Banki Mufkakan البنكي مفككاً
Item #: 12070
By: Banki, Muhammad Ahmed
Softcover | 321 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Critique
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789995801027
Darasat al-A'dab الدراسة الأدبية
Item #: 15620
By: Khouri, Raif رئيف خوري
Softcover | 155 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Thought - Literary Criticism
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144257333
Dhakha'ir al-Sharqiya (7 vol) الذخائر الشرقية
Item #: 73080
By: Awad, Gurgis (1908-1992) كوركيس عواد / Ed. Atiyya, Khalil
Hardcover | 3716 pp, 7 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Historical Documentation - References
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 1999
Fan Kitaba Scenario فن كتابة السيناريو
Item #: 73014
By: Haro, Franck فرانك هارو
Softcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Screen Writing - Development - Writing Fiction
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2016
ISBN: 9782843090493
Fann al-Shi'r فن الشعر
Item #: 80820
By: Abbas, Dr. Ihsan (1920-2003) الدكتور إحسان عباس
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Critique - Poetry History and Criticism
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2011
Fi Mukhtabar al-Kitabah في مختبر الكتابة
Item #: 71776
By: Shadawi, Ali علي الشدوي
Softcover | 149 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Studies
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953684802
Fi Sifr al-Kalimat في سفر الكلمات
Item #: 7561
By: Mesbah, Munira منيرة مصباح
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Critique - Arabic Literature - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
Fikr wa-Mabahith فكر ومباحث
Item #: 60052
By: Tantawi, Ali علي الطنطاوي
Hardcover | 262 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Articles - Arabic Literature - History and Criticism
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut
ISBN: 978219401120
Hikayat al-Hikayat حكاية الحكايات
Item #: 10913
By: Habash, Iskandar اسكندر حبش
Softcover | 277 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Studies and Writings - Story Settings
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953890968
Ibda' wa-al-Muqaddas الإبداع والمقدس
Item #: 41709
By: Zein, Amira زين، أميرة
Softcover | 127 pp on cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: The Sacred and Mysticism in literature - Creative Ability
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144196793
Ighwa' al-Ta'wil اغواء التأويل
Item #: 12716
By: Kamouni, Saad سعد كموني
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry - History, Critique, Grammar
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789953685010
Inna Mahkumon Bil-'Aml إننا محكومون بالأمل
Item #: 21425
By: Husami, Iyad إياد حسامي
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Theater - Hope - Memories
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953892542
Jamaliyat al-Naqd al-Thaqafi جماليات النقد الثقافي
Item #: 11780
By: Maraziq, Ahmad Jamal أحمد جمال المرازيق
Softcover | 306 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Criticism - Aesthetics in literature - Arabic poetry - Andalusi
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953363417
Katib wa-al-Manfa الكاتب والمنفى
Item #: 15863
By: Munif, Abdul Rahman (1933-2004) عبد الرحمن منيف
Softcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literary Essays
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
Khitab al-Jins خطاب الجنس
Item #: 14317
By: Sarhan, Haytham
Softcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Studies
Publisher: al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, 2010
ISBN: 9789953684855
Kitab Mantiq al-Tayr (Tilmisani) (تلمسان) كتاب منطق الطير
Item #: 73711
By: Tilmisani, Shihab al-Din (Ibn Abi Hajalah ابن أبي حجلة d. 776/1375) شهاب الدين التلمساني
Hardcover | 603 pp, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - History - Criticism - Sufi Poetry
Publisher: Dar Al Aman, Rabat, 2018
ISBN: 9789954701324
Kitaba wa-al-Mahow الكتابة والمحو
Item #: 11676
By: Adwani, Dr. Muajeb
Softcover | 204 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature/Critique
Publisher: al-Intishar, 2009
ISBN: 9786144040263
Kitibat fi al-Masrah إننا محكومون بالأمل : كتابات في المسرح
Item #: 15927
By: A Masrah Ensemble and Prince Claus Fund Library Project
Softcover | 240 pp plus 16 pp color photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Essays - Theatre - Past and Future of
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953892542
Kotob wa Kitab كتب وكتاب
Item #: 11864
By: Juha, Michele
Softcover | 356 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Critique-Reviews
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, 2009
Layal 'Ashir Ma'a al-Mutanabbi ليال عشر مع المتنبي
Item #: 44781
By: Karaki, Khalid خالد الكركي
Laminated Flexi Card cover | 199 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Criticism and Interpretation - Mutanabbi (c. 915-965 CE)
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786140122635
Ma Ba'ad Dhahniya Tahrim مابعد ذهنية التحريم
Item #: 73012
By: Azm, Sadiq Jalal (1934-2016) صادق جلال العظم
Softcover | 575 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Studies - Polemical Fiction - Censorship - Thought
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2007
ISBN: 9782843050206
Ma Qall wa-Dall : (8 Vol) Amine Nakhle, Elias Abu Shabaki, Karam Melhem Karam, Khalil Mutran, Khalil Taqi al-Din, Salah Labaki, Shaykh Abdullah al-Alayili, Umar Fakhuri
Item #: 75140
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Al-Khuri, Bishara / et al
Hardcover | 636 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260778
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Al-Akhtal al-Saghir الأخطل الصغير
Item #: 7275
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Al-Khuri, Bishara (Al Akhtal al-Saghir)
Hardcover | 79 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260723
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Amine Nakhle أمين نخلة
Item #: 10416
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Nakhle, Amin
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260730
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Karam Melhem Karam كرم ملحم كر
Item #: 7285
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Karam. Melhem Karam
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260778
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Khalil Mutran خليل مطران
Item #: 10412
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Mutran, Khalil
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260662
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Marun Abbud مارون عبود
Item #: 10415
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Abbud, Marun
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260679
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Salah Labaki صلاح لبكي
Item #: 7286
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Labaki, Salah
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260693
Ma Qall wa-Dall: Umar Fakhuri عمر فاخوري
Item #: 10411
By: Jabr, Jamil جميل جبر / Fakhuri, Umar
Hardcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literary Critique - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal-Group, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953260709
Ma Tukhafiah al-Qira'a ما تخفيه القراءة
Item #: 8107
By: Nasir, Yassin ياسين النصير
Softcover | 496 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Studies - Fictional Works
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9786140201828
Madha Yurid al-Qira ماذا يريد القارئ
Item #: 12287
By: Nihum, Al-Sadiq
Softcover | 361 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Literary Studies
Publisher: al-Intishar, 2011
ISBN: 9786144041468
Maghani al-Nass مغاني النص
Item #: 7574
By: Rawashdeh, Samer سامح الرواشدة
Softcover | 219 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry Studies
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368221
Manarat Thaqafiyah منارات ثقافية
Item #: 14913
By: Tall, Mustafa Wahbi, (Arar) / Group
Softcover | 158 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature History and Criticism
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789957190415
Mawsu'at al-Sard al-Arabi موسوعة السرد العربي
Item #: 74840
By: Ibrahim, Abdullah (1957-) عبد الله أبراهيم
Hardcover | 738 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature Reference- History and Criticism - Narration (Rhetoric)
Publisher: AIRP (Mu'assasat al-Arabi lil-Dirasat wa-al-Nashr), Beirut 2005
Mi'raj al-Sha'ir معراج الشاعر
Item #: 71382
By: Khatib, Rihab رحاب الخطيب
Softcover | 197 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Critique - Arabic Poetry - Tahir Riyad - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2005
Muhakima al-Nas محاكمة النص
Item #: 73934
By: Issa, Hisham al-Shaykh, Doctor هشام الشيخ عيسى ،الدكتور
Softcover | 187 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature Critique - Poetic text
Publisher: Dar Warraq, Baghdad 2019
Muhawarat al-Sardiyah المحاورات السردية
Item #: 71491
By: Ibrahim, Abdullah (1957-) عبد الله أبراهيم
Hardcover | 250 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Narration (Rhetoric)
Publisher: AIRP, 2012
ISBN: 9786144190821
Nass wa-al-Mafhum النص والمفهوم
Item #: 71383
By: Haddawi, al-Ta'i الطائع الحداوي
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Study - Semiotics
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953684864
Qabd Ala al-Jamr القبض على الجمر
Item #: 14332
By: Howar, Muhammad Ibrahim
Hardcover | 408 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Political-Studies
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2004
Qam'i al-Siyasi القمع السياسي
Item #: 15610
By: Farraj, Dr. Afif عفيف فراج
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Critique - Literature and Political Repression
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953892528
Qira fi al-Nas القارئ في النص
Item #: 12256
By: Suleiman, Susan Rubin / Inji Krosman
Softcover | 510 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Studies - Essays - Reader's Immersion
Publisher: Dar al Kitab al Jadid, Benghazi 2004
ISBN: 9789959292827
Rasa'il Adabi'ah الرسائل الأدبية
Item #: 21392
By: Bin Ramadan, Salih صالح بن رمضان
Softcover | 640 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Critique - Poetry
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953711898
Rasa'il al-Shirazi رساءل الشيرازي
Item #: 80838
By: Katib, Abi al-Qasim Abd al-Aziz ibn Yusuf (d.388 AH) أبي القاسم عبد العزيز بن يوسف الكاتب / al-Shirazi
Hardcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Letters - History - Sociology - Iran and Iraq - Buwayhids
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953136967
Rawa'a Iqbal روائع إقبال
Item #: 72939
By: Nadwi, Abu al-Hasan (1913-1999) أبو الحسن الندوي
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Study
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9786144151402
Rikabi الركابي
Item #: 11947
By: Hassan, Hussein Sermek
Softcover | 195 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Critique
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
Riwa'i al-Sadhaj wa-al-Hasas الروائي الساذج والحساس
Item #: 82015
By: Pamuk, Orhan أورهان باموك
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Criticism - Novelists - Fiction Technique - Turkey
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933351205
Sard al-Nisawi السرد النسوي
Item #: 12752
By: Ibrahim, Abdullah (1957-) عبد الله أبراهيم
Hardcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature Critique - Feminist writings - Women's writings
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144190357
Sard wa-al-Hurriyah السرد والحرية
Item #: 7844
By: Nureddin, Suduq
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Literature - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: al-Intishar, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953476148
Sharif al-Murtada الشريف المرتضى
Item #: 40018
By: Ma'tuq, Ahmad Muhammad أحمد محمد معتوق
Softcover | 367 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Literature - Sharif al-Murtada
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953362017
Sihr al-Nass سحر النص
Item #: 71385
By: Ubayd, Dr. Muhammad Sabir محمد صابر عبيد
Softcover | 215 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Criticism - Ibrahim Nasrallah - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953362038
Tabaqat al-Sh'ara طبقات الشعراء
Item #: 75409
By: Jumahi, Muhammad Ibn Sallam محمد ابن سلام الجمحي
Hardcover | 226 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Biography - Arab Poets - Pre-Islam - Islamic
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut 2001
ISBN: 9782745110510
Tahlil al-Nusus al-Adabiyah
Item #: 40390
By: Ibrahim, Abdullah (1957-) عبد الله أبراهيم / Huwaydi, Salih
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Discourse in Arabic literature - History - Critique
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Jadid, 1998
Takhayyul al-Tarikhi التخيل التاريخي
Item #: 12751
By: brahim, Abdullah (1957-) عبد الله أبراهيم
Hardcover | 325 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Historical Fiction - Critique - Imperial Influences
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144190388
Talasim al-Nas طلاسم النص
Item #: 73929
By: Issa, Hisham al-Shaykh, Doctor هشام الشيخ عيسى ،الدكتور
Softcover | 164 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Studies - Decipher text, Talismans, Motifs
Publisher: Matba Umran, Baghdad 2014
Thiyab al-Imbratur ثياب الامبراطور
Item #: 20541
By: Karim, Fawzi (1945-) فوزى كريم
Softcover | 362 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - 20th Century - History - Critique
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Dimashq, 2000
ISBN: 9782843052262
Uslubiyah wa-al-Uslub الاسلوبية والاسلوب
Item #: 40320
By: Masdi, Abd al-Salam عبد السلام المسدي
Hardcover with dust jacket | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Structural Critique - Literary Analysis
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Jadid, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789959292964
Yatimat al-Dahr fi Mahasin 'Ahl al-Asr (10 Vols) يتيمة الدهر في محاسن أهل العصر
Item #: 81032
By: Tha'alibi al-Nishapuri, Abi Mansur Abd al-Malik (d. 429/1038) أبي منصور عبد الملك بن محمد بن إسمعيل الثعالبي النيسابوري
Hardcover | 5567 pp, 10 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Arabic poetry - Biographies - Criticism, interpretation, etc
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Beirut/Damascus 2024
ISBN: 9789933293482
Yatimat al-Dahr fi Mahasin Ahl al-'Asr (6 vol) يتمة الدهر في محاسن أهل العربي
Item #: 14017
By: Tha'alibi al-Nishapuri, Abi Mansur Abd al-Malik (d. 429/1038) أبي منصور عبد الملك بن محمد بن إسمعيل الثعالبي النيسابوري
Hardcover | 2736 pp, White Paper, 6 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Arabic poetry - Biographies - Criticism, interpretation, etc
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9782745129345
Adab al-Arabi (8 vol) الأدب العربي فنونه وعصوره وأشهر أعلامه
Item #: 70990
By: Mas'ud, Jubran (Gibran Masoud 1930-) جبران مسعود
Hardcover | 3312 pp, 8 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literary Studies - History - Classic literature - Bio-bibliography
Publisher: Hachette Antoine/Naufal, Beirut 2016
ISBN: 9786144385180
Akhlaq al-Wazirayn أخلاق الوزيرين
Item #: 74695
By: Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi, Ali bin Muhammad (d.414/1023) علي بن محمد أبو حيان التوحيدي
Hardcover | 666 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classic Arabic Literature - Anecedotes - Morals - Ethics
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1992
Bishr Ibn Abi Kabar al-Balawi بشر بن أبي كبار البلوي
Item #: 73064
By: Balawi, Bishr بشر البلوي / Ed. Qadi, Widad وداد القاضي
Hardcover | 221 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Early Artistic Prose - Yemen
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 1985
Bukhala' (dakaa) البخلاء
Item #: 14328
By: Jahiz, Abu Uthman Amr ibn Bahr (159/776-255/868) أبو عثمان عمرو بن بحرالجاحظ
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Anecdotes - Greed
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, 2008
ISBN: 9789953271699
Faraj Ba'd al-Shiddah (5 vol) الفرج بعد الشدة
Item #: 993
By: Tanukhi, al-Muhassin Ibn Ali (d. 384/994) أبو علي المحسن التنوخي
Hardcover | 2016 pp, 5 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature Classic - Relief from Adversity
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
Firdaws al-Hikmah fi al-Tibb فردوس الحكمة في الطب
Item #: 11046
By: Tabari, Ali Ibn Sahl Rabban (ca. 838/193-870/247) علی ابن سهل ربن طبری
Hardcover | 444 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Encyclopedia of Medicine - Abbasid Period
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2002
ISBN: 9782745135766
Hubb fi al-Islam الحب في الاسلام
Item #: 72825
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) ابن قيم الجوزية
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Love - Arabic Literature
Publisher: Dar al-Hassan, 1994
Imta' wa-al-Mu'anasah الإمتاع والمؤانسة
Item #: 74032
By: Ibn Hayyan al-Tawhidi (d. 414/1023) أبو حيان التوحيدي
Hardcover | 398 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature Classic
Publisher: Dar Ihya Turath, Beirut 2001
Iqd al-Farid ( 8 vol. DKI) العقد الفريد
Item #: 82066
By: Ibn Abd Rabbih al-Andalusi (d. 328/940) ابن عبد ربه الاندلسي
Hardcover | 4352 pp, 9 vol in 8 books
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Arabic Literature - Anecdotes - History - Compendium of Literature
Publisher: Dki, Beirut 1971
ISBN: 9782745110916
Jam' al-Jawahir fi al-Mulah Wa-al-Nawadir جمع الجواهر في الملح والنوادر
Item #: 80834
By: Qayrawani, Abi Ishaq al-Husri Ibrahim ibn Ali ibn Tamin (d 453/1061) أبي إسحاق الحصري ابراهيم بن علي بن تميم القيرواني
Hardcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Collection - Anecdotes, Humor, Stories...
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al-illmiyah, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9782745190581
Jamharat al-Lugha (4 vol) جمهرة اللغة
Item #: 80288
By: Ibn Durayd, Abi Bakr Muhamad al-Hasan al-Azdi al-Basri (d. 321/933) محمد بن الحسن بن دريد الأزدي البصري
Hardcover | 1917 pp, 4 volumes
Language: Arabic-Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Compendium - Classical Arabic Dictionary - Literature
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2010
Kitab al-Aghani (25 vol) كتاب الأغاني
Item #: 759
By: Isfahani, Abu Faraj أبي فرج الأصفهاني
Hardcover | 25 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Literature Classic - Poems, Songs, Biographies
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
ISBN: 9789953130453
Kitab al-Tabikh كتاب الطبيخ
Item #: 80362
By: Warraq, Abu Muhammad al-Muzaffar أبي محمد المظفر بن نصر بن سيار الوراق
Hardcover | 582 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classic Literature - Islamic Culinary History - 4th Century AH
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2012
ISBN: 9789953137261
Kitab al-Tawfiq lil-Talfiq كتابة التوفيق للتلفيق
Item #: 75413
By: Tha’alibi al-Naysaburi, Abu Mansour Abd al-Malik bin Muhammad ابي منصور عبد الملك بن محمد بن اسماعيل الثعالبي النيسابوري
Softcover | 198 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Anthology; figures of speeches - Poetry - Criticism
Publisher: Aalim Al-Kitaab, Beirut 1996
Kitab Mantiq al-Tayr (Tilmisani) (تلمسان) كتاب منطق الطير
Item #: 73711
By: Tilmisani, Shihab al-Din (Ibn Abi Hajalah ابن أبي حجلة d. 776/1375) شهاب الدين التلمساني
Hardcover | 603 pp, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - History - Criticism - Sufi Poetry
Publisher: Dar Al Aman, Rabat, 2018
ISBN: 9789954701324
Kulliyat fi al-Tibb الكلّيات في الطب
Item #: 20066
By: Ibn Rushd (Averroës - 1126-1198 CE ) ابن رشد
Hardcover | 463 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medicine
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9782745149077
Mafatih al-Ulum مفاتيح العلوم
Item #: 73168
By: Khawarizmi, Abu Abd Allah أبو عبد الله الخوارزمي
Hardcover | 341 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Science- Rare Titles
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2020
Mahasin al-Nissa محاسن النساء
Item #: 20040
By: Abu Ja'far Ahmad Ibn Ahmad al-Salamah al-Andalusian, (d. 747 AH) أبو جعفر أحمد بن أحمد السلمي الأندلسي
Softcover | 183 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Aspects of Women - Literature
Publisher: Dar al Bayan, Cairo, 2002
Maqamat al-Hariri (Dar Sadr) مقامات الحريري
Item #: 15415
By: Hariri al-Basri, al-Qasim ibn Ali (d. 516/1122) القاسم بن علي الحريري البصري
Hardcover | 461 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Anecdotes
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
MP3-Rawdat al-Muhibeen (MP4, I-Pod, CD, + Book)
Item #: 9461
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) ابن قيم الجوزية
Audio Book + Book |
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Love - Audio Book
Publisher: Digital-Future
ISBN: 7608028000007
Mu'allaqat al-Sab'a شرح المعلقات السبع
Item #: 20338
By: Zaruni, Abu Abdullah / Collective
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Poetry - Mu'allaqat - Seven
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut
Mughrib fi Hula al-Maghrib (2 vol) المغرب في حلى المغرب
Item #: 6259
By: Ibn Sa'id al-Maghribi, Ali ibn Musa (ca. 1213-1274 ce) ابن سعيد الغرناطي الأندلسي
Hardcover | 784 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Anthology - History - Biographies - Literature - Andalus
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 1997
ISBN: 9782745114556
Mujaz fi al-Tibb الموجز في الطب
Item #: 20068
By: Ibn al-Nafis (1210 or 1211-1288 CE) ابن النفيس
Hardcover | 310 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medicine - Religious Aspects - Islam
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9782745139900
Mustaqsa' fil Amthal (2 vol.) المستقصى في الأمثال
Item #: 73363
By: Zamakhshari, Jar Allah (d. 538/1144) جار الله الزمخشري
Hardcover | 805 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Proverbs
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9789953137179
Pocket Series: Rawdat al-Muhibbin روضة المحبين
Item #: 3894
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) ابن قيم الجوزية
Hardcover | 312 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Love - Arabic Literature
Publisher: al-Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut
Qanun al-Mas'udi (3 vol) القانون المسعودي
Item #: 14983
By: Biruni, Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad (362/973-440/1048) ابي الريحان محمد البيروني
Hardcover | 3 Volumes, Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Science - Astronomy
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2002
ISBN: 9782745133052
Qanun fi al-Tibb (DKI-3 vol) القانون في الطب
Item #: 20035
By: Ibn Sina ( Avicenna 370/980 - 427/1037 ) ابن سينا
Hardcover | 2200 pp in a 3 volume set
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medicine - History
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9782745126177
Rasa'il Abi al-'Ala al-Ma'arri رسائل ابي العلاء المعري
Item #: 73169
By: Ma'arri, Abu al-Ala' (363/973 - 449/1057) أبو العلاء المعري / Ed: Margoliouth, D.S.
Hardcover | 181 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arab Letters - Poetry - Philosophy - Rare Book
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2020 - Oxford, 1898
Rasa'il Abi Bakr al-Khuwarizmi رسائل ابي بكر الخوارزمي
Item #: 72264
By: Khuwarizm, Abi Bakr Muhammad (d.383/993) ابي بكر محمد بن العباس الخوارزمي
Hardcover | 214 pp + 8 pg Index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Khuwarazmi's Missives
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019
Rasa'il al-Farabi رسائل الفارابي
Item #: 80961
By: Farabi, Abu Nasr Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Turkhan (d. 339/950) أبو نصر محمد بن محمد بن طرخان الفارابي
Hardcover | 284 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Letters - Notes - Philosophy, Rare Books
Publisher: Dar Sader, re-print / Publishing House, Hyderabad 1925
Rasa'il al-Jahiz (4 vol in 2) رسائل الجاحظ
Item #: 1557
By: Jahiz, Abu Uthman Amr ibn Bahr (159/776-255/868) أبو عثمان عمرو بن بحرالجاحظ
Hardcover | 1280 pp, White Paper, 4 volumes in 2 books
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language Study
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9782745129242
Rasa'il Jabir bin Hayyan رسائل جابر بن حيان
Item #: 10847
By: Ibn Hayyan, Jabir (721-815 AD) جابر بن حيان / Editor: Ahmed Farid Mazidi
Hardcover | 608 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medieval Sciences
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2006
Risalat al-Ghufran (dakaa) رسالة الغفران
Item #: 20010
By: Ma'arri, Abu al-Ala (363/973-449/1057 CE) بو العلاء المعري
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Philosophy
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2011 4th Ed.
ISBN: 9781230457536
Risalat al-Ghufran (Sader) رسالة الغفران
Item #: 42600
By: Ma'arri, Abu al-Ala (363/973-449/1057 CE) بو العلاء المعري
Hardcover | 312 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Philosophy
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953131856
Sharif al-Murtada الشريف المرتضى
Item #: 40018
By: Ma'tuq, Ahmad Muhammad أحمد محمد معتوق
Softcover | 367 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Literature - Sharif al-Murtada
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953362017
Tadhkirah al-Hamduniyah (10 vol) التذكرة الحمدونية
Item #: 71363
By: Ibn Hamdun (495/1102 - 562/1167) ابن حمدون ابن حمدون
Hardcover | 2154 pp in 10 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Adab - Arabic Literature
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2009
Tadhkirat Dawud al-Antaki تذكرة داود الأنطاكي
Item #: 70188
By: Antaki, Dawud ( 1543-1599 CE) داود الأنطاكي
Hardcover | 616 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Medicines - Natural History - Sciences
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9782745128409
Thamarat al-Awraq ثمرات الاوراق
Item #: 70244
By: Ibn Hijja al-Hamawi, Abu Bakr (767/1366 - 837/1434) ابن حجة الحموي ، أبو بكر
Hardcover | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Anecdotes.- Poetry
Publisher: Al Maktaba al Asriya, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9789953342177
Tibyan fi al-Bayan التبيان في البيان
Item #: 60736
By: Tibi, al-Husayn ibn Muhammed (d. 743/1343) الحسين بن محمد الطيبي
Hardcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Balaghah (Rhetoric)
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2004
Turath al-Tibbi 1: Mansuri fi al-Tibb المنصوري في الطب
Item #: 72326
By: Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakariya ( d. 313/925) ابوبكرمحمد بن زكريا الرازي
Hardcover | 855 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arab Medicine - Historical Medical Texts
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789933230838
Wasaya al-Muluk wa-Ibna al-Muluk وصايا الملوك وأبناء الملوك
Item #: 1023
By: Khuza'i, Di'bil ibn Ali (d. ca. 246/860) دعبل بن علي الخزاعي
Hardcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Literature Classic - Arabic Poetry - History - Words of Kings
Publisher: Dar Sader Publications, Beirut, 1997
Zahr al-Adab wa Thamar al-Alabab (2 vol) زهر الآداب وثمر الألباب
Item #: 82064
By: Qayrawani, Abi Ishaq al-Husri Ibrahim ibn Ali ibn Tamin (d 453/1061) أبي إسحاق الحصري ابراهيم بن علي بن تميم القيرواني
Hardcover | 1,000 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature Classic - Poetry, Prose, The Art of Rhetoric
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9782745109132
Adab al-Arabi (8 vol) الأدب العربي فنونه وعصوره وأشهر أعلامه
Item #: 70990
By: Mas'ud, Jubran (Gibran Masoud 1930-) جبران مسعود
Hardcover | 3312 pp, 8 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literary Studies - History - Classic literature - Bio-bibliography
Publisher: Hachette Antoine/Naufal, Beirut 2016
ISBN: 9786144385180
Ahla ma Qil fi al-Jamal أحلى ما قيل في الجمال
Item #: 60527
By: Sheikh, Garid: Editor غريد الشيخ محمد
Hardcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Sweetness and Beauty
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953275505
Ahla Ma Qil fi al-Watan أحلي ما قيل في الوطن
Item #: 60528
By: Bouka'i, Iman, Editor بقيعي، إيمان يوسف
Hardcover | 221 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Home in Literature
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953274003
Ajmal Abiyat al-Ghazal اجمل ابيات الغزل
Item #: 20337
By: Turad, Majid / Collection
Softcover | 179 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Love Poetry - Classical and Modern
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi
Arabic Poems (bilingual Ar-En)
Item #: 44279
By: Editor: Hammond, Marle
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic-English
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Early through Contemporary
Publisher: Everyman's Library Pocket Poets, Alfred A. Knopf, 2014, New York
ISBN: 9780375712432
Awham al-Muhaqqiqin أوهـام الـمـحـقـقـيـن
Item #: 20494
By: Araji, Muhammad Husayn أعرجي، محمد حسين
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic literature - Criticism, Textual - Arabic Poetry - History and criticism.
Publisher: Dar al Mada 2004
Bishr Ibn Abi Kabar al-Balawi بشر بن أبي كبار البلوي
Item #: 73064
By: Balawi, Bishr بشر البلوي / Ed. Qadi, Widad وداد القاضي
Hardcover | 221 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Early Artistic Prose - Yemen
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 1985
Buka'iyat al-Shi'ah بكائيات الشيعة
Item #: 60195
By: Ibrahim, Muhammad Hamzah ابراهيم، محمد حمزة
Softcover | 252 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Religious Poetry and Lamentations - Shi'ah
Publisher: Maktabat Al Saih, Tarablus 2005
Diwan 'Alqama bin 'Abadah ديوان علقمة بن عبدة
Item #: 80695
By: ‘Alqama bin ‘Abada علقمة بن عبدة / Ed: Makram, Sa'id Nasib سعيد نسيب مكارم
Hardcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1996
Diwan 'Amr ibn Qami'ah ديوان عمرو بن قميئة
Item #: 80711
By: Amr ibn Qami'ah (d. 540 AD) عمرو بن قميئة / Ed: Atiyah, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim خليل إبراهيم العطية
Hardcover | 114 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9789953134048
Diwan 'Amru Ibn Kulthum ديوان عمرو بن كلثوم
Item #: 20333
By: Amru ibn Kulthum (d. 584 AD) / Yaqoub عمرو بن كلثوم
Softcover | 149 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam - 6th Century
Publisher: Dar al Kitab al Arabi. Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953271941
Diwan Abi al-Fatah al-Busti ديوان أبو الفتح البستي
Item #: 72347
By: Abi al-Fatah al-Busti (d. 400/1010) أبو الفتح البستي
Hardcover | 475 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early work - Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Period
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9789953138060
Diwan Abi Firas (Sader) ديوان ابي فراس
Item #: 14192
By: Abu Firas al-Hamdani (320/932 - 357/968) أبو فراس الحمداني
Hardcover | 334 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
Diwan Abi Najm ديوان أبي النجم
Item #: 80701
By: Ajli, Abu al-Najm (d. 747 or 8 AD) أبو النجم العجلي / Ed: Jibaly, Dr. Saji سجيع جبيلي
Hardcover | 378 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beriut 1998
Diwan Abi Nawas (Dar Arqam) ديوان ابي نواس
Item #: 80731
By: Abu Nuwas, Hasan ibn Hani (d. ca. 198/813) ابي نواس / Ed: Dr. Umar Faruq al-Tabba' الدكتور عمر فاروق الطباع
Hardcover | 640 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar al-Arqam, Beirut 1998
Diwan Abi Nawas (Sader) ديوان ابي نواس
Item #: 80768
By: Abu Nuwas, Hasan ibn Hani (d. ca. 198/813) ابي نواس
Hardcover | 448 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2000
ISBN: 9789953130361
Diwan Abi Nuwas (dakaa) ديوان ابي نواس
Item #: 14185
By: Abu Nuwas, Hasan ibn Hani (d. 814 or 815 AD.) ابي نواس
Hardcover | 567 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2007
Diwan Abi Shura'ah al-Qaysi ديوان ابي شراعة القيسي
Item #: 80692
By: Abu Shura'ah, Ahmed ibn Muhammad (d. 280/894 or 250/864) أحمد بن محمد بن شراعة / Ed: Ashur, Shakir
Hardcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
ISBN: 9789953138831
Diwan abi Talib ديوان أبي طالب - عمّ النبي
Item #: 20331
By: Abi Talib (c 539-619 CE) أبي طالب
Softcover | 104 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - 6th/7th Century CE
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi
Diwan Abu Dhuayb al-Hudhali ديوان ابي ذويب الهدلي
Item #: 80733
By: Abu Dhuayb Hudhali (d. 654 AD) أبو ذؤيب الهذلي / Ed: Butros, Dr Antonio
Hardcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Early Islam Period
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2012
Diwan al-A'sha al-Kabir (DKI) شرح ديوان الاعشى الكبير
Item #: 20329
By: Maymun ibn Qays al-A'sha (d. c. 570-625 CE) / Hitti الأعـشـى ، مـيـمـون بن قـيـس
Softcover | 405 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry - 6th Century
Publisher: Dar al Kitab al Arabi, Beirut
ISBN: 9789953271927
Diwan al-A'sha al-Kabir (Marefah) ديوان الاعشى الكبير.
Item #: 60618
By: A'sha, Maymun ibn Qays (c. 570– 625 CE) اعشى، ميمون بن قيس / Mustawi
Hardcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry - Al-A'sha - 6th-7th Century CE
Publisher: Dar Al-Ma'rifah, Beirut 2005
ISBN: 9789953446493
Diwan Al-A'sha ديوان الاعشي
Item #: 80683
By: Al-A'sha (d. approx. 629 AD) الأعشى
Hardcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1996
ISBN: 9789953133294
Diwan al-Ahwas al-Ansari ديوان الاحوص الانصاري
Item #: 80690
By: Ansari, Ahwas (d. 105/723) الأحوص الأنصاري / Ed: Danawi, Dr. Saadi
Hardcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2015
Diwan al-Akhtal (DKI) ديوان الأخطل، غياث بن غوث
Item #: 60453
By: Akhtal, Ghayyath ibn Ghawth (c. 640-710 CE) غياث بن غوث أخطل / Asmar, Raji
Hardcover | 541 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Akhtal
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9789953271910
Diwan al-Asimi al-Bushanji ديوان العاصمي البوشنجي
Item #: 80776
By: Bushnji, al-Asimi (d.520 AH) / Ed: Hawizi, Prof. Dr. Abd al-Razek أ . د . عبد الرازق عبد الحميد حويزي
Hardcover | 158 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789953139531
Diwan al-Asma'iyat (Dar Sader) ديوان الاصمعيات
Item #: 80715
By: Asma'i, Abd al-Malik ( AD) عبد الملك أصمعي / ed: Tarifi, Dr. Muhammad Nabil محمد نبيل طريفي
Hardcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Anthology - Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam and Early Islamic Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2002
Diwan al-Buhturi (2 vol dakaa) ديوان البحتري
Item #: 14190
By: Buhturi, al-Walid ibn Ubayd (204/820 - 284/891) بحتري، الوليد بن عبيد.
