MENUMENU -مكتبة جرير

Classical | Sufism | Aestheticism | Philosophy (En)

Books in the English language, includes:
• Classical and Early religious writings - primarily Islamic subjects
• Islamic Thought and Philosophy - Early and contemporary
• Islamic Aestheticism - Sufism
• Other philosophical writings


A Collection of Sufi Rules of Conduct

42820 | English | Softcover
By: Sulami, Abu Abd al-Rahman (937-1021 CE), Translated by Elena Biagi
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Sufi Conduct


A Journal of Sufic Sciences: Introducing El Gilani Methodology and Sufic Knowledge

80817 | English | Softcover
By: Gilani, El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah
Pub: AQG Institute of Sufic Sciences, South Carolina 2015
Sufism - Sufic Sciences - Gilani Methods


A Sufi Commentary on the Qur'an: Ta'wilat al-Qur'an (Vol II)

44631 | English Only | Softcover
By: Kashani, Abd Al-Razzaq ( 730/1330) / Tr: Wiliams, Khalid
Pub: Islamic Text Society & The Royal Aal-Bayt Institute for Thought, UK, 2021
Early Work - Quran Exegesis - Sufi


A Summary of Imam al-Ghazali's The Revival of Religious Sciences (4 Volume Boxed Set)

81211 | English | Hardcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IIPH, Riyadh 2024
Early Work - Sufism - Islamic Creed


Abu Zayd al-Balkhi's Sustenance of the Soul

41502 | English | Softcover
By: Abu Zayd al-Balkhi (850-934 CE)
Pub: IIIT, London, 2014
Early Work - Arab Medicine - Spirituality


AL-FARABI: Life, Works and Significance

44706 | English | Softcover
By: Bakar, Osman
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2018


Al-Ghazali: Knowledge of the Hereafter: Durrah al-Fakhirah

44732 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr. Smith, Jane Idleman
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2012
Early Work - Islam - Hereafter


Al-Kindi : The Philosopher of the Arabs

44316 | English | Hardcover
By: Atiyeh, George N.
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2006 edition, c 1994
al-Kindi, approx. 873 - Islamic Philosophy


American Psalms

80818 | English | Softcover
By: Qadria, Sufi Halimah
Pub: AQG Institute of Sufic Sciences, South Carolina, 2015
Sufism - Psalms - Qadiriyya


An Outpouring of Subtleties Upon the Pearl of Oneness Volume 1 (Divinity)

73185 | English | Softcover
By: Khalfe, Allie
Pub: Sunni Publications, Netherlands 2020
Sufism - Tawhid


An Outpouring of Subtleties V2

73258 | English | Softcover
By: Khalfe, Allie
Pub: Sunni Publications, Netherlands 2020
Tawhid- Monotheism


Ana Al-Haqq Reconsidered with Eng. Tr. of Kitab Al-Tawasin

44324 | English | Hardcover
By: Hallaj, Husayn ibn Mansur / Gilani, Kamran
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, c.1994, 2006 Reprint
Early Work - Sufism


Ancient Rhetoric From Aristotle To Philostratus

71957 | English | Softcover
By: Habinek, Thomas (Editor)
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2017
Classical Rhetoric|Anthology|Ancient World History


Aqida Wasitiya

9306 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2004
Islam - General

  Sale Price: US$1.50

Ash-Shifa (English)

11600 | English with Arabic text | Hardcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad (476/1083 - 544/1149)
Pub: DKI, Beirut
Early Work - Hadith - Sira


Avicenna: His Life and Works

44708 | English | Softcover
By: Afnan, Soheil M.
Pub: IBT / The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2009
Avicenna - 980-1037 - Philosophy - Sciences - Biography


Book of Emaan

72001 | English | Softcover
By: Yasin, Muhammad / Ibn Taymiyyah ( 661/1263 - 728/1328 ) ابن تيمية
Pub: Firdous, 2003
Early Works - Islam - Aqeeda / Creed

  Sale Price: US$11.16

Critique of Religious Discourse

74692 | English | Hardcover
By: Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid / Tr: Wright, Jonathan
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2018
Contemporary Religious Thought - Islam

  Sale Price: US$70.00

Divine Love :Islamic Literature and the Path to God

73429 | English | Hardcover
By: Chittick, William
Pub: YUP, New Haven 2013
Sufi literature - History and criticism - Metaphysics

  Sale Price: US$75.00

Epistemological Bias in the Physical and Social Sciences

7920 | English | Softcover
By: Missiri, Abd al-Wahab (1938-2008) (Messiri) / Group
Pub: IIIT, London, Washington, 2006
Thought - Islamic Sociology

  Sale Price: US$13.60

Farabi: The Political Writings

72308 | English | Softcover
By: Farabi/ Tr. Butterworth, Charles
Pub: Cornell University Press, Ithaca 2015
Al-Farabi Political Writings - Political Thought


Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi

44594 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Barks, Coleman
Pub: Shambhala, Boston, 2000
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Futuh Al-Ghaib: The revelations In The Unseen

71070 | English | Softcover
By: Jaylani, Abdul-Qadir
Pub: Idara Impex, New Delhi, 2017


Fuyudat al-Rabbaniya (Emanations of Lordly Grace)

44317 | English | Softcover
By: Jilani, Abd al-Qadir (470/1078 - 561/1166) عبد القادر الجيلاني
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi
Early Work - Sufism - Doctrines - Biography


Ghazali & The Poetics of Imagination

73399 | English | Softcover
By: Moosa, Ebrahim
Pub: UNC Press, Chapel Hill, 2005
Ghazali 450/1058-505/1111 - Sufism - Imagination - Religious aspects

  Sale Price: US$33.95

Ghazali An Epistle To The World! (Dear Beloved Son English with Arabic)

42546 | English with Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2017
Early Work - Islamic Counsel


Ghazali Invocations & Supplications

75246 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111) / Tr: Nakamura, Kojiro
Pub: ITS, 2022
Early Work - Supplications


Ghazali Letter to a Disciple

71997 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali On Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration.

75245 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2020
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali on Conduct in Travel

71996 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali On Disciplining The Soul & Breaking The Two Desires

80120 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, 2023
Early Work - Islam - Spirituality


Ghazali on Intention Sincerity and Truthfulness

70587 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, 2013
Early Work - Islam - Spirituality - Aqeeda


Ghazali on Love, Longing, Intimacy & Contentment (Ghazali series)

72729 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 2019
Early Work - Sufism - Islamic Theology

  Sale Price: US$36.95

Ghazali on Patience and Thankfulness

75248 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) / Tr: Littlejohn, Dr Henry T.
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2022
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali On Poverty & Abstinence

71998 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2019
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali on the Elucidation of the Marvels of the Heart

70517 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE) أبي حامد الغزالي
Pub: Dar al-Fiqh, UK
Early Work - Islam - Spiritualism


Ghazali on the Manners Relating to Eating

71995 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali on Vigilance & Self-Examination

42821 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ), Translated by Anthony F. Shaker
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of God

71999 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2016
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife

72000 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2018
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali: Deliverance from Error and the Beginning of Guidance

44712 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Watt, W. Montgomery
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2005
Islam - Imam Ghazali - Practices - Autobiography


Ghazali: Fear and Hope

44716 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: McKane, William
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2014
Early Work - Islam - Forgiveness - Repentance


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 1]

44725 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 2]

44726 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 3]

44727 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 4]

44728 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2016
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali: Ihya' Ulum al-Din (English, 4 vol)

71043 | English | Hardcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: Islamic Book Service, India 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali: Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship

71035 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Pub: Muslim Media, Delhi
Early Work - A.H, Ghazali - Islamic Knowledge


Ghazali: Kimiya-e Saadat: The Alchemy of Happiness

44730 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Field, Claude
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2007
Early Work - Islam - Contentment


Ghazali: Marriage and Sexuality in Islam

44733 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Farah, Madelain
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur,, 2012
Early Work - Islam - Marriage - Sexuality


Ghazali: The Message From On High

74626 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
Early Work - Philosophy - Sufism


Ghazali: Wonders of the Heart

44766 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2007
Early Work - Islam - Spiritualism -Sufism


Ghazali’s Political Thought and Other Essays on Hujjatu’l-Islam

74624 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي / Ed, Intr: Muddathir ‘Abd al-Rahim
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2022
Early Work - Political Thought - Al-Ghazali


GITANJALI Song Offerings

74628 | English | Softcover
By: Tagore, Rabindranath
Pub: TOP, Kuala Lumpur 2022
Poetry - Philosophy


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: A Guide to Conclusive Proofs for the Principles of Belief

70006 | English | Softcover
By: Juwayni, Iman al-Haramayn al-Juwayni (d. 478/1085)
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2000
Early Work - Islam - Creed


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Essay on Algebra and Equations (Algebra wa Al-Muqabala)

9272 | English | Softcover
By: Khayyam, Omar
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2009
Mathematics, History


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Introduction to the Science of the Hadith (Kitab Ma'rifat anwa' 'Ilm al-Hadith)

9273 | English | Softcover
By: Shahrazuri, Ibn al-Salah
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2006
Islam - Hadith


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC)

70005 | English | Hardcover
By: Jahiz
Pub: Garnet Press, 1998
Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Humor - Satire


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1

70012 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$85.50

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3

70018 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$31.46

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4

70017 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$31.46

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Ordinances of Government

70007 | English | Softcover
By: Mawardi, Abu al-Hasan (974-1058 CE)
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Creed - Fiqh


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law Vol 1

70008 | English | Softcover
By: Shatibi, Ibrahim ibn Musa Abu Ishaq
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2011
Islam - Creed - Fiqh


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law Vol 2

70009 | English | Softcover
By: Shatibi, Ibrahim ibn Musa Abu Ishaq
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2015
Islam - Fiqh - Creed


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 1

6983 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Abd Rabbih
Pub: Garnet Publishing Ltd, UK, 2007
Classic Work - Arabic Literature


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 3

72295 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Abd Rabbih / Tr. Boullata Issa & DeYoung, Terri
Pub: Garnet Press, Reading 2011
History - Folktales- Poetry- Proverbs


Hafez Teachings of the Philosopher of Love

74206 | English
By: Pourafzal, Haleh / Montgomery, Roger
Pub: Inner Traditions, 2004
Poetry - Spirituality


Hajj to the Heart: Sufi Journeys across the Indian Ocean

73817 | English | Softcover
By: Kugle, Scott
Pub: University of North Carolina Press, 2021
Sufism / History

  Sale Price: US$35.00

Hidden Blessings: Forty Wisdoms Behind Calamities, Difficulties, Trials & Tribulations

81059 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmadi, Tameem (Compilation & Commentary)
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2019
Anthology - Thanwi & Other Scholars' Works - Sufism - Philosophy


Hujjat Allah Balighah : The Conclusive Argument from God

73683 | English | Hardcover
By: Dahlawi, Allama Shah Wali Allah (d. 1176/1762) العلامة شاه ولي الله الدهلوي / Tr. Hermansen, Marcia
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi 2019 English Edition
Theology / Philosophy


Ibn 'Arabi: The Voyage of No Return

42786 | English | Softcover
By: Addas, Claude
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Ibn Arabi - Sufi - Biography


Ibn Khaldun on Sufism

42795 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Khaldun / Translated by: Ozer, Humna
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Sufism


Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Divine Wisdom and the Problem of Evil

42787 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Tr: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings


Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Knowledge

42788 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Tr: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings


Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah on The Invocation of God (SC)

11211 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Translator: Fitzgerald, Abd al-Rahman
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, UK, English Edition
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Worship


Ibn Taymeeyah's Essay on The Jinn (Demons)

43848 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyah / Trans and Annotated by: Philips, Dr.Bilal
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2010 Reprint, c. 2002
Early - Ibn Taymiyah - The Jinn


Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (HC)

44816 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) / Tr, Intro: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Jarir Bookstore USA, 2021
Islamic Theology - Causality - Ibn Taymiyya - Thought


Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (SC)

44817 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) / Tr, Intro: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Jarir Bookstore USA, 2021
Islamic Theology - Causality - Ibn Taymiyya - Thought


Ibn Taymiyya: Epistle on Worship ( Risalat al-Ubudiyya)

42794 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyya / Translated by Pavlin, James
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Worship


Ibn Taymiyyah : Response to Christianity

72121 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728/1328 ) / Tr. Michel, Thomas
Pub: Caravan Books, USA 1984 Reprint 2019
Early Work - Comparative

