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A'maliqat al-Shamal عمالقة الشمال

By: Kilani, Najib (Naguib 1931-1995)

A'maliqat al-Shamal عمالقة الشمال

Language: Arabic

تتحدث الرواية عن مأساة المسلمين في نيجريا في الستينات وما كانت تفعله قوافل التبشير والأيادى الصهيونية من فتن وقلاقل بين العرقيات المختلفة داخل الوطن الواحد عوة إلى الله في نيجيريا يتخللها إعجاب بريء بين مسلم ومسيحية وترك المسلم شيئا لله فعوضه الله خيرا منه أسلمت المسيحية وحسن إسلامها وسار الإعجاب في طريق سليم وأكتمل بنهاية رائعة توجت بالزواج المحفوف بالحب والعطف والتعاون في سبيل الله وحرب أهلية وأطماع الاستعمار وتفرق الناس وتشرذمهم ثم اتحاد قوي الحق وطردهم لقوي الباطل والاستعمار.

«Giants of the North», a contemporary Islamic novel in the Arabic language by Egyptian poet and novelist, Najib Kilani (Naguib al-Kilani, 1931 - 1995).

The novel talks about the tragedy of Muslims in Nigeria in the sixties and what the missionary caravans and Zionist hands were doing in terms of strife and unrest between different ethnicities within one nation. A call to God in Nigeria, interspersed with innocent admiration between a Muslim and a Christian woman. The Muslim left something for God, so God compensated him with something better. Christianity converted to Islam and its Islam became good. The admiration went on a sound path and was completed with a wonderful ending that culminated in a marriage fraught with love, compassion, and cooperation for the sake of God, a civil war, the ambitions of colonialism, the division and fragmentation of people, then the union of the forces of truth and their expulsion of the forces of falsehood and colonialism.
Topic: Arabic Fiction - Islamic Novel - Egypt|9781905491049|

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Product Details
By:Kilani, Najib (Naguib 1931-1995)
Pages: 192 pp
Publisher:Funes Publishing, Beirut 2006
Dimensions:14 x 21 cm
Topic:Arabic Fiction - Islamic Novel - Egypt

A'maliqat al-Shamal عمالقة الشمال

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