Hardcover | 1348 pp in 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953272153
Diwan al-Bura'i ديوان البرعي
Item #: 20323
By: Bura'i, Abd al-Rahim ibn Ahmad الـبـرعـي ، عـبـد الـرحـيـم بن أحـمـد
Hardcover | 279 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arabic Poetry - Sufi
Publisher: Dar Al Marefah 2007
Diwan al-Farazdaq 1/2 in 1 ديوان الفرزدق
Item #: 14186
By: Farazdaq (ca 641-728 or 730 CE, Iraq)
Hardcover | 462 pp, 2 Volumes in one book
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classical Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, 2012
ISBN: 9789953271958
Diwan al-Hutay'ah (Asriya) ديوان الحطيئة
Item #: 60465
By: Hutay'ah, Jarwal Ibn Aws (d. c. 650CE) الـحـطـيـئـة ، جـرول بن أوس / Juaidi, Darwish
Hardcover | 231 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arabic Love Poetry - 7th Century CE
Publisher: Al Maktaba Al Asriyyah, Beirut 2008
Diwan al-Hutay'ah (dakaa) ديوان الحطيئة
Item #: 20339
By: Hutay'ah, Jarwal Ibn Aws (d. c. 650CE) الـحـطـيـئـة ، جـرول بن أوس
Hardcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - 6th/7th Centuries CE
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut
Diwan al-Hutay'ah (Marefah) ديوان الحطيئة
Item #: 2893
By: Hutay'ah, Jarwal Ibn Aws (d. ca. 650 CE) جرول بن اوس الحطيئة
Hardcover | 162 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - 6th/7th Centuries CE
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah Publishing, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953429113
Diwan al-Hutay'ah (Sader) ديوان الحطيئة
Item #: 80739
By: Hutay'ah, Jarwal bin Aws. جرول بن اوس الحطيئه / Ed: Sukari, Abu Sa'id
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9789953131924
Diwan al-Kumayt ibn Zayd al-Asadi ديوان الكميت بن زيد لأسدي
Item #: 80707
By: Asadi, al-Kumayt bin Zayd (d. 743 or 744) الكميت بن زيد لأسدي / ed: Tarifi, Dr. Muhammad Nabil محمد نبيل طريفي
Hardcover | 688 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2000
Diwan al-Mutanabbi ديوان المتنبي
Item #: 15884
By: Mutanabbi المتنبي
Softcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Poetry - Mutanabbi
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2011
Diwan al-Qattal al-Kilabi ديوان القتال الكلابي
Item #: 80743
By: Qattal al-Kilabi (d.86 AH) القتال الكلابي / Ed: Abbas, Dr. Ihsan
Hardcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1989
Diwan al-Ra'i al-Numayri ديوان الراعي النميري
Item #: 80710
By: Numayri, al-Ra'i (d. ~ 708 AD) الراعي النميري / ed: Tarifi, Dr. Muhammad Nabil محمد نبيل طريفي
Hardcover | 400 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2012
Diwan al-Rumi (3 vol, DKI) ديوان ابن الرومي
Item #: 20860
By: Ibn al-Rumi (836-896 CE) ابن الرومي
Hardcover | 1641 pp, 3 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Classic Prose & Poetry
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9782745107985
Diwan al-Shab al-Zarif ديوان الشاب الظريف
Item #: 20334
By: Shab al-Zarif Tilmisani (661/1263 - 688/1289)
Softcover | 419 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Sufi - 13th Century
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi
ISBN: 9789953272009
Diwan al-Shanfara ديوان الشنفري
Item #: 80691
By: Shanfara (d. 525 AD) الشنفرى / Salik السليك / ed: Harb, Talal
Hardcover | 124 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953133843
Diwan al-Sharif al-Radi (2 Vol) ديوان الشريف الرضي
Item #: 80737
By: Sharif al-Radi, Muhammad bin Husayn (d. 406/1015) محمد بن الحسين شريف الرضي / Ed: Abbas, Ihsan Dr.
Hardcover | 1284 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789953133805
Diwan al-Uqayshir al-Asadi ديوان الاقيشر الأسدي
Item #: 20327
By: Uqayshir, al-Maghirah ibn Abd Allah (d.699 or 700 CE)المغيرة بن عبد الله خليل الاقيشر / ed: Duwayhi, Khalil خليل الدويهي
Softcover | 124 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - !st/7th Centuries
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789953272054
Diwan al-Uqayshir al-Asadi ديوان الاقيشر السدي
Item #: 80705
By: Uqayshir, al-Mughirah ibn Abd Allah (d. approx 699 AD) المغيرة بن عبد الله أقيشر / Ed: Daqqat, Dr. Mohammad Ali محمد علي دقة
Hardcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1997
Diwan al-Wa'wa' al-Dimashqi ديوان الواواء الدمشقي
Item #: 80765
By: Al-Wa'wa' al-Dimashqi (d. approx. 995 AD) الواواء الدمشقي / Ed: Dihan, Sami سامي الدهان
Hardcover | 364 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1993
Diwan al-Walid ibn Yazid ديوان الوليد بن يزيد
Item #: 80698
By: Walid ibn Yazid (d. 126/744) الوليد بن يزيد / ed: Samad, Dr Wadih واضح الصمد
Hardcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1998
ISBN: 9789953134406
Diwan al-Wazir al-Mahallabi ديوان الوزير المهلبي
Item #: 80697
By: Wazir al-Mahlabi الوزير المهلبي / Ed: Ashur, Shakir شاكر العاشور
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2024
ISBN: 9789953139555
Diwan Ali ibn Arram al-Uswani ديوان علي بن عرام الأسواني
Item #: 80684
By: Uswani, Ali bin Arram (d. 580/1184) علي بن عرام الأسواني / Ed: Huwaysi, Dr. Abd al-Raziq عبد الرازق حويزي
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Fourth Abbasid period
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789953138169
Diwan Amir ibn al-Tufayl ديوان عامر بن الطفيل
Item #: 70319
By: Ibn al-Tufayl (554 - 632 CE/11AH) عامر بن الطفيل
Softcover | 94 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry - 6th -7th Century CE
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Beirut
Diwan Anan al-Natifiya ديوان عنان الناطفية
Item #: 80778
By: Natifiya, Anan (d. 226/841) عنان الناطفية / Ed: Dannawi, Dr. Sa'di
Hardcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1998
Diwan Antarah ديوان عنترة
Item #: 60498
By: Antarah ibn Shaddad (525-608 AD) عنترة بن شداد العبسي
Hardcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2023
Diwan Antarah ibn Shaddah ديوان عنترة بن شداد
Item #: 20321
By: Antarah ibn Shaddad al-'Absi (525-608 CE) عـنـتـرة بن شـدّاد الـعـبـسـي
Hardcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry - 6th Century CE
Publisher: Dar al Marefah 2003
ISBN: 9789953429007
Diwan Aws bin Hajar - ديوان اوس بن حجر
Item #: 80716
By: Awz ibn Hajar (d. 620 AD)أوس بن حجر / Ed: Dr. Umar Faruq al-Tabba' الدكتور عمر فاروق الطباع
Hardcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar al-Arqam, Beirut 1997
Diwan Baha' al-Din Zuhayr (Dar Arqam) ديوان بهاء الدين زهير
Item #: 80764
By: Zuhayr, Baha al-Din (d. 656/1258) بهاء الدين زهير / Ed: Dr. Umar Faruq al-Tabba' الدكتور عمر فاروق الطباع
Hardcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Mamluk Era
Publisher: Dar al-Arqam, Beirut 1997
Diwan Bakr ibn al-Nattah ديوان بكر بن النطاح
Item #: 80700
By: Ibn al-Nattah, Bakr بكر بن النطاح / Ed: Dha'man, Hatim Salih حاتم صالح الضامن
Hardcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2012
ISBN: 9789953137353
Diwan Bassar Bin Burd ديوان بشار بن برد
Item #: 80709
By: Bashar ibn Burd بشار بن برد (96/714-168/783) / Dr. Ihsan Abbass
Hardcover | 476 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1999
Diwan Dhu al-Rummah (dakaa) ديوان ذي الرمة
Item #: 60446
By: Dhu al-Rummah, Ghaylan ibn 'Uqbah (d. ca. 117 / 735) ذو الرمة، غيلان بن عقبة / Tarad, Mujeed
Hardcover | 724 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Bedouin - Dhu al-Rummah
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut 2004
Diwan Dirar ibn al-Khattab al-Fihri ديوان ضرار بن الخطاب الفهري
Item #: 80694
By: Dirar ibn al-Khattab al-Fihri ضرار بن الخطاب الفهري / Ed: Asalim, Dr. Faruq Ahmad فاروق أحمد أسليم
Hardcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam - Early Islam (7th Century AD)
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1996
ISBN: 9789953133874
Diwan Faris al-Shir ديوان فارس الشعر
Item #: 74506
By: Mansuri, Salih Ibn Ali (1939-) صالح علي بن عزيز المنصوري
Hardcover | 332 pp, laminated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Nabatian- United Arab Emirates
Publisher: Nadi Turath Emirate, UAE 2001 (Emirates Heritage Club)
Diwan Hafiz Ibrahim ديوان حافظ إبراهيم
Item #: 60497
By: Hafiz Ibrahim ( Muhammad Hafez Ibrahim)
Hardcover | 463 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Neoclassical Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar Sadir, Beirut 2012
Diwan Harun al-Rashid ديوان هارون الرشيد
Item #: 60532
By: Rashid, Harun Hashim (ca. 763-809 CE) رشيد، هارون هاشم / Dannawi, Sa'di
Hardcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid
Publisher: Dar Sadir, Beirut 1998
Diwan Harun al-Rashid ديوان هارون الرشيد
Item #: 1003
By: Rashid, Harun Hashim (ca. 763-809 CE) رشيد، هارون هاشم
Hardcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid
Publisher: Dar Sader Publications, Beirut
Diwan Hassan bin Thabit - ديوان حسان ابن ثابت
Item #: 72396
By: Thabit al-Ansari, Hassan (ca.563-674 CE) حسان بن ثابت / Ed. Arafat, Walid
Hardcover | 961 pp,
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Early Islamic Period
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2012
Diwan Hatim al-Ta'i (Dar Arqam) ديوان حاتم الطائي
Item #: 74787
By: Hatem al-Ta'i حاتم الطائي (d. 46 BC AH / 605 AD) Ed: Tabah, Dr. Amer Faruq
Hardcover | 104 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar al-Arqam, Beirut
Diwan Ibn Abi Hasaynah (2 vol) ديوان ابن ابي حصنية
Item #: 80744
By: Ibn Abi Husaynah ابن ابي حصينة (d.457/1065) / Explained by: al-Ma'arri, Abu al-Ala'
Hardcover | 754 pp, 2 Volumes, includes indexes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Mamluk Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1999
Diwan Ibn al-Farid ديوان ابن الفارض
Item #: 934
By: Ibn al-Farid, Umar Ibn Ali (d. 632/1235) ابن الفارض
Hardcover | 221 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classical Arabic Poetry - Sufi
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
Diwan Ibn al-Hajjaj (4 vol) ديوان ابن الحجاج
Item #: 70731
By: Ibn al-Hajjaj, Abi Abd Allah Husayn (d. 391/1001) ابن حجاج, أبي عبد الله الحسين
Hardcover | 2387 pp in 4 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classical Arabic Poetry
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2017
ISBN: 9789933353872
Diwan Ibn al-Jayyab ديوان ابن الجياب
Item #: 73063
By: Ibn al-Jayyab al-Gharnati (1274/673 - 1349/749) ابن الجياب الغرناطي / ed. Cheikha, Djemaa
Hardcover | 614 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Poetry - Andalusian
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 2016
Diwan Ibn Al-Mu'tazz (2 vol hc) ديوان ابن المعتز
Item #: 60630
By: Ibn al-Mu'tazz, Abd Allah (861-908 CE) ابن المعتز، عبد الله،
Hardcover | 1117 pp in 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - 9th Century CE
Publisher: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi, Beirut 1995
Diwan Ibn Arabi ديوان ابن عربي
Item #: 3468
By: Ibn Arabi (Sufi) ابن عربي
Hardcover | 574 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classical Arabic Poetry - Sufi
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
Diwan ibn Duraid ديوان ابن دريد
Item #: 20335
By: Ibn Duraid al-Azdi (837-933 CE) ابن دريد الأزدي
Softcover | 283 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arabic Poetry - 9th-10th Century CE
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut
Diwan Ibn Hani al-Andalusi ديوان ابن هانئ الأندلسي
Item #: 60619
By: Ibn Hani al-Andalusi (c.326/936-362/973) ابن هانئ الأندلسي / Tammas
Hardcover | 339 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - 10th Century CE
Publisher: Dar Al-Ma'rifah, Beirut 2005
ISBN: 9789953446615
Diwan Ibn Hayyus ديوان ابن حيوس
Item #: 80762
By: Ibn Hayyus (d. 473/1080) ابن حيوس / Ed: Khalil Mardam خليل مردم
Hardcover | 696 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Andalusian Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1984
Diwan Ibn Hazm ديوان ابن حزم
Item #: 50045
By: Ibn Hazm (al-Andalusi al-Zahiri, d. 456/1064) ابن حزم، علي بن أحمد
Hardcover | 173 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Poetry - Ibn Hazm
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953136981
Diwan Ibn Khafajah ديوان ابن خفاجة
Item #: 80702
By: Ibn Khafajah al-Andalusi (d. 533/1138) ابن خفاجة الأندلسي / Ed: Sandah, Abd Allah عبد الله سندة
Hardcover | 285 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Andalusian Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1999
Diwan Ibn Ma'tuq ديوان إبن معتوق
Item #: 80708
By: Ibn Maʻtuq al-Musawi, Shihab al-Din (d. 1676 or 1677) شهاب الدين إبن معتوق الموسوي
Hardcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Ottoman Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1990
Diwan Ibn Mo'taz ديوان ابن المعتز
Item #: 14188
By: Ibn Mo'taz (Abu Abbas, b. 247/861 - 296/909)
Hardcover | 917 pp, 2 Volumes in one book
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi,
Diwan Ibn Munir al-Trabulsi ديوان إبن منير الطرابلسي
Item #: 71908
By: Trabulsi, Ahmad Ibn Munir (473/1080-548/1153) أحمد بن منير طرابلسي
Hardcover | 359 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Poetry - al-Sham
Publisher: Maktabat al-Assrya, Saida 2005
ISBN: 9799953343739
Diwan Ibn Muqbil ديوان ابن مقبل
Item #: 20322
By: Ibn Muqbil, Tamin ibn Ubayy تميم بن أبي ابن مقبل
Hardcover | 147 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - 7th Century CE
Publisher: Dar al Marefah, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953850320
Diwan Jahzah al-Barmaki ديوان جحظة البرمكي
Item #: 80703
By: Barmaki, Jahzah جحظة البرمكي / Ed: Tuma , Jean جان عبد الله توما
Hardcover | 230 pp, Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Anthology - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1996
ISBN: 9789953133492
Diwan Jamil Buthayna (Asriya) ديوان جميل بثينة
Item #: 60469
By: Buthayna, Jamil Buthayna (d. 701 CE) جميل بثينة / Juaidi, Darwish, Editor
Hardcover | 232 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arabic Love Poetry - 7th Century CE
Publisher: Al Maktaba Al Asriyyah, Beirut 2008
Diwan Jamil Buthayna ديوان جميل بثينة
Item #: 20332
By: Buthayna, Jamil Buthayna (d. 701 CE) جميل بثينة
Softcover | 353 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Arabic Love Poetry - 7th Century CE
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut
Diwan Jarir ديوان جرير
Item #: 80746
By: Jarir ibn Atiyah (d. 110/728) جرير بن عطية
Hardcover | 510 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1999
Diwan Ka'b bin Zuhayr ديوان كعب بن زهير
Item #: 20330
By: Ka'b ibn Zuhayr (1st/7th Century) / Askari, Ibn Hussain
Softcover | 211 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry (1st/7th Century)
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut
Diwan Kashajim (Kushajim) دوان كشاجم
Item #: 80770
By: Kashajim (D ~ 350/961) كشاجم / Expl: Tirad, Prof. Majid الأستاذ مجيد طراد
Hardcover | 342 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abbasid Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1997
Diwan Majbar al-Siqilli ديوان مجبر الصقلي المتوفي قبل سنة 540هـ
Item #: 41026
By: Siqilli, Abd al-Qasim Majbar الصقلي، أبو القاسم مجبر / Huwayzi, Abd al-Raziq حويزي، عبد الرازق
Hardcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Fatimid Period - Italy/Egypt
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789953138596
Diwan Majnun Layla (Dar Marefah) ديوان مجنون ليلى
Item #: 2894
By: Qays ibn al-Mulawwah (24/645-68/688) قيس ابن الملوح / Mustawi, Abd al-Rahman
Hardcover | 278 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah Publishing, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789953429069
Diwan Majnun Layla (Sader) ديوان مجنون ليلي
Item #: 80689
By: Qays ibn al-Mulawwah (24/645-68/688) قيس ابن الملوح
Hardcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9789953134253
Diwan Muhalhil Ibn Rabi'ah ديوان مهلهل بن ربية
Item #: 80680
By: Rabi'ah, Muhalhil ibn Rabi'ah (d. approx. 522 AD) مهلهل بن ربيعة
Hardcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beriut 1996
Diwan Nabigha Bani Shaybani (Dar Sader) ديوان نابغة بي شيبان
Item #: 80736
By: Nabighah al-Shaybani, Abdullah bin Makhariq عبد الله بن المخارق نابغة الشيباني (d. 125/743) / Ed: Tarifi, Dr. Muhammad Nabil
Hardcover | 316 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1998
Diwan Nabighat Bani Shayban (dakaa) ديوان نابغة بني شيبان
Item #: 60450
By: Nabihagh al-Shaybani, Abd Allah ibn al-Makhariq نابغة الشيباني، عبد الله بن المخارق / Mayo, Qadri
Softcover | 184 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut 2004
Diwan Qays Lubna (DKI, sc) ديوان قيس لبنى
Item #: 60449
By: Imru' al-Qays (c 497-545 CE) امرؤ القيس (Qays Bin Dharih)
Softcover | 197 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry - 6th Century CE
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut 2002
Diwan Qays Lubna (Sader) ديوان قيس لبنى
Item #: 20304
By: Imru' al-Qays (c 497-545 CE) امرؤ القيس (Qays Bin Dharih)
Hardcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry - 6th Century CE
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut
Diwan Saqt al-Zand ديوان سقط الزند
Item #: 20313
By: Ma'arri, Abu al-Ala' (363/973 - 449/1057) أبو العلاء المعري
Hardcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Classical Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar al-Arqam 1998
Diwan Shi'r al-Ayyam ديوان شعر الايام
Item #: 80714
By: Researcher: Abd al-Rahman, Dr. Afif عفيف عبد الرحمن
Hardcover | 544 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Arabian Peninsula - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1998
Diwan Ta'abbata Sharran ديوان تأبط شراً
Item #: 80734
By: Ta'abbat Sharran تأبط شر /Ed: Assaf, Nabil Dib
Hardcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2016
ISBN: 9789953139302
Diwan Tarafa Ibn al-'Abd ديوان طرفة بن العبد
Item #: 60468
By: Tarafa Ibn al-'Abd (6th Century CE) طرفة بن العبد / Juaidi, Darwish, Editor
Hardcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Al Maktaba Al Asriyyah, Beirut 2009
Diwan Tarjuman al-Ashwaq ديوان ترجمان الاشواق
Item #: 80712
By: Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi محيي الدين ابن عربي / Ed: Dr. Umar Faruq al-Tabba' الدكتور عمر فاروق الطباع
Hardcover | 174 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Classical - Sufi
Publisher: Dar al-Arqam, Beirut 1997
Diwan Tawbah bin al-Humayyir ديوان توبة بن الحمير
Item #: 80775
By: Tawbah ibn al-Humayr (d. 704 AD ?) توبة بن الحمير / Ed: Atiyah, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim خليل إبراهيم العطية
Hardcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1998
Diwan Umaiya Ibn Abi al-Salt ديوان أمية بن أبي الصلت
Item #: 80784
By: Umayyah Ibn Abi al-Salt (d. 626 AD) أمية بن أبي الصلت / Ed: Jibali, Dr. Rabi Jamil
Hardcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2019
Diwan Urwah ibn al-Ward ديوان عروة بن الورد
Item #: 20325
By: Urwah ibn Ward (d. 594 CE) عـروة بن الـورد
Softcover | 108 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Poetry - 6th Century CE
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut, 2003
Diwan Usamah Bin Munqidh ديوان أسامة بن منقذ
Item #: 71909
By: Ibn Munqidh, Usamah (488/1095 - 584/1188) أسامة بن منقذ
Hardcover | 365 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2010
Diwan Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah ديوان يزيد ابن معاوية
Item #: 42515
By: Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah (d,64/683) يزيد ابن معاوية / Samad, Wahid
Hardcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Umayyad period
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 1998
Jamharat Ash'ar al-Arab جمهرة اشعار العرب
Item #: 20345
By: Qurashi, Muhammad ibn Abi al-Khattab الـقـرشـي ، مـحـمـد بن أبـي الـخـطـّاب
Hardcover | 464 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry Collection/Critique
Publisher: Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah
Jana al-Azahir al-Nadirah جنى الأزاهر النضيرة
Item #: 75350
By: Ru'ayni, Abi al-Hasan 'Ali ibn al-Fakhkhar (592/1195 - 666/1267) أبي الحسن علي ابن الفخار الرعيني
Hardcover | 424 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic poetry - History and criticism - Andalusia - Morocco
Publisher: Resalah Publishers, Damascus 2019
ISBN: 9789933230944
Lamiyat al-Arab al-Shanfara لامية العرب للشنفرى
Item #: 80719
By: Shanfara, 'Amr ibn Malik عمرو بن مالك الشنفرى/ Shaya, Dr. Nada ندى عبد الرحمن الشايع
Hardcover | 167 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Lexical Sematics - Early Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam
Publisher: Librairie du Liban Publishers, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953864051
Layal 'Ashir Ma'a al-Mutanabbi ليال عشر مع المتنبي
Item #: 44781
By: Karaki, Khalid خالد الكركي
Laminated Flexi Card cover | 199 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Criticism and Interpretation - Mutanabbi (c. 915-965 CE)
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786140122635
Majmah al-Nabhnyah 4 vol المجموعة النبهانية
Item #: 14024
By: Nabhani, Yusuf ibn Isma'il (1849-1932) يوسف بن إسماعيل النبهاني
Hardcover | 1592 pp, 4 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Religious Poetry - Islamic - Sufi
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 1997
Mu'allaqat al-Sab'a شرح المعلقات السبع
Item #: 20338
By: Zaruni, Abu Abdullah / Collective
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Pre-Islamic Poetry - Mu'allaqat - Seven
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut
Musiqa al-Khafiyah الموسيقى الخفية
Item #: 44864
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) جلال الدين الرومي
Softcover | 316 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Rumi - Spiritual Poetry - Sufism
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2016
ISBN: 9789933352400
Muwashshahat al-Andalusiyah الموشحات الاندلسية
Item #: 20326
By: Qawwal, Antoine Muhsin قوال، أنطوان
Softcover | 322 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Muwashshah - Spain - Andalusia
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2003
Nadam al-Durar wa Nathur al-Zahari نظم الدرر ونثر الزهر
Item #: 50028
By: Ishbili, Ahmad ibn Isa al-Lakhmi (d. 632 H.) احمد بن عيسى اللخمي الاشبيلي
Hardcover | 362 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Religious Poetry - Sira
Publisher: Markaz Dirasat wa Mabhath, Rabat 2017
ISBN: 9789954600283
Nashwat al-Sakran نشوة السكران
Item #: 71367
By: Khan, Muhammad Siddiq Hassan (1248/1832 - 1307/1890) محمد صديق حسن خان
Softcover | 134 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Love in Literature - Poetry, Prose, Aspects
Publisher: Warraq, Beirut 2008
Qays wa Layla الحب الخالد - قيس وليلى
Item #: 72707
By: Anonymous / Folklore
Softcover | 150 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Poetry- Love Story
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9782745112521
Rasa'il Abi al-'Ala al-Ma'arri رسائل ابي العلاء المعري
Item #: 73169
By: Ma'arri, Abu al-Ala' (363/973 - 449/1057) أبو العلاء المعري / Ed: Margoliouth, D.S.
Hardcover | 181 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arab Letters - Poetry - Philosophy - Rare Book
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2020 - Oxford, 1898
Rawa' min al-Ghazal روائع من الغزل
Item #: 20317
By: Collective / Tammas, Hamdu حمدو طماس
Hardcover | 312 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Masterpieces - Study
Publisher: Dar al Marefah 2007
Rawai'i al-Shi'i al-Mamluki روائع الشعر المملوكي
Item #: 60445
By: Collected: Badiwi, Anas / Tibi, Hassan 'Abd al-Mannan
Hardcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic poetry - 1258-1800 - Mamelukes
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut 2005
Ruh la Tamallu min al-'Ashiqin الروح لا تمل من العاشقين
Item #: 44865
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) جلال الدين الرومي
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Rumi - Spiritual Poetry - Sufism
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2017
ISBN: 9789933353810
Shaja'at al-'Aql - al-Mutanabbi شجاعة العقل - المتنبي
Item #: 15437
By: Mutanabbi المتنبي / Zahrani, Hatim ibn 'Abd Allah حاتم بن عبد الله الزهراني
Softcover | 365 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Criticism - Mutanabbi
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953363919
Sharh al-Asma'iyyat شرح الأصمعيات
Item #: 60529
By: Asma'i, Abd al-Malik (ca. 740-828 CE) عبد الملك أصمعي / Dannawi, Saadi
Hardcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Pre-Islam and Early Islamic Era
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9782745139047
Sharh al-Mu'allaqat al-'Ashir (Sader) شرح المعاقات العشر
Item #: 80752
By: Tabrizi, Ibn al-Khatib (d. 502/1109) إبن الخطيب التبريزي
Hardcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - History and Criticism - al-Mu'allaqat - Pre-Islamic Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953136837
Sharh al-Mu'allaqat al-Sab' شرح المعاقات السبع
Item #: 80753
By: Zawzani, Husayn Abu Abdullah bin Ahmad (d. 486/1093) أبي عبد الله الحسين بن أحمد الزوزني
Hardcover | 172 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - History and Criticism - al-Mu'allaqat - Pre-Islamic Era
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beriut 2002
Sharh Dewan Hamasah Abi Tammam ( 2 vol) شرح ديوان حماسة ابي تمام
Item #: 73040
By: Ma'arri, Abu al-Ala' (363/973 - 449/1057) أبو العلاء المعري / Ed. Naqsha,Hussein
Hardcover | 1321 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - History and Criticism - Abi Tammam (d.231/845)
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 1991
Sharh Diwan Abi Tammam شرح ديوان أبي تمام
Item #: 74370
By: Abi Tammam (d.231/845) أبي تمام / Ex: Attia, Shaheen شاهين عطية
Hardcover | 560 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Abi Tammam
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9782745108043
Shi'r al-'Ulama fi al-Andalus شعر العلماء في الأندلس
Item #: 41611
By: Hajj, Abd al-Rahman Ali حجي، عبد الرحمن علي
Hardcover | 400 pp, 2 color, color ill and maps
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poets and Poetry - Andalusia
Publisher: Dar al-Kalam, Damascus, 2015
ISBN: 9789933290801
Shi'r wa-al-Din الشعر والدين
Item #: 41423
By: Salih, Kamil Farhan صالح، كامل فرحان
Softcover | 416 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Religious Arabic Poetry - History and Criticism
Publisher: Maktaba al-Haditha, Beirut, 2005
Shu'ara Qatalat'hum Shi'rhum شعراء قتلهم شعرهم
Item #: 75343
By: Khidr, Adil Anwar عادل أنور خضر
Hardcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arab Poets - Biography - Arabic Poetry- History and Criticism
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9789953279497
Tabaqat al-Sh'ara طبقات الشعراء
Item #: 75409
By: Jumahi, Muhammad Ibn Sallam محمد ابن سلام الجمحي
Hardcover | 226 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Biography - Arab Poets - Pre-Islam - Islamic
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut 2001
ISBN: 9782745110510
Tara'if al-Adabiyah الطرائف الأدبية
Item #: 70164
By: Group
Hardcover | 305 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Literature - Poetry, Anecdotes
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9782745150837
Thamarat al-Awraq ثمرات الاوراق
Item #: 70244
By: Ibn Hijja al-Hamawi, Abu Bakr (767/1366 - 837/1434) ابن حجة الحموي ، أبو بكر
Hardcover | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Literature - Anecdotes.- Poetry
Publisher: Al Maktaba al Asriya, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9789953342177
Tuhfat al-Qadim تحفة القادم
Item #: 73065
By: Balansi, Ibn Abbar ابن الآبار البلنسي / Ed. Abbas, Ihsan الدكتور إحسان عباس
Hardcover | 294 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Andalusian Literary Heritage
Publisher: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, Tunis 1986
Umdah fi Sharh al-Burdah العمدة في شرح البردة
Item #: 61012
By: Busiri, Muhammad (d. 696/1295) محمد البوصيري / Ibn Ajibah (d.1809) ابن عجيبة
Hardcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry - Praise Poetry - Burdah - Busiri
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2013
ISBN: 978274169082
Usul Al-Sh'riyah Al-Arabiyah
Item #: 60684
By: Bu Muzbir, al-Tahir ibn Husayn بو مزبر ، الطاهر بن حسين.