  Sale Price: US$85.00

Imam al-Shatibi's Theory of the Higher Objectives and Intents of Islamic Law

7919 | English | Softcover
By: Shatibi / Raysuni, Ahmed
Pub: IIIT, London, Washington, 2005
Islamic Law


Incoherence of the Atheists

74630 | English | Softcover
By: Haider, Jamal
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2023
Atheism - Philosophy - Islamic Thought - Comparative


Interpretation of Dreams (al-Qafsi)

42115 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Qafsi, Ibn Rashid al-Bakri (d. 736/1336)
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 2010
Early Work - Dream Interpretation

  Sale Price: US$16.95

Interpretation of Dreams (Ibn Sirin, English)

6717 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Sirin al-Basri, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2007
Dream Interpretation

  Sale Price: US$20.00

Islam in History and Society

44334 | English | Softcover
By: Bennabi, Malek (1323/1905 - 1393/1973)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2006
Thought - Islam - History - Society


Islamic Etiquette: A Part From the Book Minhaj-ul-Muslim

40029 | English | Hardcover
By: Jazairi, Sh. Abu Bakr
Pub: Darussalam, KSA, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Creed


Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi verse from the mystics to Rumi

44280 | English | Softcover
By: Mahmood, Jamal, (edited, translations, introduction)
Pub: Penguin Classics, New York, London, 2009
Sufi Poetry


Journey to the Lord of Power: A Sufi Manual on Retreat

44485 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Arabi (1165-1240 CE) ابن العربي
Pub: Inner Traditions International, Vermont, US, 1989
Early Work - Sufi Philosophy - Ibn Arabi

  Sale Price: US$11.95

Lawful and Unlawful

20798 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: DKI 2014
Early Work - Fiqh - Sufism


Leading A Spiritual Life

44556 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2018 print
Spirituality - Islamic Aestheticism



71956 | English | Softcover
By: Hobbes, Thomas
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2017
Classic Work - Political Thought - The State


Maimonides: Torah and Philosophic Quest

72312 | English | Softcover
By: Hartman, David
Pub: Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia 1976
Philosophy- Judaism


Makers of Islamic Civilization: Rumi

72303 | English | Softcover
By: Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003) / Tr: Bergne, Paul
Pub: Oxford University Press, UK 2014
Sufism - Rumi

  Sale Price: US$16.00

Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi Vols I - VI (3 books)

74245 | English | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Nicholson, Reynold (1868-1945)
Pub: Alfa, 2004
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Minhajul 'Abideen - The Best Way For Worshipers

71700 | English | Hardcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE) أبي حامد الغزالي
Pub: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 2009
Early Work - Islam - Spiritualism


Mishkat al-Anwar (The Niche for Lights)

71027 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Pub: Idara Impex, New Delhi 2011
Early Work - Qur'an - Tafsir - Ghazali


Music and Singing

44735 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Black MacDonald, Duncan
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2009
Early Work - Music - Religious Aspects - Islam


Mystical Dimensions of Islam

72302 | English | Softcover
By: Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003)/ Frwd - Ernst, Carl
Pub: University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 2011

  Sale Price: US$35.95

Nasir al-Din Tusi: A Philosopher for All Seasons

72728 | English | Softcover
By: Meisami, Sayeh
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 2019
Philosophers - Tusi (d. 1274 CE) - Islamic Empire

  Sale Price: US$15.95

O Son ! - Timeless Advice from Al-Ghazali's Letter to His Student

75183 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Elqabbany, Moustafa
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishers, New Jersey 2023
Early Work - Islam - Philosophy - Imam Ghazali


Our Philosophy

44738 | English | Softcover
By: Sadr, Muhammad Baqir (d. 1980) / Tr: Inati, Shams C.
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2012
Philosophy - Comparative - Modern


Peak of Eloquence: Nahjul Balagha

74428 | English | Softcover
By: Abu Talib, Ali Ibn
Pub: Tahrike Tarsile, NY 2019
Early Work - Sayings - Proverbs - Ali Ibn Abu Talib


Poetry in Praise of the Prophetic Perfection

73350 | English | Softcover
By: Ogunnaike, Oludamini
Pub: ITS, Cambridge ,2020
Sufi poetry - West African Islamic poetry


Postnormal Times Reader

72019 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: IIIT, 2019
Essays - Thought - Current Affairs


Provisions of the Afterlife Zad al-Ma'ad

14450 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350), Tr: Ismail Abd al-Sallam
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2010
Early Work - Prophetic Guidance


Quest for the Red Sulphur : The Life of Ibn 'Arabi

42791 | English | Softcover
By: Addas, Claude
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Ibn Arabi - Sufi - Biography


Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition

72903 | English | Softcover
By: Safi, Omid
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2018
Mysticism / Sufism

  Sale Price: US$18.00

Reformation of Character

81058 | English | Softcover
By: Akhtar, Hadrat Mawlana Hakim Muhammad (d. 1434/2013)
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2019
Islam - Self-Help - Character - Sufism


Remembering God: Reflections on Islam

80083 | English | Softcover
By: Le Gai Eaton, Charles
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2022
Islam - Sufism - Contemporary


Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan (HC, English, Urdu, + Multi-lingual)

44340 | English-Urdu-Arabic-Persian-French-German | Hardcover
By: Omar Khayyam (1048-1131 CE) / Fitzgerald, Edward
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2008
Early Verse - Quatrains - Omar Khayyam


Rumi Daylight: A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance

44643 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Helminski, Camille & Kabir
Pub: Shambhala, Boston, London, 1999
Sufism - Rumi


Rumi's Four Essential Practices: Ecstatic Body, Awakened Soul

14715 | English | Softcover
By: Johnson, Will
Pub: Inner Traditions
Religion - Poetry


RUMI: Mystic and Poet

44740 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Nicholson, Reynold A.
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
Early Work - Sufism


Rumi: The Persian Mystics

44339 | English | Softcover
By: Davis, F. Handland
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014
Sufism - Jalal al-Din Rumi


Rumi: Unseen Poems

72705 | English | Hardcover
By: Rumi, Jalaldin
Pub: PRH Group, NY 2019
Sufism / Poetry


Sacred Nature

74102 | English | Hardcover
By: Armstrong, Karen
Pub: Knopf, 2022
Philosophy - Nature - Self Help


Sakina Tul Awliya / Tranquility of the Saints

71150 | English | Hardcover
By: Prince Dara Shikoh Qadiri / Tr: Gillani
Pub: Zavia Books, New York, 2018
Early Work - Sufism - Miyan Mir - Qadiri Order


Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn Arabi

70588 | English | Softcover
By: Chodkiewicz, Michel
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, 1993
Islam - Ibn Arabi - Sainthood


Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons

74650 | English | Softcover
By: Sebottendorff, Baron Rudolf Von
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vermont 2013
Spirituality- Occultism - Oriental Freemasonry


Selected Poems from the Divani Shamsi Tabriz

44341 | English (with Persian) | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Nicholson, R.A.
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014 print, c. 1898
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Selections from Fariduddin 'Attar's Tadhkaratul Aulia

44349 | Hardcover
By: Farid al-Din 'Attar / Tr: Behari, Bankey
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2019 reprint c 1993
Sufi Teachings - Saints - Biographical


Spiritual Therapy: An Islamic Perspective

80384 | English | Softcover
By: Faris, Waleed Fekry. Abdullah, Fatimah.
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2021
Islam - Spirituality


Spiritual Verses

44598 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / William, Alan
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2007
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Sufi Metaphysics and Qur'anic Prophets

72756 | English | Softcover
By: Nettler, Ronald
Pub: ITS, Cambridge 2012
Sufism - Metaphysics

  Sale Price: US$32.95

Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn 'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality

72301 | English | Softcover
By: Shaikh, Sadiyya
Pub: UNC Press, Chapel Hill 2012
Sufism- Women - Ibn Arabi

  Sale Price: US$31.95

Sufi Study of Hadith

72014 | English | Softcover
By: Thanawi, Ashraf Ali
Pub: Turath, 2010
Islam - Hadith - Sufism


Sufism : An Introduction

20723 | English | Softcover
By: Khanam, Farida
Pub: Goodword, 2009
Islam - Sufism


Sufism : And The Imams of the Salafi Movement

81056 | English | Hardcover
By: Makki, Shaykh Abdul Hafiz
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2019
Islam - Sufism


Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt

74596 | English | Softcover
By: Hoffman, Valerie
Pub: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC, 2009
Sufism / Egyptian Mysticism

  Sale Price: US$31.95

Sufism: An Introduction to the Mystical Tradition of Islam

73390 | English | Softcover
By: Ernst, Carl W.
Pub: Shambhala, Boulder, CO, USA, 2011
Sufism / Mysticism

  Sale Price: US$16.50

The Abridgment of the Levels of People in the Hereafter

71048 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Pub: Salafi Publications, Birmingham, UK 2005
Early Work - The Hereafter - Metaphysics


The Art of Persuasion : Aristotle’s Rhetoric for Everybody

71358 | English | Hardcover
By: Crider, Scott F.
Pub: Sandala, USA 2019


The Ascent to the Divine Through the Path of Self-Knowledge

80385 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) Tr: Shammas, Yusuf Easa
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2021
Early Work - Sufism - Ghazali works


The Bequest (al-Wasiyya)

70021 | English | Softcover
By: Hafyan, al-Shaykh Abd al-Mahmud (1919-1973)
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2007
Islam - Sufism


The Book of Aphorisms (Kitab al-Hikam)

44745 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Ata'illah (Ata Allah, d.709/1309) / Tr: Wafy, Muhammed Nafih
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2010
Early Work - Sufism


The Book of Knowledge

71033 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Pub: Idara Impex, New Delhi 2015
Early Work - A.H. Ghazali


The Book of Truthfulness: Kitab al-Sidq

44746 | English | Softcover
By: Kharraz, Abu Said (d. ca. 286/899) / Tr: Arberry, Arthur John
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2014
Early Work - Sufism


The Chief Sins - al-Kaba'ir (Arabic-English, HC) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي

14444 | English with Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi (al-Zahabi) الذهبي, Translator: Mahmud Ibrahim
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2009
Early Work - islam - Major Sins


The Consolation of Philosophy

73119 | English | Softcover
By: Boethius / Tr: Watts, V.E.
Pub: Penguin Books, London/NY
Early Classic Work - Happiness - Philosophy

  Sale Price: US$14.20

The Doctrine of the Sufis

44323 | English | Hardcover
By: Kalabadhi, Abi Bakr (d. ca. 380/990) أبي بكر الكلاباذي / Tr: Arberry, Arther
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014
Early Work - Sufi Doctrines


The Forbidden Rumi: The Suppressed Poems of Rumi on Love, Heresy, and Intoxication

14716 | English | Softcover
By: Nevit O. Ergin and Will Johnson
Pub: Inner Traditions
Religion - Poetry


The Fragrant Scent: On the Knowledge of Motivating Thoughts and Other Such Gems

42823 | English | Softcover
By: Aydarus, Abd al-Rahman (d. 1192/1778), Translated by Mokrane Guezzou
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Spritualism - Sufi - 12th/18th Century Work


The Greatest Universal Sureties: The Creator's Existence

72117 | English | Hardcover
By: Buti, Muhamad Sa'id Ramadan (1929-2013) / Tr. Lock, Nicholas
Pub: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2017 English Edition
Islam - God - Existence of Creator


The History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan

44751 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Tufail, Abu Bakr (d. 581/1185) / Tr: Ockley, Simon
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
Early Work - Philosophical Novel


The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave us the Renaissance

43953 | English | Softcover
By: Khalili, Jim
Pub: Penguin Books, London, US, 2010
Medieval Arab - Sciences - History - Philosophy

  Sale Price: US$15.30

The Islamic Months: A detailed treatise...

40596 | English | Hardcover
By: Hanbali, al-Hafiz ibn Rajab / Translator: Mahomedy, Mahomed
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2014
Islamic Creed - Months


The Jewels of the Qur'an: Al-Ghazali's Theory

44753 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( d. 505/1111 ) / Abul Quasem, Muhammad
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2013
Early Work - Qur'an Studies


The Joyous Science

71958 | English | Softcover
By: Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2018
Classic - Philosophy - Germany


The Kashful Mahjub «Unveiling the Veiled»

44754 | English | Softcover
By: Hujweri, Syed Ali Bin Uthman / Tr: Rabbani, Maulana Wahid Bakhsh
Pub: IBS / A.S. Noordeen, Kuala Lumpur, 1997
Early Work - Sufism


The Key to Salvation

14555 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari, Translated by Mary Ann K.Danner
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, UK
Early Work - Sufism


The Life and Times of Uwais Al-Qarni: The Hidden Sufi and Best Among the Tabi'in

44756 | English | Softcover
By: Qaderi, Uwais Ahmed Akhtarul
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
Early Muslim's Life - Sufism


THe Life and Work of Jalal-Ud-din Rumi

80376 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Afzal
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2014
Biography - Sufism


The Life, Personality, and Writings of al-Junayd

80378 | English | Softcover
By: Abdel-Kader, Ali Hassan
Pub: Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur 2014


The Major Sins - al-Kaba'ir (Arabic-English) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي

43693 | Arabic-English | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi, Shams al-Din (673/1274-748/1348) شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد الذهبي
Pub: Idara Impex , New Delhi, India 2018 Edition
Early Work - Islam - Major Sins


The Maverick Dervish: Mystic Melodies of a Radical Romantic

80375 | English | Softcover
By: Jaihoon, Mujeeb
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2024
Sufism- Poetry

The Moral Vision

The Moral Vision

82076 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Wahiduddin (1925-2001)
Pub: Goodword, India, 2018
Islamic Philosophy - Attitudes - Success in Life


The Mysteries and Duties of Prayer

20797 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: DKI 2014
Early Work - Fiqh - Prayer - Sufism


The Mystical Doctrine of Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī as Found in His Book Qūt al-Qulūb

80370 | English | Softcover
By: Shukri, Mohamed
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2024


The Other In The Light Of The One - The Universality of the Qur'an and Interfaith Dialogue

75243 | English | Softcover
By: Kazemi, Reza Shah
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2010
Sufism - Philosophy - Islam


The Pure Intention: On Knowledge of the Unique Name

70609 | English | Softcover
By: Iskandari, Ibn Ata Allah
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, 2018
Early Work - Islam - Sufism


The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

44332 | Engllish | Hardcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, India, 2020
Religious Thought - Islam


The Rubais of Rumi: Insane with Love

44487 | English | Softcover
By: Rumi / Ergin, Nevit O. / Johnson, Will
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vermont, US, 2007
Early Work - Sufi Poetry


The Rubais of Rumi: Insane with Love

14714 | English | Softcover
By: Nevit O. Ergin and Will Johnson
Pub: Inner Traditions
Religion - Poetry


The Scholars of the Sufis

43673 | English | Softcover
By: Kharsa, Shaykh Abd al-Hadi / Tr: Abd al-Aziz, Suraqah
Pub: Sunni Publications, Netherlands, 2011 English Edition


The Seals of Wisdom

44762 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Arabi (Sufi, 1165-1240 CE) / Tr: Tarjumana, Aisha
Pub: Madinah Press, Cape Town, 2005
Early Work - Sufism


The Search for the Absolute Truth

72911 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassab, Mohammad Esam
Pub: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2019
Islamic Thought - Theology


The Secret of Secrets

71071 | English | Softcover
By: Jaylani, Abdul-Qadir
Pub: MBC, New Delhi 2016


The Secret Of Secrets

60921 | English | Softcover
By: Jilani, Abd al-Qadir
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, U.K.
Early Work - Sirr al-Asrar - Sufi Studies

  Sale Price: US$25.95

The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-khudí, Eng.)

44331 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2013
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


The Soul (HC, DKI)

7469 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350)
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2008, 1st Edition
Early Work - The Soul - Afterlife


The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur)

44593 | English | Softcover
By: Faridu'd-Din Attar / Tr: Avery, Peter
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 1998
Early Work - Sufi Poetry - Persian - trans. to English

  Sale Price: US$38.00

The Spiritual Journey to Allah & His Messenger

70825 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (d.751/1350) ( Trans. Jibaly, Muhammad)
Pub: Al Kitaab & as-Sunnah, USA 2007
Early Work - Islam - Spirituality


The Spiritual Practices of Rumi: Radical Techniques for Beholding the Divine

44486 | English | Softcover
By: Johnson, Will
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vermont, US, 2007
Sufism - Rumi


The Straight Path Simplified : An Annotated Translation of Qasd al-Sabil

81052 | English | Hardcover
By: Thanwi, Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Muhammad Ashraf (d. 1362/1943)
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2023
Islam - Spiritualism - Sufi


The Sufi Path of Annihilation

45139 | English | Softcover
By: Ergin, Nevit O.
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vt, USA, 2014


The Way of Abu Madyan: The Works of Abu Madyan Shu‘ayb (Ar-En)

71381 | English / Arabic | Softcover
By: Abu Madyan / Tr: Cornell, Vincent J.
Pub: The Islamic Text Society, UK 1996
Sufism - Translated Early Works - Dual A-E


The Work of Day and Night: Suyuti's Collection of Prophetic Practices and Prayers

42796 | English with Arabic | Softcover
By: Suyuti, Imam / Translated by Jameer, Rashad
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Worship - Prayer


Tulip in the Desert : A selection of the poetry of Muhammad Iqbal

44763 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938) / Mir, Mustansir
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


Universe between the Qur'an and Science

72913 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassab, Mohammad
Pub: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2019
Islamic Thought - Science


World Thought in Translation: Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants

44843 | English | Hardcover
By: Shar'ani, Abd al-Wahab ibn Ahmad / Tr: Sabra, Adam
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017
Early Work - Sufism - Leadership Guide

  Sale Price: US$58.00

World Thought in Translation: Initiative to Stop the Violence

44842 | English | Hardcover
By: Jama'ah al-Islamiyah / Tr: Jackson, Sherman
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2015
Contemporary Islamic Thought - Peace - Jihad

  Sale Price: US$75.00

World Thought in Translation: Subtle Insights Concerning Knowledge and Practice

44840 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kammuna al-Baghdadi, Sa'd Ibn Mansur
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2019
Early Work - Translated World Thought - Monotheism

  Sale Price: US$75.00

World Thought in Translation: The Criterion for Distinguishing Legal Opinions

44841 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Idris al-Qarafi al-Maliki, Shihab al-Din Ahmad
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017
Early Work - Islamic Jurisprudence

  Sale Price: US$75.00

The Life, Personality, and Writings of al-Junayd

80378 | English | Softcover
By: Abdel-Kader, Ali Hassan
Pub: Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur 2014


The Way of Abu Madyan: The Works of Abu Madyan Shu‘ayb (Ar-En)

71381 | English / Arabic | Softcover
By: Abu Madyan / Tr: Cornell, Vincent J.
Pub: The Islamic Text Society, UK 1996
Sufism - Translated Early Works - Dual A-E


Peak of Eloquence: Nahjul Balagha

74428 | English | Softcover
By: Abu Talib, Ali Ibn
Pub: Tahrike Tarsile, NY 2019
Early Work - Sayings - Proverbs - Ali Ibn Abu Talib


Abu Zayd al-Balkhi's Sustenance of the Soul

41502 | English | Softcover
By: Abu Zayd al-Balkhi (850-934 CE)
Pub: IIIT, London, 2014
Early Work - Arab Medicine - Spirituality


Critique of Religious Discourse

74692 | English | Hardcover
By: Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid / Tr: Wright, Jonathan
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2018
Contemporary Religious Thought - Islam

  Sale Price: US$70.00

Ibn 'Arabi: The Voyage of No Return

42786 | English | Softcover
By: Addas, Claude
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Ibn Arabi - Sufi - Biography


Quest for the Red Sulphur : The Life of Ibn 'Arabi

42791 | English | Softcover
By: Addas, Claude
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Ibn Arabi - Sufi - Biography


Avicenna: His Life and Works

44708 | English | Softcover
By: Afnan, Soheil M.
Pub: IBT / The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2009
Avicenna - 980-1037 - Philosophy - Sciences - Biography


Hidden Blessings: Forty Wisdoms Behind Calamities, Difficulties, Trials & Tribulations

81059 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmadi, Tameem (Compilation & Commentary)
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2019
Anthology - Thanwi & Other Scholars' Works - Sufism - Philosophy


Reformation of Character

81058 | English | Softcover
By: Akhtar, Hadrat Mawlana Hakim Muhammad (d. 1434/2013)
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2019
Islam - Self-Help - Character - Sufism


Sacred Nature

74102 | English | Hardcover
By: Armstrong, Karen
Pub: Knopf, 2022
Philosophy - Nature - Self Help


Al-Kindi : The Philosopher of the Arabs

44316 | English | Hardcover
By: Atiyeh, George N.
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2006 edition, c 1994
al-Kindi, approx. 873 - Islamic Philosophy


The Fragrant Scent: On the Knowledge of Motivating Thoughts and Other Such Gems

42823 | English | Softcover
By: Aydarus, Abd al-Rahman (d. 1192/1778), Translated by Mokrane Guezzou
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Spritualism - Sufi - 12th/18th Century Work


AL-FARABI: Life, Works and Significance

44706 | English | Softcover
By: Bakar, Osman
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2018


Islam in History and Society

44334 | English | Softcover
By: Bennabi, Malek (1323/1905 - 1393/1973)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2006
Thought - Islam - History - Society


The Consolation of Philosophy

73119 | English | Softcover
By: Boethius / Tr: Watts, V.E.
Pub: Penguin Books, London/NY
Early Classic Work - Happiness - Philosophy

  Sale Price: US$14.20

The Greatest Universal Sureties: The Creator's Existence

72117 | English | Hardcover
By: Buti, Muhamad Sa'id Ramadan (1929-2013) / Tr. Lock, Nicholas
Pub: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2017 English Edition
Islam - God - Existence of Creator


Divine Love :Islamic Literature and the Path to God

73429 | English | Hardcover
By: Chittick, William
Pub: YUP, New Haven 2013
Sufi literature - History and criticism - Metaphysics

  Sale Price: US$75.00

Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn Arabi

70588 | English | Softcover
By: Chodkiewicz, Michel
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, 1993
Islam - Ibn Arabi - Sainthood


The Art of Persuasion : Aristotle’s Rhetoric for Everybody

71358 | English | Hardcover
By: Crider, Scott F.
Pub: Sandala, USA 2019


Hujjat Allah Balighah : The Conclusive Argument from God

73683 | English | Hardcover
By: Dahlawi, Allama Shah Wali Allah (d. 1176/1762) العلامة شاه ولي الله الدهلوي / Tr. Hermansen, Marcia
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi 2019 English Edition
Theology / Philosophy


Rumi: The Persian Mystics

44339 | English | Softcover
By: Davis, F. Handland
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014
Sufism - Jalal al-Din Rumi


The Chief Sins - al-Kaba'ir (Arabic-English, HC) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي

14444 | English with Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi (al-Zahabi) الذهبي, Translator: Mahmud Ibrahim
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2009
Early Work - islam - Major Sins


The Major Sins - al-Kaba'ir (Arabic-English) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي

43693 | Arabic-English | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi, Shams al-Din (673/1274-748/1348) شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد الذهبي
Pub: Idara Impex , New Delhi, India 2018 Edition
Early Work - Islam - Major Sins


The Sufi Path of Annihilation

45139 | English | Softcover
By: Ergin, Nevit O.
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vt, USA, 2014


Sufism: An Introduction to the Mystical Tradition of Islam

73390 | English | Softcover
By: Ernst, Carl W.
Pub: Shambhala, Boulder, CO, USA, 2011
Sufism / Mysticism

  Sale Price: US$16.50

Farabi: The Political Writings

72308 | English | Softcover
By: Farabi/ Tr. Butterworth, Charles
Pub: Cornell University Press, Ithaca 2015
Al-Farabi Political Writings - Political Thought


Selections from Fariduddin 'Attar's Tadhkaratul Aulia

44349 | Hardcover
By: Farid al-Din 'Attar / Tr: Behari, Bankey
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2019 reprint c 1993
Sufi Teachings - Saints - Biographical


The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur)

44593 | English | Softcover
By: Faridu'd-Din Attar / Tr: Avery, Peter
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 1998
Early Work - Sufi Poetry - Persian - trans. to English

  Sale Price: US$38.00

Spiritual Therapy: An Islamic Perspective

80384 | English | Softcover
By: Faris, Waleed Fekry. Abdullah, Fatimah.
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2021
Islam - Spirituality


Ghazali: Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship

71035 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Pub: Muslim Media, Delhi
Early Work - A.H, Ghazali - Islamic Knowledge


The Book of Knowledge

71033 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Pub: Idara Impex, New Delhi 2015
Early Work - A.H. Ghazali


Mishkat al-Anwar (The Niche for Lights)

71027 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Pub: Idara Impex, New Delhi 2011
Early Work - Qur'an - Tafsir - Ghazali


Ghazali on Conduct in Travel

71996 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali on the Manners Relating to Eating

71995 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali Letter to a Disciple

71997 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali On Poverty & Abstinence

71998 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2019
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of God

71999 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2016
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 1]

44725 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 2]

44726 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 3]

44727 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 4]

44728 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2016
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali On Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration.