Softcover | 207 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Arabic Poetry Study - al-Qartajanni (d. 1285 ce)
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953870090
Wasaya al-Muluk wa-Ibna al-Muluk وصايا الملوك وأبناء الملوك
Item #: 1023
By: Khuza'i, Di'bil ibn Ali (d. ca. 246/860) دعبل بن علي الخزاعي
Hardcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Literature Classic - Arabic Poetry - History - Words of Kings
Publisher: Dar Sader Publications, Beirut, 1997
Yatimat al-Dahr fi Mahasin 'Ahl al-Asr (10 Vols) يتيمة الدهر في محاسن أهل العصر
Item #: 81032
By: Tha'alibi al-Nishapuri, Abi Mansur Abd al-Malik (d. 429/1038) أبي منصور عبد الملك بن محمد بن إسمعيل الثعالبي النيسابوري
Hardcover | 5567 pp, 10 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Arabic poetry - Biographies - Criticism, interpretation, etc
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Beirut/Damascus 2024
ISBN: 9789933293482
Yatimat al-Dahr fi Mahasin 'Ahl al-Asr (10 Vols) يتيمة الدهر في محاسن أهل العصر
Item #: 81032
By: Tha'alibi al-Nishapuri, Abi Mansur Abd al-Malik (d. 429/1038) أبي منصور عبد الملك بن محمد بن إسمعيل الثعالبي النيسابوري
Hardcover | 5567 pp, 10 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Arabic poetry - Biographies - Criticism, interpretation, etc
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Beirut/Damascus 2024
ISBN: 9789933293482
Yatimat al-Dahr fi Mahasin Ahl al-'Asr (6 vol) يتمة الدهر في محاسن أهل العربي
Item #: 14017
By: Tha'alibi al-Nishapuri, Abi Mansur Abd al-Malik (d. 429/1038) أبي منصور عبد الملك بن محمد بن إسمعيل الثعالبي النيسابوري
Hardcover | 2736 pp, White Paper, 6 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Works - Arabic poetry - Biographies - Criticism, interpretation, etc
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9782745129345
A'ish Kharij Sa'ati أعيش خارج ساعتي
Item #: 70809
By: Ma'ali, Khalid (1956- ) خالد المعالي
Softcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Poetry - Iraq
Publisher: Al JAmal Publications, Freiberg 2017
ISBN: 9789933352660
A'mal al-Shi'riyah (3 vol) الأعمال الشعرية
Item #: 81219
By: Khoury, Nidaa (Khuri, b. 1959) نداء خوري
Hardcover | 1200 pp, 3 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry Collection- Palestine
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan 2021
ISBN: 9789957393472
Ahla ma Qil fi al-Jamal أحلى ما قيل في الجمال
Item #: 60527
By: Sheikh, Garid: Editor غريد الشيخ محمد
Hardcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Sweetness and Beauty
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953275505
Ahla Ma Qil fi al-Watan أحلي ما قيل في الوطن
Item #: 60528
By: Bouka'i, Iman, Editor بقيعي، إيمان يوسف
Hardcover | 221 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Home in Literature
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953274003
Ahmad Fu'ad Najm أحمد فؤاد نجم
Item #: 71721
By: Abd al-Malik, Kamal
Softcover | 122 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Literature
Publisher: Allprints, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953883106
Ajmal Abiyat al-Ghazal اجمل ابيات الغزل
Item #: 20337
By: Turad, Majid / Collection
Softcover | 179 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Love Poetry - Classical and Modern
Publisher: Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi
Alayka al-Lahfah (SC) عليك اللهفة
Item #: 40715
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Softcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Algeria
Publisher: Naufal Publishing, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144381625
Amam al-Mir'at أمام المرآة
Item #: 6601
By: Yusuf, Abdul Rahman
Softcover | 141 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2004
Arabic Poems (bilingual Ar-En)
Item #: 44279
By: Editor: Hammond, Marle
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic-English
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Early through Contemporary
Publisher: Everyman's Library Pocket Poets, Alfred A. Knopf, 2014, New York
ISBN: 9780375712432
Arar Sha'r al-Ordan عرار شاعر الاردن
Item #: 16222
By: Badawi al-Mulaththum
Hardcover | 409 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Jordan - Biography
Publisher: Ahlia Publishing, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9786589079765
Ash of Memories رماد الذكريات
Item #: 21071
By: Boujekian, Antranik, أنترانيك بوجكيان
Softcover | 206 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry - Poems
Publisher: KASL
Ashaj الأشج
Item #: 21300
By: Gosaibi, Ghazi (1940-2010) غازي القصيبي
Softcover | 58 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2001
Ashiq min al-Alam al-Thalith عاشق من العالم الثالث
Item #: 43597
By: Shakir, Thamir (Tamer) Adnan ثامر عدنان شاكر
Softcover w/flaps | 158 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh, 2015
ISBN: 9789948466031
Awraq La Tahtariq - اوراق لا تحترق
Item #: 74838
By: Warur, Hussein حسين ورور
Softcover | 308 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry and Prose - Syria
Publisher: Khayat, Washington 2023
ISBN: 9781961420106
Balaghat al-Duha بـلاغـة الـضـحـى
Item #: 15048
By: Haijaa, Abu Omar
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry, Jordan, 21st Cetnury
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144191200
Bi-alladhi huwa Akhdar بالذي هو أخضر
Item #: 70881
By: Abd al-Mawla, Muhammed Ala'a al-Din محمد علاء الدين عبد المولى
Softcover | 135 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Syria
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al-Khaymah, UAE 2014
ISBN: 9789187373169
Bi-Ism al-Umm wa-a-Ibn (Book + CD) بسم الام والابن
Item #: 12385
By: Nasrallah, Ibrahim إبراهيم نصر الله
Softcover with flaps + Audio CD | 126 pp + CD
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Palestine
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2010
ISBN: 9786140100442
Child As He Goes الطفل إذ يمضي
Item #: 7420
By: Shabana, Omar
Softcover | 139 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368603
Daw' al-Yasmin ضوع الياسمين
Item #: 42183
By: Abu Ali, Dr. Muhammad Tawfiq د. محمد توفيق أبو علي
Softcover | 232 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry and Prose
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953889375
Diwan Faris al-Shir ديوان فارس الشعر
Item #: 74506
By: Mansuri, Salih Ibn Ali (1939-) صالح علي بن عزيز المنصوري
Hardcover | 332 pp, laminated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Nabatian- United Arab Emirates
Publisher: Nadi Turath Emirate, UAE 2001 (Emirates Heritage Club)
Diwan Iliya Abu Madi ديوان ايليا ٱبوماضي
Item #: 80781
By: Iliya Abu Madi ايليا ٱبوماضي (1889-1957) / Ed: Hatum, Dr. Afif Nayef
Hardcover | 512 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Lebanon - 20th Century
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953137025
Diwan Muhammad Iqbal (2 vol) ديوان محمد إقبال
Item #: 15887
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 – 1938)
Hardcover | 1111 pp in a two volume set
Language: Arabic
Topic: Classical Poetry - British India ( Pakistan ) - 19th-20th Century
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144150351
Droob al-Tamayuz دروب التميز
Item #: 7372
By: Ibn al-Yami, Sheikh Muhammad
Softcover | 179 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Religiious Poetry
Publisher: Al Riyan, Beirut, 2005
Dumu' al-Rijal: Shi'r دموع الرجال : شعر
Item #: 60617
By: Hajji, Faysal Bin Muhammad حجي، فيصل بن محمد
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Syria
Publisher: Dar Al-Qalam, Damascus 2005
Egyptian Agate عقيق مصري
Item #: 7398
By: Luaibi, Shaker
Softcover | 162 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
Fann al-Shi'r فن الشعر
Item #: 80820
By: Abbas, Dr. Ihsan (1920-2003) الدكتور إحسان عباس
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Critique - Poetry History and Criticism
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 2011
Fawda Muratabah فوضى مرتبة
Item #: 40650
By: Jarudi, Zahra Muhammad
Softcover | 105 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry and Prose
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786104114975
Fi Sohet Watan في صحة الوطن
Item #: 6603
By: Yusuf, Abdul Rahman
Softcover | 117 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2004
Fitnat al-Su'al فتنة السؤال
Item #: 41714
By: Haddad, Qassim حداد، قاسم
Softcover | 362 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Interviews
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 978995336222X
Habibati al-Haqiqia' حبيبتي الحقيقه
Item #: 10707
By: Taqesh, Ahmed
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry
Publisher: All Prints Distributors & Publishers, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789948039211
Hamson wa Bouh همسُ وبوح
Item #: 7787
By: Assad, Nassir al-Din
Softcover | 183 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
Haram CV حرام CV نيكوتين لدماء ضامئة
Item #: 7016
By: Thabit, Abd Allah عبد الله ثابت
Softcover | 180 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Writings and Contemporary Poems - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953369679
Hayat Sarihah حياة صريحة
Item #: 20505
By: Yusuf, Sa'di يوسف، سعدي
Softcover | 76 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Iraq
Publisher: Al-Mada 2001
Hijrat al-Kalamat هجرة الـلمات
Item #: 10912
By: Bazi', Shawqi شوقي بزيع
Softcover | 206 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Literary Writings - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953890913
Hina al-Nawafidh Imra'ah حين النوافذ امرأة
Item #: 42743
By: Lahib, Ahmed bin Sulayman أحمد بن سليمان اللهيب
Softcover | 106 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - 21st Century - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786140122666
Hinan min al-daw'... غامدي، مسفر
Item #: 60699
By: Ghamidi, Musfir غامدي، مسفر
Softcover | 86 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar Al-Mada, Damascus 2003
Hozn Murtajil حزن مرتجل
Item #: 11308
By: Yusuf, Abdul Rahman
Softcover | 244 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry, Contemporary using Classic Forms.
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Huzn Yatajassad حـزن يـتـجـسـّد، شـعـر
Item #: 15456
By: Amir, Amir
Softcover | 79 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Kuwait
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953712444
Ila Matar Qadim إلى مطر قديم
Item #: 74037
By: Haydar, Ismail (Haidar) اسماعيل حيدر
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Prose Texts - Musings - Short Stories - Syria
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953872568
Imzuj Dam'ak bi-Dami إمزج دمعك بدمي
Item #: 60729
By: Salih, Dalia صالح ، داليا
Softcover | 76 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Syria
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953870502
Istibahah استباحة
Item #: 60703
By: Abu Hashhash, Mahmud أبو هشهش ، محمود
Softcover | 127 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953369051
Istithna'at استثناءات
Item #: 75416
By: Sibiyani, Amira bint Muhammad ibn Sa'id أميرة بنت محمد بن سعيد صبياني
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Contemporary
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786140129252
Jalalat al-Sayyed Ghiyab جلالة السيد غياب
Item #: 21352
By: Mogbel, Majed ماجد مقبل
Softcover | 358 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry - Modern Poems - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144191767
Jirah Tujarrib Nafsaha جراح تجرب نفسها
Item #: 71108
By: Ashur, Hamid حامد عاشور
Softcover | 103 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Poetry - Palestine
Publisher: Ahlia, Amman 2018
ISBN: 9789957392611
Ka-annaka Tarak كـأنـّك تـراك
Item #: 15047
By: Bessaiso, Yaser Ehab
Softcover | 199 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry, Palestine, 21st Century
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144190876
Ka-anni Ara Shay'an كاني ارى شيئن
Item #: 60707
By: Qurayni, Sami قريني، سامي
Softcover | 130 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Kuwait
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953361741
Kamshat Farashat كمشة فراشات
Item #: 21450
By: Finjan, Abdulazim عبدالعظيم فنجان
Softcover | 167 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Prose - Iraq - Romance
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789933352653
Kayif Tafouz bi-Wardah كيف تفوز بوردة
Item #: 21443
By: Finjan, Abdulazim عبدالعظيم فنجان
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Modern - Iraq - Prose
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789933350321
Khoyala' خيلاء
Item #: 7657
By: Abdelamir, Shawki
Softcover | 103 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
Kulaj Thalith - Collage 3 كولاج
Item #: 15052
By: Qasim, Samih (1939-2014) سميح القاسم
Softcover | 86 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144190777
Kullu Majdi Annani كل مجدي أنني حاولت
Item #: 60490
By: Bazay', Shawqi شوقي بزيع
Softcover | 184 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953871929
La Fouq Li-Mithluka لا فوق لمثلك
Item #: 20506
By: Omari, Ali علي العمري
Softcover | 58 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Mada 2004
La Udda'i Ufuqan لا أدّعي أفقا
Item #: 15049
By: Araimi, Abdullah
Softcover | 82 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry, Oman
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144190791
La-ka Qalbi wa-al-Bahr لك قلبي والبحر
Item #: 44268
By: Sahili, Dalal Birru دلال برو الساحلي
Softcover | 215 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144560679
Lil Mishghul Balfatna ليل مشغول بالفتنة
Item #: 9847
By: Mufarrah, Saadia سعدية مفرح
Softcover | 73 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Poetry
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953874814
Lord of Sadness سيد الوحشتين
Item #: 7424
By: Allaq, Ali Jaafar
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368504
Ma Ba'd Qasidah al-Nathar ما بعد قصيدة النثر
Item #: 41490
By: Sisi, Dr. Sayed Abdullah سيد عبد الله السيسي
Softcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Study - Modern Arabic Poetry
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144197066
Ma'idat al-Anwaj: Shi'r مائدة الأمواج : شعر
Item #: 60726
By: Shiqaqi, Rayyan شققي، ريان
Softcover | 104 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Syria
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2005
ISBN: 9789953299112
Maghani al-Nass مغاني النص
Item #: 7574
By: Rawashdeh, Samer سامح الرواشدة
Softcover | 219 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry Studies
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368221
Maqati' Mutawwaqah مقاطع مطوّقة
Item #: 60710
By: Abd al-Amir, Shawqi عبد الأمير، شوقي
Softcover | 171 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953368559
Maraya al-Abirat fi al-Manam مرايا العابرات في المنام
Item #: 60626
By: Haddad, Joumana (1970-) حداد, جمانة
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - 21st Century - Lebanon
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953741697
Mi'raj al-Sha'ir معراج الشاعر
Item #: 71382
By: Khatib, Rihab رحاب الخطيب
Softcover | 197 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Critique - Arabic Poetry - Tahir Riyad - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2005
Minsa'ati : Qasa'id منسأتي : قصائد
Item #: 60702
By: Yasiri, Saad سعد الياسري
Softcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Iraq
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2005
Nahj al-Burda نحج البردة
Item #: 70317
By: Shawqi, Ahmad (1868-1932) أحمد شوقي / Bishri, Salim سليم البشري
Softcover | 127 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Prophetic Praise
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9782745156006
Nashid Orok نشيد اوروك
Item #: 21075
By: Sayegh, Adnan عدنان الصائغ
Hardcover | 549 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368870
Nisyan: Shi'r نسيان : شعر
Item #: 60705
By: Sulayman, Firas سليمان، فراس
Softcover | 91 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Syria / US
Publisher: Judhur Cultural Organization, Royal Oak, Michigan 2007
ISBN: 9789953871202
Okaziat - 1/6
Item #: 6524
By: Abdel Rahim, Muhammad
Hardcover | 1190 pp, 6 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry - Q & A
Publisher: Dar al-Rateb, Beirut, 2001
Qadid Full lil-'Asha قديد فل للعشاء
Item #: 20503
By: Manzalji, Nada ندى منزلجي
Softcover | 71 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Beirut, 2002
Qal wa Radadt قـيـل و رددت
Item #: 12798
By: Bin Muhammad, Saad سعد بن محمد
Hardcover | 419 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Literature - Poetry, prose, writings - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953685401
Qasa'id Dahikah قصائد ضاحكة
Item #: 60523
By: Zahrani, Nasir ibn Misfar ناصر بن مسفر زهراني
Softcover | 474 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Humor
Publisher: Maktabat Al Okiban, Ryadh 2003
ISBN: 9789960402437
Qatarat: Shi'r wa-Nathr قطرات : شعر ونثر
Item #: 15141
By: Issa, Sulayman (1921-2013) سليمان العيسى
Softcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry and Prose - Syria
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144181324
Ramad al-Dhakirah رماد الذاكرة
Item #: 21221
By: Thani, Saud سعود آل ثاني
Softcover | 104 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry - Qatar - Modern Poems
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9781855167124
Rawa'a Iqbal روائع إقبال
Item #: 72939
By: Nadwi, Abu al-Hasan (1913-1999) أبو الحسن الندوي
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literary Study
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9786144151402
Rukham al-Ma'a رخام الماء : شعر
Item #: 60441
By: Harb, Joseph (1940-2014) حرب، جوزف
Hardcover | 428 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes Books, Beirut 2007
Sa'idan Hatta al-Yanbu صاعدا حتى الينبوع
Item #: 20530
By: Azzawi, Fadil فاضل العزاوي
Softcover | 236 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry and Prose - 20th Century - Iraq
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Damishq 2003
ISBN: 9782843056611
Sada al-Ahdath صدى الأحداث
Item #: 71954
By: Shufi, Hiram حيرام الشوفي
Softcover | 55 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Lebanon - Social Conditions
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore USA, 2019
ISBN: 9786144561904
Samt al-Sajin الصمت السجين
Item #: 60071
By: Constantine, Rizkallah رزق الله قسطنطي
Softcover | 86 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, 2006
Sanawat al-Laqitah السنوات اللقيطة
Item #: 20501
By: Karim, Fawzi فوزي كريم
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Dar al-Mada 2003
Sarab al-Muthanna سراب المثنى ؛ شعر
Item #: 60120
By: Buzay, Shawki شوقي بزيع
Softcover | 127 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut 2003
Sha'ar Abdallah al-Faisal 1/2
Item #: 9245
By: Faisal, Abdullah
Hardcover | 2000 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry
Publisher: Dar Suad al-Sabah, 2001
Shajarah Tushbih Hattaban شجرة تشبة حطابا
Item #: 75125
By: Beydoun, Abbas (Beydun) (1945-) عباس بيضون
Softcover | 104 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2005
Shawqiyat ديوان احمد شوقي - الشوقيات
Item #: 20343
By: Shawqi, Ahmad (1868-1932)
Hardcover | 744 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah
Shi'r al-'Ilmi الشعر العلمي
Item #: 7242
By: Ajami, Hassan حسن عجمي
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953870540
Ta'rif al-Qublah تعريف القبلة
Item #: 15689
By: Wahbi, Zahi زاهي وهبي
Softcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9781855169432
Thaqafat al-Hubb : Shi'r ثقافة الحب : شعر
Item #: 44261
By: Karamah, Wa'il Karamah وائل كرامه كرامه
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953278452
Thiyab al-Imbratur ثياب الامبراطور
Item #: 20541
By: Karim, Fawzi (1945-) فوزى كريم
Softcover | 362 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - 20th Century - History - Critique
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Dimashq, 2000
ISBN: 9782843052262
Traveler's Songs أغاني العابر
Item #: 7421
By: Shaybani, Muayad
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368610
Ufakir Mithil Shajarah أفكر مثل شجرة
Item #: 21453
By: Finjan, Abdulazim عبدالعظيم فنجان
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Poetry - Modern - Iraq - Prose
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2009
Unf wa-al-Nubuwa العنف والنبوءة
Item #: 72520
By: Yeats, W.B. (1865-1939) و. ب. ييتس
Softcover | 221 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Poetry - Irish
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9782843062476
Waqi' al-Hal واقع الحال
Item #: 71907
By: Sa'ab, Yamin يامن صعب
Hardcover | 174 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: Farabi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144329481
Watan Yatahijja al-Matar وطن يتهجىّ المطر
Item #: 41700
By: Allaq, Ali Ja'far علاقّ، علي جعفر
Softcover | 109 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Modern Arabic Poetry - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144195505
When the Soil is Bathed عندما يغتسل التراب
Item #: 7173
By: Bishara-Mansour, Lilian ليليان بشارة-منصور
Softcover | 103 pp, Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut
ISBN: 9789953368498
Yahduth fi al-Dhakirah يحدث في الذاكرة
Item #: 70883
By: Oais, Bara'a براء العويس
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Syria/Norway
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al-Khaymah, UAE 2013
ISBN: 9789187373084
Zahr In Yuthrad الزهر إن يثرد
Item #: 16734
By: Mundhir, Basil
Softcover | 164 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Poetry - Lebanon
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144193365
Aqli wa Qalbi عقلي و قلبي
Item #: 73948
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 219 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Awghad Yadhakun الأوغاد يضحكون
Item #: 80012
By: Khal, Abdo عبده خال
Softcover | 174 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144258163
Bad' la Yantahi بدء لا ينتهي
Item #: 45073
By: Yahya, Nazik al-Halabi نازك الحلبي يحيى
Softcover | 132 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Syria
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786140119710
Bayn al Hudur wa Ghiyab بين الحضور والغياب
Item #: 73682
By: Akhtarkhavari, Nisreen دكتورة نسرين اختر خاوري
Softcover | 131 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Diaspora - Jordan
Publisher: Ward Books, Amman 2012
Dahshat al-Tuffah دهشة التفاح
Item #: 7492
By: Hejazi, Yaser ياسر حجازي
Softcover | 147 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953361987
Dhat Sakrah ذات سكرة
Item #: 7400
By: Bu Khamsin, Hibah هبة بو خمسين
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Kuwait
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368528
Dima al-Fairouz دماء الفيروز
Item #: 7399
By: Marzouqi, Talaq طلق المرزوقي
Softcover | 93 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368979
Georgi غورغي
Item #: 11667
By: Kabiyah, Mabay Ghana مباي غانا كابيه
Softcover | 135 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Novella - Senegal
Publisher: Intishar, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953529127
Gharfah fi Tel-Aviv غرفة في تل أبيب
Item #: 7006
By: Bathish, Raji راجي بطحيش
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953369709
Ghaymah Arbituha bi-Khayt غيمة أربطها بخيط
Item #: 80379
By: Wazin, Abdu عبده وازن
Softcover | 253 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9786144386699
Golden Cage - Sayed al-Qasar
Item #: 12629
By: Golden Cage - Mansour Hanoud
Softcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Popular Fiction
Publisher: Al Moualef, 2002
Haflah Aza Raqsah حفلة عزاء راقصة
Item #: 15211
By: Amrani, Abd al-Rahman عبد الرحمن عمراني
Softcover | 60 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144181164
Hakaya al-Misyar حكايا المسيار
Item #: 12241
By: Shuwayyikh, Abd Allah عبد الله شويخ
Softcover | 301 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - UAE
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9786140101227
Hikayat Haretna حكيات حارتنا
Item #: 73944
By: Mahfouz, Naguib (Najib Mahfuz, 1911-2006) نجيب محفوظ
Softcover | 156 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Story Collection - 20th Century - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Hiya Qalat Hadha هي قالت هذا
Item #: 7503
By: Atiq, Fahd فهد العتيق
Softcover | 137 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953361932
Idam Majhul إعدام مجهول
Item #: 6553
By: Salman, Rashid Salman سلمان رشيد سلمان
Softcover | 115 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789953365565
Ihtimalat Tafifa احتمالات طفيفة
Item #: 11945
By: Shuqair, Mahmud (Shukair, 1941-) محمود شقير
Softcover | 151 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
Ijtiyah اجتياح : مجموعة قصصية
Item #: 60093
By: Warwari, Mahmoud محمود ورواري
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut 2002
Ila Matar Qadim إلى مطر قديم
Item #: 74037
By: Haydar, Ismail (Haidar) اسماعيل حيدر
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Prose Texts - Musings - Short Stories - Syria
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953872568
Jarimah الجريمة
Item #: 73945
By: Mahfouz, Naguib (Najib Mahfuz, 1911-2006) نجيب محفوظ
Softcover | 153 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Short Story Collection - 20th Century - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Kabirtu wa-Nasitu an Ansa كبرت ونسيت أن أنسى
Item #: 43971
By: Isa, Buthaynah بثينة العيسى
Softcover | 280 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories, Prose, Poetry - Kuwait
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2020 Edition 28, c. 2013
ISBN: 9786140108783
Kalb al-Sajjaan كلب السجان
Item #: 6559
By: Khalid, Muhsin (1973-) محسن خالد
Softcover | 62 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Sudan
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789953367064
Kamin al-Jadhibiyah كمين الجاذبية
Item #: 7493
By: Atiq, Fahd فهد العتيق
Softcover | 94 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Texts - Poetry - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953361925
Kanata Rataqan كانتا رتقا مجموعة قصصية
Item #: 7843
By: Musa, Asia Ali (1965-) آسيا علي موسى
Softcover | 148 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Algeria
Publisher: Intishar, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953507095
Khamdun الخامدون
Item #: 10705
By: Anabtawi, Ruba ربى عنبتاوي
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Anecdotal - Palestine
Publisher: All Prints Distributors & Publishers, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789948039242
Khazin al-Lamara'iyyat خزين اللامرئيات
Item #: 20497
By: Takarli, Fuad (1927-2008) فؤاد التكرلي
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Iraq
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Damascus, 2004
ISBN: 9782843057250
La Shi' Aswad bi-al-Kamal لا شيء أسود بالكامل
Item #: 80159
By: Tawil, Azza عزة طويل
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Novella - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2024
ISBN: 9786140602991
La'nat Sabi Kurat al-Tin لعنة صبيّ كرات الطين
Item #: 80153
By: Maruf, Mazen مازن معروف
Softcover | 74 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Science Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2024
ISBN: 9786140602618
La.. Laysa Jasdak لا ليس جسدك
Item #: 73947
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Al Qalam, Beirut
Lakin al-Hub La Ya'mut لكن الحب لا يموت
Item #: 81075
By: Ma'mun, Muhammad Ma'mun محمد مأمون المأمون
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Story
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Damascus 2005
ISBN: 9781592394876
Lawhat Fusayfusa'iyah لوحات فسيفسائية
Item #: 6555
By: Abu al-Rub, Majdulin (1962-) مجدولين أبو الرب
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Jordan
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9789953360294
Madi - Mufrad - Mudhakar ماضي - مفرد - مذكر
Item #: 12769
By: Khamis, Umaymah (1966-) اميمة الخميس
Softcover | 237 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Intishar, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144041666
Mahattah al-Akhirah المحطة الأخيرة
Item #: 70622
By: Shaqha', Muhammad Mansur (1946-) محمد المنصور الشقحاء
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953712765
Mahattat محطات
Item #: 73796
By: Ghamri, Faisal فيصل غمري
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Nawfal, Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9786144696941
Manziluha al-Saghir منزلها الصغير
Item #: 70930
By: Ghaydani, Hamad حمد الغيداني
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144328705
Naba'a al-Hub نبع الحب
Item #: 80269
By: Chebaro, Ghassan غسان شبارو
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Lebanon
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786140135017
Nadhara al-Sawda النظارة السوداء
Item #: 73949
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Nisa Madtuhadat نساء مضطهدات
Item #: 12762
By: Zahrani, Moudi موضي الزهراني
Softcover | 134 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic - Short Case Stories - Oppressed Women
Publisher: Intishar, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144041543
Nisf al-Ahzan نصف الاحزان : رواية
Item #: 60095
By: Nasir, Abd al-Sattar (b. 1947) ناصر، عبد الستار
Softcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Novella - Iraq
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2000
Quds Wahdaha Hunak القدس وحدها هناك
Item #: 12364
By: Shuqair, Mahmud (Shukair, 1941-) محمود شقير
Softcover | 182 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Palestine
Publisher: Naufal, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953261294
Rajul Haqiqi رجل حقيقي
Item #: 5056
By: Nimri, Basma نمري، بسمة
Softcover | 156 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Jordan
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2003
Sada al-Mahjar 2nd Issue صدي المحجر
Item #: 75388
By: Editor: Hadad, Lotfi
Softcover | 232 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Diaspora - Magazine Issue
Publisher: Sada Magzine, Indianapolis 2006
Sada al-Mahjar 4th Issue صدي المحجر
Item #: 75389
By: Editor: Hadad, Lotfi
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Diaspora - Magazine Issue
Publisher: Sada Magazine, Indianapolis 2007
Sahil al-As'ilah صهيل الأسئلة
Item #: 6575
By: Sharni, Rashida رشيدة الشارني
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Tunsia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2002
Shafatah شفتاه
Item #: 73953
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Shaghaf شغف
Item #: 11001
By: Bu Khamsin, Hibah هبة بو خمسين
Softcover | 102 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Kuwait
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953362830
Sharq al-Nakhil شرق النخيل
Item #: 60086
By: Tahir, Bahaa (1935-2022) بهاء طاهر
Softcover | 136 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2000
Taboo التابو
Item #: 7810
By: Moajil, Huda هدى المعجل
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953361864
Tashta'il wala Tudi' تشتعل ولا تضيء
Item #: 70884
By: Dawud, Ali Kazim علي كاظم داوود
Softcover | 83 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Iraq
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al-Khaymah, UAE 2013
ISBN: 9789187373091
Wa Qala al-Hawi وقال الحاوي
Item #: 7846
By: Rahbi, Muhammad Bin Saif
Softcover | 109 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Oman
Publisher: al-Intishar, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953476612
Zul al-Alif الـظـل الألـيـف
Item #: 15237
By: Khayyat, Jamal
Softcover | 102 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Novella - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789995840136
A'in al Jawzah عين الجوزة
Item #: 73874
By: Fadlallah, Ibrahim ابراهيم فضل الله
Softcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - War in Villages - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al Farabi, Beirut 2013
ISBN: 9786144320211
A'la Hadhah al-'Ard على هذه الأرض
Item #: 43089
By: Abd al-Hari, Ruba (b. 1975) ربي عبدالحي
Softcover | 264 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786140124554
Ahl al-Zill أهـل الـظـل
Item #: 20879
By: Daif, Rashid (b. 1945) رشيد الضعيف
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al Rayess Publishers Beirut
Ala 'Atabat al-Qadar على عتبة القدر
Item #: 45087
By: Rida, Nasab نسب رضا
Softcover | 109 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Love & Destiny - Syria
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786140132665
Alihah al-Mamsukhah الآلهة الممسوخة
Item #: 75115
By: Balabakki, Layla (1936-2023) ليل بعلبكي
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 1960
ISBN: 9789953891484
Amira wa-al-Khatim الأميرة والخاتم
Item #: 73861
By: Daif, Rashid (b. 1945) رشيد الضعيف
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Love - Time travel - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9786140321786
Ana Muhammad min al-Dahiya أنا محمد من الضاحية
Item #: 74284
By: Bu Alwan, Ghada Nimr غادة نمر بو علوان
Softcover | 368 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al Nahda al Arabiya, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786144429259
Anaq al-Zal عناق الظل
Item #: 82038
By: Abu Saadah, Rasha Adil رشا عادل أبو سعدة
Softcover | 278 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Escapism - Syria
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2023
ISBN: 9786140136687
Azla al-Halzun عزلة الحلزون
Item #: 73798
By: Suwaylih, Khalil صويلح، خليل
Softcover | 212 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Nawfal, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786144694381
Bad' la Yantahi بدء لا ينتهي
Item #: 45073
By: Yahya, Nazik al-Halabi نازك الحلبي يحيى
Softcover | 132 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Syria
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786140119710
Banda الباندا : رواية
Item #: 72745
By: Hassawi, Rahim راهيم حَسَّاوي
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9786144389409
Barhum Bik برهوم بيك
Item #: 73768
By: Sha'ban, Muhammad محمد شعبان
Softcover | 300 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786144699522
Bayt al-Arabi بيت العربي : رواية
Item #: 60125
By: Haydar, Tawfiq (Haidar) حيدر ، توفيق
Softcover | 103 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Al Farabi, Beirut 2006
Berlin 36 برلين ٣٦
Item #: 21204
By: Najjar, Alexandre إسكندر نجار
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144257302
Bidayat البدايات
Item #: 80152
By: Shamma, Tariq طارق شما
Softcover | 218 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Syria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2024
ISBN: 9786140601833
Burkini بوركيني : رواية
Item #: 40626
By: Hajj, Maya
Softcover | 174 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Difaf Publishing
ISBN: 9786140210714
Da' 'Anka Lawmi دع عنك لومي
Item #: 40450
By: Suwaylih, Khalil خليل صويلح
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789933536404
Dik al-Jinn ديك الجنّ
Item #: 42720
By: Khoury, Raif (1913-1967) رئيف خوري
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - 20th Century - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144257760
Farasha al-Zarqa الفراشة الزرقاء
Item #: 73731
By: Khatir, Nour نور خاطر AKA Jaber, Rabia (b. 1972) ربيع جابر
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Grandmother's Tales - Lebanon
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 1996
Fizik فيزيك
Item #: 71103
By: Dawud, Hasan داوود حسن
Softcover | 279 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9781855166554
Ghaflat al-Turab غـفـلـة الـتـراب
Item #: 20876
By: Daif, Rashid (b. 1945) رشيد الضعيف
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al Rayess Publishers Beirut
Ghaymah Arbituha bi-Khayt غيمة أربطها بخيط
Item #: 80379
By: Wazin, Abdu عبده وازن
Softcover | 253 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9786144386699
Hajiz li-Kafan - حاجز لكفن
Item #: 74757
By: Rahib, Wahan واحة الراهب
Softcover | 136 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Family - Women's Identity - Syria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9786144697474
Hanin ila Janna الحنين إلى الجنة
Item #: 73834
By: Katani, Fatima فاطمة الكتاني
Softcover | 245 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786140134096
Haqa'ib al-Dhakirah (lg) حقائب الذاكرة
Item #: 16728
By: Kattan, Charbel شربل قطّان
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953268484
Haqa'ib al-Dhakirah (sm) حقائب الذاكرة
Item #: 16763
By: Kattan, Charbel شربل قطّان
Softcover | 263 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal Publishing, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953262017
Hayy al-Latini الحى اللاتيني : رواية
Item #: 60076
By: Idris, Suhayl (1925-2008) إدريس، سهيل
Softcover | 285 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, 2003
Hubb 'an Ba'id (Opera) الحب عن بعد : مسرحية غنأية
Item #: 41527
By: Maalouf, Amin امين معلوف
Softcover with flaps | 119 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Opera - Librettos - French-Lebanese
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953438061
I'tr al-Shawk عطر الشوك
Item #: 73763
By: Saifi, Rana رنا الصيفي
Softcover | 234 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine/ Nawfal Beirut, Paris 2020 نوفل / هاشيت أنطوان
ISBN: 9786144697511
Ibna' al-Nujum ابناء النجوم
Item #: 75597
By: Warur, Hussein حسين ورور
Softcover | 196 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Khayat Publications, Washington DC 2024
ISBN: 9781961420182
Ibnat Bunabart al-Misriyah ابنة بونابرت المصرية
Item #: 41965
By: Daghir, Charbel شربل داغر
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Lebanon
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953688220
Ibrat al-Ru'b إبرة الرعب : رواية
Item #: 40627
By: Husayn, Haytham حسين، هيثم
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786140210592
Ikhtibar al-Nadam اختبار الندم
Item #: 75166
By: Suwaylih, Khalil (b.1959) خليل صويلح
Softcover | 246 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab Fiction - Syria - Civil War
Publisher: Naufal, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144386712
Imra'at al-Gha'ib امرأة الغائب : رواية
Item #: 20466
By: Saqr, Mahdi Issa مهدي عيسى الصقر
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Dimashq, 2004
ISBN: 9782843057205
Imratayn امرأتان
Item #: 80290
By: Saad, Rima ريما سعد
Softcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanese
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Nawfal, Beirut 2023 هاشيت أنطوان
ISBN: 9786140601505
Insay al-Sayyarah إنـسـي الـسـيـارة
Item #: 20871
By: Daif, Rashid (b. 1945) رشيد الضعيف
Softcover | 154 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al-Rayess Publishers Beirut
Ismi Zayzafoune اسمي زيزفون
Item #: 75453
By: Hasan, Sausan Jamil سوسن جميل حسن
Softcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Manshurat al-Rabi, Cairo 2023
ISBN: 9789776765450
Jamilah جميلة
Item #: 71073
By: Halhil, Hana Farah
Softcover | 124 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Lebanon
Publisher: Farabi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144329214
Jannah Ajmal min Ba'id الجنة أجمل من بعيد
Item #: 44823
By: Tawil, Katiya كاتيا الطويل
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Writing - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786144698402
Jass Nabd جس نبض
Item #: 40464
By: Shamma'ah, Munir شماعة، منير
Softcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Memoirs - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953213637
Jisr al-Nuhas جسر النحاس
Item #: 80302
By: Aghiri, Nizar نزار آغري
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Kurdish-Syrian Literature