75245 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2020
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali: Wonders of the Heart

44766 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2007
Early Work - Islam - Spiritualism -Sufism


Ghazali The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife

72000 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2018
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali An Epistle To The World! (Dear Beloved Son English with Arabic)

42546 | English with Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2017
Early Work - Islamic Counsel


The Mysteries and Duties of Prayer

20797 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: DKI 2014
Early Work - Fiqh - Prayer - Sufism


Al-Ghazali: Knowledge of the Hereafter: Durrah al-Fakhirah

44732 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr. Smith, Jane Idleman
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2012
Early Work - Islam - Hereafter


Music and Singing

44735 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Black MacDonald, Duncan
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2009
Early Work - Music - Religious Aspects - Islam


O Son ! - Timeless Advice from Al-Ghazali's Letter to His Student

75183 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Elqabbany, Moustafa
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishers, New Jersey 2023
Early Work - Islam - Philosophy - Imam Ghazali


Ghazali: Marriage and Sexuality in Islam

44733 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Farah, Madelain
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur,, 2012
Early Work - Islam - Marriage - Sexuality


Ghazali: Kimiya-e Saadat: The Alchemy of Happiness

44730 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Field, Claude
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2007
Early Work - Islam - Contentment


Ghazali: Fear and Hope

44716 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: McKane, William
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2014
Early Work - Islam - Forgiveness - Repentance


Ghazali: Deliverance from Error and the Beginning of Guidance

44712 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Watt, W. Montgomery
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2005
Islam - Imam Ghazali - Practices - Autobiography


Ghazali on Vigilance & Self-Examination

42821 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ), Translated by Anthony F. Shaker
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali Invocations & Supplications

75246 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111) / Tr: Nakamura, Kojiro
Pub: ITS, 2022
Early Work - Supplications


The Jewels of the Qur'an: Al-Ghazali's Theory

44753 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( d. 505/1111 ) / Abul Quasem, Muhammad
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2013
Early Work - Qur'an Studies


Lawful and Unlawful

20798 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: DKI 2014
Early Work - Fiqh - Sufism


Ghazali on Love, Longing, Intimacy & Contentment (Ghazali series)

72729 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 2019
Early Work - Sufism - Islamic Theology

  Sale Price: US$36.95

Ghazali: Ihya' Ulum al-Din (English, 4 vol)

71043 | English | Hardcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: Islamic Book Service, India 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Minhajul 'Abideen - The Best Way For Worshipers

71700 | English | Hardcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE) أبي حامد الغزالي
Pub: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 2009
Early Work - Islam - Spiritualism


Ghazali on the Elucidation of the Marvels of the Heart

70517 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE) أبي حامد الغزالي
Pub: Dar al-Fiqh, UK
Early Work - Islam - Spiritualism


A Summary of Imam al-Ghazali's The Revival of Religious Sciences (4 Volume Boxed Set)

81211 | English | Hardcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IIPH, Riyadh 2024
Early Work - Sufism - Islamic Creed


Ghazali on Patience and Thankfulness

75248 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) / Tr: Littlejohn, Dr Henry T.
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2022
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


The Ascent to the Divine Through the Path of Self-Knowledge

80385 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) Tr: Shammas, Yusuf Easa
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2021
Early Work - Sufism - Ghazali works


Ghazali: The Message From On High

74626 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
Early Work - Philosophy - Sufism


Ghazali On Disciplining The Soul & Breaking The Two Desires

80120 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, 2023
Early Work - Islam - Spirituality


Ghazali on Intention Sincerity and Truthfulness

70587 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, 2013
Early Work - Islam - Spirituality - Aqeeda


Ghazali’s Political Thought and Other Essays on Hujjatu’l-Islam

74624 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي / Ed, Intr: Muddathir ‘Abd al-Rahim
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2022
Early Work - Political Thought - Al-Ghazali


A Journal of Sufic Sciences: Introducing El Gilani Methodology and Sufic Knowledge

80817 | English | Softcover
By: Gilani, El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah
Pub: AQG Institute of Sufic Sciences, South Carolina 2015
Sufism - Sufic Sciences - Gilani Methods


Postnormal Times Reader

72019 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: IIIT, 2019
Essays - Thought - Current Affairs


Ancient Rhetoric From Aristotle To Philostratus

71957 | English | Softcover
By: Habinek, Thomas (Editor)
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2017
Classical Rhetoric|Anthology|Ancient World History


The Bequest (al-Wasiyya)

70021 | English | Softcover
By: Hafyan, al-Shaykh Abd al-Mahmud (1919-1973)
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2007
Islam - Sufism


Incoherence of the Atheists

74630 | English | Softcover
By: Haider, Jamal
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2023
Atheism - Philosophy - Islamic Thought - Comparative


Ana Al-Haqq Reconsidered with Eng. Tr. of Kitab Al-Tawasin

44324 | English | Hardcover
By: Hallaj, Husayn ibn Mansur / Gilani, Kamran
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, c.1994, 2006 Reprint
Early Work - Sufism


The Islamic Months: A detailed treatise...

40596 | English | Hardcover
By: Hanbali, al-Hafiz ibn Rajab / Translator: Mahomedy, Mahomed
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2014
Islamic Creed - Months


Maimonides: Torah and Philosophic Quest

72312 | English | Softcover
By: Hartman, David
Pub: Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia 1976
Philosophy- Judaism



71956 | English | Softcover
By: Hobbes, Thomas
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2017
Classic Work - Political Thought - The State


Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt

74596 | English | Softcover
By: Hoffman, Valerie
Pub: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC, 2009
Sufism / Egyptian Mysticism

  Sale Price: US$31.95

The Kashful Mahjub «Unveiling the Veiled»

44754 | English | Softcover
By: Hujweri, Syed Ali Bin Uthman / Tr: Rabbani, Maulana Wahid Bakhsh
Pub: IBS / A.S. Noordeen, Kuala Lumpur, 1997
Early Work - Sufism


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 1

6983 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Abd Rabbih
Pub: Garnet Publishing Ltd, UK, 2007
Classic Work - Arabic Literature


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 3

72295 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Abd Rabbih / Tr. Boullata Issa & DeYoung, Terri
Pub: Garnet Press, Reading 2011
History - Folktales- Poetry- Proverbs


Journey to the Lord of Power: A Sufi Manual on Retreat

44485 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Arabi (1165-1240 CE) ابن العربي
Pub: Inner Traditions International, Vermont, US, 1989
Early Work - Sufi Philosophy - Ibn Arabi

  Sale Price: US$11.95

The Seals of Wisdom

44762 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Arabi (Sufi, 1165-1240 CE) / Tr: Tarjumana, Aisha
Pub: Madinah Press, Cape Town, 2005
Early Work - Sufism


The Key to Salvation

14555 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari, Translated by Mary Ann K.Danner
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, UK
Early Work - Sufism


The Book of Aphorisms (Kitab al-Hikam)

44745 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Ata'illah (Ata Allah, d.709/1309) / Tr: Wafy, Muhammed Nafih
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2010
Early Work - Sufism


World Thought in Translation: The Criterion for Distinguishing Legal Opinions

44841 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Idris al-Qarafi al-Maliki, Shihab al-Din Ahmad
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017
Early Work - Islamic Jurisprudence

  Sale Price: US$75.00

World Thought in Translation: Subtle Insights Concerning Knowledge and Practice

44840 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kammuna al-Baghdadi, Sa'd Ibn Mansur
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2019
Early Work - Translated World Thought - Monotheism

  Sale Price: US$75.00

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3

70018 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$31.46

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4

70017 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$31.46

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1

70012 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$85.50

Ibn Khaldun on Sufism

42795 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Khaldun / Translated by: Ozer, Humna
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Sufism


The Abridgment of the Levels of People in the Hereafter

71048 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Pub: Salafi Publications, Birmingham, UK 2005
Early Work - The Hereafter - Metaphysics


The Soul (HC, DKI)

7469 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350)
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2008, 1st Edition
Early Work - The Soul - Afterlife


Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Divine Wisdom and the Problem of Evil

42787 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Tr: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings


Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Knowledge

42788 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Tr: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings


Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah on The Invocation of God (SC)

11211 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Translator: Fitzgerald, Abd al-Rahman
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, UK, English Edition
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Worship


Provisions of the Afterlife Zad al-Ma'ad

14450 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350), Tr: Ismail Abd al-Sallam
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2010
Early Work - Prophetic Guidance


The Spiritual Journey to Allah & His Messenger

70825 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (d.751/1350) ( Trans. Jibaly, Muhammad)
Pub: Al Kitaab & as-Sunnah, USA 2007
Early Work - Islam - Spirituality


Interpretation of Dreams (Ibn Sirin, English)

6717 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Sirin al-Basri, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2007
Dream Interpretation

  Sale Price: US$20.00

Ibn Taymeeyah's Essay on The Jinn (Demons)

43848 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyah / Trans and Annotated by: Philips, Dr.Bilal
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2010 Reprint, c. 2002
Early - Ibn Taymiyah - The Jinn


Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (SC)

44817 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) / Tr, Intro: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Jarir Bookstore USA, 2021
Islamic Theology - Causality - Ibn Taymiyya - Thought


Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (HC)

44816 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) / Tr, Intro: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Jarir Bookstore USA, 2021
Islamic Theology - Causality - Ibn Taymiyya - Thought


Ibn Taymiyya: Epistle on Worship ( Risalat al-Ubudiyya)

42794 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyya / Translated by Pavlin, James
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Worship


Aqida Wasitiya

9306 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2004
Islam - General

  Sale Price: US$1.50

Ibn Taymiyyah : Response to Christianity

72121 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728/1328 ) / Tr. Michel, Thomas
Pub: Caravan Books, USA 1984 Reprint 2019
Early Work - Comparative

  Sale Price: US$85.00

The History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan

44751 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Tufail, Abu Bakr (d. 581/1185) / Tr: Ockley, Simon
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
Early Work - Philosophical Novel


THe Life and Work of Jalal-Ud-din Rumi

80376 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Afzal
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2014
Biography - Sufism


The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

44332 | Engllish | Hardcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, India, 2020
Religious Thought - Islam


The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-khudí, Eng.)

44331 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2013
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


Tulip in the Desert : A selection of the poetry of Muhammad Iqbal

44763 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938) / Mir, Mustansir
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


The Pure Intention: On Knowledge of the Unique Name

70609 | English | Softcover
By: Iskandari, Ibn Ata Allah
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, 2018
Early Work - Islam - Sufism


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC)

70005 | English | Hardcover
By: Jahiz
Pub: Garnet Press, 1998
Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Humor - Satire


The Maverick Dervish: Mystic Melodies of a Radical Romantic

80375 | English | Softcover
By: Jaihoon, Mujeeb
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2024
Sufism- Poetry


Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi

44594 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Barks, Coleman
Pub: Shambhala, Boston, 2000
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Rumi Daylight: A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance

44643 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Helminski, Camille & Kabir
Pub: Shambhala, Boston, London, 1999
Sufism - Rumi


Selected Poems from the Divani Shamsi Tabriz

44341 | English (with Persian) | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Nicholson, R.A.
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014 print, c. 1898
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi Vols I - VI (3 books)

74245 | English | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Nicholson, Reynold (1868-1945)
Pub: Alfa, 2004
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


RUMI: Mystic and Poet

44740 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Nicholson, Reynold A.
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
Early Work - Sufism


Spiritual Verses

44598 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / William, Alan
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2007
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


World Thought in Translation: Initiative to Stop the Violence

44842 | English | Hardcover
By: Jama'ah al-Islamiyah / Tr: Jackson, Sherman
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2015
Contemporary Islamic Thought - Peace - Jihad

  Sale Price: US$75.00

Futuh Al-Ghaib: The revelations In The Unseen

71070 | English | Softcover
By: Jaylani, Abdul-Qadir
Pub: Idara Impex, New Delhi, 2017


The Secret of Secrets

71071 | English | Softcover
By: Jaylani, Abdul-Qadir
Pub: MBC, New Delhi 2016


Islamic Etiquette: A Part From the Book Minhaj-ul-Muslim

40029 | English | Hardcover
By: Jazairi, Sh. Abu Bakr
Pub: Darussalam, KSA, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Creed


The Secret Of Secrets

60921 | English | Softcover
By: Jilani, Abd al-Qadir
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, U.K.
Early Work - Sirr al-Asrar - Sufi Studies

  Sale Price: US$25.95

Fuyudat al-Rabbaniya (Emanations of Lordly Grace)

44317 | English | Softcover
By: Jilani, Abd al-Qadir (470/1078 - 561/1166) عبد القادر الجيلاني
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi
Early Work - Sufism - Doctrines - Biography


Rumi's Four Essential Practices: Ecstatic Body, Awakened Soul

14715 | English | Softcover
By: Johnson, Will
Pub: Inner Traditions
Religion - Poetry


The Spiritual Practices of Rumi: Radical Techniques for Beholding the Divine

44486 | English | Softcover
By: Johnson, Will
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vermont, US, 2007
Sufism - Rumi


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: A Guide to Conclusive Proofs for the Principles of Belief

70006 | English | Softcover
By: Juwayni, Iman al-Haramayn al-Juwayni (d. 478/1085)
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2000
Early Work - Islam - Creed


The Doctrine of the Sufis

44323 | English | Hardcover
By: Kalabadhi, Abi Bakr (d. ca. 380/990) أبي بكر الكلاباذي / Tr: Arberry, Arther
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014
Early Work - Sufi Doctrines


A Sufi Commentary on the Qur'an: Ta'wilat al-Qur'an (Vol II)

44631 | English Only | Softcover
By: Kashani, Abd Al-Razzaq ( 730/1330) / Tr: Wiliams, Khalid
Pub: Islamic Text Society & The Royal Aal-Bayt Institute for Thought, UK, 2021
Early Work - Quran Exegesis - Sufi


Universe between the Qur'an and Science

72913 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassab, Mohammad
Pub: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2019
Islamic Thought - Science


The Search for the Absolute Truth

72911 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassab, Mohammad Esam
Pub: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2019
Islamic Thought - Theology


The Other In The Light Of The One - The Universality of the Qur'an and Interfaith Dialogue

75243 | English | Softcover
By: Kazemi, Reza Shah
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2010
Sufism - Philosophy - Islam


An Outpouring of Subtleties Upon the Pearl of Oneness Volume 1 (Divinity)

73185 | English | Softcover
By: Khalfe, Allie
Pub: Sunni Publications, Netherlands 2020
Sufism - Tawhid


An Outpouring of Subtleties V2

73258 | English | Softcover
By: Khalfe, Allie
Pub: Sunni Publications, Netherlands 2020
Tawhid- Monotheism


The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave us the Renaissance

43953 | English | Softcover
By: Khalili, Jim
Pub: Penguin Books, London, US, 2010
Medieval Arab - Sciences - History - Philosophy

  Sale Price: US$15.30

Leading A Spiritual Life

44556 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2018 print
Spirituality - Islamic Aestheticism

The Moral Vision

The Moral Vision

82076 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Wahiduddin (1925-2001)
Pub: Goodword, India, 2018
Islamic Philosophy - Attitudes - Success in Life


Sufism : An Introduction

20723 | English | Softcover
By: Khanam, Farida
Pub: Goodword, 2009
Islam - Sufism


The Book of Truthfulness: Kitab al-Sidq

44746 | English | Softcover
By: Kharraz, Abu Said (d. ca. 286/899) / Tr: Arberry, Arthur John
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2014
Early Work - Sufism


The Scholars of the Sufis

43673 | English | Softcover
By: Kharsa, Shaykh Abd al-Hadi / Tr: Abd al-Aziz, Suraqah
Pub: Sunni Publications, Netherlands, 2011 English Edition


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Essay on Algebra and Equations (Algebra wa Al-Muqabala)

9272 | English | Softcover
By: Khayyam, Omar
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2009
Mathematics, History


Hajj to the Heart: Sufi Journeys across the Indian Ocean

73817 | English | Softcover
By: Kugle, Scott
Pub: University of North Carolina Press, 2021
Sufism / History

  Sale Price: US$35.00

Remembering God: Reflections on Islam

80083 | English | Softcover
By: Le Gai Eaton, Charles
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2022
Islam - Sufism - Contemporary


Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi verse from the mystics to Rumi

44280 | English | Softcover
By: Mahmood, Jamal, (edited, translations, introduction)
Pub: Penguin Classics, New York, London, 2009
Sufi Poetry


Sufism : And The Imams of the Salafi Movement

81056 | English | Hardcover
By: Makki, Shaykh Abdul Hafiz
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2019
Islam - Sufism


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Ordinances of Government

70007 | English | Softcover
By: Mawardi, Abu al-Hasan (974-1058 CE)
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Creed - Fiqh


Nasir al-Din Tusi: A Philosopher for All Seasons

72728 | English | Softcover
By: Meisami, Sayeh
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 2019
Philosophers - Tusi (d. 1274 CE) - Islamic Empire

  Sale Price: US$15.95

Epistemological Bias in the Physical and Social Sciences

7920 | English | Softcover
By: Missiri, Abd al-Wahab (1938-2008) (Messiri) / Group
Pub: IIIT, London, Washington, 2006
Thought - Islamic Sociology

  Sale Price: US$13.60

Ghazali & The Poetics of Imagination

73399 | English | Softcover
By: Moosa, Ebrahim
Pub: UNC Press, Chapel Hill, 2005
Ghazali 450/1058-505/1111 - Sufism - Imagination - Religious aspects

  Sale Price: US$33.95

Sufi Metaphysics and Qur'anic Prophets

72756 | English | Softcover
By: Nettler, Ronald
Pub: ITS, Cambridge 2012
Sufism - Metaphysics

  Sale Price: US$32.95

The Rubais of Rumi: Insane with Love

14714 | English | Softcover
By: Nevit O. Ergin and Will Johnson
Pub: Inner Traditions
Religion - Poetry


The Forbidden Rumi: The Suppressed Poems of Rumi on Love, Heresy, and Intoxication

14716 | English | Softcover
By: Nevit O. Ergin and Will Johnson
Pub: Inner Traditions
Religion - Poetry


The Joyous Science

71958 | English | Softcover
By: Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2018
Classic - Philosophy - Germany


Poetry in Praise of the Prophetic Perfection

73350 | English | Softcover
By: Ogunnaike, Oludamini
Pub: ITS, Cambridge ,2020
Sufi poetry - West African Islamic poetry


Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan (HC, English, Urdu, + Multi-lingual)

44340 | English-Urdu-Arabic-Persian-French-German | Hardcover
By: Omar Khayyam (1048-1131 CE) / Fitzgerald, Edward
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2008
Early Verse - Quatrains - Omar Khayyam


Hafez Teachings of the Philosopher of Love

74206 | English
By: Pourafzal, Haleh / Montgomery, Roger
Pub: Inner Traditions, 2004
Poetry - Spirituality


Sakina Tul Awliya / Tranquility of the Saints

71150 | English | Hardcover
By: Prince Dara Shikoh Qadiri / Tr: Gillani
Pub: Zavia Books, New York, 2018
Early Work - Sufism - Miyan Mir - Qadiri Order


The Life and Times of Uwais Al-Qarni: The Hidden Sufi and Best Among the Tabi'in

44756 | English | Softcover
By: Qaderi, Uwais Ahmed Akhtarul
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
Early Muslim's Life - Sufism


American Psalms

80818 | English | Softcover
By: Qadria, Sufi Halimah
Pub: AQG Institute of Sufic Sciences, South Carolina, 2015
Sufism - Psalms - Qadiriyya


Interpretation of Dreams (al-Qafsi)

42115 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Qafsi, Ibn Rashid al-Bakri (d. 736/1336)
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 2010
Early Work - Dream Interpretation

  Sale Price: US$16.95

The Rubais of Rumi: Insane with Love

44487 | English | Softcover
By: Rumi / Ergin, Nevit O. / Johnson, Will
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vermont, US, 2007
Early Work - Sufi Poetry


Rumi: Unseen Poems

72705 | English | Hardcover
By: Rumi, Jalaldin
Pub: PRH Group, NY 2019
Sufism / Poetry


Our Philosophy

44738 | English | Softcover
By: Sadr, Muhammad Baqir (d. 1980) / Tr: Inati, Shams C.
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2012
Philosophy - Comparative - Modern


Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition

72903 | English | Softcover
By: Safi, Omid
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2018
Mysticism / Sufism

  Sale Price: US$18.00

Makers of Islamic Civilization: Rumi

72303 | English | Softcover
By: Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003) / Tr: Bergne, Paul
Pub: Oxford University Press, UK 2014
Sufism - Rumi

  Sale Price: US$16.00

Mystical Dimensions of Islam

72302 | English | Softcover
By: Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003)/ Frwd - Ernst, Carl
Pub: University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 2011

  Sale Price: US$35.95

Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons

74650 | English | Softcover
By: Sebottendorff, Baron Rudolf Von
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vermont 2013
Spirituality- Occultism - Oriental Freemasonry


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Introduction to the Science of the Hadith (Kitab Ma'rifat anwa' 'Ilm al-Hadith)

9273 | English | Softcover
By: Shahrazuri, Ibn al-Salah
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2006
Islam - Hadith


Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn 'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality

72301 | English | Softcover
By: Shaikh, Sadiyya
Pub: UNC Press, Chapel Hill 2012
Sufism- Women - Ibn Arabi

  Sale Price: US$31.95

World Thought in Translation: Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants

44843 | English | Hardcover
By: Shar'ani, Abd al-Wahab ibn Ahmad / Tr: Sabra, Adam
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017
Early Work - Sufism - Leadership Guide

  Sale Price: US$58.00

Imam al-Shatibi's Theory of the Higher Objectives and Intents of Islamic Law

7919 | English | Softcover
By: Shatibi / Raysuni, Ahmed
Pub: IIIT, London, Washington, 2005
Islamic Law


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law Vol 2

70009 | English | Softcover
By: Shatibi, Ibrahim ibn Musa Abu Ishaq
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2015
Islam - Fiqh - Creed


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law Vol 1

70008 | English | Softcover
By: Shatibi, Ibrahim ibn Musa Abu Ishaq
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2011
Islam - Creed - Fiqh


The Mystical Doctrine of Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī as Found in His Book Qūt al-Qulūb

80370 | English | Softcover
By: Shukri, Mohamed
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2024


A Collection of Sufi Rules of Conduct

42820 | English | Softcover
By: Sulami, Abu Abd al-Rahman (937-1021 CE), Translated by Elena Biagi
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Sufi Conduct


The Work of Day and Night: Suyuti's Collection of Prophetic Practices and Prayers

42796 | English with Arabic | Softcover
By: Suyuti, Imam / Translated by Jameer, Rashad
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Worship - Prayer


GITANJALI Song Offerings

74628 | English | Softcover
By: Tagore, Rabindranath
Pub: TOP, Kuala Lumpur 2022
Poetry - Philosophy


Sufi Study of Hadith

72014 | English | Softcover
By: Thanawi, Ashraf Ali
Pub: Turath, 2010
Islam - Hadith - Sufism


The Straight Path Simplified : An Annotated Translation of Qasd al-Sabil

81052 | English | Hardcover
By: Thanwi, Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Muhammad Ashraf (d. 1362/1943)
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2023
Islam - Spiritualism - Sufi


Ash-Shifa (English)

11600 | English with Arabic text | Hardcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad (476/1083 - 544/1149)
Pub: DKI, Beirut
Early Work - Hadith - Sira


Book of Emaan

72001 | English | Softcover
By: Yasin, Muhammad / Ibn Taymiyyah ( 661/1263 - 728/1328 ) ابن تيمية
Pub: Firdous, 2003
Early Works - Islam - Aqeeda / Creed

  Sale Price: US$11.16

Aqida Wasitiya

9306 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2004
Islam - General

  Sale Price: US$1.50

Mishkat al-Anwar (The Niche for Lights)

71027 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Pub: Idara Impex, New Delhi 2011
Early Work - Qur'an - Tafsir - Ghazali


The Abridgment of the Levels of People in the Hereafter

71048 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Pub: Salafi Publications, Birmingham, UK 2005
Early Work - The Hereafter - Metaphysics


Rumi: The Persian Mystics

44339 | English | Softcover
By: Davis, F. Handland
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014
Sufism - Jalal al-Din Rumi


The Book of Truthfulness: Kitab al-Sidq

44746 | English | Softcover
By: Kharraz, Abu Said (d. ca. 286/899) / Tr: Arberry, Arthur John
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2014
Early Work - Sufism


The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-khudí, Eng.)