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140601529
Junun Taliqan الجنون طليقا ً
Item #: 75170
By: Rahib, Wahah واحة الراهب
Softcover | 206 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786144694329
Juria Damaskina جوريا داماسكينا
Item #: 80364
By: Haddad, Salma Jamil د. سلمى جميل حداد
Softcover | 295 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syrian
Publisher: Khayat, Washington DC, 2024
ISBN: 9781961420274
Ka'ab al-Abhar الكعب الأبهر
Item #: 73767
By: Rahim, Hassawi راهيم حساوي
Softcover | 178 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144699614
Ka'ajras Ba'idah ...كأجراس بعيدة
Item #: 74368
By: Shabu, Ratib راتب شعبو
Softcover | 275 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144585757
Kabareh Su'ad كباريه سعاد : رواية
Item #: 60082
By: Suwayd, Mahmoud محمد سويد
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut, 2004
Khatam Suleima خاتم سليمى
Item #: 75444
By: Bali, Rima ريما بالي
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Tanmia Publisher, Cairo 2024
ISBN: 9789776633599
Khaymat Marwa خيمة مروى
Item #: 43036
By: Hashim, Jean (b. 1953) جان هاشم
Softcover | 205 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - War Missing - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144690659
Kuntu Amiran (Markaz) كنت أميرا : رواية
Item #: 40763
By: Jaber, Rabia (b. 1972) جابر، ربيع
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 1997
La Shi' Aswad bi-al-Kamal لا شيء أسود بالكامل
Item #: 80159
By: Tawil, Azza عزة طويل
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Novella - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2024
ISBN: 9786140602991
La'nah اللعنة
Item #: 80158
By: Mustafa, Soha سها مصطفى
Softcover | 175 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Syria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2024
ISBN: 9786140601871
Luss al-Shasha لص الشاشة
Item #: 80291
By: Zaytun, Manaf مناف زيتون
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syrian
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Nawfal, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140601109
Ma Ba'da al-Shams ما بعد الشمس
Item #: 45085
By: Dandash, Dr. Nizar د. نزار دندش
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Science Fiction Fantasy - Lebanon
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786140131774
Makhatif Akhnatun - مخاطيف اخناتون
Item #: 74833
By: Warur, Hussein حسين ورور
Softcover | 194 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Khayat Publishing, Washington DC 2023
ISBN: 9781961420083
Mal'un al-Muqaddas الملعون المقدسّ
Item #: 74281
By: Harb, Muhammad Iqbal محمد إقبال حرب
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Conflicts of Life - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar Nahda al Arabiya, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786144429235
Malik al-Lutu ملك اللوتو
Item #: 14935
By: Bazzi, Jihad
Softcover | 297 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Riyad al-Rayyes, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789953215037
Man La Ya'rif Simon من لا يعرف سيمون
Item #: 70887
By: Qaddur, Umar عمر قدور
Softcover | 109 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Dar Noon, UAE 2013
ISBN: 9789187373107
Manzil 'A'lm Fawqa al-Nahr منزل عائم فوق النهر
Item #: 44835
By: Mar'i, Zaynab زينب مرعي
Softcover | 280 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Psychological Novel - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786144698310
Maram مرام
Item #: 21215
By: Atallah, Fida Abu-Shaqra فدى أبو شقرا عطاالله
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144259443
Maraya Frankenstein مرايا فرانكشتاين
Item #: 21109
By: Beydoun, Abbas (Beydun) (1945-) عباس بيضون
Softcover | 155 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9781855166523
Miftah li-Najwa مفتاح لنجوى
Item #: 15604
By: Murr, Fatin فاتن المر
Softcover | 198 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953892559
Muhajjabah المحجّبة
Item #: 72749
By: Bazzi, Jihad جهاد بَزِّي
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Women - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144690956
Mustabidd الـمـسـتـبـد
Item #: 20875
By: Daif, Rashid (b. 1945) رشيد الضعيف
Softcover | 180 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al Rayess Publishers Beirut
Naba'a al-Hub نبع الحب
Item #: 80269
By: Chebaro, Ghassan غسان شبارو
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Lebanon
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786140135017
Nabbashun النباّشون
Item #: 15925
By: Hasan, Sawsan Jamil سوسن جميل حسن
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953892467
Nadhra Ahkira a'la Kayn Sai نظرة أخيرة على كين ساي
Item #: 73807
By: Jaber, Rabia (b. 1972) ربيع جابر
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Diaspora Literature - Lebanon
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Beirut / Casablanca 1998
Nahr al-Asirar - نهر الاسرار
Item #: 74834
By: Halal, Fawza (1957-) فوزا هلال
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Khayat Publishing, Washington DC, 2023
ISBN: 9781961420021
Nisa' Youssef نـسـاء يـوسـف
Item #: 12741
By: Kurudiya, Lina
Softcover | 119 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Lebanese
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, 2012
ISBN: 9789953892214
Pentonville Road طريق بنتونفيل
Item #: 10503
By: Yusuf, Samir سمير يوسف
Softcover | 135 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2005
Qabil al-Suri قابيل السوري
Item #: 75596
By: Warur, Hussein
Softcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Khayat Publication, Washington 2024
ISBN: 9781961420212
Qadimun min al-Afaq القادمون من الآفاق
Item #: 21426
By: Abazah, Nizar نزار أباظة
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Syria
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9781592394777
Qafas قفص
Item #: 71393
By: Haddad, Jumana
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Play - Lebanese
Publisher: Naufal, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9786144381083
Qafas al-Hurriyah ص الحرية
Item #: 44262
By: Zayn al-Din, Salman سلمان زين الدين
Softcover | 166 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953260907
Qahwat al-Jiniral قهوة الجنرال
Item #: 70898
By: Jubba'i, Ghssan غسان الجباعي
Softcover | 109 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Syrian Novelists / Arabic Fiction - Memories
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al-Khaymah 2014
ISBN: 9789187373565
Qati'ah القطيعة : رواية
Item #: 43295
By: Nu'aymi, Khalil (Neimi, b. 1945) نعيمي، خليل
Softcover | 278 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Philosophical Novel - Syria
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 978995336379X
Qubba'a al-Watan قبعة الوطن
Item #: 7709
By: Abdel Gawad, Zakaria
Softcover | 285 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953872551
Qublah al-Abadiyah القبلة الابدية
Item #: 82086
By: Dhibyan, Fawzi فوز ذبيان
Softcover | 235 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Germany, 2023
ISBN: 9789922220765
Rajal fi Wajah al-Zalam رجل في وجه الظلام
Item #: 10497
By: Asali, Amirah عسلي أميرة
Softcover | 184 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Political Romance - Syria/US
Publisher: Amirah al-Asali, Beirut, 2003
Rihlat Baldasar رحلة بالداسار : رواية
Item #: 41954
By: Maalouf, Amin امين معلوف
Softcover | 453 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Fiction - French-Lebanese - Historical Novel
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2001 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953719078
S.M.S. س.م.س. : قصص
Item #: 44265
By: Bitar, Haifa هيفاء بيطار
Softcover | 141 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Syria
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9781855166585
Safha Athaniya الصفحة الثانية
Item #: 7790
By: Mansur, Ilham
Softcover | 340 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 2008
Sahil al-Dhakirah صهيل الذاكرة : رواية
Item #: 60728
By: Fazazi, Abd al-salam فزازي، عبد السلام
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953294773
Samawat al-Wahshah سموات الوحشة
Item #: 11658
By: Ali, Ghazi Husayn غازي حسين العالي
Softcover | 147pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953214412
Samt wa-al-Sakhab الصمت والصخب
Item #: 75105
By: Siris, Nihad (b,1950) نهاد سيريس
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2004
ISBN: 9789953898438
Sani' al-Al-ab صانع الالعاب
Item #: 16729
By: Muhsin, Ahmad
Softcover | 133 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal Publishers, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953267104
Sarab Barri سراب بري : رواية
Item #: 40722
By: Matar, Abd al-Rahman عبد الرحمن مطر
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Prisons - Syria
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144182680
Sarir al-Ghajari سرير الغجري
Item #: 44179
By: Ballut, Nasrin نسرين ياسين
Softcover | 268 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Lebanon
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh,2020
ISBN: 9786144297605
Sarmada سرمدة
Item #: 44687
By: Azzam, Fadi (1973 -) فادي عزام
Softcover | 231 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2019 Edition
ISBN: 9786144692943
Shahwat al-Turjuman شهوة الترجمان : رواية
Item #: 40780
By: Daghir, Charbel شربل داغر
Softcover | 352 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789953687827
Shari'a Salim شارع سالم
Item #: 72753
By: Aghiri, Nizar نزار آغري
Softcover | 331 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syrian / Kurdish
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144389553
Shihadat Atan شهادة أتان
Item #: 8129
By: Saleh, Muhammad Haj محمد حاج صالح
Softcover | 182 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953890357
Shurfa Ba'ida Tantazir شرفة بعيدة تنتظر
Item #: 60067
By: Khatib, Basmah خطيب، بسمة
Softcover | 80 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, 2009
ISBN: 9789953890869
Siamand : Ibn al-Adghal سيامند : ابن الأدغال
Item #: 72249
By: Buti, Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan (1929-2013) محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
Softcover | 215 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Folklore - Family - Outcast
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2013
ISBN: 9789933361662
Sirr al-Khattat al-Dafin - سر الخطاط الدفين
Item #: 80538
By: Schami, Rafik (b.1946) رفيق شامي / Tr. Jabali, Khalid
Softcover | 646 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Damascus - Secrets - Syrian-German
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922220772
Skyping سكايبينغ
Item #: 20859
By: Awit, Aqil عقل العويط
Softcover | 117 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Nawfal Group, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953269634
Suhbat al-Tayr صحبة الطير : رواية
Item #: 41400
By: Zayn, Ahmad Ali أحمد علي زين
Softcover with Flaps | 253 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9781855166479
Sultanat al-Raml سلطانات الرمل
Item #: 71587
By: Hasan, Lina Huyan لينا هويان الحسن
Softcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Bedouin Women - Syria
Publisher: Difaf, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9786140210448
Sultanatu al-Qahirah سلطانة القاهرة
Item #: 71755
By: Durubi, Dima ديما دروبي
Softcover | 333 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Shajarat al-Durr - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144386651
Sumayyah سمية
Item #: 80295
By: Shararah, Waddah وضاح شرارة
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanese
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140601598
Suqut Hurr سقوط حر
Item #: 75171
By: Asbir, Abir عبير اسبر
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria - 21 Century
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786144692745
Suqut min Eden السقوط من عدن : رواية
Item #: 43037
By: Marwani, Qasim مجموعة قصصية
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Being Human - Lebanon
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144690970
Taghribat Watan تغريبة وطن : رواية
Item #: 43297
By: Uzayr, Muhammad محمد العزير
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - American Arabs - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144329108
Tahta al-Arishah تـحـت الـعـريـشـة
Item #: 12738
By: Yarid, Hiyam
Softcover | 302 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Lebanese
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, 2012
ISBN: 9789953892184
Talaq al-Hakim طلاق الحاكم
Item #: 7889
By: Dayikh, Mona منى دايخ
Softcover | 202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Women - Divorce - Lebanon
Publisher: All Prints Distributors & Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953880853
Tastafilu Meryl Streep تصطفل ميريل ستريب
Item #: 20877
By: Daif, Rashid (b. 1945) رشيد الضعيف
Softcover | 150 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al Rayess Publishers Beirut
Tawaf طواف
Item #: 71194
By: Bitar, Jessica جيسيكا بيطار
Softcover | 79 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Novella - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9786144560112
Tilifizyun Jamil تلفزيون جميل : رواية
Item #: 40446
By: Zayn, Hassan حسان زين
Softcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953890784
Tiqaniyat al-Bu's تـقـنـيـات الـبـؤس
Item #: 20878
By: Daif, Rashid (b. 1945) رشيد الضعيف
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad al Rayess Publishers Beirut
Umm Adriana (Opera) الام ادريانا : مسرحية غنأية
Item #: 41526
By: Maalouf, Amin امين معلوف
Softcover | 157 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Opera - French-Lebanese
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953719023
Wa-Allah Zaman Ya Sham واللة زمان يا شام
Item #: 70617
By: Hawasli, Muhammad Sabah (b. 1949) محمد صباح الحواصلي
Softcover | 188 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories - Syria
Publisher: ASP, 2017
ISBN: 9786140123106
Wasiyat Habil وصية هابيل
Item #: 7789
By: Daghir, Charbel شربل داغر
Softcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 2008
Widad min Halab وداد من حلب : رواية
Item #: 44554
By: Mohanna, Qahtan Muhammad قحطان محمد مهنا
Softcover | 406 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria - Aleppo
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2017 Edition
Yawmiyat Aqima يوميات عقيمة
Item #: 80228
By: Hayak, Munir منير الحايك
Softcover | 206 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140134195
Zero Option-Kiyar al-Sifr خيار الصفر
Item #: 7551
By: Abdel Gawad, Zakaria
Softcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Lebanon
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Zilal al Akhrin ظـلال الآخـريـن
Item #: 75169
By: Zaytun, Manaf مناف زيتون
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Syria
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144690338
A'dhra' Djakarta عذراء جاكرتا
Item #: 16768
By: Kilani, Najib (1931-1995) نجيب الكيلاني
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Egypt
Publisher: Funes Publishing, London, 2006 Edition
A'maliqat al-Shamal عمالقة الشمال
Item #: 74978
By: Kilani, Najib (Naguib 1931-1995)
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Islamic Novel - Egypt
Publisher: Funes Publishing, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9781905491049
Abir Sarir عابر سرير
Item #: 40713
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Naufal Publishing, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953269429
Amara Yacoubian عمارة يعقوبيان
Item #: 20190
By: Aswany, Alaa علاء الأسواني
Softcover | 363 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Maktabat Madbouli, Egypt, 2005
Ana al-Mansi أنا المنسي : رواية
Item #: 43318
By: Tazi, Muḥammad 'Izz al-Din Tazi (b. 1948) محمد عز الدين التازي
Softcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Jews - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789981720183
Anbi'uni bi-al-Ru'ya أنبئوني بالرؤيا
Item #: 75109
By: Kilito, Abd al-Fattah (1945-) عبدالفتاح كيليطو / Tr: Sharqawi, Abd al-Kabir عبد الكبير الشرقاوي
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9789953891873
Antikkhanah الأنتكخانة
Item #: 80112
By: Iraq, Nassir ناصر عراق
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo, 2022
ISBN: 9789770937525
Aqli wa Qalbi عقلي و قلبي
Item #: 73948
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 219 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Ardh al-Akhirin أرض الآخرين
Item #: 73739
By: Slimani, Leila ليلى سليماني
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Novel - Family - Social Conditions - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789953689906
Ashay' Takousana أشياء تخصنا
Item #: 21421
By: Shalabi, Khayri (1938-2011) خيري شلبي
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953279282
Aswad Yaliqu Biki الأسود يليق بك
Item #: 16730
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Softcover | 338 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953267135
Ayna Umri أين عمري
Item #: 75475
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - 20th Century - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Beirut 1971
Ba'ad al-Ghurub بعد الغروب
Item #: 73935
By: Abd Allah, Muhamad Abd al-Halim(1913-1970) محمد عبدالحليم عبدالله
Softcover | 188 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Bahr al-Samt بحر الصمت : رواية
Item #: 60083
By: Saleh, Yasmina صالح، ياسمينة
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut 2002
Banat wa Sayf البنات و الصيف
Item #: 73956
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Bar Lialina بار ليالينا
Item #: 80113
By: Fakharany, Ahmed أحمد الفخراني
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar el-Shorouk, Cairo, 2022
ISBN: 9789770937556
Baytuna al-Kabir بيتنا الكبير
Item #: 75442
By: Raihane, Rabia (Rayhan, Rabia) ربيعة ريحان
Softcover | 302 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Ayn lil-Nashr, Cairo 2023
ISBN: 9789774906336
Bilad Sad بلاد صاد
Item #: 75106
By: Bin Arfah, Abd al-Ilah عبد الإله بن عرفة
Softcover | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Morocco
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953891026
Bint al-Sultan بنت السلطان
Item #: 73952
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Burj Al-Adhra' - برج العذراء
Item #: 75123
By: Abd al-Majid, Ibrahim (1946 -) إبراهيم عبد المجيد
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9789953893952
Buyut Wara' al-Ashjar - بيوت وراء الاشجار
Item #: 75103
By: Bisati, Muhammad (1937-2012) محمد البساطي
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut 2000
Dafirat al-Sawda الضفيرة السوداء
Item #: 73940
By: Abd Allah, Muhamad Abd al-Halim(1913-1970) محمد عبدالحليم عبدالله
Softcover | 137 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Daqq al-Tubul دقّ الطبول
Item #: 60066
By: Bisati, Muhammad (1937-2012) بساطي، محمد
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, 2006
Dhakirat al-Jasad (Naufal) ذاكرة الجسد
Item #: 15436
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953269481
Dhaw al-Tawq: Amru bin Adi ذو الطوق
Item #: 80226
By: Baz, Ahmad Naeem أحمد نعيم الباز
Softcover | 245 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140136618
Dhurwah الذروة
Item #: 75116
By: Jalti, Rabia ربيعة جلطي
Softcover | 216 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789953891675
Dunyazad دنيازاد : رواية
Item #: 60087
By: Telmissany, May تلمساني، مي
Softcover | 86 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Novella - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut 2002
Fasad al-Amkinah فساد الأمكنة
Item #: 75286
By: Musa, Sabri (1932-2018) صبري موسى
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Political Novel - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo 2008
ISBN: 6221102025133
Fawda al-Hawas فوضى الحواس
Item #: 44853
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine/Naufal, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953269436
Feshawi الفيشاوي
Item #: 21197
By: Absi, Ghada غادة العبسي
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144258354
Fi al-Balad في البلد
Item #: 43100
By: Ben Jelloun, Tahar (b. 1944) الطاهر بنجلون
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Immigrants - France - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953684833
Fi Sabil al-Taj في سبيل التاج
Item #: 73943
By: Manfaluti, Mustafa Lutfi (1876-1924) صطفى لطفي المنفلوطي
Softcover | 119 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Firash al-Abyadh الفراش الأبيض
Item #: 21424
By: Salamah, Fawziyah فوزية سلامة
Softcover | 205 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Egypt
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953875033
Hajj al-Fijar حج الفجار : رواية
Item #: 40449
By: Wuld Ibnu, Musa ولد ابنو، موسى
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Mauritania
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, , 2005
Halwasat Ala Judran al-Wahdah هلوسات على جدران الوحدة
Item #: 71160
By: Ben Jelloun, Tahar (1944 - ) الطاهر بنجلّون
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Immigration - Loneliness - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953683348
Hanin ila Nak'hat al-Siba حنين إلى نكهة الصبا
Item #: 44693
By: Ben Jelloun, Tahar (b. 1944) الطاهر بنجلون
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Novella - Prostatectomy - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789953687551
Hatab Sarayifu حطب سراييفو
Item #: 44163
By: Khatibi, Sa'id سعيد خطيبي
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Effects of War - Algeria
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9786140216891
Hayawat Mutajawirah حيوات متجاورة
Item #: 10748
By: Baradah, Muhammad محمد برادة
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953890975
Hikayat Haretna حكيات حارتنا
Item #: 73944
By: Mahfouz, Naguib (Najib Mahfuz, 1911-2006) نجيب محفوظ
Softcover | 156 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Story Collection - 20th Century - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Hiya wa-al-Shaytan هي والشيطان : رواية
Item #: 41881
By: Ghuwayli, Hadhba Ali غويلي، هذباء علي
Softcover | 197 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Tunisia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140116269
Hulm Turki حلم تركي
Item #: 73729
By: Ahdad, Karima كريمة أحداد
Softcover | 414 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021 المركز الثقافي العربي
ISBN: 9789953689869
Ibn al-Shaab al-Atiq ابن الشعب العتيق : رواية
Item #: 60128
By: Bin Malik, Anwar بن مالك، أنور (Anouar Binmalik)
Softcover | 486 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco/Algeria
Publisher: Al Farabi, Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953712451
Ihdathiyat al-Insan إحداثيات الإنسان
Item #: 10488
By: Khalid, Muhsin (1973-) محسن خالد
Softcover | 181 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Sudan
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
Ikhtifa' اختفاء
Item #: 75285
By: Matar, Hisham (b. 1970) / Tr: Abd al-Nabi, Muhammad محمد عبد النبي
Softcover | 252 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - British/Libyan
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo 2012
ISBN: 9789770931318
Innahu al-Dam إنه الدم : رواية
Item #: 44564
By: Saadawi, Nawal (1931-2021) نوال السعداوي
Softcover | 284 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt - Social Conditions - Protests
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789953887920
Iqab العقاب
Item #: 71145
By: Ben Jelloun, Tahar (1944 - ) الطاهر بنجلّون
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Imprisonment - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9789953688954
Janat al-Khafafish جنة الخفافيش
Item #: 21218
By: John, Boye بوي جون
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Sudan
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144259634
Jarat Abi Mousa جارات أبي موسى
Item #: 21172
By: Tawfiq, Ahmed أحمد التوفيق
Softcover | 223 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9789953688374
Jarimah الجريمة
Item #: 73945
By: Mahfouz, Naguib (Najib Mahfuz, 1911-2006) نجيب محفوظ
Softcover | 153 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Short Story Collection - 20th Century - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Jasus 388 الجاسوس ٣٨٨
Item #: 21406
By: Yousri, Abd Allah عبدالله يسري
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Espionage - Egypt
Publisher: Shoruoq Bookstore, Cairo, 2008
ISBN: 9789776278257
Joua جوع
Item #: 7903
By: Bisati, Muhammad (1937-2012) بساطي، محمد
Softcover | 135 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953891101
Juz'n Mu'lim min Hikayah جزء مؤلم من حكاية
Item #: 71754
By: Taj al-Sirr, Amir أمير تاج السر
Softcover | 322 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Sudan
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144691533
Khadi'ah الـخـديـعـة
Item #: 12785
By: Alawi, Sa'id Binsa'id علوي، سعيد بنسعيد
Softcover | 199 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786144181058
Khalidiyah الخالدية : رواية
Item #: 60119
By: Bisati, Muhammad (1937-2012) بساطي، محمد
Softcover | 165 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut 2004
Khalil خليل : رواية
Item #: 44833
By: Khadra, Yasmina (b. 1955) ياسمينة خضرا
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2020
ISBN: 9786144694862
Khara'it li-Shahwat al-Layl خرائط لشهوة الليل
Item #: 7764
By: Bashir, Mufti (1969-) بشير مفتي
Softcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953872926
Khayal Sakhin خيال ساخن
Item #: 60723
By: Ashri, Muhammed (1967-) محمد العشري
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953872827
Khiyanat al-Qahirah خيانة القاهرة
Item #: 15920
By: Abu al-Naja, Shirin
Softcover | 393 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Maktabat Madbuli, Egypt, 2009
ISBN: 9789772087198
Khubz al-Hafi الخبز الحافي
Item #: 71711
By: Choukri, Muhammad (1935-2003) محمد شكري
Softcover | 228 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Memoir - Biographical Novel - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9781855160453
Kurat al-Thalj كرة الثلج
Item #: 75110
By: Jiran, Abd al-Rahim عبد الرحيم جيران
Softcover | 174 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2013
ISBN: 9789953892337
Kurbaj الكرباج
Item #: 40623
By: Sururi, Muhammad Abd al-Fattah سروري، محمد عبد الفتاح
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140212428
La Anam لا انام
Item #: 73950
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - 20th Century - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Marefah, Beirut 2021
La.. Laysa Jasdak لا ليس جسدك
Item #: 73947
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar Al Qalam, Beirut
Lahazat La Ghayer لحظات لا غير
Item #: 21106
By: Marshid, Dr. Fatiha الدكتورة فاتحة مرشيد
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Love - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953681962
Lampidoza لمبيدوزا
Item #: 21107
By: Abid, Abd al-Rahman عبد الرحمن عبيد
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Migration - Libya (Morroccan)
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2011 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953685106
Laqita لقيطة
Item #: 73938
By: Abd Allah, Muhamad Abd al-Halim(1913-1970) محمد عبدالحليم عبدالله
Softcover | 167 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Laylat al-Qadr ليلة القدر
Item #: 74644
By: Ben Jelloun, Tahar (1944 - ) الطاهر بنجلّون
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Dar Al-Nashr, Paris 2006 Arabic Edition
Layssa li Havane Rabb Yahmiha ليس لهافانا رب يحميها
Item #: 43040
By: Khadra, Yasmina (1955-) ياسمينة خضرا
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Lost Youth - Algeria
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2018, Arabic Edition c. 2016
ISBN: 9786144388976
Item #: 73997
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Softcover | 345 pp
Language: French
Topic: Fiction - Algerian Literature
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Paris / Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144386606
Luab al-Mihbarah لعاب المحبرة
Item #: 7626
By: Haider, Sarah
Softcover | 151 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Lubat al-Sa'adah لعبة السعادة
Item #: 70626
By: Mufti, Bashir بشير مفتي
Softcover | 178 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Happiness - Algeria
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786140214934
Madi La Ya'ud الماضي لا يعود
Item #: 73939
By: Abd Allah, Muhamad Abd al-Halim(1913-1970) محمد عبدالحليم عبدالله
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Ficiton - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Madinah Mashura المدينة المسحورة
Item #: 74410
By: Qutb, Sayyid سيد قطب (1906-1966)
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Jamal, Freiburg 2021
ISBN: 9789922630588
Mahr al-Siyah مهر الصياح
Item #: 40694
By: Taj al-Sirr, Amir أمير تاج السر
Softcover | 383 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Sudan
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9786144257821
Mai: Layali Isis Copia مي : ليالي إيزيس كوبيا
Item #: 42927
By: Laredj, Waciny (1954-) واسيني الأعرج
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Mai Ziyada (Lebanon) - Algeria
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2018
ISBN: 9789957392215
Makoko ماكوكو
Item #: 73832
By: Issa, Mustafa (b.1980) مصطفى عيسى
Softcover | 167 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786140134362
Mamnu'ah الممنوعة
Item #: 72811
By: Mokeddem, Malika مليكة مقدم / Tr: Sari, Muhammad محمد ساري
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Algerian/French Novel - Love Story
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953873091
Mashru'a al-Nawm مشروع النوم
Item #: 80300
By: Abdullah, Shihab شهاب عبد الله
Softcover | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Tunisian Novel
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140601635
Matahat al-Awham متاهة الأوهام
Item #: 80298
By: Ahjyuj, Muhammad Sa'id محمد سعيد احجيوج
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Moroccan Literature
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140601062
Matbakh al-Hubb مـطـبـخ الـحـب
Item #: 15129
By: Rashidi, Abdelaziz
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction, Morocco
Publisher: Thaqafa, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789948446262
Mawla al-Hayrah مولى الحيرة
Item #: 21490
By: Yabriyer, Ismail إسماعيل يبرير
Softcover | 424 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Algeria
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2016
ISBN: 9789938833751
Mawt Munazzam موت منظم
Item #: 44829
By: Hammam, Ahmed Majdi (1983-) أحمد مجدي همّام
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786144699164
Maʻzufat al-Arnab معزوفة الأرنب
Item #: 75443
By: Harradi, Muhammad محمد الهرادي
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morroco
Publisher: Manshurat al-Mutawassit, Milan 2022
ISBN: 9791280738356
Mina مـيـنـا
Item #: 15719
By: Mandur, Sahar سـحـر مـنـدور
Softcover | 199 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt/Lebanon
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953892566
Muhktarat al Manfaluti مختارات المنفلوطي
Item #: 73941
By: Manfaluti, Mustafa Lutfi (1876-1924) صطفى لطفي المنفلوطي
Softcover | 154 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Muntaha al-Hub منتهى الحب
Item #: 20259
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - 20th Century - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam
Nadhara al-Sawda النظارة السوداء
Item #: 73949
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Naqarat al-Zibah نقرات الظباء
Item #: 71478
By: Tahawy (Tahawi), Miral (1968-) ميرال الطحاوي
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, 2003
Nisyan.Com Com.نسيان
Item #: 82020
By: Mosteghanemi, Ahlam أحلام مستغانمي
Softcover | 283 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Writings - Short Stories - Algeria
Publisher: Naufal, Beirut, 2023
ISBN: 9789953269092
Qit'ah min Uruba قطعة من أوروبا
Item #: 21303
By: Ashour, Radwa رضوى عاشور
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2003
Quddas al-Shaykh Radwan قداس الشيخ رضوان
Item #: 21419
By: Shalabi, Khayri (1938-2011) خيري شلبي
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Nile Delta Village Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953279251
Rajali (My Men) رجالي : رواية
Item #: 60127
By: Mokeddem, Malika مقدّم، مليكة
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Al Farabi, Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953712475
Rayis الرايس : رواية
Item #: 42470
By: Quwaydiri (Quaidri), Hajir هاجر قويدري
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Algeria
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140213692
Reih al-Sharki ريح الشركي
Item #: 21208
By: Loukili, Mohsine محسن الوكيلي
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144259610
Rihla Bahman رحلة بهمان
Item #: 12844
By: Taan, Muhammad محمد طعان
Softcover | 207 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - North African Fiction
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953886312
Rihlah min al-Janub رحلة من الجنوب
Item #: 81016
By: Urid Hasan (b. 1962) حسن اوريد
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Novel - Philosophical - Travel - Mecca - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Morocco, 2023 Edition
ISBN: 9789920657587
Sa'adah al-Zawjiyah السعادة الزوجية
Item #: 81020
By: Ben Jelloun, Tahar (b. 1944) الطاهر بنجلون
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Marriage - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Morocco, 2014
ISBN: 9789953686950
Sahib al-Sa'adah al-Liss صاحب السعادة اللص
Item #: 21355
By: Shalabi, Khayri (1938-2011) خيري شلبي
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953279275
Salah al-Wada' صلاة الوداع
Item #: 21061
By: Burkani, Kamal, كمال بركاني
Softcover | 94 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953870960
Salat al-Akhirah الصلاه الأخيرة : رواية
Item #: 60129
By: Grine, Hamid غرين، حميد
Softcover | 383 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Historical Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Al Farabi, Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953712529
Sariq al-Farah سارق الفرح
Item #: 21420
By: Shalabi, Khayri (1938-2011) خيري شلبي
Softcover | 214 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953279244
Sha'ir الشاعر
Item #: 73942
By: Manfaluti, Mustafa Lutfi (1876-1924) صطفى لطفي المنفلوطي
Softcover | 209 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Shafatah شفتاه
Item #: 73953
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Shams al-Kharif شمس الخريف
Item #: 73936
By: Abd Allah, Muhamad Abd al-Halim(1913-1970) محمد عبدالحليم عبدالله
Softcover | 194 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Sharaf شرف
Item #: 72986
By: Ibrahim, Sonallah (b. 1937) صنع الله إبراهيم
Softcover | 573 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction- Totalitarian Society - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2013
ISBN: 9782843054778
Sharq al-Nakhil شرق النخيل
Item #: 60086
By: Tahir, Bahaa (1935-2022) بهاء طاهر
Softcover | 136 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2000
Sonata li-Asbah al-Quds سوناتا لاشباح القدس
Item #: 9500
By: Laredj, Waciny (1954-) واسيني الأعرج
Softcover | 567 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953890807
Sunduq al-Raml - صندوق الرمل
Item #: 75450
By: Ibrahim, Aisha عائشة إبراهيم
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Libya
Publisher: Manshurat al-Mutawassit, Milan, 2022
ISBN: 9791280738349
Sununuwat Kabul سنونوات كابول
Item #: 60130
By: Khadra, Yasmina (1955-) ياسمينة خضرا
Softcover | 198 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Farabi, Beirut 2007
ISBN: 9789953712505
Ta' al-Khajal تاء الخجل : رواية
Item #: 41402
By: Faruq, Fadilah فضيلة فاروق
Softcover | 101 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Algeria
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140212091
Tahouna الطاحونة
Item #: 12537
By: Hindawi, Salem
Softcover | 115 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Novel - Libya
Publisher: Madbouly, 2008 2nd Edition
Talyani الطاياني
Item #: 75451
By: Mabkhout, Shukri
Softcover | 344 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Tunisia
Publisher: Dar al-Tanwir, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9789938886481
Tariq al-Masdud الطريق المسدود
Item #: 73955
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Tariq Ila Qanṭararah الطريق إلى قنطرارة
Item #: 70891
By: Fagih, Ahmed Ibrahim أحمد إبراهيم الفقيه
Softcover | 216 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical - Berbers - Libya
Publisher: Dar Noon, Amman 2015
ISBN: 9789187373756
Tawatturat al-Qibti توترات القبطي : رواية
Item #: 20029
By: Taj al-Sirr, Amir أمير تاج السر
Softcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: 21st Century Arabic Fiction - Sudan
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789948446033
Thawrat al-Ayyam al-Arba'ah ثورة الأيام الأربعة
Item #: 73734
By: Juwayti, Abd al-Karim عبد الكريم الجويطي
Softcover | 382 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Revolution - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9789920657082
Thulathiyat al-Andalus ثلاثية الأندلس
Item #: 21143
By: Brahm, Abd al-Wahid (1933-) عبدالواحد براهم
Softcover | 440 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical - Andalusia - Tunis
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789938834581 / 9786140210912
Tilka al-'Atmah al-Bahirah تلك العتمة الباهرة
Item #: 40776
By: Ben Jelloun, Tahar (b. 1944) الطاهر بنجلون
Softcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction- Imprisonment - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789953687711
Ushaq Bayya عشاق بية : رواية
Item #: 5022
By: Salmi, Habib حبيب سالمي
Softcover | 231 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Tunisia
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2002
Ustadh Tohotmos الأستاذ تحتمس
Item #: 15078
By: Sabri, Naim
Softcover | 266 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Egypt
Publisher: Madbouly Books, 2008
Wahat al-Ghurub واحة الغروب
Item #: 75287
By: Tahir, Bahaa (1935-2022) بهاء طاهر
Softcover | 326 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo 2007
ISBN: 9789770920251
Wisadah al-Khaliyah الوسادة الخالية
Item #: 73957
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Wishah al-Abyad الوشاح الابيض
Item #: 73937
By: Abd Allah, Muhamad Abd al-Halim(1913-1970) محمد عبدالحليم عبدالله
Softcover | 155 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Yatim al-Dahr يتيم الدهر
Item #: 15149
By: Mosbahi, Hassouna (1950-) حسونة المصباحي
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Tunis
Publisher: Jadawel, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144181232
Yawm al-Malik يـوم الـمـلـك، روايـة
Item #: 15928
By: Taia, Abdullah
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: North African French Fiction - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953892221
Zaman al-Akh al-Qa'id زمن الأخ القائد
Item #: 15926
By: Ashshah, Faraj فرج العشة
Softcover | 278 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Libya
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953892412
Zawjatuh Ahmad زوجة احمد
Item #: 73951
By: Abd al-Quddous, Ihsan (1919-1990) إحسان عبد القدوس
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Egypt
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Beirut
Zinat al-Dunya زينة الدنيا
Item #: 73740
By: Urid Hasan (b. 1962) حسن اوريد
Softcover | 639 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Historical Novel - Andalusia - Coexistence - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi, Casablanca / Beirut 2022 ( 2nd ed.)