44331 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2013
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


American Psalms

80818 | English | Softcover
By: Qadria, Sufi Halimah
Pub: AQG Institute of Sufic Sciences, South Carolina, 2015
Sufism - Psalms - Qadiriyya


Ghazali: Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship

71035 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Pub: Muslim Media, Delhi
Early Work - A.H, Ghazali - Islamic Knowledge


Ghazali An Epistle To The World! (Dear Beloved Son English with Arabic)

42546 | English with Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2017
Early Work - Islamic Counsel


Ibn Taymeeyah's Essay on The Jinn (Demons)

43848 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyah / Trans and Annotated by: Philips, Dr.Bilal
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2010 Reprint, c. 2002
Early - Ibn Taymiyah - The Jinn


Abu Zayd al-Balkhi's Sustenance of the Soul

41502 | English | Softcover
By: Abu Zayd al-Balkhi (850-934 CE)
Pub: IIIT, London, 2014
Early Work - Arab Medicine - Spirituality


Futuh Al-Ghaib: The revelations In The Unseen

71070 | English | Softcover
By: Jaylani, Abdul-Qadir
Pub: Idara Impex, New Delhi, 2017


The Secret of Secrets

71071 | English | Softcover
By: Jaylani, Abdul-Qadir
Pub: MBC, New Delhi 2016


Fuyudat al-Rabbaniya (Emanations of Lordly Grace)

44317 | English | Softcover
By: Jilani, Abd al-Qadir (470/1078 - 561/1166) عبد القادر الجيلاني
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi
Early Work - Sufism - Doctrines - Biography


Ghazali: Marriage and Sexuality in Islam

44733 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Farah, Madelain
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur,, 2012
Early Work - Islam - Marriage - Sexuality


Islam in History and Society

44334 | English | Softcover
By: Bennabi, Malek (1323/1905 - 1393/1973)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2006
Thought - Islam - History - Society


Leading A Spiritual Life

44556 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2018 print
Spirituality - Islamic Aestheticism


Ana Al-Haqq Reconsidered with Eng. Tr. of Kitab Al-Tawasin

44324 | English | Hardcover
By: Hallaj, Husayn ibn Mansur / Gilani, Kamran
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, c.1994, 2006 Reprint
Early Work - Sufism


The Doctrine of the Sufis

44323 | English | Hardcover
By: Kalabadhi, Abi Bakr (d. ca. 380/990) أبي بكر الكلاباذي / Tr: Arberry, Arther
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014
Early Work - Sufi Doctrines


Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan (HC, English, Urdu, + Multi-lingual)

44340 | English-Urdu-Arabic-Persian-French-German | Hardcover
By: Omar Khayyam (1048-1131 CE) / Fitzgerald, Edward
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2008
Early Verse - Quatrains - Omar Khayyam


The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

44332 | Engllish | Hardcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938)
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, India, 2020
Religious Thought - Islam


Ghazali: The Message From On High

74626 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
Early Work - Philosophy - Sufism


A Journal of Sufic Sciences: Introducing El Gilani Methodology and Sufic Knowledge

80817 | English | Softcover
By: Gilani, El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah
Pub: AQG Institute of Sufic Sciences, South Carolina 2015
Sufism - Sufic Sciences - Gilani Methods


Reformation of Character

81058 | English | Softcover
By: Akhtar, Hadrat Mawlana Hakim Muhammad (d. 1434/2013)
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2019
Islam - Self-Help - Character - Sufism


Music and Singing

44735 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Black MacDonald, Duncan
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2009
Early Work - Music - Religious Aspects - Islam


Ghazali: Kimiya-e Saadat: The Alchemy of Happiness

44730 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Field, Claude
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2007
Early Work - Islam - Contentment


The Life and Times of Uwais Al-Qarni: The Hidden Sufi and Best Among the Tabi'in

44756 | English | Softcover
By: Qaderi, Uwais Ahmed Akhtarul
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
Early Muslim's Life - Sufism


Ghazali: Deliverance from Error and the Beginning of Guidance

44712 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Watt, W. Montgomery
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2005
Islam - Imam Ghazali - Practices - Autobiography


Al-Ghazali: Knowledge of the Hereafter: Durrah al-Fakhirah

44732 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr. Smith, Jane Idleman
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2012
Early Work - Islam - Hereafter


Selected Poems from the Divani Shamsi Tabriz

44341 | English (with Persian) | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Nicholson, R.A.
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2014 print, c. 1898
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


The Maverick Dervish: Mystic Melodies of a Radical Romantic

80375 | English | Softcover
By: Jaihoon, Mujeeb
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2024
Sufism- Poetry


The Book of Knowledge

71033 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid
Pub: Idara Impex, New Delhi 2015
Early Work - A.H. Ghazali


Book of Emaan

72001 | English | Softcover
By: Yasin, Muhammad / Ibn Taymiyyah ( 661/1263 - 728/1328 ) ابن تيمية
Pub: Firdous, 2003
Early Works - Islam - Aqeeda / Creed

  Sale Price: US$11.16

GITANJALI Song Offerings

74628 | English | Softcover
By: Tagore, Rabindranath
Pub: TOP, Kuala Lumpur 2022
Poetry - Philosophy


Sufism : An Introduction

20723 | English | Softcover
By: Khanam, Farida
Pub: Goodword, 2009
Islam - Sufism


Journey to the Lord of Power: A Sufi Manual on Retreat

44485 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Arabi (1165-1240 CE) ابن العربي
Pub: Inner Traditions International, Vermont, US, 1989
Early Work - Sufi Philosophy - Ibn Arabi

  Sale Price: US$11.95
The Moral Vision

The Moral Vision

82076 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Wahiduddin (1925-2001)
Pub: Goodword, India, 2018
Islamic Philosophy - Attitudes - Success in Life


The Spiritual Journey to Allah & His Messenger

70825 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (d.751/1350) ( Trans. Jibaly, Muhammad)
Pub: Al Kitaab & as-Sunnah, USA 2007
Early Work - Islam - Spirituality


The History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan

44751 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Tufail, Abu Bakr (d. 581/1185) / Tr: Ockley, Simon
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2020
Early Work - Philosophical Novel


Ghazali: Fear and Hope

44716 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: McKane, William
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2014
Early Work - Islam - Forgiveness - Repentance


RUMI: Mystic and Poet

44740 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Nicholson, Reynold A.
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2021
Early Work - Sufism


The Mysteries and Duties of Prayer

20797 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: DKI 2014
Early Work - Fiqh - Prayer - Sufism


Lawful and Unlawful

20798 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: DKI 2014
Early Work - Fiqh - Sufism


Islamic Etiquette: A Part From the Book Minhaj-ul-Muslim

40029 | English | Hardcover
By: Jazairi, Sh. Abu Bakr
Pub: Darussalam, KSA, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Creed



71956 | English | Softcover
By: Hobbes, Thomas
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2017
Classic Work - Political Thought - The State


The Life, Personality, and Writings of al-Junayd

80378 | English | Softcover
By: Abdel-Kader, Ali Hassan
Pub: Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur 2014


Epistemological Bias in the Physical and Social Sciences

7920 | English | Softcover
By: Missiri, Abd al-Wahab (1938-2008) (Messiri) / Group
Pub: IIIT, London, Washington, 2006
Thought - Islamic Sociology

  Sale Price: US$13.60

Ghazali: Wonders of the Heart

44766 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2007
Early Work - Islam - Spiritualism -Sufism


Al-Kindi : The Philosopher of the Arabs

44316 | English | Hardcover
By: Atiyeh, George N.
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2006 edition, c 1994
al-Kindi, approx. 873 - Islamic Philosophy


The Book of Aphorisms (Kitab al-Hikam)

44745 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Ata'illah (Ata Allah, d.709/1309) / Tr: Wafy, Muhammed Nafih
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2010
Early Work - Sufism


The Consolation of Philosophy

73119 | English | Softcover
By: Boethius / Tr: Watts, V.E.
Pub: Penguin Books, London/NY
Early Classic Work - Happiness - Philosophy

  Sale Price: US$14.20

Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons

74650 | English | Softcover
By: Sebottendorff, Baron Rudolf Von
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vermont 2013
Spirituality- Occultism - Oriental Freemasonry


The Rubais of Rumi: Insane with Love

44487 | English | Softcover
By: Rumi / Ergin, Nevit O. / Johnson, Will
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vermont, US, 2007
Early Work - Sufi Poetry


The Spiritual Practices of Rumi: Radical Techniques for Beholding the Divine

44486 | English | Softcover
By: Johnson, Will
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vermont, US, 2007
Sufism - Rumi


Selections from Fariduddin 'Attar's Tadhkaratul Aulia

44349 | Hardcover
By: Farid al-Din 'Attar / Tr: Behari, Bankey
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2019 reprint c 1993
Sufi Teachings - Saints - Biographical


The Rubais of Rumi: Insane with Love

14714 | English | Softcover
By: Nevit O. Ergin and Will Johnson
Pub: Inner Traditions
Religion - Poetry


Rumi's Four Essential Practices: Ecstatic Body, Awakened Soul

14715 | English | Softcover
By: Johnson, Will
Pub: Inner Traditions
Religion - Poetry


The Forbidden Rumi: The Suppressed Poems of Rumi on Love, Heresy, and Intoxication

14716 | English | Softcover
By: Nevit O. Ergin and Will Johnson
Pub: Inner Traditions
Religion - Poetry


Rumi: Unseen Poems

72705 | English | Hardcover
By: Rumi, Jalaldin
Pub: PRH Group, NY 2019
Sufism / Poetry


The Pure Intention: On Knowledge of the Unique Name

70609 | English | Softcover
By: Iskandari, Ibn Ata Allah
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, 2018
Early Work - Islam - Sufism


Ghazali on the Elucidation of the Marvels of the Heart

70517 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE) أبي حامد الغزالي
Pub: Dar al-Fiqh, UK
Early Work - Islam - Spiritualism


THe Life and Work of Jalal-Ud-din Rumi

80376 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Afzal
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2014
Biography - Sufism


Hidden Blessings: Forty Wisdoms Behind Calamities, Difficulties, Trials & Tribulations

81059 | English | Softcover
By: Ahmadi, Tameem (Compilation & Commentary)
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2019
Anthology - Thanwi & Other Scholars' Works - Sufism - Philosophy


The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave us the Renaissance

43953 | English | Softcover
By: Khalili, Jim
Pub: Penguin Books, London, US, 2010
Medieval Arab - Sciences - History - Philosophy

  Sale Price: US$15.30

Nasir al-Din Tusi: A Philosopher for All Seasons

72728 | English | Softcover
By: Meisami, Sayeh
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 2019
Philosophers - Tusi (d. 1274 CE) - Islamic Empire

  Sale Price: US$15.95

Makers of Islamic Civilization: Rumi

72303 | English | Softcover
By: Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003) / Tr: Bergne, Paul
Pub: Oxford University Press, UK 2014
Sufism - Rumi

  Sale Price: US$16.00

The Seals of Wisdom

44762 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Arabi (Sufi, 1165-1240 CE) / Tr: Tarjumana, Aisha
Pub: Madinah Press, Cape Town, 2005
Early Work - Sufism


Ghazali’s Political Thought and Other Essays on Hujjatu’l-Islam

74624 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي / Ed, Intr: Muddathir ‘Abd al-Rahim
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2022
Early Work - Political Thought - Al-Ghazali


AL-FARABI: Life, Works and Significance

44706 | English | Softcover
By: Bakar, Osman
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2018


The Jewels of the Qur'an: Al-Ghazali's Theory

44753 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( d. 505/1111 ) / Abul Quasem, Muhammad
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2013
Early Work - Qur'an Studies


Tulip in the Desert : A selection of the poetry of Muhammad Iqbal

44763 | English | Softcover
By: Iqbal, Muhammad (1877 - 1938) / Mir, Mustansir
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
Philosophical Poetry - Islamic - British India (Pakistan)


The Joyous Science

71958 | English | Softcover
By: Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2018
Classic - Philosophy - Germany


Sakina Tul Awliya / Tranquility of the Saints

71150 | English | Hardcover
By: Prince Dara Shikoh Qadiri / Tr: Gillani
Pub: Zavia Books, New York, 2018
Early Work - Sufism - Miyan Mir - Qadiri Order


Sufism: An Introduction to the Mystical Tradition of Islam

73390 | English | Softcover
By: Ernst, Carl W.
Pub: Shambhala, Boulder, CO, USA, 2011
Sufism / Mysticism

  Sale Price: US$16.50

Interpretation of Dreams (al-Qafsi)

42115 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Qafsi, Ibn Rashid al-Bakri (d. 736/1336)
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 2010
Early Work - Dream Interpretation

  Sale Price: US$16.95

Minhajul 'Abideen - The Best Way For Worshipers

71700 | English | Hardcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE) أبي حامد الغزالي
Pub: Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut 2009
Early Work - Islam - Spiritualism


Hafez Teachings of the Philosopher of Love

74206 | English
By: Pourafzal, Haleh / Montgomery, Roger
Pub: Inner Traditions, 2004
Poetry - Spirituality


Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn Arabi

70588 | English | Softcover
By: Chodkiewicz, Michel
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, 1993
Islam - Ibn Arabi - Sainthood


The Sufi Path of Annihilation

45139 | English | Softcover
By: Ergin, Nevit O.
Pub: Inner Traditions, Vt, USA, 2014


Spiritual Verses

44598 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / William, Alan
Pub: Penguin Classics, London, NY, 2007
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


The Soul (HC, DKI)

7469 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350)
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2008, 1st Edition
Early Work - The Soul - Afterlife


Ancient Rhetoric From Aristotle To Philostratus

71957 | English | Softcover
By: Habinek, Thomas (Editor)
Pub: Penguin Classics, USA 2017
Classical Rhetoric|Anthology|Ancient World History


The Mystical Doctrine of Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī as Found in His Book Qūt al-Qulūb

80370 | English | Softcover
By: Shukri, Mohamed
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2024


Incoherence of the Atheists

74630 | English | Softcover
By: Haider, Jamal
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2023
Atheism - Philosophy - Islamic Thought - Comparative


Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition

72903 | English | Softcover
By: Safi, Omid
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2018
Mysticism / Sufism

  Sale Price: US$18.00

Maimonides: Torah and Philosophic Quest

72312 | English | Softcover
By: Hartman, David
Pub: Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia 1976
Philosophy- Judaism


O Son ! - Timeless Advice from Al-Ghazali's Letter to His Student

75183 | English w/ Arabic | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ) / Tr: Elqabbany, Moustafa
Pub: Imam Gazali Publishers, New Jersey 2023
Early Work - Islam - Philosophy - Imam Ghazali


Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi

44594 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Barks, Coleman
Pub: Shambhala, Boston, 2000
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi verse from the mystics to Rumi

44280 | English | Softcover
By: Mahmood, Jamal, (edited, translations, introduction)
Pub: Penguin Classics, New York, London, 2009
Sufi Poetry


The Ascent to the Divine Through the Path of Self-Knowledge

80385 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) Tr: Shammas, Yusuf Easa
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2021
Early Work - Sufism - Ghazali works


Spiritual Therapy: An Islamic Perspective

80384 | English | Softcover
By: Faris, Waleed Fekry. Abdullah, Fatimah.
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2021
Islam - Spirituality


Avicenna: His Life and Works

44708 | English | Softcover
By: Afnan, Soheil M.
Pub: IBT / The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2009
Avicenna - 980-1037 - Philosophy - Sciences - Biography


The Work of Day and Night: Suyuti's Collection of Prophetic Practices and Prayers

42796 | English with Arabic | Softcover
By: Suyuti, Imam / Translated by Jameer, Rashad
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Worship - Prayer


Rumi Daylight: A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance

44643 | English | Softcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Helminski, Camille & Kabir
Pub: Shambhala, Boston, London, 1999
Sufism - Rumi


Universe between the Qur'an and Science

72913 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassab, Mohammad
Pub: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2019
Islamic Thought - Science


Remembering God: Reflections on Islam

80083 | English | Softcover
By: Le Gai Eaton, Charles
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2022
Islam - Sufism - Contemporary


The Straight Path Simplified : An Annotated Translation of Qasd al-Sabil

81052 | English | Hardcover
By: Thanwi, Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Muhammad Ashraf (d. 1362/1943)
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2023
Islam - Spiritualism - Sufi


Our Philosophy

44738 | English | Softcover
By: Sadr, Muhammad Baqir (d. 1980) / Tr: Inati, Shams C.
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2012
Philosophy - Comparative - Modern


Interpretation of Dreams (Ibn Sirin, English)

6717 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Sirin al-Basri, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2007
Dream Interpretation

  Sale Price: US$20.00

Ibn Taymiyya: Epistle on Worship ( Risalat al-Ubudiyya)

42794 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyya / Translated by Pavlin, James
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Worship


Ibn Khaldun on Sufism

42795 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Khaldun / Translated by: Ozer, Humna
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Sufism


Ghazali on Conduct in Travel

71996 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Sufi Study of Hadith

72014 | English | Softcover
By: Thanawi, Ashraf Ali
Pub: Turath, 2010
Islam - Hadith - Sufism


Ghazali on Intention Sincerity and Truthfulness

70587 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, 2013
Early Work - Islam - Spirituality - Aqeeda


The Fragrant Scent: On the Knowledge of Motivating Thoughts and Other Such Gems

42823 | English | Softcover
By: Aydarus, Abd al-Rahman (d. 1192/1778), Translated by Mokrane Guezzou
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Spritualism - Sufi - 12th/18th Century Work


Ghazali on Vigilance & Self-Examination

42821 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 ), Translated by Anthony F. Shaker
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


The Major Sins - al-Kaba'ir (Arabic-English) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي

43693 | Arabic-English | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi, Shams al-Din (673/1274-748/1348) شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد الذهبي
Pub: Idara Impex , New Delhi, India 2018 Edition
Early Work - Islam - Major Sins


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 2]

44726 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ibn 'Arabi: The Voyage of No Return

42786 | English | Softcover
By: Addas, Claude
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Ibn Arabi - Sufi - Biography


The Art of Persuasion : Aristotle’s Rhetoric for Everybody

71358 | English | Hardcover
By: Crider, Scott F.
Pub: Sandala, USA 2019


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Essay on Algebra and Equations (Algebra wa Al-Muqabala)

9272 | English | Softcover
By: Khayyam, Omar
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2009
Mathematics, History


Ghazali On Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration.

75245 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2020
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali Invocations & Supplications

75246 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111) / Tr: Nakamura, Kojiro
Pub: ITS, 2022
Early Work - Supplications


Farabi: The Political Writings

72308 | English | Softcover
By: Farabi/ Tr. Butterworth, Charles
Pub: Cornell University Press, Ithaca 2015
Al-Farabi Political Writings - Political Thought


The Other In The Light Of The One - The Universality of the Qur'an and Interfaith Dialogue

75243 | English | Softcover
By: Kazemi, Reza Shah
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2010
Sufism - Philosophy - Islam


Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Knowledge

42788 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Tr: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings


Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya on Divine Wisdom and the Problem of Evil

42787 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Tr: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Islamic Teachings


An Outpouring of Subtleties Upon the Pearl of Oneness Volume 1 (Divinity)

73185 | English | Softcover
By: Khalfe, Allie
Pub: Sunni Publications, Netherlands 2020
Sufism - Tawhid


The Bequest (al-Wasiyya)

70021 | English | Softcover
By: Hafyan, al-Shaykh Abd al-Mahmud (1919-1973)
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2007
Islam - Sufism


Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (SC)

44817 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) / Tr, Intro: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Jarir Bookstore USA, 2021
Islamic Theology - Causality - Ibn Taymiyya - Thought


Ghazali on the Manners Relating to Eating

71995 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ghazali On Poverty & Abstinence

71998 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2019
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


An Outpouring of Subtleties V2

73258 | English | Softcover
By: Khalfe, Allie
Pub: Sunni Publications, Netherlands 2020
Tawhid- Monotheism


Postnormal Times Reader

72019 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: IIIT, 2019
Essays - Thought - Current Affairs


The Scholars of the Sufis

43673 | English | Softcover
By: Kharsa, Shaykh Abd al-Hadi / Tr: Abd al-Aziz, Suraqah
Pub: Sunni Publications, Netherlands, 2011 English Edition


Peak of Eloquence: Nahjul Balagha

74428 | English | Softcover
By: Abu Talib, Ali Ibn
Pub: Tahrike Tarsile, NY 2019
Early Work - Sayings - Proverbs - Ali Ibn Abu Talib


Poetry in Praise of the Prophetic Perfection

73350 | English | Softcover
By: Ogunnaike, Oludamini
Pub: ITS, Cambridge ,2020
Sufi poetry - West African Islamic poetry


Imam al-Shatibi's Theory of the Higher Objectives and Intents of Islamic Law

7919 | English | Softcover
By: Shatibi / Raysuni, Ahmed
Pub: IIIT, London, Washington, 2005
Islamic Law


The Greatest Universal Sureties: The Creator's Existence

72117 | English | Hardcover
By: Buti, Muhamad Sa'id Ramadan (1929-2013) / Tr. Lock, Nicholas
Pub: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2017 English Edition
Islam - God - Existence of Creator


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 3]

44727 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 1]

44725 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


The Secret Of Secrets

60921 | English | Softcover
By: Jilani, Abd al-Qadir
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, U.K.
Early Work - Sirr al-Asrar - Sufi Studies

  Sale Price: US$25.95

The Search for the Absolute Truth

72911 | English | Hardcover
By: Kassab, Mohammad Esam
Pub: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2019
Islamic Thought - Theology


Ghazali on Patience and Thankfulness

75248 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) / Tr: Littlejohn, Dr Henry T.
Pub: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2022
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


The Chief Sins - al-Kaba'ir (Arabic-English, HC) الكبائر - عربي/إنكليزي

14444 | English with Arabic | Hardcover
By: Dhahabi (al-Zahabi) الذهبي, Translator: Mahmud Ibrahim
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2009
Early Work - islam - Major Sins


The Kashful Mahjub «Unveiling the Veiled»

44754 | English | Softcover
By: Hujweri, Syed Ali Bin Uthman / Tr: Rabbani, Maulana Wahid Bakhsh
Pub: IBS / A.S. Noordeen, Kuala Lumpur, 1997
Early Work - Sufism


Sacred Nature

74102 | English | Hardcover
By: Armstrong, Karen
Pub: Knopf, 2022
Philosophy - Nature - Self Help


Ghazali: Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din: [Volume 4]

44728 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2016
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


A Collection of Sufi Rules of Conduct

42820 | English | Softcover
By: Sulami, Abu Abd al-Rahman (937-1021 CE), Translated by Elena Biagi
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Early Work - Sufi Conduct


Ghazali Letter to a Disciple

71997 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2015
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah on The Invocation of God (SC)

11211 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) / Translator: Fitzgerald, Abd al-Rahman
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, UK, English Edition
Early Work - Islamic Teachings - Worship


Ibn Taymiyya On Causality and Reliance on God (HC)

44816 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) / Tr, Intro: Zeni, Tallal M.
Pub: Jarir Bookstore USA, 2021
Islamic Theology - Causality - Ibn Taymiyya - Thought


Ghazali On Disciplining The Soul & Breaking The Two Desires

80120 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111) الغزالي
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, 2023
Early Work - Islam - Spirituality


Sufism : And The Imams of the Salafi Movement

81056 | English | Hardcover
By: Makki, Shaykh Abdul Hafiz
Pub: Nur Publications, California 2019
Islam - Sufism


The Islamic Months: A detailed treatise...