ISBN: 9789953689593
A'id ila Haifa عائد الى حيفا
Item #: 74317
By: Kanafani, Ghassan (1936-1972) غسان كنفاني
Softcover | 78 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Al Ahliya, Amman, 2022
ISBN: 9786589097891
A'mal al-Riwaiyah الأعمال الروائية
Item #: 9501
By: Lami, Jum'ah (1947-) جمعة اللامي
Hardcover | 400 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq - Selected Novels
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9789953366005
Adhra' wa-Waliy wa-Sahar عذراء وولي وساحر
Item #: 44154
By: Jarwan al-Ka'bi, Sarah سارة الجروان الكعبي
Softcover | 184 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - UAE
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786140102989
Al-Dallan الضالان
Item #: 75118
By: Sa'id, Mahmud محمود سعيد
Softcover | 232 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2003
ISBN: 9789953899244
Amakin Harrah أماكن حارة
Item #: 75119
By: Hallawi, Janan Jasim جنان جاسم حلّاوي
Softcover | 376 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953892740
Anfus أنفس
Item #: 72791
By: Khal, Abdo / عبده خال
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786140321069
Ansaf Majanin أنصاف مجنين
Item #: 41874
By: Sharif, Shayma شريف، شيماء
Softcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140116672
Armalatu Muhandis أرملة مهندس
Item #: 71725
By: Ibn 'Ayid, Salih صالح إبن عايض
Softcover | 282 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Allprints, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953883175
Ashjar al-Ula الأشجار الأولى
Item #: 80296
By: Abu Samrah, Umar عمر ابو سمرة
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestinian
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140601086
Awghad Yadhakun الأوغاد يضحكون
Item #: 80012
By: Khal, Abdo عبده خال
Softcover | 174 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144258163
Bahbel: Makkah Multiverse باهبل
Item #: 75449
By: Alem, Raja رجاء عالم
Softcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar Al Tanwir, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786144722398
Barr al-Danakil برّ الدناكل
Item #: 44836
By: Umran, Muhammad al-Gharbi محمد الغربي عمران
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Yemen
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786144699263
Bayn al-Sahra wa-al-Ma'a بين الصحراء والماء
Item #: 12082
By: Araimi, Muhammad Eid (1954 -) محمد عيد العريمي
Softcover | 251 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Oman
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953362300
Bedou a'la al-Hafah
Item #: 10573
By: Rashidi, Abdul Aziz
Softcover | 94 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953874197
Bi-al-'Ams Kuntu Huna بالأمس كنت هنا
Item #: 44834
By: Hifni, Zaynab زينب حفني
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2020
ISBN: 9786144697894
Bint Narinj al-Turunj بنت نارنج الترنج
Item #: 21099
By: Jarwan, Sarah سارة الجروان
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - UAE
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953891576
Bitu al-Jasad بعت الجسد
Item #: 16773
By: Hakim, Vikturiya فكتوريا الحكيم
Softcover | 439 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789951712263
Damlan دملان
Item #: 9503
By: Saruri, Habib Abdel -Rab
Softcover | 584 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, 2009
ISBN: 9789953890753
Danish Fata min Hutam دانيش فتى من حطام
Item #: 45088
By: Ka'bi, (Kaabi) Su'ad Rashid سعاد راشد الكعبي
Softcover | 175 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Childhood - Homelessness
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786140133068
Deir Waraq
Item #: 10490
By: Rafieh, Muhammad
Softcover | 229 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Novel
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2005
Diyalas Bayna Yadayah ديالأس بين يدية
Item #: 70621
By: Nuri, Shakir شاكر نوري
Softcover | 279 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Diyala River - Iraq
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953712185
Dud الدود
Item #: 14395
By: Sahyami, Alwan
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Philosophical - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, 2007
ISBN: 9789953712174
Fi al-Tariq ilayhim في الطريق إليهم
Item #: 21084
By: Hussein, Hadiyya هديّة حسين
Softcover | 139 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Novella - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2004
Fi'ran Ummi Hissa فئران أمي حصةّ
Item #: 43933
By: Sanusi, Sa'ud (1981-) سعود السنعوسي
Softcover w/Flaps | 437 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Plague - Kuwait
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2019 Edition c. 2015
ISBN: 9786140115446
Fikhakh al-Raeha فخاخ الرائحة
Item #: 4992
By: Muhaymid, Yusuf
Softcover | 121 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut
Forsan wa-Kahanah فرسان وكهنة
Item #: 41883
By: Qabbani, Mundhir قباني، منذر
Softcover | 279 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2018 (11th Edition)
ISBN: 9786140106741
Fumbi قومبي
Item #: 80008
By: Badri, Badriyah بدرية البدري
Softcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Fiction - Oman
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9786140322448
Ghada al-A'satir al-Halmah غادة الأساطير الحالمة
Item #: 10545
By: Ashri, Muhammed (1967-) محمد العشري
Softcover | 104 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Youth - Social Conditions - Egypt
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953876115
Hada'iq al-Rais حـدائـق الـرئـيـس
Item #: 16046
By: Ramli, Mohsen (1967-) محسن الرملي
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789948446279
Hadaa'q al-Sarab حدائق السراب
Item #: 7777
By: Rahman, Abdullah
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Hadatha fi Sabya حدث في صَبْيا
Item #: 80030
By: Uraymi, Su'ad سعاد العريمي
Softcover | 222 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Arabic Novel - UAE
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9786140322318
Hajar al-Sa'adah حجر السعادة
Item #: 75445
By: Jarjis, Azhar (Zarzis) أزهر جرجيس
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraqi
Publisher: Dar al-Rafidayn, Baghdad 2023
ISBN: 9789922671246
Hasat Haribah حاسة هاربة
Item #: 70656
By: Abd al-'Al, Marwan (b. 1957) مروان عبد العال
Softcover | 207 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Fugitives - Palestine
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953712871
Hatif Zaman هاتف زمان
Item #: 7896
By: Qasim, Qasim
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Bisan, Beirut, 2006
Hisar الحصار
Item #: 11745
By: Kadare, Ismail
Softcover | 375pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2010
ISBN: 9789953878096
Hukumat al-Zill حكومة الظل : رواية
Item #: 41882
By: Qabbani, Mundhir منذر قباني
Softcover | 173 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2016 (8th Edition, c. 2007)
ISBN: 9789953871189
Husayn al-Misinjir حـسـيـن الـمـسـنـجـر
Item #: 15073
By: Swar, Muneera
Softcover | 281 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction, Bahrain, 21st century
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144190661
Imra'ah - wa-Zillan امرأة وظلان
Item #: 42181
By: Khamis, Khulud Abd Allah خلود عبد الله الخميس
Softcover | 400 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Love Story - Kuwait
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953880068
Irhabi 20 الارهابي
Item #: 80019
By: Thabit, Abdallah عبد الله ثابت
Softcover | 253 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Novel - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9781855166806
Ism al-Arabah اسم العربة
Item #: 21083
By: Shaheed, Zaid زيد الشهيد
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144193327
Itar al-Buhayrah اطار البحيرة
Item #: 45057
By: Dawud, Latifah لطيفة الداود
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2020
ISBN: 9786140131163
Jabriliya جبرايلاا
Item #: 82053
By: Qahtani, Hanan Mubarak حنان مبارك القحطاني
Softcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Arabic Novel - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2020
ISBN: 9786140129740
Jaiza al-Qatila الجائزة القاتلة
Item #: 21054
By: Toayan, Issam / عصام عبدالله الطويان
Softcover | 431 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia - Mystery Novel
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9786030118526
Jamrat al-Ruh جمرة الروح
Item #: 60633
By: Arifi, Khalifah عريفي، خليفة
Softcover | 192 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789995800764
Ka'in Mu'ajjal كائن مؤجل
Item #: 10700
By: Atiq, Fahd فهد العتيق
Softcover | 132 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Yearnings - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789953365985
Ka'inat min Tarab كائنات من طرب
Item #: 75122
By: Faran, Amal أمل الفاران
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953890548
Kainat Al Tayah كائنات التيه
Item #: 73868
By: Alawi, Maqbul مقبول العلوي
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786140322141
Kanz al-Turki الكنز التركي
Item #: 16770
By: Saud, Sayf al-Islam Ibn Sa'ud Ibn 'Abd al-Aziz al-Saud سيف الإسلام بن سعود بن عبد العزيز آل سعود
Softcover with flaps | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Farabi Publishing, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953712048
Karadib الكراديب
Item #: 21292
By: Hamad, Turki (1952-) تركي الحمد
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2008 Edition 6th
ISBN: 9781855163782
Khadimat al-Maqam خادمات المقام
Item #: 73869
By: Shammari, Muna منى الشمري
Softcover | 205 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Kuwait
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786140321830
Kharajna min Dila' Jabal خرجنا من ضلع جبل
Item #: 44691
By: Mansuri, Lulwah لولوة المنصوري
Softcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Novella - UAE
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2014
ISBN: 9789948446392
Khuzama خـزامـى
Item #: 80540
By: Anton, Sinan (b. 1967) سنان أنطون
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arab Fiction - Immigration - Iraq
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg 2023
ISBN: 9789922220710
La Tatrukni Wahidan لا تتركني وحيداً
Item #: 44951
By: Asfur, Khadijah خديجة عاشور
Softcover | 183 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Biographical Novel - Autism - Bahrain
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786140132474
La'nat Sabi Kurat al-Tin لعنة صبيّ كرات الطين
Item #: 80153
By: Maruf, Mazen مازن معروف
Softcover | 74 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novella - Science Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2024
ISBN: 9786140602618
Lam A'ud Abki لم أعد أبكي : رواية
Item #: 44274
By: Hifni, Zaynab زينب حفني
Softcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9781855164666
Laylah Wahidah Takfi ليلة واحدة تكفي
Item #: 75455
By: Tawfiq, Qasim
Softcover | 188 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine/Jordan
Publisher: al-An Nasirun wa-Muwazzi'un, Amman, 2023
ISBN: 9789923135020
Lma Ja'aha al-Mkhad لما جاءها المخاض
Item #: 9716
By: Badir, Fatima Berri
Softcover | 157 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953875736
Ma Ba'ad al-Hub ما بعد الحب
Item #: 21088
By: Hussein, Hadiyya هديّة حسين
Softcover | 180 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2003
Ma'zufat Sama'a - معزوفة صماء
Item #: 74724
By: Ali, Mona Abd al-Qader منى عبد القادر العلي
Softcover | 135 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - UAE
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9789948803348
Madinat Allah مدينة الله
Item #: 80943
By: Hamid, Hassan حسن حميد
Softcover | 452 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Palestine
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953363295
Mahattat محطات
Item #: 73796
By: Ghamri, Faisal فيصل غمري
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Short Stories - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Nawfal, Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9786144696941
Mahkamay المحاكمة
Item #: 12021
By: Othman, Layla
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Kuwait
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, 2009
ISBN: 9789953891217
Majaneen Beit Lahem مجانين بيت لحم
Item #: 20854
By: Issa, Usama الـعـيـسـة ، أسـامـة
Softcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Nawfal Group, 2013
ISBN: 9789953269641
Mamlakatan wa Jamhuriyah مملكتان وجمهورية
Item #: 73833
By: Bahri, Nayef Faruq نايف فاروق بحري
Softcover | 334 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786140132740
Manadil al-Saghir المناضل الصغير
Item #: 74269
By: Najafi, Muhammad Hussein محمد حسين النجفي
Softcover | 125 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biographical Fiction - Historical - Iraq Youth
Publisher: Al-Ahwar, Baghdad, 2023
ISBN: 9789922985879
Manhuba المنهوبة
Item #: 11672
By: Osaimi, Awadh
Softcover | 211 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: al-Intishar, 2009
ISBN: 9786144040156
Maraya Iblis مرايا إبليس
Item #: 21093
By: Tayim, Mona al-Sharafi منى الشرافي تيّم
Softcover | 199 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Jordan
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9786140101418
Mashhad al-Bahri مشهد البحر
Item #: 11655
By: Hamada, Trad
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2010
ISBN: 9789953878799
Mashru' Umma مشروع أومّا
Item #: 74665
By: Dulaymi, Lutfia لطفية الدليمي
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Friendships - Iraq
Publisher: Al-Mada, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789933655976
Mawati' al-Waqt مواطئ الوقت : رواية
Item #: 40767
By: Dawsari, Sa'd دوسري، سعد
Softcover | 156 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut,
ISBN: 9789953687971
Mawt Yamurru min Huna الموت يمرّ من هنا
Item #: 40690
By: Khal, Abdo عبده خال
Softcover | 542 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015 print c.1995
ISBN: 9786144258125
Mazamir min Waraq مزامير من ورق
Item #: 6587
By: Abu Ali, Nidaʼ (1983-) نداء أبو علي
Softcover | 235 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Individualism in Society - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9789953441924
Misa'at Wardiyah مساءات وردية : رواية
Item #: 40659
By: Hamad, Hamad حمد، حمد
Softcover | 278 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Kuwait
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015 Edition c. 2004
ISBN: 9786140116986
Muftaraq al-'Asur مفترق العصور
Item #: 8112
By: Shaherazade, Abir
Softcover | 475 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953873534
Munakh al-Shahwah مناخ الشهوة
Item #: 21388
By: Ali, Ali Abdullah علي عبدالله العلي
Softcover | 280 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: al-Intishar, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144048276
Munshadih المنشده : رواية
Item #: 41704
By: Nimri, Basma نمري، بسمة
Softcover | 350 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Jordan
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144197028
Mutalazimat Khayyal متلازمة خياّل
Item #: 43592
By: Na'imi, Nayif نايف النعمي.
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Fantasy - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh, 2018
ISBN: 9786144298374
Mutawa'ah - المطاوعة
Item #: 74856
By: Du'aylij, Mubarak Ali مبارك علي الدعيلج
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia - Novel
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes Books, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9789953212531
Naharat Sha'ikah نهارات شائكة
Item #: 7573
By: Aqrabawi, Ibrahim إبراهيم عقرباوي
Softcover | 285 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Destinies - Jordan
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953368917
Naher al-Thaleth النهر الثالث
Item #: 7126
By: Ghandoura, Nasreen
Softcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9789953292137
Naqah Shalihah ناقة صالحة
Item #: 44160
By: Sanusi, Sa'ud (1981-) سعود السنعوسي
Hardcover with dustcover | 173 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Kuwait
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9786140128880
Nikulas al-Sharq نيكولاس الشرق
Item #: 70928
By: Abu Shumays, Wafa' وفاء أبو شميس
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144328965
Nisa - wa-Lakin! نساء ولكن! : رواية
Item #: 60719
By: Abd al-Majid, Nour عبد المجيد، نور
Softcover | 431 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2009
ISBN: 9789953876719
Nisa'a al-Mata'ah نساء المتعة
Item #: 9731
By: Sawwar, Munira منيرة سوار
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953874845
Nisf Muwatin Muhtaram نصف مواطن محترم
Item #: 43042
By: Naqshabandi, Hani هاني نقشبندي
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9781855168664
Nubah نباح : رواية
Item #: 40692
By: Khal, Abdo عبده خال
Softcover | 414 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut 2015 print c. 2007
ISBN: 9786144258156
Olympus - الأوليمبوس
Item #: 42742
By: Gharaybah, Dr. Baha' (b. 1983) بهاء الغرايبة
Softcover | 172 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - 21st Century - Jordan
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786140122123
Othman bin 'Affan Shahidan عثمان بن عفان شهيداً
Item #: 7793
By: Khalifah, Abd Allah (1948-2014) عبد الله خليفة
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Bahrain
Publisher: Riad al-Rayyes, Beirut, 2008
Qafzat Nahu al-Majhul قفزة نحو المجهول
Item #: 43088
By: Balawi, Hatem حاتم البلوي
Softcover | 88 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Novella - Autobiographical - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786140124684
Qanadil Mutafa قناديل مطفاة
Item #: 12337
By: Kadhum, Lamis
Softcover | 480 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, 2011
ISBN: 9789953279411
Qandah قندة
Item #: 7553
By: Mahroos, Hussain
Softcover | 250 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
Qanut القانوط
Item #: 16780
By: Shammari, Abd al-Hafiz عبد الحفيظ الشمري
Softcover | 196 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: al-Intishar al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953529714
Qina' bi-lawn al-Sama' قناع بلون السماء
Item #: 75454
By: Basim Khandaqji باسم خندقجي
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9789953897387
Qissat 'Ishq Kan'aniyah قصة عشق كنعانية
Item #: 16783
By: Fahmawi, Subhi صبحي فحماوي
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Arabic Fiction - Jordan
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953714219
Qissat Hilm قصّة حلم
Item #: 73870
By: Naqshabandi, Hani هاني نقشبندي
Softcover | 302 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9786140321755
Ra'aytu Ramallah رأيت رام الله
Item #: 80284
By: Barghouti, Murid (1944-2021) مريد البرغوثي
Softcover | 263 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature- Memoir - Palestine
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9789953689760
Rahiqiyun الرحيقيون
Item #: 40668
By: Abu Hamid, Nabil ابو حمد، نبيل
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140116719
Rimad al-Hob رماد الحب
Item #: 10749
By: Khayoun, Ali
Softcover | 198 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953080890
Riwayah al-'Amya' الرواية العمياء
Item #: 44381
By: Nuri, Shakir (1949-) شاكر نوري
Softcover | 372 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2020
ISBN: 9786144585368
Sab' Nisa' wa-Nisf سبع نساء ونصف
Item #: 44176
By: Taha, Sumayyah سمية طه
Softcover | 235 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Women - Civil War - Yemen
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh, 2019
ISBN: 9786144298220
Sabirah wa Asilah صابرة وأصيلة : رواية
Item #: 60132
By: Sa'id, Ghaliyah F. T. آل سعيد ، غالية ف. ت
Softcover | 158 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Oman
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes Books, Beirut 2007
Sadah al-Masir سادة المصير
Item #: 7637
By: Zadadiq, Sufian
Softcover | 205 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2006
Safarjalah السفرجلة
Item #: 42885
By: Awad-Allah, Haidar (b. 1966) حيدر عوض الله
Softcover | 205 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2016
ISBN: 9789957391089
Saheliyya الساحليّة
Item #: 10491
By: Khayyat, Jamal
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2005
Sahib al-Ibtisamah Part 2 صاحب الإبتسامة
Item #: 70877
By: Shihrah, Fikryah فكرية شحرة
Softcover | 253 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Tragedy of war - Yemen
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786140126220
Sajin al-Maraya سجين المرايا
Item #: 43934
By: Sanusi, Sa'ud (1981-) سعود السنعوسي
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Human Emotions - Kuwait
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2018 14th Edition c. 2011
ISBN: 9786140101449
Sajinat Ghasaq سجينة غسق
Item #: 70867
By: Tanaiji, Nurah Abd Allah نورة عبد الله الطنيجي
Softcover | 336 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Women -UAE
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, Abu Dhabi, UAE 2018
ISBN: 9789948395645
Sakhab al-Hayah صخب الحياة : رواية
Item #: 42469
By: Mani, Abd al-Razzaq Sa'ud عبدالرزاق سعود المانع
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia - Najd in iraq
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786038082638
Salah al-Din al-Ayubi
Item #: 8119
By: Zeidan, Gorgi
Softcover | 223 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Historical Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: al-Dar al-Namuthajia, 2004
Salalim al-Hawa سلالم الهواء
Item #: 12089
By: Abd al-Malek, Muhammad (1944-) محمد عبد الملك
Softcover | 295 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Mental Illness - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953363967
Sama' al-Quds al-Sabi'ah سماء القدس السابعة
Item #: 75447
By: Eissa. Osama أسامة العيسة
Softcover | 680 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Manshurat al-Mutawassit, Milan 2023
ISBN: 9791255910152
Samt Yitimdad صمت يتمدد
Item #: 11944
By: Shatti, Sulaiman
Softcover | 235 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 978995362939
Saqifat (Abu Abd Allah) سقيفة (أبو عبد الله)
Item #: 42924
By: Madanat, Adi (1938-2016) عدي مدانات
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Jordan
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
ISBN: 9789957390488
Sawsanan al-Sawda' السوسنة السوداء
Item #: 40667
By: Fardan Fatima فاطمة الفردان
Softcover | 103 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Bahrain
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140116665
Saya'a Zahur al-Rawah ساعة ظهور الارواح
Item #: 12086
By: Khalifah, Abd Allah (1948-2014) عبد الله خليفة
Softcover | 227 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Bahrain
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2004
Sayf Bin Dhi Yazan سيف بن ذي يزن
Item #: 74106
By: Group عدة مؤلفين
Softcover | 648 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Literature - Folklore - Legends - Yemen
Publisher: Rashad Press, Beirut, 2002
Sayyid Baghdad سيد بغداد
Item #: 9553
By: Ta'an, Muhammad محمد طعان
Softcover | 282 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: Maktaba Madbouli, Cairo, 2008
ISBN: 9789772087303
Sha'ir wa al-Malik الشاعر والملك
Item #: 74329
By: Saif, Walid وليد سيف
Softcover | 276 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Ancient Poet
Publisher: Al Ahliya, Amman, 2022
ISBN: 9789957394639
Shahr al-Thalith Ashr الشهر الثالث عشر
Item #: 80318
By: Saadawi, Ahmad احمد السعداوى
Softcover | 150 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraqi
Publisher: Dar al-Tanwir, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9789922978918
Shar bi-la Nihayah - شر بلا نهاية
Item #: 74775
By: Mazru'i, Abrah عبرة المزروعي
Softcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - UAE
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786140134867
Sharq al-Wadi شرق الوادي
Item #: 3504
By: Hamad, Turki (1952-) تركي الحمد
Softcover | 296 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Fantasy - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9781855163812
Shurfah fi Qafas شرفة في قفص
Item #: 60064
By: Qaysi, Muhammad قيسي، محمد
Softcover | 327 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, 2004
Silye Repentance توبة وسليى
Item #: 7063
By: Faisal, Maha Muhammad
Softcover | 204 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut
Sinin Muba'tharah سنين مبعثرة
Item #: 10763
By: Said., Ghalya
Softcover | 488 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction - Oman
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 2008
Siqan Multawiyah (AIRP) سيقان ملتوية
Item #: 10999
By: Hafni, Zaynab زينب حفني
Softcover | 131 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2008
Siqan Multawiyah (Naufal) سيقان ملتوية
Item #: 20856
By: Hifni, Zaynab زينب حفني
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Nawfal Group, 2014 Edition
ISBN: 9786144380505
Sudfat Layl صدفة ليل
Item #: 71095
By: Khal, Abdo عبده خال
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Saqi, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9786144259177
Sufiya صوفيا
Item #: 10901
By: Alwan, Muhammad Hasan (1979-) محمد حسن علوان
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2008 Edition (c 2004)
ISBN: 9781855164918
Symphony al-Sowda السمفونية السودائ
Item #: 12022
By: Mazen Abd Allah, Mazen / Haidar Safa
Softcover | 210 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, 2010
ISBN: 9789953891378
Ta'm al-Dhib طعم الذئب
Item #: 21316
By: Busaies, Abdullah عبدالله البصيص
Softcover | 221 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Kuwait
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789953688121
Tahauwulat تحولات
Item #: 7804
By: Dawudi, Zuhdi (1940-) زهدي الداوودي
Softcover | 299 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Kurds - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953361665
Taht Zill al Rawla تحت ظل الرولة
Item #: 80270
By: Hammadi, Maryam Muhammad مريم محمد الحمادي
Softcover | 125 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - UAE Literature
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786140134683
Takhatur تخاطر
Item #: 71170
By: Musawi, Muhsin محسن الموسوي
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Real and Virtual - Iraq
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953688923
Taqrir al-Hudhud تقرير الهدهد
Item #: 12735
By: Sururi, Habib Abd al-Rabb (Sarori)(1956-) حبيب عبد الرب سروري
Softcover | 400 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Yemen
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, 2012
ISBN: 9789953892238
Taratil al-Wad تراتيل الو
Item #: 6595
By: Raseef, Jassim
Softcover | 310 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2004
Tarmi bi-Sharr ترمي بشرر
Item #: 21452
By: Khal, Abdo عبده خال
Softcover | 416 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2011, 5th Edition
Tatran الطاطران
Item #: 60639
By: Nasir, Abd al-Sattar (b. 1947) ناصر، عبد الستار
Softcover | 185 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953361901
Tawbah wa-Sulye توبة وسلي
Item #: 60640
By: Faysal, Maha Muhammad
Softcover | 204 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2003
Tayf al-Hallaj طيف الحلاجّ
Item #: 42919
By: Alawi, Maqbul مقبول العلوي
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786140320192
Ten-Man Summit قمة الرجال العشرة
Item #: 7255
By: Hamadeh, Trad
Softcover | 86 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Riad El Rayyes, Beirut, 2007
That Faq'd ذات فقد
Item #: 21282
By: Nashmi, Athir Abd Allah (1984-) أثير عبد الله النشمي
Softcover | 164 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144325377
The Secret Worry القلق السري
Item #: 7575
By: Rashid, Fawziya
Softcover | 456 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
The Seige الحصار
Item #: 7190
By: Rashid, Fawziya
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006
Thulathia al-Samt ثلاثية الصمت
Item #: 12929
By: Khamis, Khalil
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Oman
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9786144191356
Tibtab al-Jannah طبطاب الجنة
Item #: 20760
By: Naqshabandi, Hani هاني نقشبندي
Softcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9786144258262
Tilka al-Turuq تلك الطرق
Item #: 42886
By: Madanat, Uday (1938-2016) عدي مدانات
Softcover | 443 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Destinies - Jordan
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
ISBN: 9789953730820
Tin الطين
Item #: 70667
By: Khal, Abdo عبده خال
Softcover | 399 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9781855167261
Tiryaq (Qisas) الترياق
Item #: 20496
By: Khamis, Umayah خميس، أميمة
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Short Stories
Publisher: Dar al-Mada 2003
U'shsh al-Jamr عش الجمر
Item #: 45051
By: Hiti, Zuhayr زهير هيتي
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Village Life - Iraq
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2020
ISBN: 9786140321724
Ufuq al-A'la الأفق الأعلى
Item #: 75452
By: Abdulhamid, Fatima فاطمة عبدالحميد
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Rafidayn, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9789938740219
Umm Sa'ad أم سعد
Item #: 74309
By: Kanafani, Ghassan (1936-1972) غسان كنفاني
Softcover | 79 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Palestine
Publisher: Al-Ahliya, Amman 2022 الأهلية للنشر
ISBN: 9786589097914
Urjuhah الأرجوحة
Item #: 80034
By: Bishr, Badriyah
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Arabic Fiction - Novel - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, 2010
ISBN: 9781855165298
Usbu al-Akhir الأسبوع الأخير
Item #: 7908
By: Kawtharani, Hala
Softcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Saqi Books, Beirut, 2006
Wa'udahiy Allayl 'Aqsar - وأضحي الليل أقصر
Item #: 75120
By: Dahir, Jamal جمال ضاهر
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Philosophical Novel - Palestine
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2005
ISBN: 9789953892870
Wad wa-al-'Am الواد و العم
Item #: 7629
By: Nobar, M.
Softcover | 175 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
Wahi وحي
Item #: 71710
By: Sururi, Habib Abd al-Rabb (Sarori)(1956-) حبيب عبد الرب سروري
Softcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Yemen
Publisher: Saqi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786140320895
Wahid الوحيد
Item #: 80314
By: Bani Amer, Ahmad أحمد بني عامر
Softcover | 255 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Fantasy Novel - Jordan
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140135628
Wardat al-Sultan وردة السلطان
Item #: 21384
By: Najjar, Mona منى النجار
Softcover | 357 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Oman
Publisher: Dar al-Intishar, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144046340
Washa'ij Ma' وشائج ماء
Item #: 80010
By: Khal, Abdo عبده خال
Softcover | 264 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9786140322455
When a Woman Aspires عندما تطمح المرأة
Item #: 11109
By: Zaabi, Sultan
Softcover | 344 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Arabic Fiction
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789948038672
Widyan al-Ibrizi وديان الابريزي
Item #: 16781
By: Yusuf, Khalid Ahmad خالد احمد اليوسف
Softcover | 184 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: al-Intishar al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953529851
Wizr al-Nawaya وزر النوايا
Item #: 70916
By: Tabari, Nisrin نسرين طبري
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Human Psyche - Palestine
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144329139
Yemen wa-Fusul al-Jahim اليمن وفصول الجحيم
Item #: 80757
By: Sayyad, Ahmad أحمد الصياد
Softcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Yemen - Fiction & History
Publisher: Riad el-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953214634
Zahr al-Samakah ظهر السمكة
Item #: 80515
By: Qasim, Hamid حميد القاسم
Softcover | 119 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Iraq
Publisher: Nabu Publishers, Baghdad 2021
ISBN: 9789922961729
Zayf al-Qisas زيف القصاص
Item #: 82039
By: Sharif, Hamid Ahmad حامد أحمد الشريف
Softcover | 344 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Mystery Thriller - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9786140127098
Zilal al-Jafr ظـلال الـجـفـر
Item #: 15585
By: Dammaj, Walid Ahmad وليد أحمد دماج
Softcover | 343 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Yemen
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953892535
Zuhur Fan Ghukh (Van Gogh) زهور فان غوخ
Item #: 71100
By: Alawi, Maqbul مقبول العلوي
Softcover | 207 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Novel - Stolen Painting - Saudi Arabia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786140320727
Agatha, Fatat al-Alghaz #1 لعنة الفرعون
Item #: 41842
By: Stevenson, Steve / Ill. Turconi, Stefano
Softcover | 136 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Mystery - Grades 4+
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948024156
Agatha, Fatat al-Alghaz #2 لؤلؤة البنغال
Item #: 41843
By: Stevenson, Steve / Ill. Turconi, Stefano
Softcover | 125 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Mystery - Grades 4+
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948024194
Agatha, Fatat al-Alghaz #3 سيف ملك اسكوتلندا
Item #: 41844
By: Stevenson, Steve / Ill. Turconi, Stefano
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Mystery - Grades 4+
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948024187
Agatha, Fatat al-Alghaz #4 سرقة في شلالات نياغارا
Item #: 41845
By: Stevenson, Steve / Ill. Turconi, Stefano
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Mystery - Grades 4+
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948024163
Agatha, Fatat al-Alghaz #5 حادثة في برج إيفل
Item #: 41846
By: Stevenson, Steve / Ill. Turconi, Stefano
Softcover | 119 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Mystery - Grades 4+
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948024170
Ala Bissat al-Thalj على بساط الثلج
Item #: 42874
By: Nasrallah, Emily (1931-2018) إملي نصراللّه
Softcover | 137 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Travels - Pre-Teen +
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144387016
Alice fi Bilad al-Aja'ib اليس في بلاد العجائب
Item #: 74098
By: Carroll, Lewis لويس كارول
Softcover | 142 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Fiction - Novel - England - YA+
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, 2012
ISBN: 9789953685281
Amirah al-Saghirah الأميرة الصغيرة
Item #: 44398
By: Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1849-1924) فرانسيس هجسون بيرنت / Tr: Abdo, Imad عماد عبده
Softcover | 349 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Fiction - Intermediate+ - YA+ - England
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098614
Aqasis Rumaniyyah أقاصيص رمانية
Item #: 44453
By: Ahdab, Marwan مروان الأحدب / Ill: Chassagnard, C./ Le Gall, Loic
Softcover | 144 pp, Illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Ancient News - Stpries - Roman Culture - Ages 13+
Publisher: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9789953318875
Awdat al-Amir al-Shab عودة الأمير الشاب
Item #: 44601
By: Roemmers, Alejandro Guillermo اليخاندرو غييرمو رومرس
Softcover | 122 pp, illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novella - Argentine - Juvenile Literature Pre-Teen up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020
ISBN: 9789957393267
Bayt al-Hikma: Milh wa-Dumu' ملح ودموع
Item #: 16122
By: Massoud, Antoine
Softcover | 140 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Young Adults
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953263304
Bughlulati بغلولتي
Item #: 70273
By: Shaykh, Sulayman سليمان الشيخ / Ill: Adilah, Fadi فادي عادلة
Softcover | 34 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Stories - Pre-Teen Ages 9 +
Publisher: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953496849
Cuore - Qalb - قلب
Item #: 40128
By: De Amicis, Edmondo (1846-1908) إدوموندو دي آميشيس
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Young Adult Fiction - Italy - 19th Century
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c.1886
ISBN: 9786140113718
Dahl: Matilda ماتيلدا
Item #: 42124
By: Dahl, Roald (1916-1990) / Ill: Blake, Quentin
Softcover | 278 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Pre-teen - YA - Ages 10 +
Publisher: Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2011 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953314570
Dar Osama-Bardlian
Item #: 14268
By: Zevaco, Michel
Softcover | 223 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: Art of Public Speaking
Item #: 14298
By: Dale Carnegie
Softcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Dual Language Writings
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: Boredom
Item #: 12162
By: Moravia, Alberto
Softcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus, 2005
Dar Osama: Cheating Wife
Item #: 14274
By: Moravia, Alberto
softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: Contempt
Item #: 12127
By: Moravia, Alberto
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus, 2005
Dar Osama: Disobedience
Item #: 12141
By: Moravia, Alberto
Softcover | 284 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus, 2005
Dar Osama: Doubt
Item #: 14246
By: Wilson, Colin
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Drama
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus, 2001
Dar Osama: Major Barbara
Item #: 14260
By: Shaw, George Bernard
Softcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: Mary Lewis
Item #: 14277
By: Mary, Joel
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: Pygmalion
Item #: 14283
By: Shaw, George Bernard
Softcover | 157 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: Shakespeare: Othello
Item #: 14250
By: Shakespeare, William
Softcover | 125 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Tragedy
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: The Black Knight
Item #: 14306
By: Sir Walter Scott
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Novel-Adventure
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: The Dream
Item #: 14278
By: Zola, Emile
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: The Immortals
Item #: 14263
By: Dale Carnegie
Softcover | 166 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature-Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus
Dar Osama: The Red Lilly
Item #: 12124
By: France, Anatole (1844-1924)
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Intermediate Level
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus, 2005
Dar Osama: Two Women
Item #: 12140
By: Moravia, Alberto
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel
Publisher: Dar Osama, Damascus, 2005
Fata al-Fada فتى الفضاء
Item #: 80236
By: Walliams, David ديفيد ووليامز
Softcover | 353 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Children's Novel - Mystery - Adventure - Ages 9-12+
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140136281
Hikayat al-Adhkiya' حكايات الاذكياء
Item #: 74167
By: Tamer, Zakaria زكريا تامر
Softcover | 40 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Children's Arabic Stories - Tales - 9+ Yrs
Publisher: Dar Samer, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9789953588797
Illustrious Lives: Benjamin Franklin (Ar) بنجامين فرانكلين
Item #: 44140
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Softcover | 24 pp, Illustrated, Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School
Publisher: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953693101
Illustrious Lives: Charles Dickens (Ar) تشارلز ديكنز
Item #: 44130
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Softcover | 24 pp, Illustrated, Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School
Publisher: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953692951
Illustrious Lives: Fidel Castro (Ar) فيدل كاسترو
Item #: 44138
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Softcover | 24 pp, Illustrated, Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School
Publisher: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953693088
Illustrious Lives: Frida Kahlo (Ar) فريدا كاهلو
Item #: 44125
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Softcover | 24 pp, Illustrated, Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School
Publisher: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953692890
Illustrious Lives: Leo Tolstoy (Ar) ليو تولستوي
Item #: 44127
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Softcover | 24 pp, Illustrated, Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School
Publisher: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953692913
Illustrious Lives: Leonardo Fibonacci (Ar) ليوناردو فيبوناتشي
Item #: 44120
By: XAct Books / Ed: Aman al-Din, Hala هلا أمان الدين
Softcover | 24 pp, Illustrated, Photos
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Teens - Upper Middle and High School
Publisher: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953692777
Jiddi Abdul-Hamid رواية جدي عبد الحميد
Item #: 74302
By: Saghlam, Widad وداد صاغلام
Softcover | 164 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Historical Fiction - Ottoman - Sultan Abd al-Hamid - Teens +
Publisher: Dar al Ghawthani, Istanbul 2022
ISBN: 9789933685133
Juliette fi New York جولييت في نيويورك
Item #: 80251
By: Brasset, Rose-Line روزلين براسيه
Softcover | 199 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction for Youth - Travel - Pre-teen & Up
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948781141
Kanz al-A'mah Masrurah كنز العمة مسرورة
Item #: 71287
By: Sayed, Hisham / Ill: Kharbutli, Nisrin
Softcover | 40 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Preteen Fiction - Helping Others - Ages 9-12 +
Publisher: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144423493
Kayf 'Awqaf al-Atfal al-Harb? كيف أوقف الأطفال الحرب ؟
Item #: 45204
By: Shalvashvili, Lia ليا شالفاشفيلي
Softcover | 45 pp, color Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Story - Syria, Environment, War, Kindness - Ages 12-15
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9786140134768
Kuluna Mumayazun! كلنا مميزون
Item #: 71404
By: At'Allah, Fida / Ill: Khalifah, Lama فدى أبو شقرا عطاالله
Softcover | 32 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Arabic Story - Friendship - Ages 9-12
Publisher: Asala, 2018
ISBN: 9789953950976
La Shay Yu'iquni لا شيء يعيقني
Item #: 71295
By: Hajj, Sana / Ill: Dashni, Baybolet
Softcover | 16 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Special Needs - Accepting Others - Ages 9-12 +
Publisher: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144423714
Mata Na'ud? متى نعود؟
Item #: 42427
By: Harakah, Sana' Ali سناء علي الحركة
Softcover | 102 pp, b/w Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Young Adult Fiction - Refugees
Publisher: Asala Publishers, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144424124
Min Diwan al-Hamqa من ديوان الحمقى
Item #: 43422
By: Yunis, Muhsin / Ill: Mariya
Softcover | 16 pp, illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Children's Literature - Folklore - Foolishness - Ages 8+
Publisher: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789953447650
Mu'taqal المعتقل
Item #: 73753
By: Ahmad, Samira سميرة أحمد
Softcover | 372 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Near Future Novel - YA + - US
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Nawfal, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786144697641
Multhalath Bermuda مثلث برمودا
Item #: 42333
By: Asali, Tariq طارق العسلي
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Comic Book Adventure - Pre-teen +
Publisher: Dar al-Samer, Beirut, 1997
Munawara al Malika مناورة الملكة
Item #: 73738
By: Tevis, Walter والتر تيفيس
Softcover | 416 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Fiction - Chess - US
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789920657105
Munawara al-Lusus مناورة اللصوص
Item #: 80267
By: Lewis, Kayvion كايفيون لويس
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated US Fiction - Mystery Thriller - Teen and Y/A
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140134232
Nadia Fi Mughamarat Sahrah نادية في مغامرة ساحرة
Item #: 80430
By: Youssef, Bassem باسم يوسف / Dalia, Katharine كاثرين ر. دالي
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Story for Youth - Adventure - 8 + Yrs
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2024
ISBN: 9786144698037
Nagham Tada'u Khutah نغم تضع خطة
Item #: 71434
By: Shabani, Sana
Softcover | 23 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Ages 9-12
Publisher: Asala, 2017
ISBN: 9786144423783
Najmah نجمة
Item #: 74197
By: Fakharaldin, Jodette جودت فخر الدين / Ill: Tahir, Walid وليد طاهر
Softcover | 14 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Story for Youth - Prose - Preteen +
Publisher: Dar al-Hadaek, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9786144391532
Nissa Saghirat (Ahlia) نساء صغيرات
Item #: 44409
By: Alcott, Louisa May (1832–1888) لويزا م. الكوت / Tr: Nassar, Samir Ezzat سميرعزت نصار
Softcover | 181 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Fiction - Intermediate + YA+
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098508
Qarayat al-Tawa'im قرية التوائم
Item #: 71299
By: Abu Hassan, Siham / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Softcover | 28 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Adventures - Helping Others - Ages 9-12
Publisher: Asala, 2017
ISBN: 9786144423745
Qasr Muntasaf al-Layl - قصر منتصف الليل
Item #: 80541
By: Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (1964-2020) كارلوس زافون / Tr: Abd al-Majid, Mu'awia
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Young Adult Mystery Novel - Spanish
Publisher: Jamal al-Tai'r, Freiberg 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922220635
Rihla al-Ajibah الرحلة العجيبة
Item #: 71294
By: Sulayman, Subhi / Ill: Mustafa, Shirin
Softcover | 23 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Adventure - Ages 9-12 +
Publisher: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144424612
Sadiq al-Mukhadiaa الصديق المخادع
Item #: 71406
By: Sudani, Muhammad / Ill: Joban, Luay
Softcover | 16 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Arabic Storyh - Trusting Others - Ages 9-12
Publisher: Asala, 2017
ISBN: 9786144423752
Sahrat al-Isnan ساحرة الاسنان
Item #: 74515
By: Walliams, David ديفيد ووليامز / Ill: Ross, Tony توني روس
Softcover | 344 pp, illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Pre-Teen & Up
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140133778
Sarq al-Farashat سارق الفراشات
Item #: 71296
By: Shartuni, Antoine / Ill: Kharbutli, Nisrin
Softcover | 28 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Different Views - Ages 9-12 +
Publisher: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144423790
Suq al-Sa'adah سوق السعادة
Item #: 43421
By: Sabaya, Ahmad / Ill: Shams al-Din, Ali
Softcover | 56 pp, Illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Story - Brothers - Honesty - Pre-Teen +
Publisher: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144390962
Tabib al-Muhayar الطبيب المحير
Item #: 71293
By: Abassi, Ahmed / Ill: Dashni, Baybolet
Softcover | 16 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Professions - Don't Stereotype - Ages 9-12 +
Publisher: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144424605
The Hunger Games 2 al-Sinat al-Lahb السنة اللهب
Item #: 16044
By: Collins, Suzanne
Softcover | 415 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Science Fiction Adventure - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2011 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140102118
Thulathia al-Jamaa ( 3 vol) ثلاثية الجامحة
Item #: 74489
By: Roth, Veronica فيرونيكا روث
Softcover | 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Science Fiction Thriller - US - Young Adult
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2015-2021 الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون
ISBN: 9786140116276
Ukazah fi al-Sharia عكازة في الشارع
Item #: 71297
By: Hajj, Sana / Ill: Dashni, Baybolet
Softcover | 27 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Ages 9-12
Publisher: Asala, 2017
ISBN: 9786144423707
Umi Ta'arif امي تعرف
Item #: 71435
By: Fadal, Mary
Softcover | 20 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Juvenile Fiction - Ages 9-12
Publisher: Asala, 2017
ISBN: 9786144423776
Wahsh al-Jalid وحش الجليد
Item #: 80431
By: Walliams, David ديفيد ووليامز
Softcover | 430 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Children's Novel - Humor - Adventure - Ages 8-12+ (Grades 5-8)
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140136274
Watani Kulna Nuhibuk وطني كلنا نحبك
Item #: 71290
By: Qanadilu, Nada / Ill: Group
Softcover | 20 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Young Adult Fiction - Patriotism - Ages 9-12 +
Publisher: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9786144423684
Yawmiyyat Hirr ( Hardcover) يوميات هر
Item #: 41103
By: Nasrallah, Emily
Hardcover | 136 pp, Illustrated
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Young Adult - Lebanon
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786144383728
Yoshi wa-al-Tayr يويتشي والطير
Item #: 73744
By: Sukegawa, Durian دوريان سوكيغاوا
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Tale - Japan - YA+
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789953689791
Arms and the Man (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6649
By: Shaw, George Bernard
Softcover | 253 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2005
Chekhov: The Seagull (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6127
By: Chekhov, Anton
Softcover | 556 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Translated Russian Literature - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2006
Gorky: The Mother (2 vol) (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6926
By: Gorky, Maxim (1868-1936)
Softcover | 405 + 378 pp, 2 volumes
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Translated Russian Literature - Dual Language - Novel - Revolutionaries
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal,
Jamaica Inn (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6093
By: Du Maurier, Daphne
Softcover | 421 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2004
Listening to Bestsellers: Book + CD: A Matter of Matter
Item #: 40143
By: Hubbard, L. Ron (1911-1986) رون هابرد
Hardcover + CD | 111 pp
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Dual Language Audio and book - American Pulp Fiction - 20th Century
Publisher: Digital Future, Riyadh, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144087152
Listening to Bestsellers: Book + CD: Dead Men Kill
Item #: 40142
By: Hubbard, L. Ron (1911-1986) رون هابرد
Hardcover + CD | 98 pp
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Dual Language Audio and book - American Pulp Fiction - 20th Century
Publisher: Digital Future, Riyadh, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144087169
Listening to Bestsellers: Book + CD: Spy Killer
Item #: 40141
By: Hubbard, L. Ron (1911-1986) رون هابرد
Hardcover + CD | 96 pp
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Dual Language Audio and book - American Pulp Fiction - 20th Century
Publisher: Digital Future, Riyadh, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144087145
Listening to Bestsellers: Book + CD: The Chee-Chalker
Item #: 40146
By: Hubbard, L. Ron (1911-1986) رون هابرد
Hardcover + CD | 95 pp
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Dual Language Audio and book - American Pulp Fiction - 20th Century
Publisher: Digital Future, Riyadh, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144087213
Listening to Bestsellers: Book + CD: The Great Secret
Item #: 40147
By: Hubbard, L. Ron (1911-1986) رون هابرد
Hardcover + CD | 95 pp
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Dual Language Audio and book - American Pulp Fiction - 20th Century
Publisher: Digital Future, Riyadh, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144087176
Listening to Bestsellers: Book + CD: The Magic Quirt
Item #: 40148
By: Hubbard, L. Ron (1911-1986) رون هابرد
Hardcover + CD | 96 pp
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Dual Language Audio and book - American Pulp Fiction - 20th Century
Publisher: Digital Future, Riyadh, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144087220
Listening to Bestsellers: Book + CD: Under The Black Ensign
Item #: 40145
By: Hubbard, L. Ron (1911-1986) رون هابرد
Hardcover + CD | 105 pp
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Dual Language Audio and book - American Pulp Fiction - 20th Century
Publisher: Digital Future, Riyadh, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144087138
Listening to Bestsellers: Book + cd: When Shadows Fall
Item #: 40149
By: Hubbard, L. Ron (1911-1986) رون هابرد
Hardcover + CD | 96 pp
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Dual Language Audio and book - American Pulp Fiction - 20th Century
Publisher: Digital Future, Riyadh, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786144087183
Lorna Doone (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6659
By: Blackmore, R.D.
Softcover | 187 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2002
Man and Superman (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6097
By: Shaw, George Bernard
Softcover | 557 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2007
Moonfleet (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6661
By: Falkner, J. Meade
Softcover | 227 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2006
Pygmalion (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6664
By: Shaw, George Bernard
Softcover | 379 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2005
Salome (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6101
By: Wilde, Oscar
Softcover | 109 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2004
Scarlett (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6667
By: Mitchell, Margaret
Softcover | 621 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2004
Silas Marner (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6113
By: Eliot, George
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2005
The Rivals (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6126
By: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Softcover | 284 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2004
To the Lighthouse (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 12794
By: Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941) فرجينيا وولف
Softcover | 580 pp
Language: English - Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar, 2012
Tom Jones (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6134
By: Filding, Henry
Softcover | 375 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2005
Turgenev: Fathers and Sons (2 Vol) (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6654
By: Turgenev, Ivan
Softcover | 333 + 349 pp (2 volumes)
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Translated Russian Literature - Cultural / Social Conditions - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2003
Women In Love 2 Vol (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6137
By: Lawrence, D.H.
Softcover | 397 pp, 2 volumes
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2003
World Best Sellers: A Terrible Love (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42856
By: Maugham, William Somerset
Softcover | 175 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
ISBN: 9786589090571
World Best Sellers: Captain Blood (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42852
By: Sabatini, Rafael
Softcover | 264 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
ISBN: 9786589097570
World Best Sellers: Claudelle Inglish (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 43382
By: Caldwell, Erskine (1903-1987, US)
Softcover | 377 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
World Best Sellers: Dracula (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 41539
By: Stoker, Bram
Softcover | 242 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Lower Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman
ISBN: 9786589097532
World Best Sellers: Hard Times (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42845
By: Dickens, Charles
Softcover | 245 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
World Best Sellers: Jane Eyre (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 41541
By: Bronte, Charlotte
Softcover | 325 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Advanced - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman
World Best Sellers: Little Women (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 80142
By: Alcott, Louisa May (1832–1888) لويزا م. الكوت
Softcover | 278 pp
Language: Arabic - English
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia, Amman, 2015
ISBN: 9786589095101
World Best Sellers: Oliver Twist (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42842
By: Dickens, Charles
Softcover | 323 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
World Best Sellers: Sherlock Holmes 2 (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42846
By: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Softcover | 225 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
ISBN: 9786589090472
World Best Sellers: Sherlock Holmes 3 (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 41536
By: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Softcover | 231 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
ISBN: 9786589090472
World Best Sellers: Sherlock Holmes 4 (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 43383
By: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: English-Araboc
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2016
ISBN: 9786589090311
World Best Sellers: The Firm (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42868
By: Gresham, John
Softcover | 223 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
ISBN: 9789953730571
World Best Sellers: The Grapes of Wrath (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 41535
By: Steinbeck, John (1902 - 1968) جون شتاينبك
Softcover | 234 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Upper Intermediate - Teen and up - America
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman
ISBN: 9786144140062
World Best Sellers: The Pearl (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42848
By: Steinbeck, John جون شتاينبك (Nobel Prize 1962)
Softcover | 219 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up - America
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
World Best Sellers: The Red Pony (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42865
By: Steinbeck, John جون شتاينبك (Nobel Prize 1962)
Softcover | 252 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up - America
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
World Best Sellers: The Secret Garden (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42859
By: Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Softcover | 155 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
ISBN: 9786589090595
World Best Sellers: The White Whale (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42858
By: Melville, Herman
Softcover | 206 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
ISBN: 9786589090991
World Best Sellers: Up at the Villa (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42866
By: Maugham, William Somerset
Softcover | 277 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
1984 (Arabic)
Item #: 15194
By: Orwell, George
Softcover | 351 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Classic Dystopian Novel - England
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqifi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953681443
A'da'a François أدعى فرانسوا
Item #: 9719
By: Dantzig, Charles شارل دانتزيك
Softcover | 205 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - France
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Ar Edition
ISBN: 9789953875972
A'shiq Mol' bi al-Tafasil عاشق مولع بالتفاصيل
Item #: 21205
By: Manguel, Alberto ألبرتو مانغويل
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Argentina
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144258569
A'yam Burmiah أيام بورمية
Item #: 42877
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950)
Softcover | 455 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Colonialism - England
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2018
ISBN: 9786589099819
Ahdab Nutirdam أحدب نوتردام
Item #: 44408
By: Hugo, Victor (1802-1885) فيكتور هيجو / Tr: Salem, Heba هبة سالم
Softcover | 544 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Fiction - Gothic Novel - Historical - Romance
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098829
Akhbar min Bilad Ajnabiyah أخبار من بلاد أجنبية
Item #: 71097
By: Manguel, Alberto (b. 1948) ألبرتو مانغويل
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Argentine Canadian
Publisher: Saqi, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144258545
Ala Qayd al-Hiyah على قيد الحياة
Item #: 43581
By: Hua, Yu يو هوا
Softcover w/Flaps | 306 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - China
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh, 2018
ISBN: 9786144298428
Alaqat Khatirah علاقات خطرة
Item #: 82014
By: de Laclos, Pierre Choderlos (d. 1803) بيير كوديرلوس دو لاكلو
Softcover | 493 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - France
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922901374
Alfred wa Emily ألفرد وإميلي
Item #: 10551
By: Lessing, Doris (1919-2003) / Translator: Muhammed Darwish
Softcover | 341 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel & Memoir - Selected Translation
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009 Ar Edition c.2008
ISBN: 9789953876672
Alice fi Bilad al-Aja'ib اليس في بلاد العجائب
Item #: 74098
By: Carroll, Lewis لويس كارول
Softcover | 142 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Fiction - Novel - England - YA+
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, 2012
ISBN: 9789953685281
Alim Jadid Shuja'a (Markaz al-Thaqafi) عالم جديد شجاع
Item #: 73706
By: Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963) ألدوس هكسلي / Tr: Mywayri, Jilani الجيلاني مويري
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Science Fiction - Dystopian - England
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi, Casablanca / Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953689678
Amal الأمل
Item #: 75082
By: Malraux. André (1901-1976) أندريه مالرو
Softcover | 676 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - France
Publisher: Dar al-Tanwir, Beirut 2007 Arabic Edition
Amil al-Sirri العميل السري
Item #: 21482
By: Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924) جوزيف كونراد
Softcover | 352 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Fiction - Poland/England
Publisher: Almutawassit, Italy, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9788899687786
Amirah al-Saghirah الأميرة الصغيرة
Item #: 44398
By: Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1849-1924) فرانسيس هجسون بيرنت / Tr: Abdo, Imad عماد عبده
Softcover | 349 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Fiction - Intermediate+ - YA+ - England
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098614
Ana wa-Huwa أنا وهو
Item #: 21469
By: Moravia, Alberto(1907-1990) ألبرتو مورافيا
Softcover | 472 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Italy
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2017
ISBN: 9789933353582
Anjilik أنجيليك
Item #: 80293
By: Musso, Guillaume (1974-) غيوم ميسو
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Mystery Thriller - France
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140601284
Aqsab fi Mahab al-Rih أقصاب في مهب الريح
Item #: 72511
By: Deledda, Grazia (1871-1936) غراتسيا ديليدا
Softcover | 268 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Italy
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9789933926267
Asrar أسرار
Item #: 44877
By: Farih, Nur al-Din نور الدين فارح / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Somalia
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2007
Atfal Muntasif al-Layl أطفال منتصف الليل
Item #: 80517
By: Rushdie, Salman سلمان رشدي
Softcover | 670 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - British
Publisher: al-Jamal Publications, Freiberg, 2009
ISBN: 9789922630533
Awdat عودة
Item #: 40697
By: Manguel, Alberto ألبرتو مانغويل
Softcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Argentina
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c.2005
ISBN: 9786144258538
Awdat al-Amir al-Shab عودة الأمير الشاب
Item #: 44601
By: Roemmers, Alejandro Guillermo اليخاندرو غييرمو رومرس
Softcover | 122 pp, illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novella - Argentine - Juvenile Literature Pre-Teen up
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020
ISBN: 9789957393267
Ayyam wa Layal: au Dahika Sarah أيام وليال : أو ضحكة سارة
Item #: 44868
By: Sinoué, Gilbert (1947-) جيلبرت سينويه / Tr: Benaboud, Muhammad
| 365 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Dreams - Destiny - Novel - France/Egypt
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922605821
Azizi Ghabriyil (Dear Gabriel) عزيزي غابرييل
Item #: 44150
By: Freihow, Halfdan W. هالفدان و. فريهو / Tr: Saleh, Ali علي صالح
Softcover | 175 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Norwegian Literature - Father and Son - Autism
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2010 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953878980
Ba'd 7 Sanawat بعد 7 سنوات...
Item #: 40765
By: Musso, Guillaume (1974-) غيوم ميسو
Softcover | 415 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Thriller - France
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c. 2012
ISBN: 9789953687803
Ba'i al-Kutub fi Kabul بائع الكتب في كابول
Item #: 44151
By: Seierstad, Åsne آسني سييرستاد
Softcover | 357 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Biography/Memoir - Afghan - Norwegian
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953876658
Bab al-Dayiq الباب الضيق
Item #: 72513
By: André, Gide (1869-1951) اندريه جيد / Tr: Hussein, Taha
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - France
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2014 2nd Ed.