40596 | English | Hardcover
By: Hanbali, al-Hafiz ibn Rajab / Translator: Mahomedy, Mahomed
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2014
Islamic Creed - Months


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3

70018 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$31.46

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4

70017 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$31.46

Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn 'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality

72301 | English | Softcover
By: Shaikh, Sadiyya
Pub: UNC Press, Chapel Hill 2012
Sufism- Women - Ibn Arabi

  Sale Price: US$31.95

Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt

74596 | English | Softcover
By: Hoffman, Valerie
Pub: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC, 2009
Sufism / Egyptian Mysticism

  Sale Price: US$31.95

Ghazali The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of God

71999 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2016
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Sufi Metaphysics and Qur'anic Prophets

72756 | English | Softcover
By: Nettler, Ronald
Pub: ITS, Cambridge 2012
Sufism - Metaphysics

  Sale Price: US$32.95

Hujjat Allah Balighah : The Conclusive Argument from God

73683 | English | Hardcover
By: Dahlawi, Allama Shah Wali Allah (d. 1176/1762) العلامة شاه ولي الله الدهلوي / Tr. Hermansen, Marcia
Pub: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi 2019 English Edition
Theology / Philosophy


Ghazali & The Poetics of Imagination

73399 | English | Softcover
By: Moosa, Ebrahim
Pub: UNC Press, Chapel Hill, 2005
Ghazali 450/1058-505/1111 - Sufism - Imagination - Religious aspects

  Sale Price: US$33.95

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 1

6983 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Abd Rabbih
Pub: Garnet Publishing Ltd, UK, 2007
Classic Work - Arabic Literature


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law Vol 1

70008 | English | Softcover
By: Shatibi, Ibrahim ibn Musa Abu Ishaq
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2011
Islam - Creed - Fiqh


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic Law Vol 2

70009 | English | Softcover
By: Shatibi, Ibrahim ibn Musa Abu Ishaq
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2015
Islam - Fiqh - Creed


The Key to Salvation

14555 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari, Translated by Mary Ann K.Danner
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, UK
Early Work - Sufism


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Ordinances of Government

70007 | English | Softcover
By: Mawardi, Abu al-Hasan (974-1058 CE)
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Creed - Fiqh


Hajj to the Heart: Sufi Journeys across the Indian Ocean

73817 | English | Softcover
By: Kugle, Scott
Pub: University of North Carolina Press, 2021
Sufism / History

  Sale Price: US$35.00

Quest for the Red Sulphur : The Life of Ibn 'Arabi

42791 | English | Softcover
By: Addas, Claude
Pub: Islamic Texts Society, UK
Ibn Arabi - Sufi - Biography


Ghazali The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife

72000 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid ( 450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: ITS, 2018
Early Work - Islamic Conduct


Mystical Dimensions of Islam

72302 | English | Softcover
By: Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003)/ Frwd - Ernst, Carl
Pub: University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 2011

  Sale Price: US$35.95

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Unique Necklace, Vol. 3

72295 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Abd Rabbih / Tr. Boullata Issa & DeYoung, Terri
Pub: Garnet Press, Reading 2011
History - Folktales- Poetry- Proverbs


Ghazali on Love, Longing, Intimacy & Contentment (Ghazali series)

72729 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 2019
Early Work - Sufism - Islamic Theology

  Sale Price: US$36.95

The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur)

44593 | English | Softcover
By: Faridu'd-Din Attar / Tr: Avery, Peter
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 1998
Early Work - Sufi Poetry - Persian - trans. to English

  Sale Price: US$38.00

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: A Guide to Conclusive Proofs for the Principles of Belief

70006 | English | Softcover
By: Juwayni, Iman al-Haramayn al-Juwayni (d. 478/1085)
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 2000
Early Work - Islam - Creed


Ash-Shifa (English)

11600 | English with Arabic text | Hardcover
By: Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad (476/1083 - 544/1149)
Pub: DKI, Beirut
Early Work - Hadith - Sira


A Sufi Commentary on the Qur'an: Ta'wilat al-Qur'an (Vol II)

44631 | English Only | Softcover
By: Kashani, Abd Al-Razzaq ( 730/1330) / Tr: Wiliams, Khalid
Pub: Islamic Text Society & The Royal Aal-Bayt Institute for Thought, UK, 2021
Early Work - Quran Exegesis - Sufi


Provisions of the Afterlife Zad al-Ma'ad

14450 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350), Tr: Ismail Abd al-Sallam
Pub: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2010
Early Work - Prophetic Guidance


Great Books of Islamic Civilization: An Introduction to the Science of the Hadith (Kitab Ma'rifat anwa' 'Ilm al-Hadith)

9273 | English | Softcover
By: Shahrazuri, Ibn al-Salah
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2006
Islam - Hadith


The Way of Abu Madyan: The Works of Abu Madyan Shu‘ayb (Ar-En)

71381 | English / Arabic | Softcover
By: Abu Madyan / Tr: Cornell, Vincent J.
Pub: The Islamic Text Society, UK 1996
Sufism - Translated Early Works - Dual A-E


Ghazali: Ihya' Ulum al-Din (English, 4 vol)

71043 | English | Hardcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: Islamic Book Service, India 2015
Early Work - Islamic Doctrines - Islamic Ethics


World Thought in Translation: Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants

44843 | English | Hardcover
By: Shar'ani, Abd al-Wahab ibn Ahmad / Tr: Sabra, Adam
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017
Early Work - Sufism - Leadership Guide

  Sale Price: US$58.00

Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi Vols I - VI (3 books)

74245 | English | Hardcover
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Nicholson, Reynold (1868-1945)
Pub: Alfa, 2004
Early Work - Sufism - Poetry


Critique of Religious Discourse

74692 | English | Hardcover
By: Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid / Tr: Wright, Jonathan
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2018
Contemporary Religious Thought - Islam

  Sale Price: US$70.00

Divine Love :Islamic Literature and the Path to God

73429 | English | Hardcover
By: Chittick, William
Pub: YUP, New Haven 2013
Sufi literature - History and criticism - Metaphysics

  Sale Price: US$75.00

World Thought in Translation: Subtle Insights Concerning Knowledge and Practice

44840 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kammuna al-Baghdadi, Sa'd Ibn Mansur
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2019
Early Work - Translated World Thought - Monotheism

  Sale Price: US$75.00

World Thought in Translation: The Criterion for Distinguishing Legal Opinions

44841 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Idris al-Qarafi al-Maliki, Shihab al-Din Ahmad
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017
Early Work - Islamic Jurisprudence

  Sale Price: US$75.00

World Thought in Translation: Initiative to Stop the Violence

44842 | English | Hardcover
By: Jama'ah al-Islamiyah / Tr: Jackson, Sherman
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2015
Contemporary Islamic Thought - Peace - Jihad

  Sale Price: US$75.00

Ibn Taymiyyah : Response to Christianity

72121 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728/1328 ) / Tr. Michel, Thomas
Pub: Caravan Books, USA 1984 Reprint 2019
Early Work - Comparative

  Sale Price: US$85.00

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1

70012 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$85.50

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Book of Misers (Jahiz HC)

70005 | English | Hardcover
By: Jahiz
Pub: Garnet Press, 1998
Early Work - Arabic Literature - Prose - Humor - Satire


A Summary of Imam al-Ghazali's The Revival of Religious Sciences (4 Volume Boxed Set)

81211 | English | Hardcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (450/1058 - 505/1111 )
Pub: IIPH, Riyadh 2024
Early Work - Sufism - Islamic Creed


Aqida Wasitiya

9306 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah
Pub: Dar Ibn Hazm, 2004
Islam - General

  Sale Price: US$1.50

Book of Emaan

72001 | English | Softcover
By: Yasin, Muhammad / Ibn Taymiyyah ( 661/1263 - 728/1328 ) ابن تيمية
Pub: Firdous, 2003
Early Works - Islam - Aqeeda / Creed

  Sale Price: US$11.16

Journey to the Lord of Power: A Sufi Manual on Retreat

44485 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Arabi (1165-1240 CE) ابن العربي
Pub: Inner Traditions International, Vermont, US, 1989
Early Work - Sufi Philosophy - Ibn Arabi

  Sale Price: US$11.95

Epistemological Bias in the Physical and Social Sciences

7920 | English | Softcover
By: Missiri, Abd al-Wahab (1938-2008) (Messiri) / Group
Pub: IIIT, London, Washington, 2006
Thought - Islamic Sociology

  Sale Price: US$13.60

The Consolation of Philosophy

73119 | English | Softcover
By: Boethius / Tr: Watts, V.E.
Pub: Penguin Books, London/NY
Early Classic Work - Happiness - Philosophy

  Sale Price: US$14.20

The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave us the Renaissance

43953 | English | Softcover
By: Khalili, Jim
Pub: Penguin Books, London, US, 2010
Medieval Arab - Sciences - History - Philosophy

  Sale Price: US$15.30

Nasir al-Din Tusi: A Philosopher for All Seasons

72728 | English | Softcover
By: Meisami, Sayeh
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 2019
Philosophers - Tusi (d. 1274 CE) - Islamic Empire

  Sale Price: US$15.95

Makers of Islamic Civilization: Rumi

72303 | English | Softcover
By: Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003) / Tr: Bergne, Paul
Pub: Oxford University Press, UK 2014
Sufism - Rumi

  Sale Price: US$16.00

Sufism: An Introduction to the Mystical Tradition of Islam

73390 | English | Softcover
By: Ernst, Carl W.
Pub: Shambhala, Boulder, CO, USA, 2011
Sufism / Mysticism

  Sale Price: US$16.50

Interpretation of Dreams (al-Qafsi)

42115 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Qafsi, Ibn Rashid al-Bakri (d. 736/1336)
Pub: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 2010
Early Work - Dream Interpretation

  Sale Price: US$16.95

Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition

72903 | English | Softcover
By: Safi, Omid
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2018
Mysticism / Sufism

  Sale Price: US$18.00

Interpretation of Dreams (Ibn Sirin, English)

6717 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Sirin al-Basri, Muhammad
Pub: DKI, Beirut, 2007
Dream Interpretation

  Sale Price: US$20.00

The Secret Of Secrets

60921 | English | Softcover
By: Jilani, Abd al-Qadir
Pub: The Islamic Texts Society, U.K.
Early Work - Sirr al-Asrar - Sufi Studies

  Sale Price: US$25.95

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 4

70017 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$31.46

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol. 3

70018 | English | Softcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing Limited, London, 2010
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$31.46

Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt

74596 | English | Softcover
By: Hoffman, Valerie
Pub: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC, 2009
Sufism / Egyptian Mysticism

  Sale Price: US$31.95

Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn 'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality

72301 | English | Softcover
By: Shaikh, Sadiyya
Pub: UNC Press, Chapel Hill 2012
Sufism- Women - Ibn Arabi

  Sale Price: US$31.95

Sufi Metaphysics and Qur'anic Prophets

72756 | English | Softcover
By: Nettler, Ronald
Pub: ITS, Cambridge 2012
Sufism - Metaphysics

  Sale Price: US$32.95

Ghazali & The Poetics of Imagination

73399 | English | Softcover
By: Moosa, Ebrahim
Pub: UNC Press, Chapel Hill, 2005
Ghazali 450/1058-505/1111 - Sufism - Imagination - Religious aspects

  Sale Price: US$33.95

Hajj to the Heart: Sufi Journeys across the Indian Ocean

73817 | English | Softcover
By: Kugle, Scott
Pub: University of North Carolina Press, 2021
Sufism / History

  Sale Price: US$35.00

Mystical Dimensions of Islam

72302 | English | Softcover
By: Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003)/ Frwd - Ernst, Carl
Pub: University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 2011

  Sale Price: US$35.95

Ghazali on Love, Longing, Intimacy & Contentment (Ghazali series)

72729 | English | Softcover
By: Ghazali, Abu Hamid (1058-1111 CE)
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 2019
Early Work - Sufism - Islamic Theology

  Sale Price: US$36.95

The Speech of the Birds - Mantiqu't-Tair (Maqamat al-Tuyur)

44593 | English | Softcover
By: Faridu'd-Din Attar / Tr: Avery, Peter
Pub: ITS, Cambridge, UK, 1998
Early Work - Sufi Poetry - Persian - trans. to English

  Sale Price: US$38.00

World Thought in Translation: Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants

44843 | English | Hardcover
By: Shar'ani, Abd al-Wahab ibn Ahmad / Tr: Sabra, Adam
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017
Early Work - Sufism - Leadership Guide

  Sale Price: US$58.00

Critique of Religious Discourse

74692 | English | Hardcover
By: Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid / Tr: Wright, Jonathan
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven 2018
Contemporary Religious Thought - Islam

  Sale Price: US$70.00

World Thought in Translation: The Criterion for Distinguishing Legal Opinions

44841 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Idris al-Qarafi al-Maliki, Shihab al-Din Ahmad
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017
Early Work - Islamic Jurisprudence

  Sale Price: US$75.00

World Thought in Translation: Subtle Insights Concerning Knowledge and Practice

44840 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kammuna al-Baghdadi, Sa'd Ibn Mansur
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2019
Early Work - Translated World Thought - Monotheism

  Sale Price: US$75.00

Divine Love :Islamic Literature and the Path to God

73429 | English | Hardcover
By: Chittick, William
Pub: YUP, New Haven 2013
Sufi literature - History and criticism - Metaphysics

  Sale Price: US$75.00

World Thought in Translation: Initiative to Stop the Violence

44842 | English | Hardcover
By: Jama'ah al-Islamiyah / Tr: Jackson, Sherman
Pub: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2015
Contemporary Islamic Thought - Peace - Jihad

  Sale Price: US$75.00

Ibn Taymiyyah : Response to Christianity

72121 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728/1328 ) / Tr. Michel, Thomas
Pub: Caravan Books, USA 1984 Reprint 2019
Early Work - Comparative

  Sale Price: US$85.00

Great Books of Islamic Civilization: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Vol 1

70012 | English | Hardcover
By: Ibn Kathir (700/1301 - 774/1372) ابن كثير
Pub: Garnet Publishing, 1998
Early Work - Islam - Seera

  Sale Price: US$85.50
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