ISBN: 9782843051050
Baba al-Akhdar البابا الأخضر
Item #: 75076
By: Asturias, Miguel Angel (1899-1974) :ميغيل أنخيل أستورياس / Tr: Yousufi, Muhammad Ali محمد علي اليوسفي
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Latin America
Publisher: Dar al-Tanwir, Beirut 2008
Barbarossa بارباروسا
Item #: 70879
By: Pala, Iskender اسكندر بالا / Translator: Abd al-Rahman al-Najjar
Softcover | 381 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Historical Fiction - Barbarossa (1546ce) - Turkey
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786140125803
Bayna al-Fusul (Between The Acts) بين الفصول
Item #: 74663
By: Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941) فرجينيا وولف
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - English Country Life - England
Publisher: Al Mada, Beirut 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933617738
Beit al-Dhahabi البيت الذهبي
Item #: 44895
By: Rushdie, Salman سلمان رشدي / Tr. Khalid Jubaily
Softcover | 495 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Satire - US
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2018
ISBN: 9789922901138
Bint al-Khal Fillis بنت الخال فيليس
Item #: 82051
By: Gaskell, Elizabeth (d. 1865) اليزابيث غاسكل / Tr: Abdo, Imad عماد عبده
Softcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Novel - Domestic Life - Victorian - England
Publisher: Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098645
Buddenbrekers (2 vol) ال بودنبروك
Item #: 20493
By: Mann,Thomas (1875 – 1955)
Softcover | 363 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - German - Modern Literature Classic
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, 2000 Arabic Edition
Buddha in the Attic بوذا في العالم السفلي
Item #: 21497
By: Otsuka, Julie جولي أوتسوكا
Softcover | 140 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - US/Japan
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2016
ISBN: 9789938833522
Bumbay (Pompeii - Arabic Edition) بومبي
Item #: 40428
By: Harris, Robert روبيرت هاريس
Softcover | 364 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Historical Novel - UK
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2010 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953880822
Bunat al-Alam (2 vol) بناة العالم
Item #: 20513
By: Zweig, Stefan (Austria 1881-1942) ستيفان زفايغ
Softcover | 740 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Biographies - Facts + Fictional Narration
Publisher: Dar al-Mada. Beirut, 2003 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9782843056833 / 9782843056840
Conqueror Series 1: Dhib al-Suhul ذئب السهول
Item #: 21056
By: Iggulden. Conn كون ايغلدن
Softcover | 374 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Historical Fiction - Britian
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publisher. Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953873848
Cosmos كوزموس
Item #: 80518
By: Gombrowicz, Witold فيتولد غومبروفيتش
Softcover | 221 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Polish
Publisher: al-Jamal Publications, Freiberg 2023
ISBN: 9789922220574
Cuore - Qalb - قلب
Item #: 40128
By: De Amicis, Edmondo (1846-1908) إدوموندو دي آميشيس
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Young Adult Fiction - Italy - 19th Century
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c.1886
ISBN: 9786140113718
Dafadi' الضفادع
Item #: 43390
By: Yan, Mo مو يان
Softcover | 540 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Childbirth - China
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953889658
Dafah al-A'khar الضفة الأخرى
Item #: 9712
By: Chateaureynaud, Georges-Olivier (1947-)
Softcover | 400 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - France
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Ar Edition, c2007
ISBN: 9789953875262
Dhakirat al-Qira'ah ذاكرة القراءة
Item #: 71380
By: Manguel, Alberto (b. 1948) ألبرتو مانغويل
Softcover | 189 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Reading - Argentine Canadian
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9786140320567
Dhuhul wa Ra'dah (Masciliana) ذهول ورعدة
Item #: 21495
By: Nothomb, Amélie (b. 1966) أميلي نوتومب
Softcover | 114 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Belgium
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2016
ISBN: 9789938833546
Dhuhul wa-Irti'ashat (Markaz) ذهول وارتعاشات
Item #: 71140
By: Nothomb, Amélie (b. 1966) أميلي نوتومب
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Belgium
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9789953688787
Die Turiner Komodie الكوميديا التورينية
Item #: 10841
By: Kruger, Michael / Translated: Fatma Abdel-Hadi
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translations - German
Publisher: East-West Publishing, 2008
ISBN: 9789953875340
Dik al-Harib الديك الهارب
Item #: 72195
By: Lawrence, D.H (1885-1930) د. هـ. لورنس / Tr. Sabiha, Ahed
Softcover | 85 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Prose Fiction - England
Publisher: Dar Ninawa, Damascus 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933381127
Doctor Faustus دكتور فاوستوس
Item #: 21153
By: Mann, Thomas توماس مان
Softcover | 944 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Germany
Publisher: al-Mada Publishing House, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9782843089992
Doctor Pasavento الدكتور باسافنتو
Item #: 45096
By: Vila-Matas, Enrique (b. 1948) انريكيه فيلا - ماتاس / Tr: Nababa, Hussein حسين نهابة
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Spain
Publisher: Al-Mada Group, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9782843091599
Dorrit Saghirah (2 vol) درويت الصغيرة
Item #: 44400
By: Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) تشارلز ديكنز / Tr: Qabbani, Hussain حسين القباني
Softcover | 750 pp + 672 pp (1422 pp, 2 volumes)
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Fiction - 19th Century Family Saga - England
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098591 / 9786589098584
Duda al-Harir دودة الحرير
Item #: 73764
By: Galbraith, Robert روبرت غالبريث
Softcover | 570 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Detective - Mystery - England
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Nawfal, Beirut / Paris 2018
ISBN: 9786144385906
El Pintor de Batallas رسام المعارك
Item #: 9559
By: Perez Reverti, Arturo Perez
Softcover | 295 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translation
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, 2009
ISBN: 9789953278575
Fana al-Malun الفناء الملعون
Item #: 72185
By: Andric, Ivo (1892-1975)
Softcover | 129 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Yugoslav Fiction
Publisher: Dar Ninawa, Damascus 2019
ISBN: 9789933381547
Fann al-Qira'ah فن القراءة
Item #: 21237
By: Manguel, Alberto ألبرتو مانغويل
Softcover | 352 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - On Reading - Argentina
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144258453
Fata Dhat al-Kushtaban الفتاة ذات الكشتبان
Item #: 72281
By: Köhlmeier, Michael (1949-) ميشائيل كولماير
Softcover | 113 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Narrative Novel - Homeless Girl - Austria
Publisher: Dar Ninawa, Damascus 2019
ISBN: 9789933381264
Fatat Bruklin فتاة بروكلين
Item #: 80964
By: Musso, Guillaume (1974-) غيوم ميسو
Softcover | 432 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Mystery Thriller - France
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789920657457
Fi al-Hayawan في الحيوان
Item #: 70885
By: Runefelt, Eva إيفا رونيفيلت
Softcover | 94 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Contemporary Poetry - Sweden
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al-Khaymah, UAE 2012
ISBN: 9789187373015
Fi Intidhar al-Barabira في انتظار البرابرة
Item #: 72991
By: Coetzee, J.M ج.م.كوتزي
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Oppression - So. Africa/Australia
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9782843061776
Fi Shahr, Fi Sinah في شهر في سنة
Item #: 72546
By: Sagan, Françoise (1935-2004) فرانسواز ساغان / Tr: Fatumi, Muhammad
Softcover | 92 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Romance - French Literature
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933604011
Funduq Constantiniya فندق القسطنطينية
Item #: 74330
By: Livaneli, Zülfü (1946-) زولفو ليفانلي
Softcover | 391 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Turkey
Publisher: Al Ahliya, Amman, 2022
ISBN: 9789957394646
G. جي
Item #: 72556
By: Berger, John (1926-2017) جون بيرجر
Softcover | 471 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translated - Political Fiction - British
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9782843091063
Ghabah al-Narwjiah الغابة النروجية
Item #: 21180
By: Murakami, Haruki (b 1949) هاروكي موراكامي
Softcover | 398 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Japan
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqifi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789953681665
Ghadab غضب
Item #: 70803
By: Rushdie, Salman سلمان رشدي / Trans: Nizami, Fatima
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Urban Drama - India/New York
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg 2011
Gharamiyat Marihah غراميّات مرحة
Item #: 60072
By: Kundera, Milan ميلان كونديرا
Softcover | 124 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Short Stories - Czech/French
Publisher: Dar Al Adab, Beirut, 2004 Arabic Edition
Habbat Qamh حبة قمح
Item #: 74658
By: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (b. 1938) نفوجي واثيونغو / Tr: Mahfud, Abd al-Karim عبد الكريم محفوض
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Historical Fiction - Africa - Kenya
Publisher: Al Mada, Baghdad, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933604844
Hadaya هدايا
Item #: 44878
By: Farih, Nur al-Din نور الدين فارح / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 333 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Somalia
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2010
Hajar al-Haii الحجر الحي
Item #: 21493
By: Récondo, Léonor de لينور دي روكوندو
Softcover | 177 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - France
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2017
ISBN: 9789983833799
Hajla الحجلة
Item #: 44851
By: Cortázar, Julio (1914-1984) / Tr: Manufi, Ali Ibrahim Ali
Softcover | 776 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Argentine
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2019
ISBN: 9789922605500
Hajr al-Sabr حجر الصبر
Item #: 20868
By: Rahimi, Atiq عتيق رحيمي
Softcover | 111 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Afghanistan
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, London/Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9781855169579
Hakadha Takalam Zarathustra (Ahlia) هكذا تكلم زرادشت
Item #: 44515
By: Nietzsche, Friedrich (d.1900) فريدريك نيتشه / Tr: Faris, Felix
Softcover | 439 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Literature - Philosophical Fiction - German
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020
ISBN: 9786589079897
Hal Satakun Huna هل ستكون هنا ؟
Item #: 73735
By: Musso, Guillaume (1974-) غيوم ميسو
Softcover | 367 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Fantasy - Time Travel - France
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789953689005
Halabat al-Jalid حلبة الجليد
Item #: 21464
By: Bolaño, Roberto روبرتو بولانيو
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Chile
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9789933353315
Halqa الحلقة
Item #: 73745
By: Suzuki, Koji كوجي سوزوكي
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Mystery Horror Novel - Japan
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789953689661
Hamamah الحمامة
Item #: 21509
By: Suskind, Patrick (1949-) باتريك زوسكيند
Softcover | 79 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novella - Germany
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg, 2008 Arabic Edition
Harb Nihayat al-Alam حرب نهاية العالم
Item #: 82091
By: Llosa, Mario Vargas (b.1936) ماريو فارغاس يوسا
Softcover | 886 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Peru
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922630489
Harem: Rihlat Hubb الحريم: رحلة حبّ
Item #: 15108
By: Sancar, Asli اسلي سانكار
Softcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Turkish Literature - Novel
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140105348
Harry Hole: al-Munqidh (The Redeemer) المنقذ
Item #: 42737
By: Nesbo, Jo جو نيسبو
Softcover | 488 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Crime Mystery - Norway
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140108240
Harry Hole: al-Shurtah (Police) الشرطة
Item #: 40130
By: Nesbo, Jo جو نيسبو
Softcover | 550 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Crime Mystery - Norway
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140114265
Harry Hole: Intiqam (Nemesis) انتقام
Item #: 42736
By: Nesbo, Jo جو نيسبو
Softcover | 431 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Crime Mystery - Norway
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2011 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140102569
Harry Hole: Tasfiyat al-Khawanah تصفية الخونة
Item #: 42735
By: Nesbo, Jo جو نيسبو
Softcover | 478 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Crime Mystery - Norway
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2011 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140102552
Haya Nashtari Sha'ran هيا نشتر شاعرا
Item #: 21515
By: Cruz, Afonso أفونسو كروش
Softcover | 87 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Portugal
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2017
ISBN: 9789938833546
Hayat al-Katib al-Sirriya حياة الكاتب السرية
Item #: 73795
By: Musso, Guillaume (1974-) غيوم ميسو
Softcover | 265 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Mystery - Thriller - France
Publisher: Nawfal, Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9786144696552
Hayat al-Sirriyat lil-'Ashjar الحياة السريّة للأشجار
Item #: 45067
By: Zambra, Alejandro أليخاندرو سامبرا / Tr: Mustafa, Mahmud محمد مصطفى
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Novella - Chile
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140321205
Hayat Riwayah الحياة رواية
Item #: 44824
By: Musso, Guillaume (1974-) غيوم ميسو
Softcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Mystery - Thriller - France
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144699058
Hub حب
Item #: 80016
By: Buzzati, Dino (d. 1972) دينو بوتزاتي / Tr: Tawil, Rami رامي طويل
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Fiction - Romance - Italy
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140322240
Hub al-Daya' حب الضياع
Item #: 71149
By: Branco, Camilo Castelo (1895-1890)
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Love - Portugal
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953688862
Hubb fi Jeddah حب في جدة
Item #: 44894
By: Addonia, Sulaiman SMY سليمان أدونيا / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 375 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Eritrea/Britain
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2010
Hubb fi Sardinia حب في سردينيا
Item #: 40703
By: Agus, Milena ميلينا آغوس
Softcover | 142 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Sardinia
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition c. 2006
ISBN: 9786144258774
Hubb wa Qumamah حب وقمامة
Item #: 21261
By: Klíma, Ivan إيفان كليما
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Czech
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953582023
Humrah wa Qasaid Uhkra الحمرة وقصائد أخرى
Item #: 70882
By: Arvidsson, Ingrid (1919 -) إنجريد أرفيدسون / Translator:
Softcover | 99 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Poetry - Sweden
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al-Khaymah, UAE 2012
ISBN: 9789187373046
Hundba Bariyah (Dandelions) هندباء برية
Item #: 72820
By: Kawabata, Yasunari (1899-1972) ياسوناري كاواباتا
Softcover | 207 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Japan
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9786140320840
I'll Steal You Away آخذك وأحملك بعيدا
Item #: 21449
By: Ammaniti, Niccolò نيكولو أمانيتي
Softcover | 448 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Italy
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2016
ISBN: 9789938833508
I'tirafat Irhabi اعترافات إرهابي
Item #: 21487
By: Jackson, Richard ريتشارد جاكسون
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - New Zealand
Publisher: Almutawassit, Italy, 2016
ISBN: 9788899687380
Ibn al-Rahib ابن الراهب
Item #: 70893
By: Babits, Mihaly (1883-1941) / Translator: Thair Saleh
Softcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translations / Novel - Hungary
Publisher: Dar Noon, Amman 2015
ISBN: 9789187373268
Ibn Rushd au Katib al-Shaitan ابن رشد او كاتب الشيطان
Item #: 44869
By: Sinoué, Gilbert (1947-) جيلبرت سينويه / Tr: Nasreddin, Shukair
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Ibn Rushd - Historical Novel - France/Egypt
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2020
ISBN: 9789922605494
Ikhtifa' اختفاء
Item #: 75285
By: Matar, Hisham (b. 1970) / Tr: Abd al-Nabi, Muhammad محمد عبد النبي
Softcover | 252 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - British/Libyan
Publisher: Dar al-Shorouk, Cairo 2012
ISBN: 9789770931318
Imtidah al-Khalah امتداح الخالة
Item #: 70851
By: Llosa, Mario Vargas (b.1936) ماريو فارغاس يوسا
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Erotic Novel (Adult) - Peru
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2018
ISBN: 9789933354183
Intibah الانتباه
Item #: 21467
By: Moravia, Alberto (1907-1990) ألبرتو مورافيا
Softcover | 406 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Italy
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2017
ISBN: 9789933353599
Iqab العقاب
Item #: 71145
By: Ben Jelloun, Tahar (1944 - ) الطاهر بنجلّون
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Historical Novel - Imprisonment - Morocco
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9789953688954
Iskandar 2 : Rimal Amun الإسكندر: رمال آمون
Item #: 16062
By: Manfredi, Valerio Massimo
Softcover | 502 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Historical Novel - Italy
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2010 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140101265
Iskandar 3 : Aqasi al-Ard الإسكندر : أقاصي الأرض
Item #: 16063
By: Manfredi, Valerio Massimo
Softcover | 575 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Historical Novel - Italy
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2010 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140101357
Ismi Ahmar اسمي أحمر
Item #: 73004
By: Pamuk, Orhan (b. 1952) أورهان باموق
Softcover | 605 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Mystery, Romance - Turkish Literature
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2004
ISBN: 9782843057892
Istanbul: Bayt al-Khayal إسطنبول بيت الخيال
Item #: 11160
By: Ozburun, Serkan / Translated: Abdul-Qader Abdul Elly
Softcover | 174 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Stories & Tales - Selected Translations - Turkish
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition, c. 2007
ISBN: 9789953875408
Jaddah al-Tafulah جادّة الطفولة
Item #: 43946
By: Ditlevsen, Tove (1917-1976)
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Coming of Age - Danish
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition c. 1943
ISBN: 9786140124516
Jalsat Qahwa (Detective Galileo #5) جلسة قهوة
Item #: 73883
By: Higashino, Keigo (1958-) كيغو هيغاشينو
Softcover | 397 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Mystery - Crime - Thriller - Japan
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953689777
Janud Salamina جنود سالامينا
Item #: 16727
By: Cercas, Javier
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Spain
Publisher: Naufal Publishing, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953263403
Jatha Tada' Hadha Kurat al-Qadm جثة تضع حذاء كرة القدم
Item #: 74522
By: Oker, Celil (1952-2019) جليل أوقار
Softcover | 230 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Detective - Mystery Thriller - Turkey
Publisher: Thaqafa, UAE, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948471158
Jawdat Bayk Wa Abnahu جودت بيك وأبناؤه
Item #: 72523
By: Pamuk, Orhan أورهان باموق
Softcover | 827 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Fiction - Turkey
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9782843091377
Jaysh Qambiz al-Mafqud جيش قمبيز المفقود
Item #: 16921
By: Sussman, Paul (1966-2012)
Softcover | 383 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Adventure - Mystery - UK
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953873497
Jazirat al-Yawm al-Sabeq جزيرة اليوم السابق
Item #: 40321
By: Eco, Umberto (1932-2016)
Softcover with flaps | 533 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Italy
Publisher: Dar OEA, Beirut, 2000
ISBN: 9789959290311
Jim al-Mahzuz : Lucky Jim : جيم المحظوظ
Item #: 20028
By: Amis, Kingsley (1924-1995)
Softcover | 366 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - 20th Century Classic - British
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948039006
Juruf الجرف
Item #: 80241
By: Lewis, Caryl كاريل لويس / Tr: al-Hindi, Rabi'
Softcover | 262 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Welsh
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140136335
Juththah Allati Saraqat al-Dawr الجثة التي سرقت الدور
Item #: 45079
By: Oker, Celil (1952-2019) جليل أوقار
Softcover | 254 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Detective - Mystery Thriller - Turkey
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140132153
Kahf الكهف
Item #: 70757
By: Saramago, José (1922-2010) جوزيه ساراماغو
Softcover | 365 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Life Changes - Portugal
Publisher: Al Jamal Publications, Freiberg 2018
ISBN: 9789933354282
Kakaw كاكاو
Item #: 73863
By: Amado, Jorge (1912-2001) جورجي أمادو / Tr: Tawq, Mari
Softcover | 175 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Social Realism - Brazil
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140321250
Katalina كاتالينا : قصص
Item #: 44863
By: Villiers de L'Isle-Adam فيليي دو ليسل آدم (1838-1889) / Tr: Ghilan, Muhsin
Softcover | 174 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Tales - Bizarre - Suspense - Terror - France
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922630717
Khulud الخلود
Item #: 20837
By: Kundera, Milan ميلان كونديرا
Softcover | 399 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Czech/French
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953686912
Kilometer Sifr كيلومتر صفر
Item #: 81018
By: Ankaoua, Maud مود أنكاوا
Softcover | 349 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Self-actualization - Quest - France
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Morocco, 2023
ISBN: 9789920657648
Kitab al-Asmak li-Ghulad كتاب الاسماك لغولد
Item #: 44888
By: Flanagan, Richard (1961-) ريتشارد فلاناغان / Tr: Esber, Usama
Softcover | 366 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Australia
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922605081
Kitab al-Aswad الكتاب الأسود
Item #: 73005
By: Pamuk, Orhan (b. 1952) أورهان باموق
Softcover | 542 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Turkish Literature
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2017
ISBN: 9782843056789
Kitab al-Dahik wa-al-Nisyan كتاب الضحك والنسيان
Item #: 60068
By: Kundera, Milan ميلان كونديرا
Softcover | 262 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Czech/French
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2006?, Arabic Edition
ISBN: 3090525000002
Klara wa al-Shams كلارا والشمس
Item #: 81017
By: Ishiguro, Kazuo كازو إيشيغورو / Tr: Hassoun, Ziad زياد حسون
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Science Fiction - Dystopian - AI - Future
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Morocco, 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789920657518
Kontrabass الكونتراباص
Item #: 82010
By: Suskind, Patrick (1949-) باتريك زوسكيند
Softcover | 78 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Play - One Act Monologue - Germany
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg, 2011 Arabic Edition
Kul al-Nas Khathibon كل الناس كاذبون
Item #: 21222
By: Manguel, Alberto ألبرتو مانغويل
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Argentina
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144258521
Kuluhum 'ala Haqq كلهم على حق
Item #: 21488
By: Sorrentino, Paolo باولو سورنتينو
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Italy
Publisher: Almutawassit, Italy, 2016
ISBN: 9788899687182
Kuntrabass الكونتراباص
Item #: 21511
By: Süskind, Patrick باتريك زوسكند
Softcover | 78 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Germany
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2011
Kursi al-Ri'asa كرسي الرئاسة
Item #: 44852
By: Fuentes, Carlos (1928-2012) كارلوس فوينتس
Softcover | 444 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Mexico
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2013
La Mot fi al-Ghayba لا موت في ال غابة
Item #: 11644
By: Takin, Latifa
Softcover | 167 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translation - Turkish
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, 2009
ISBN: 9789953875576
La Muzah ma al-Hubb لا مزاح مع الحب
Item #: 21255
By: Alerd, Nelly نيللي آلار
Softcover | 383 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translations - Novel - France
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789776483682
La'ib al-Shitranj (Markaz) لاعب الشطرنج
Item #: 71334
By: Zweig, Stefan (1881-1942) ستيفان زفايغ
Softcover | 109 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Austria
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9789953688824
La'ib al-Shitranj (Masciliana) لاعب الشطرنج
Item #: 21444
By: Zweig, Stefan ستيفان زفايغ
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Austria
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2017
ISBN: 9789938833652
Lahzat al-Rahinah اللحظة الراهنة
Item #: 71159
By: Musso, Guillaume (1974-) غيوم ميسو
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Psychological Thriller - France
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953688978
Lam Akun Ara' Ila al-Sa'adah لم أكن أرى إلا السعادة
Item #: 40777
By: Delacourt. Grégoire
Softcover | 263 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - France
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c. 2014
ISBN: 9789953687933
Laqa' لقاء
Item #: 12714
By: Kundera, Milan ميلان كونديرا
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Essays - Czech/French
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2011 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953685223
Laylat al-Narr ليلة النار
Item #: 21445
By: Schmitt, Éric-Emmanuel إريك إيمانويل شميت
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - France - Belgium
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2017
ISBN: 9789938992670
Li-Kulli Insan...Layl لکل أنسان ... لیل
Item #: 45132
By: Salvayre, Lydie لیدي سالفیر / Tr: Hilali, 'Adawiyah عدوية الهلالي
Softcover | 167 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - France
Publisher: Al-Mada Group, Beirut/Damascus/Baghdad, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933604547
Litamat ya Habibi لتمت يا حبيبي
Item #: 45125
By: Harwicz, Ariana (1977-) أريانا هارويكز / Tr: Abd al-Adil, Ishraq
Softcover | 156 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Argentina
Publisher: Al-Mada Group, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933604318
Lituma fi Jibal al-Andiz ليتوما في جبال الأنديز
Item #: 44857
By: Llosa, Mario Vargas (b.1936) ماريو فارغاس يوسا / Tr: Ulmany, Salih
Softcover | 328 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Mystery Novel - Peru
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922630700
Loin des Humains
Item #: 8186
By: Dessaint, Pascal
Softcover | 285 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translation - France
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007 Ar Edition c2005
Luisito لويزيتو
Item #: 43589
By: Tamaro, Susanna (1957-) سوزانا تامارو
Softcover with flaps | 116 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Love - Italy
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh, 2019
ISBN: 9786144297995
Ma'bad al-Fajr معبد الفجر
Item #: 3947
By: Mishima, Yukio
Softcover | 457 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translations - Japan
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut
Madinat Bohane مدينة بوهاين
Item #: 43393
By: Barry, Kevin (b. 1969) كيفن باري
Softcover | 368 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Gangs - Ireland
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9789953889665
Madinatun min Bukhar مدينة من بخار
Item #: 44854
By: Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (1964-2020) كارلوس زافون / Tr: Abd al-Majid, Mu'awia
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Short Stories - Spain
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922630090
Mahatah al-Dhariyah المحطة الذرية
Item #: 82084
By: Laxness, Halldor (1902-1998) هالدور لاكسنيس
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Novel - Social Commentary - Satire - Iceland
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg, Germany, 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922220581
Mahga' al-Bab al-'Alii مقهى الباب العالي
Item #: 11159
By: Ozburun, Serkan / Translated: Abdul-Qader Abdul Elly
Softcover | 158 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Stories - Selected Translations - Turkish
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition, c.2007
ISBN: 9789953875415
Maktaba al-Akhira المكتبة الأخيرة
Item #: 74355
By: Sampson, Freya فريا سامبسون
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - England
Publisher: Dar al Tanwir, Cairo 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789938941777
Maktabah fi al-Layl المكتبة في الليل
Item #: 40681
By: Manguel, Alberto
Softcover | 255 pp with illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Libraries - History, Books, Reading
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition c.2006
ISBN: 9786144258224
Mal'un Dostoevsky ملعون دوستويفسكي
Item #: 40698
By: Rahimi, Atiq عتيق رحيمي
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Afghanistan
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144257982
Malone Yamut مالون يموت
Item #: 72518
By: Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989) صامويل بيكيت
Softcover | 141 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Ireland
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9782843091858
Malva مالفا
Item #: 80011
By: Peeters, Hagar هاخر بيترز / Tr: Maqaddam, Lamya لمياء المقدّم
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Netherlands
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140320437
Mamnu'ah الممنوعة
Item #: 72811
By: Mokeddem, Malika مليكة مقدم / Tr: Sari, Muhammad محمد ساري
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Algerian/French Novel - Love Story
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2008
ISBN: 9789953873091
Man Qatala Palomino Molero? من قتل بالومينو موليرو؟
Item #: 44858
By: Llosa, Mario Vargas (b.1936) ماريو فارغاس يوسا / Tr: Ulmany, Salih
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Mystery Novel - Peru
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922630687
Marathon al-Khulud ماراثون الخلود
Item #: 70839
By: Oliveira, André أندريه أوليفييرا / Translator Abd al-Jalil al-'Ari
Softcover | 124 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Portuguese
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras al-Khaymah, UAE 2016
ISBN: 9789948188490
Maw'id Sarri موعد سري
Item #: 12071
By: Abe, Kobo (1924-1993) كوبو آبي / Translator: Husayn, Kamil Yusuf
Softcover | 289 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Surrealism- Japan
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2006 Arabic Edition, c.1977
Mazha (The Joke) المزحة
Item #: 20754
By: Kundera, Milan ميلان كونديرا
Softcover | 379 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Czech/French
Publisher: al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789953687391
Mazra'at al-Hayawan (Animal Farm, Ahlia) مزرعة الحيوان
Item #: 41547
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950) جورج أورويل
Softcover | 127 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Political Satire - England
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589090700
Mazra'at al-Hayawan (Animal Farm, Markaz) مزرعة الحيوان
Item #: 21182
By: Orwell, George جورج أورويل
Softcover | 144 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Allegorical Novel - England
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqifi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953686004
Miftah المفتاح
Item #: 44870
By: Tanizaki, Junichiro (1886-1965) جونيشيرو تانيزاكي / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Japan
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2014
ISBN: 9789933350246
Mishwar al-Mashi مشوار المشي
Item #: 70738
By: Walser, Robert (1878-1956) روبرت فالزر / Translator: Nabil al-Haffar
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novella - Prose - German/Swiss
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2018
ISBN: 9789933354312
Mo'asasa Dabt al-Sa'a مؤسسة ضبط الساعة
Item #: 10544
By: Tanpinar, Ahmet Hamdi (1901-1962) أحمد حمدي طانبنار
Softcover | 407 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Turkish Literature - Novel
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953876573
Molloy مولوي
Item #: 72514
By: Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989) صامويل بيكيت
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Ireland
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2018 دار المدى للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع
ISBN: 9782843091865
Montauk مونتاوك
Item #: 44856
By: Frisch, Max (1911-1991) ماكس فريش
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Biographical Novel - Swiss
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany,
ISBN: 9789922630434
Moriarty موريارتي
Item #: 80377
By: Horowitz. Antony
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sherlock Holmes - Crime- Thriller
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144384756
Mu'allima al-Piano معلمة البيانو
Item #: 44911
By: Jelinek, Elfriede (1946-) ألفريده يلينيك / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Dark - Explicit - Austria
Publisher: Tuwa Publications, UK, 2013
Mu'ashshir al-Sa'adah مؤشر السعادة
Item #: 73732
By: Machado, David
Softcover | 334 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Portugal
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2020
ISBN: 9789953689630
Mu'tamar al-Adabi المؤتمر الأدبي
Item #: 21491
By: Aira, César سيزار آيرا
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Argentina
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2017
ISBN: 9789938833805
Mudhakkarat Man Naja مذكرات من نجا
Item #: 60720
By: Lessing, Doris (1919-2003) / Translator: Muhammed Darwish
Softcover | 236 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Great Britian
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953873404
Mughamarat Nilz al-Ajibah مغامرات نيلز العجيبة
Item #: 72521
By: Lagerlöf, Selma (1858-1940) سلمى لاغرلوف
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Fantasy Fiction - Sweden
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2018 المدي
ISBN: 9782843091308
Mughtariboun المغتربون
Item #: 21264
By: Sebald, W. G. ف.ج، زيبالد
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Germany
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9789776483811
Munis al-Malik مؤنس الملك
Item #: 75172
By: Binebine, Mahi (b. 1959) ماحي بينبين
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Translated from French - Morocco
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786144389447
Musadifah المصادفة
Item #: 72990
By: Smith, Ali (b. 1962) آلي سميث
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Scottish
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2016
ISBN: 9782843090646
Mustawda' al-Tufulah مستودع الطفولة
Item #: 21348
By: Modiano, Patrick باتريك موديانو
Softcover | 150 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - France
Publisher: Difaf Publishing, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786140213890
Mut'at al-Qira'ah متعة القراءة
Item #: 40687
By: Pennac, Daniel دانيال بِناك
Softcover | 157 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Writings - Reader's Rights - France
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition, c. 1992
ISBN: 9786144257975
Muwadhaf A'adi Jidan موظف عادي جدا
Item #: 21059
By: Cerami, Vincenzo (1940-2013)
Softcover | 141 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Italy
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953876818
Na'ib al-Qunsul نائب القنصل
Item #: 44859
By: Duras, Marguerite (1914-1996) مارغريت دوراس
Softcover | 206 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - France
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922605647
Nabda Hayth al-Nihaya نبدأ حيث النهاية
Item #: 80286
By: Whitaker, Chris كريس ويتاكر
Softcover | 527 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Crime - Mystery Novel - England
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi, Beirut 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789920657532
Nahhal النحّال
Item #: 72988
By: Fermine, Maxence مكسنس فيرمن
Softcover | 163 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - France
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2016 دار المدى
ISBN: 9782843090431
Nahtaj 'Asma' Jadidah نحتاج أسماء جديدة
Item #: 44178
By: Bulawayo, NoViolet نوفيوليت بولاوايو / Tr: Awam, Fadia فاديا العوام
Softcover w/Flaps | 339 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Fiction - Social Conditions - Zimbabwe
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144298190
Narayama ناراياما
Item #: 75078
By: Fukazawa, Shichiro (1914-1987) شيتشيرو فوكازاوا / Tr: Yusufi, Muhammad Ali محمد علي اليوسفي
Softcover | 98 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novella - Japan
Publisher: Dar al-Tanwir, Beirut 2007
Nashid al-Arjawan نشيد الارجوان
Item #: 72030
By: Ba, Mariama (1929-1981) مارياما با
Softcover | 344 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Tranlation - Novel - Love - Senegal
Publisher: Intishar, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9786144040041
Nasr Yahbut النسر يهبط
Item #: 40657
By: Remes, Ilkka
Softcover | 399 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Mystery-Thriller - Finland
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786140116795
Nisa' al-Bunn نساء البنّ
Item #: 81163
By: Amado, Jorge (1912-2001) جورجي أمادو / Tr: Salman, Malik مالك سلمان
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novella - Brazil
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140321267
Nobel Prize: Awdat Ulis : Udisah عودة أوليس
Item #: 20479
By: Walcott, Derek (1930-2017) ديريك والكوت
Softcover | 165 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Epic Poetry - San Lucia
Publisher: Dar al-Mada 1998
Nobel Prize: Wa-Kana Masa' وكان مساء
Item #: 21105
By: Böll, Heinrich (1917-1985) هاينرش بل
Softcover | 135 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Short Stories - Germany
Publisher: al-Mada Publishing House, Beirut, 2004
Nusab al-Dair al-Tadhkariyi نصب الدير التذكاري
Item #: 44872
By: Saramago, José (1922-2010) جوزيه ساراماغو / Tr: Arabi, Abd al-Jalil
Softcover | 432 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Historical Novel - Portugal
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922630977
Qabil قابيل
Item #: 21465
By: Saramago, José (1922-2010) جوزيه ساراماغو
Softcover | 159 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Portugal
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2017
ISBN: 9789933353254
Qalb al-Zalam قلب الظلام
Item #: 44410
By: Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924) جوزيف كونراد / Tr: Jasir, Nur نور جاسر
Softcover | 175 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Fiction - Poland/England
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098713
Qamar al-Lahib القمر اللاهب
Item #: 44906
By: Giardinelli, Mempo (1947-) ممبو جياردينلي / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Argentina
Publisher: Tuwa, UK / al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2013
Qasr Muntasaf al-Layl - قصر منتصف الليل
Item #: 80541
By: Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (1964-2020) كارلوس زافون / Tr: Abd al-Majid, Mu'awia
Softcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Young Adult Mystery Novel - Spanish
Publisher: Jamal al-Tai'r, Freiberg 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922220635
Qaws Quzah (The Rainbow) قوس قزح
Item #: 20492
By: Lawrence, David Herbert
Softcover | 518 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - British
Publisher: Dar al-Mada 1998
ISBN: 9782843051111
Qisat Mayta قصة مايتا
Item #: 70743
By: Llosa, Mario Vargas (b.1936) ماريو فارغاس يوسا
Softcover | 398 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Psychological Novel - Peru
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2018
ISBN: 9789933354145
Qissat Hisar Lashbunah قصة حصار لشبنة
Item #: 82016
By: Saramago, José (1922-2010) جوزيه ساراماغو
Softcover | 396 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Historical Novel - Portugal
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922630946
Qitar al-'Atfal قطار الأطفال
Item #: 45047
By: Ardone, Viola (1974-) فيولا أردونيه / Tr: Waqqas. Yusuf يوسف وقّاص
Softcover | 272 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Italy
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140321588
Quo Vadis كو فاديس
Item #: 72517
By: Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916)
Softcover | 779 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Historical Fiction - Poland
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2016 دار المدى
ISBN: 9782843090035
Qursan al-Aswad القرصان الأسود
Item #: 21437
By: Salgari, Emilio أميليو سالغاري
Softcover | 408 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Italy
Publisher: Almutawassit, Italy, 2016
ISBN: 9788899687267
Rabb ul-'Usra رب الأسرة
Item #: 44893
By: Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer (d.2013) روث براور جهابفالا / Tr: Jubeili, Khalid
Softcover | 244 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - US/UK/India
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg, 2007 Arabic Edition
Raghbah الرغبة
Item #: 70746
By: Flanagan, Richard (1961-) ريتشارد فلاناغان
Softcover | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Australia
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2018
ISBN: 9789933354077
Rajul 'Ashiq رجل عاشق
Item #: 16377
By: Walser, Martin
Softcover | 319 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Historical Novel - Germany
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953875323
Raqs Raqs Raqs رقص.. رقص.. رقص
Item #: 21176
By: Murakami, Haruki (b 1949) هاروكي موراكامي
Softcover | 509 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Japan
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789953684952
Raqsat al-Qasidah رقصة القصيدة
Item #: 70829
By: Smith, Anne (1933-2018) / Translator: Muhammad Jassem
Softcover | 69 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Swedish Poetry
Publisher: Dar Noon, Dubai 2012
ISBN: 9789187373008
Rasail al-Qitat رسائل القطط
Item #: 74369
By: Baydar, Oya أويا بيدر
Softcover | 277 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Turkey
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140124783
Rawa' al-Qasas روائع القصص
Item #: 21157
By: Spitteler, Carl كارل شبيتلر
Softcover | 590 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Fiction - Switzerland
Publisher: al-Mada Publishing House, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9782843051739
Rihla Bahman رحلة بهمان
Item #: 12844
By: Taan, Muhammad محمد طعان
Softcover | 207 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - North African Fiction
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9789953886312
Rihlah Italiah رحلة إيطالية
Item #: 21484
By: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von غوته
Softcover | 460 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Journey - Italy - Diary
Publisher: Almutawassit, Italy, 2017
ISBN: 9788899687694
Rijal Constantiniya رجل القسطنطينية
Item #: 73737
By: Dos Santos, José جوزيه رودريغيش دوس سانتوس
Softcover | 527 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Historical Novel - Portugal
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789920657112
Riwa'i al-Sadhaj wa-al-Hasas الروائي الساذج والحساس
Item #: 82015
By: Pamuk, Orhan أورهان باموك
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Criticism - Novelists - Fiction Technique - Turkey
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933351205
Riwayat Uksfurd رواية اوكسفورد
Item #: 16762
By: Marias, Javier
Softcover | 274 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Spain
Publisher: Naufal Publishing, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953261008
Rumi: Nar al-'Ishq الرومي: نار العشق
Item #: 44874
By: Tajadod, Nahal (1960-) نهال تجدد / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 382 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Historical Novel - Jalal al-Din Rumi - Iran/France
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2015
ISBN: 9789933351571
Sa Passion شغفها
Item #: 7776
By: Olmi, Veronique (Editions Grasset & Fasquelle, Paris)
Softcover | 120 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translation
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007 Ar Edition c2006
Sa'ah al-Khamisah wa-al-'Ishrun الساعة الخامسة والعشرون
Item #: 21447
By: Gheorghiu, Constantin Virgil (d. 1992) قسطنطين جيورجيو
Softcover | 496 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Science Fiction - Novel - Romanian
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2017
ISBN: 9789938833348
Sa'am السأم
Item #: 21466
By: Moravia, Alberto (1907-1990) ألبرتو مورافيا
Softcover | 368 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Italy
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2017
ISBN: 9789933353605
Sabiya wa-al-Layl الصبية والليل
Item #: 72752
By: Musso, Guillaume غيوم ميسو
Softcover | 370 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Psychological Thriller - France
Publisher: Naufal - Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144693032
Sahra' al-Tatar صحراء التتار
Item #: 21327
By: Buzzati, Dino دينو بوتزاتي
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Italy - Tartar
Publisher: Dar Afaq, Egypt, 2016
ISBN: 9789777650656
Sajinah السجينة
Item #: 21191
By: Oufkir, Malika and Fitoussi, Michèle مليكة أوفقير وميشيل فيتوسي
Softcover | 367 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Biography - Political - Morocco
Publisher: Dar al-Jadid, Beirut, 2006 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9789953110059
Salasila السلسلة
Item #: 73794
By: McKinty, Adrian أدريان ماكنتي
Softcover | 410 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Mystery Thriller - Ireland
Publisher: Nawfal, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786144696965
Sanawat السنوات
Item #: 82088
By: Ernaux, Annie (1940 - ) اني ارنو
Softcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Memoirs - France
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Germany, 2023
ISBN: 9789922220680
Saqr الصقر
Item #: 44867
By: Sinoué, Gilbert (1947-) جيلبرت سينويه / Tr: Ashmar, Salih
Hardcover | 280 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - UAE - Historical Novel - France/Egypt
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany,
ISBN: 9789922630991
Sarb Tayur Bayda' سرب طيور بيضاء
Item #: 82054
By: Kawabata, Yasunari (1899-1972) ياسوناري كاواباتا
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Japan
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Morocco, 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789920657389
Sayyidah al-Fandaq سيّدة الفندق
Item #: 45048
By: Atilgan, Yusuf (1921-1989) يوسف آتيلغان / Tr: Sidqi, Bakr بكر صدقي
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Turkey
Publisher: Dar al Saqi, Beirut 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140321700
Sea and Poison البحر والسم
Item #: 7226
By: Endo, Shusako
Softcover | 206 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translation - Japan
Publisher: AIRP, Beirut, 2005
Shabiya الشبيه
Item #: 80516
By: Saramago, José جوزيه ساراماغو
Softcover | 350 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Portuguese
Publisher: al-Jamal Publications, Freiberg, 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922220352
Shahathou al-Mu'jizat شحاذو المعجزات
Item #: 21480
By: Gheorghiu, Constantin Virgil قسطنطين جيورجيو
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Romain
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2017
ISBN: 9789983833935
Shanghai Baby شنغهاي بيبي
Item #: 44903
By: Wei Hui (1973-) وي هيوي / Tr: Khamis, Dhabiyya
Softcover | 286 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - China
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2014
Shaqrawat - شقراوات
Item #: 75114
By: Echenoz, Jean (b. 1947) جان أشينوز / Tr: Hajjar, Bassam بسّام حجّار
Softcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Thriller - France
Publisher: Dar al-Adab, Beirut 2005
ISBN: 9789953893341
Shita' fi Lishbunah الشتاء في ليشبونة
Item #: 16765
By: Molina, Antonio Munoz انطونيوا مونيوز مولينا
Softcover | 271 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Spain
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2010 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953261737
Siddhartha سدهارتا
Item #: 73003
By: Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962) هرمان هيسه
Softcover | 139 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - German - Nobel Fiction
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2017 3rd Ed.
ISBN: 9782843053245
Sirr Hariq سر حارق
Item #: 71139
By: Zweig, Stefan (1881-1942) ستيفان زفايغ
Softcover | 141 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Austria
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9789953688817
Sitara الستارة
Item #: 44692
By: Kundera, Milan ميلان كونديرا
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Essays - Czech/French
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 978993363314
Siyan سيان
Item #: 44905
By: Kristof, Agota (1935-2011) أغوتا كريستوف / Tr: Hanna, Muhammad Ayt
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Short Stories - Hungary
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany,2020
ISBN: 9789922605418
Soruah Istanbul صروح اسطنبول
Item #: 16052
By: Ümit, Ahmet أحمد أوميت
Softcover | 541 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Mystery Novel - Turkey
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAR, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948446309
Sukut al-Hurr السقوط الحر
Item #: 9715
By: Golding, William (1911-1993)
Softcover | 277 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Love-Hate - England
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953875569
Suleiman سليمان
Item #: 45141
By: Tiryakioğlu, Okay أوقاي ترياقي أوغلو / Tr: Abd al-Lali, Abd al-Qadir عبد القادر عبد اللي
Softcover | 334 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Historical Novel - Turkey
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140111233
Sultan Byzantah سلطان بيزنطة
Item #: 44161
By: Altun, Selçuk سعد الدين
Softcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Turkish Fiction - Mystery - Historical Novel
Publisher: Thaqafa Publishing, UAE, 2014 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948224648
Sune' fi al-Suwid صنع في السويد
Item #: 41641
By: Roslund and Thunberg
Softcover | 734 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Thriller
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140115934
Ta'ab al-Ma'adin تعب المعادن
Item #: 72196
By: Sindelka, Marek (1984 - ) مارك شيندلنا
Softcover | 204 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Fiction - Refugees - Czech
Publisher: Dar Ninawa, Damascus 2019
ISBN: 9789933381509
Tafani al-Mushtabah fi X تفاني المشتبه به
Item #: 73741
By: Higashino, Keigo (1958-) كيغو هيغاشينو
Softcover | 366 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Mystery - Crime - Thriller - Japan
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca/ Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789953689210
Taghyeer التغيير
Item #: 16362
By: Mo Yan
Softcover | 110 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novella - China
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140107083
Tangou al-Kharab تانغو الخراب
Item #: 21256
By: Krasznahorkai, László لاسلو كراسناهوركاي
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Hungary
Publisher: Dar al-Tanweer, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789938886788
Tanhidat al-Maghrabi al-Akhirah تنهيدة المغري الأخيرة
Item #: 70769
By: Rushdie, Salman سلمان رشدي / Translator: Abd al-Karim Nasif
Softcover | 576 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Family Saga - India
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg 2018
ISBN: 9789933354107
Tarikh al-Alam fi 6 Kowwas تاريخ العالم في 6 كوْوس
Item #: 81226
By: Standage, Tom / Tr: Khalid Aljabeli
Softcover | 321 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: History - Cooking & Food - Drinks - Translated non-fiction
Publisher: Muheet Publishing UAE, 2024 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948766605
Tariq Ila Rasif Wigan الطريق الى رصيف ويغان
Item #: 50052
By: Orwell, George (1903-1950) جورج اورويل
Softcover | 261 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Working Class - Great Britian pre WWII - Socialsim
Publisher: Dar Ninawa, Syria 2010
ISBN: 9789933407407
Thalab al-Azraq الثعلب الأزرق
Item #: 15686
By: Sjon شون
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Iceland
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut, 2013 Ar Edition
ISBN: 9781855169487
Thalaj (Snow) ثلج
Item #: 21152
By: Pamuk, Orhan (b. 1952) أورهان باموق
Softcover | 621 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Turkey
Publisher: al-Mada Publishing House, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9782843090714
Thawrat al-Naml ثورة النّمل
Item #: 45130
By: Werber, Bernard برنار فيربير / Tr: Cadoret, Eve - Obedo, Hazem
Softcover | 661 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Science Fiction Novel - France
Publisher: Al-Mada Group, Beirut/Damascus, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9782843090424
Thaïs (Nobel) تاييس/ نوبل
Item #: 73001
By: Anatole, France (1844-1924) اناتول فرانس / Tr: Sawi, Ahmed
Softcover | 197 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - French Literature
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Baghdad 2014
ISBN: 9782843058691
The Cleft - al-Untha' الأنثى
Item #: 9718
By: Lessing, Doris (1919-2003) / Translator: Muhammed Darwish
Softcover | 248 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translation
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Ar Edition c2007
ISBN: 9789953875705
The Grandmothers - al-Jaddatan الجدتان : مجموعة روايات قصيرة
Item #: 10557
By: Lessing, Doris (1919-2003) / Translator: Muhammed Darwish
Softcover | 461 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novella Collection
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009 Ar Edition c.2003
ISBN: 9789953876313
The Invention of Morel اختراع موريل
Item #: 21459
By: Casares, Adolfo Bioy أدولفو بيوي كاساريس
Softcover | 112 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Argentina
Publisher: Al-Kamel Verlag, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789933350253
The Mimic Men الدمى
Item #: 10985
By: Naipaul, V.S. / Translated: Fadel Jetkar
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translation
Publisher: Academia, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition c.1967,1995
ISBN: 9789953375892
The Space Between Us عالم يفصل بيننا
Item #: 9542
By: Umrigar, Thrity
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Indian-American
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953278520
The Sweetest Dream - Halm al-Jamil الحلم الجميل
Item #: 9705
By: Lessing, Doris (1919-2013) / Translator: Muhammed Darwish
Softcover | 472 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Novel - Selected Translation
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Ar Edition, c2002
ISBN: 9789953875651
The Waves - al-Amwaj (Ahlia) الامواج
Item #: 44407
By: Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941) فرجينيا وولف / Tr: Zumar, Murad
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated World Fiction - England
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098768
Thulathiah الثلاثية
Item #: 70786
By: Oijer, Bruno K (b. 1951) برونوك. أوير
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Poetry - Sweden
Publisher: Dar Noon, Ras Al Khaymah, UAE 2012
ISBN: 9789187373039
Tisah Maqalat Hawl Dante - تسع مقالات حول دانتي
Item #: 80534
By: Borges, Jorge Luis (1899-1986) خورخي لويس بورخيس / Tr. Naseh, Ridwan & Said, Zainab
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Literary Essays - Dante
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg 2023
ISBN: 9789922220758
Tocaia Grande توكايا غراندي (الوجه المظلم)
Item #: 10559
By: Amado, Jorge (1912-2001) جورجي أمادو
Softcover | 487 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Brazil
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953873442
Tuqus Farisiyah: Savushun طقوس فارسية: سووشون
Item #: 74664
By: Daneshvar, Simin (1921-2012) سيمين دانشور / Tr: Salih, Ali Abd al-Amir علي عبد الأمير صالح
Softcover | 384 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Family - WWII - Iran
Publisher: Al-Mada, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789933617950
Tuyur al-Humr الطيور الحُمر
Item #: 74666
By: Hanif, Mohammed محمد حنيف / Tr: Salif, Ali Abd al-Amir علي عبد الأمير صالح
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - US Foreign Policy - Satire - British-Pakistani
Publisher: Al-Mada Group, Beirut/Damascus/Baghdad 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933617417
Ufouq الأفق
Item #: 21349
By: Modiano, Patrick باتريك موديانو
Softcover | 150 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - France
Publisher: Difaf Publishing / Editions El-Iktilaf, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786140210028
Ulysses (4 vol.) يوليسيس
Item #: 73145
By: Joyce, James (1882-1941) جيمس جويس
Softcover | 1557 pp, 4 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Irish Literature
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2013 3rd Ed
ISBN: 9782843062438
Unf wa-al-Nubuwa العنف والنبوءة
Item #: 72520
By: Yeats, W.B. (1865-1939) و. ب. ييتس
Softcover | 221 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Poetry - Irish
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9782843062476
Urs al-Sha'ir عرس الشاعر
Item #: 21505
By: Skármeta, Antonio أنطونيو سكارميتا
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Chile
Publisher: Masciliana, Tunisia, 2015
ISBN: 9789938833386
Ushb al-Layali عشب الليالي
Item #: 21347
By: Modiano, Patrick باتريك موديانو
Softcover | 136 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - France
Publisher: Difaf Publishing / Editions El-Iktilaf, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9786140211292
Ustadh al «Ghu» (The Master of Go) «أستاذ ال «غو
Item #: 75081
By: Kawabata, Yasunari (1899-1972) ياسوناري كاواباتا / Tr: Hadidi, Sobhi صبحي حديدي
Softcover | 214 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Japan
Publisher: Dar al-Tanwir, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953682341
Victoria (Nobel) فكتوريا / نوبل
Item #: 73002
By: Hamsun, Knut (1859-1952) كنوت هامسون
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Love - Norwegian Literature
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2013
ISBN: 9782843061714
Visa Amrikiyah فيزا أمريكية
Item #: 72199
By: Recacoechea, Juan (1935-) خوان دي ريكاكوخيا / Tr. Jubaily, Khalid
Softcover | 309 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Bolivia
Publisher: Dar Ninawa, Damascus 2019, Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933380779
Wa-Ba'ad ...وبعد
Item #: 21186
By: Musso, Guillaume (1974-) غيوم ميسو
Softcover | 383 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - France
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953684888
World Theatre: Battah al-Birriyah البطة البرية
Item #: 43387
By: Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906) هنريك إبسن / Translator: Nassar, Samir Izzat
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Play - Modern Tragicomedy - Families (Norway)
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2007
ISBN: 9786589094968
World Theatre: Bayt Dumyah بيت دمية
Item #: 43386
By: Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906) هنريك إبسن / Translator: Nassar, Samir Izzat
Softcover | 139 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Play - Modern Tragedy - Wifes (Norway)
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2016
ISBN: 9786589095316
World Theatre: Thalath Trajidiyat ثلاث تراجيديات
Item #: 43388
By: Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936) فيدريكو لوركا / Translator: Nassar, Samir Izzat
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Play - Modern Tragedy - Women (Spain)
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2016
ISBN: 9786589079071
Yaumiyat 'Ajuz Majnun يوميات عجوز مجنون
Item #: 44871
By: Tanizaki, Junichiro (1886-1965) جونيشيرو تانيزاكي / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
| 188 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Japan
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2013
Yawma Ta'allamtu 'an A'ish يوم تعلمت أن أعيش : رواية
Item #: 44269
By: Gounelle, Laurent لوران غونيل / Tr: Khuri, Natali ناتالي الخوري
Softcover | 299 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - France
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Naufal, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786144690505
Yoshi wa-al-Tayr يويتشي والطير
Item #: 73744
By: Sukegawa, Durian دوريان سوكيغاوا
Softcover | 238 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Tale - Japan - YA+
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789953689791
Za'im al-Saghir الزعيم الصغير وحربه ضد الخصيان
Item #: 15293
By: Halliwell, David (1936-2006)
Softcover | 196 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Play - Farce - England
Publisher: Riad El-Rayyes, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953215341
Zalal wa-'Zahar ظلأل وازهار
Item #: 70598
By: Okri, Ben (b. 1959) بن أوكري
Softcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translations - Novel - Nigeria
Publisher: Dar Ninawa, Damascus, 2016 Arabic Edition, c. 1980
ISBN: 9789933536466
Zawaj min Buddha الزواج من بوذا
Item #: 44902
By: Wei Hui (1973-) وي هيوي / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - China
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2008
Zorba al-Brazili زوربا البرازيلي
Item #: 80017
By: Amado, Jorge (d. 2001) جورجي أمادو / Tr: Adwan, Mamdouh ممدوح عدوان
Softcover | 526 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Novel - Brazil
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9786140321618
Zorba al-Yunani زوربا اليوناني
Item #: 44876
By: Kazantzakis, Nikos (1883-1957) نيكوس كزنتزاكيس / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 392 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Classic Novel - Greece
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2009
ISBN: 9789933353162
Al-Asl (Origin) الأصل
Item #: 43092
By: Brown, Dan دان براون
Softcover | 462 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Literature - Mystery Thriller - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition c. 2017
ISBN: 9786140124257
Allaj Schopenhauer علاج شوبنهاور
Item #: 44848
By: Yalom, Irvin ارفين يالوم
Softcover | 430 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Philosophical Novel - US
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2018
ISBN: 9789922901350
Amrikiyun al-Akhirun الأمريكيون الآخرون
Item #: 45142
By: Lalami, Leila ليلي العلمي / Tr: Najjar, Abd al-Rahman عبدالرحمان نجار
Softcover | 367 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Immigrants - Mystery - USA
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140132702
Ana wa Mudakhnati أنا ومدخنتي
Item #: 72202
By: Melville, Herman (1819-1891) هيرمن ملفيل / Tr' Numani, Khamis
Softcover | 66 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Novella - American Classic
Publisher: Dar Ninawa, Damascus 2019
ISBN: 9789933380601
Ard al-Ahlam أرض الأحلام
Item #: 80265
By: Sparks, Nicholas نيكولاس سباركس
Softcover | 317 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated US Fiction - Romance
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140135789
Ayyam Hadi'a fi Clichy أيام هادئة في كليشي، رواية
Item #: 44866
By: Miller, Henry (1891-1980) هنري ميللر / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 96 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novella/Memoir - Adult Content - US
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2012
A‘juz wa-al-Bahr (Ahlia) العجوز والبحر
Item #: 44392
By: Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961) ارنست همنغواي
Softcover | 152 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Fiction - Struggles
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589099925
A‘juz wa-al-Bahr (Dar Afaq) العجوز والبحر
Item #: 21326
By: Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961) ارنست همنغواي
Softcover | 126 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Struggles - America
Publisher: Dar Afaq, Egypt, 2015
ISBN: 9789777650403
Ba'd al-Rahil بعد الرحيل
Item #: 71916
By: Incorvia, Rick ريك إنكورفيا
Softcover | 121 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Fiction - US
Ba'i'at al-Kutub (The Bookseller) بائعة الكتب
Item #: 43093
By: Swanson, Cynthia سينثيا سوانسن
Softcover | 351 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Dreams - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140124578
Baynama 'Arqad Muhtadirah بينما أرقد محتضرة
Item #: 72550
By: Faulkner, William (1897 - 1962) ويليام فوكنر
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - American Literature - Southern Gothic Novel
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9782843062230
Break No Bones لغز العظام
Item #: 7654
By: Reichs, Kathy كاتي رايكس
Softcover | 455 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Mystery Thriller - America
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953872711
Crow Mary كرؤ ماري
Item #: 81227
By: Grissom, Kathleen
Softcover | 382 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Novel - Historical Fiction - No America - Montana - Indigenous - Crow Women - First Nations - Frontier & Pioneer Life - Indian traders
Publisher: Muheet Publishing, UAE, 2024 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948748595
Dahkil fi al-Turab دخيل في التراب
Item #: 72512
By: Faulkner, William (1897 - 1962) ويليام فوكنر
Softcover | 252 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Literature
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9782843062582
Deja Dead وجدت ميتة
Item #: 9711
By: Reichs, Kathy كاتي رايكس
Softcover | 551 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Mystery Thriller - America
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
ISBN: 9789953874968
Eindama Bika Nietzsche عندما بكى نيتشة
Item #: 82012
By: Yalom, Irvine D. إرفين د. يالوم / Tr: Jabali, Khalid
Softcover | 440 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Novel - US
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933351182
Fata al-Ukhra الفتاة الأخرى
Item #: 74491
By: Koontz, Dean دين كونتز
Softcover | 331 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Thriller Suspense Novel - USA
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786140135246
Fehrinhayt 451 فهرنهايت ٤٥١
Item #: 21217
By: Bradbury, Ray (1920-2012) راي برادبوري
Softcover | 352 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Science Fiction - US
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9781855169524
Fityan Biloxi فتيان بيلوكسي
Item #: 80263
By: Grisham, John جون غريشام
Softcover | 549 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Fiction - Legal Thriller
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140136304
Ghadob al-'Asifah غضب العاصفة
Item #: 80032
By: Junger, Sebastian سيباستيان جونغر
Softcover | 357 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Literature - Based on True Story - US
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9786140100220
Haris الحارس
Item #: 7731
By: Crais, Robert روبرت كريس
Softcover | 310 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Thriller - America
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953872599
Hikayat min Dai'a al-Aramil حكايات من ضيعة الآرامل
Item #: 44873
By: Cañón, James جيمس كانيون / Tr: Jubaili, Khalid
Softcover | 440 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - US/Columbia
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2013
I'tirafat Ghaysha اعترافات غايشا
Item #: 44588
By: Golden, Arthur آرثر غولدن
Softcover | 712 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Fiction
Publisher: All Prints, Beirut, 2017 print, c. 2006
ISBN: 9789953880044
Injil Shajarat al-Sumi - انجيل شجرة السم
Item #: 75284
By: Kingsolver, Barbara اربرا كينغسولفر / Tr: Jubaili, Khaled خالدالجبيلي
Softcover | 646 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Epic Novel - USA
Publisher: Dar Mamdouh al-Adwan - Dar Sarad, Damascus 2022
ISBN: 9789933641498
Jins wa-al-Madinah الجنس و المدينة
Item #: 44278
By: Bushnell, Candace كانديس بوشنيل
Softcover | 365 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Relationships - New York USA
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2010 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9781855165809
Karithat al-Layl كارثة الليل
Item #: 9704
By: DeMille, Nelson نيلسون ديميل
Softcover | 375 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Thriller - America
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953874869
Kaʼ-annaka la Taraha كأنك لا تراها
Item #: 16562
By: Clark, Mary Higgins
Softcover | 382 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Fiction - Mystery Suspense - America
Publisher: Hachette-Antoine, Lebanon, 2012 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953264608
Kukh al-Am Tum كوخ العم توم
Item #: 43405
By: Beecher Stowe, Harriett (1811 - 1896)هارييت بيتشر ستو
Softcover | 354 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Slavery - US
Publisher: Al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2013
ISBN: 9786589095576
La Ana Tansa Ta'aish لا ان تنس تعيش
Item #: 80026
By: Napolitano, Ann آن نابوليتانو
Softcover | 447 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Coming Of Age - US
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789920657334
Lawn Arjawani اللون أرجواني
Item #: 72525
By: Walker, Alice آليس ووكر
Softcover | 300 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - African-American
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2018 دار المدى
ISBN: 9782843091704
Li-man Tuqra’ al-Ajaras لمن تقرع الأجراس ؟
Item #: 44393
By: Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961) ارنست همنغواي
Softcover | 600 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - War - America
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589090649
Lu'lu'ah اللؤلؤة
Item #: 21335
By: Steinbeck, John (1902 - 1968) جون شتاينبك
Softcover | 118 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Novel - US
Publisher: Dar Afaq, Egypt, 2017
ISBN: 9789777650564
Madar al-Jadri مدار الجدي
Item #: 72997
By: Miller, Henry (1891-1980) هنري ميللر
Softcover | 414 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - National Characteristics (Sexual Content) - American
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2014 دار المدى,
ISBN: 9782843060243
Madina (The City) المدينة
Item #: 43932
By: Koontz, Dean دين كونتز
Softcover | 439 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Fiction - City Life
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140123403
Mafia Qazifat al-Qanabil مافيا قاذفات القنابل
Item #: 74582
By: Gladwell, Malcolm مالكولم غلادويل
Softcover | 220 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Military History - World War II - Aerial Bombing - Japan
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140133709
Mahu al-Madha ماهو الماذا
Item #: 44182
By: Eggers, Dave ديف إيجرز / Tr: Jubaili, Khaled خالد الجبيلي
Softcover | 684 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Biographical Fiction - The Sudan - America
Publisher: Madarek Publishing House, Riyadh, 2019
ISBN: 9786144298299
Maladh الملاذ
Item #: 72516
By: Faulkner, William (1897 - 1962) ويليام فوكنر
Softcover | 347 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - United States
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2017
ISBN: 9782843091230
Maw'id ma'a al-Qadr موعد مع القدر
Item #: 16066
By: See, Lisa
Softcover | 423 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Love and Friendship - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2010 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140100411
Meridian - مريديان
Item #: 74946
By: Walker, Alice اليس ووكر / Tr: Cupipo, Cesar سيزار كبيبو
Softcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Civil Rights - African American
Publisher: Al-Mada Group, Baghdad 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9782843091742
Moby-Dick موبي ديك
Item #: 73000
By: Melville, Herman (1819-1891) هيرمن ملفيل / Tr: Abbas, Ihsan
Softcover | 689 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Classic American Literature
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Baghdad 2014
ISBN: 9782843050978
Monday Mourning الإثنين الأسود
Item #: 7658
By: Reichs, Kathy
Softcover | 360 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Mystery Thriller - America
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007 Ar Edition c2004
Mu'taqal المعتقل
Item #: 73753
By: Ahmad, Samira سميرة أحمد
Softcover | 372 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Near Future Novel - YA + - US
Publisher: Hachette Antoine / Nawfal, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786144697641
Muhami al-Waghd (Rogue Lawyer) المحامي الوغد
Item #: 44152
By: Grisham, John جون غريشام
Softcover | 383 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Fiction - Legal Suspense
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2017 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140122451
Mukhtarat Thomas Wolfe مختارات من قصص توماس وولف
Item #: 21113
By: Thomas Wolfe (1900-1938) توماس وولف
Softcover | 303 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Short Stories - US
Publisher: al-Mada Publishing House, Beirut, 2004
ISBN: 9782843057663
Mukhtarun (Chosen Ones) المختارون
Item #: 44945
By: Roth, Veronica فيرونيكا روث
Softcover | 510 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Science Fiction - US
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9786140133204
Munawara al Malika مناورة الملكة
Item #: 73738
By: Tevis, Walter والتر تيفيس
Softcover | 416 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Fiction - Chess - US
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789920657105
Murawaghat al-Fata al-Abyad مراوغات الفتى الابيض
Item #: 80532
By: Beatty, Paul بول بيتي / Tr Jalid, Muhammad
Softcover | 375 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Satire - Novel - American
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922220697
Mushkilat Sabinoza - مشكلة سبينوزا
Item #: 80529
By: Yalom, Irvine D. إرفين د. يالوم / Tr: al-Jabali, Khalid
Softcover | 496 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Philosophical Novel - American
Publisher: Manshurat Jamal, Freiberg 2019 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789922605159
Nida al-Bada نداء البداءة
Item #: 72996
By: London, Jack (1876-1916) جاك لندن
Softcover | 121 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: American Literature
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Baghdad 2000
ISBN: 9782843053221
Nissa Saghirat (Ahlia) نساء صغيرات
Item #: 44409
By: Alcott, Louisa May (1832–1888) لويزا م. الكوت / Tr: Nassar, Samir Ezzat سميرعزت نصار
Softcover | 181 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Fiction - Intermediate + YA+
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098508
Nissa Saghirat (dar Mada) نساء صغيرات / اعمال خالدة
Item #: 73008
By: Alcott, Louisa May (1832–1888) لويزا م. الكوت
Softcover | 637 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Fiction - Mothers and Daughters
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Baghdad 2017
ISBN: 9782843091483
Nur Alladhi Faqadnahu (The Light We Lost) النور الذي فقدناه
Item #: 43087
By: Santopolo, Jill جيل سانتوبولو / Translator: Barudi, Zinah زينة بارودي
Softcover | 335 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Love, Fate - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2018 Arabic Edition c. 2017
ISBN: 9786140124103
Paris Eid : Walimah Mutanaqitah باريس عيد؛ وليمة متنقلة
Item #: 41961
By: Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961) ارنست همنغواي
Softcover | 253 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Memoir - Musings - Paris - Hemingway - America
Publisher: Al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953688206
Qubba (The Dome) القبة
Item #: 74521
By: Craig-Whytock, Suzanne سوزان كريغ وايتوك
Softcover | 295 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Futuristic Novel - Canada
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789948471288
Quicksilver كويك سيلفر
Item #: 74481
By: Koontz, Dean دين كونتز
Softcover | 342 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Thriller Suspense Novel - USA
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140135253
Rabi'a Aswad ربيع اسود
Item #: 72998
By: Miller, Henry (1891-1980) هنري ميللر
Softcover | 270 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Short Stories - (sexual content) American
Publisher: Dar al Mada, Beirut 2013
ISBN: 9782843060021
Rubama fi Hayat Ukhra ربما في حياة أخرى
Item #: 80287
By: Reid, Taylor Jenkins تايلور جنكينز ريد
Softcover | 416 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - American
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789920657655
Sadiq الصَّدیق
Item #: 45129
By: Nunez, Sigrid سیفرید نونیز / Tr: Nasser, Mustafa - Najm, Soheil
Softcover | 190 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - Grief, Healing - USA
Publisher: Al-Mada Group, Beirut/Damascus, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789933614509
Sajin al-Marikh (The Martian) سجين المريخ
Item #: 41582
By: Wier, Andy
Softcover | 455 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Science Fiction - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140117952
Sakhab wa-al-'Unf الصخب والعنف
Item #: 21122
By: Faulkner, William (1897 - 1962) ويليام فوكنر
Softcover | 368 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Fiction - America
Publisher: al-Mada Publishing House, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9782843050947
Sakht سخط : رواية
Item #: 44862
By: Roth, Philip (1933-2018) فيليب روث / Tr: Jubaili, Khaled
Tranlated Literature - Novel - US | 175 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tranlated Literature - Novel - US
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2010
Scarlett (Dual English-Arabic)
Item #: 6667
By: Mitchell, Margaret
Softcover | 621 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language
Publisher: Dar al-Bihar/Dar Wa Maktabat al-Hilal, 2004
Shaykh wa-al-Bahr الشيخ والبحر
Item #: 41962
By: Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961) ارنست همنغواي
Softcover | 189 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Struggles - US
Publisher: Al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953688046
Slumberland سلامبرلاند
Item #: 44849
By: Beatty, Paul بول بيتي / Tr Sabiha, Ahad
Softcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Novel - US
Publisher: al-Kamel Verlag, Freiberg, Germany, 2021
ISBN: 9789922605326
Stephan King: Billy Summers بيلي سامرز
Item #: 74490
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover | 573 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Mystery- Suspense - Thriller - USA
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2022 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140135413
Stephan King: Bu's (Misery) بوس
Item #: 42726
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover | 398 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Psychological Horror - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953871875
Stephan King: In Kana Yanzif إن كان ينزف
Item #: 45081
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover w/Flaps | 452 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated US Fiction - 4 Novellas - Horror, Suspense, Thriller
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2021 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140131910
Stephan King: Mahad المعهد
Item #: 80232
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover | 623 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Suspense / Thriller - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140131170
Stephan King: Qisat Khurafiya قصة خرافية
Item #: 80243
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover | 559 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated US Fiction - Dark Fantasy
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2023 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140135833
Stephan King: Tabib al-Nawm طبيب النوم
Item #: 80242
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover | 612 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated US Fiction- Horror- Suspense
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786140129689
Stephen King: al-Harib (The Running Man) الهارب
Item #: 41864
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover | 285 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Fiction - Horror - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2007 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953871301
Stephen King: Christine كريستين
Item #: 16919
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover | 623 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Stephen King - Horror - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2010 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140100510
Stephen King: Cujo كوجو
Item #: 70863
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover | 451 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Psychological Horror - US
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786140125001
Stephen King: Holly هولي
Item #: 80264
By: King, Stephen ستيفن كينغ
Softcover | 469 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated US Fiction - Mystery - Thriller
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786140136403
Stephen King: Later في وقت لاحق
Item #: 82037
By: King, Stephen
Hardcover | 311 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Crime - Thriller - Horror - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9786140134928
Sunset Park صانست بارك
Item #: 21483
By: Auster, Paul بول أوستر
Softcover | 280 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - America
Publisher: Almutawassit, Italy, 2017
ISBN: 9788899687823
Tadhakkarni تذكرني
Item #: 16375
By: Clark, Mary Higgins
Softcover | 367 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Mystery Suspense - America
Publisher: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2013 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953264615
Tajirah al-Kharz تاجرة الخرز
Item #: 74525
By: Atta, Sefi سيفي عطا
Softcover | 422 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Nigerian-American Fiction
Publisher: Thaqafa, UAE 2021
ISBN: 9789948471080
The Host : al-Jasad al-Mudif ابحث عن الكتب
Item #: 12727
By: Meyer, Stephanie
Softcover | 830 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Science Fiction - America
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789953685185
The Hunger Games 2 al-Sinat al-Lahb السنة اللهب
Item #: 16044
By: Collins, Suzanne
Softcover | 415 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Science Fiction Adventure - America
Publisher: ASP, Beirut, 2011 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786140102118
The Lion's Game (Arabic) لعبة الأسد
Item #: 9724
By: DeMille, Nelson
Softcover | 615 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Novel - Thriller - America
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2008 Ar Edition c2000
ISBN: 9789953874784
Thulathia al-Jamaa ( 3 vol) ثلاثية الجامحة
Item #: 74489
By: Roth, Veronica فيرونيكا روث
Softcover | 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Science Fiction Thriller - US - Young Adult
Publisher: ASP, Beirut 2015-2021 الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون
ISBN: 9786140116276
Twilight Series-Eclipse خسوف
Item #: 12238
By: Meyer, Stephanie
Softcover | 566 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Science Fiction Romance - America
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9789953684049
Twilight Series-New Moon قمر جديد
Item #: 11626
By: Meyer, Stephanie
Softcover | 541pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Selected Translation - Science Fiction Romance - America
Publisher: Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9789953684030
Urubbiyun الاوروبيون
Item #: 72987
By: James, Henry (1843-1916)
Softcover | 240 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Upper Classes - Comedy - American Literature
Publisher: Dar al-Mada, Baghdad, 2015 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9782843062421
Wild Fire (Arabic) عاصفة النار
Item #: 7656
By: DeMille, Nelson نيلسون ديميل
Softcover | 542 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Fiction - Thriller - America
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9789953870830
World Best Sellers: The Grapes of Wrath (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 41535
By: Steinbeck, John (1902 - 1968) جون شتاينبك
Softcover | 234 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Upper Intermediate - Teen and up - America
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman
ISBN: 9786144140062
World Best Sellers: The Pearl (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42848
By: Steinbeck, John جون شتاينبك (Nobel Prize 1962)
Softcover | 219 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up - America
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
World Best Sellers: The Red Pony (Dual En-Ar)
Item #: 42865
By: Steinbeck, John جون شتاينبك (Nobel Prize 1962)
Softcover | 252 pp
Language: English-Arabic
Topic: Fiction - Dual Language - Intermediate - Teen and up - America
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan
Yawm Ahkir يوم آخر
Item #: 73742
By: Albom, Mitch ميتش ألبوم
Softcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Family - Drama - Novel - Family - US
Publisher: Markaz Thaqafi al Arabi, Casablanca / Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9789920657099
Yawmiyat Adam wa-Hawwa’ يوميات آدم وحواء
Item #: 44401
By: Twain, Mark (1835-1910) مارك توين / tr: Gibran, Faraj
Softcover | 85 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated American Fiction - Wit - Humor - Diaries
Publisher: al-Ahlia Publishing, Amman, Jordan, 2020 Arabic Edition
ISBN: 9786589098676
Zawjat min al-Yaban زوجات من اليابان
Item #: 73736
By: Otsuka, Julie جولي أوتسوكا
Softcover | 143 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Translated Literature - Historical Fiction - US
Publisher: Markaz al Thaqafi, Casablanca / Beirut, 2020
ISBN: 9789953689616