MENUMENU -مكتبة جرير
أنشطة للأطفال: رسم وتلوين وأكثر
Activities: Coloring - Arts & Crafts - More

Fun and colorful activities for children. Coloring books and arts & crafts. In Arabic or English-Arabic.


ABC's of Palestine for Activists Big and Small (Coloring Book)

75313 | English | Softcover
By: Dada, Alia
Pub: Prolance Publishing, California,
Children's Coloring Book - Ages 6+


Activities & Exercises 3: al-Fakihah أنشطة وتدريبات : الفاكهة - الخضار الطبيعية والفصول

16246 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities & Exercises 4: al Hayawanat أنشطة وتدريبات : حيوانات المزرعة والغابة والطيور

16247 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities: Ashghal Yadawiyah Sahlah أشغال يدوية سهلة

41109 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kush, Sonya / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Ashkal : al-Hiyawanat ; al-Ilwan الأشكال - الحيوانات - الألوان - اكتب و امسح

16502 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Erasable Shaped Board Book
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Children's Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten


Activities: 365 Fikrat li-Lashghali al-Yadawiyah فكرة للاشغال اليدوية

16235 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up


Activities: al-Kitab al-Kabir li-al-'ab Ruba wa-Wufi الكتاب الكبير للالعاب ربى ووفي

16803 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan
Kids Activities - Elementary Years


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 3-4 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16233 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 4-5 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16232 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 5-6 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16231 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 6-7 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16230 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Asna'u min al-Kartun أصنع من الكرتون

41108 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: I Learn About: Shapes

14594 | Arabic, English, and Spanish | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Academia, Beirut
Children's Activity Book

  Sale Price: US$7.95

Activities: Ikhtara'a bi-Wasatahi Hawasasi al-Khamsi أخترع بوساطة حواسي الخمس

41107 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Ila'b ma'i bi-al-Ashkal - Part 1 & 2 إلعب معي بالأشكال

15466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Sahar bint 'Abd al-Aziz
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2004
Early Child Education - Activities


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-'Add تعلم العد مع ثعلوب

16227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Kitabah تعلم الكتابة مع ثعلوب

16226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Mala Hazah تعلم الملاحظة مع ثعلوب

16228 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Qara'ah تعلم القراءة مع ثعلوب

16229 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Maharat al-Khatut مهارات الخطوط

72837 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Activities - Handwriting Skills - Pre-k +


Activities: Maharat al-Riyadiyat مهارات الرياضيات

72836 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Educational - Basic Math - Activities - Pre-K +


Activities: Maktabati al-Owali مكتبتي الاولي

11891 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital-Future, 2010


Activities: Minhaj Al Rawda # 3 (ages 5-6) منهج الروضة الثالثة

21004 | Arabic | Softcover Activities Pack
By: Labir /Shoudo
Pub: Antoine 2014
Childrens Learn Arabic Activities - Emerging Ages 3-6


Activities: My First Library: Little Marvels (English)

16910 | English | Board Book and Activities Box
By: Better Learning
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - 8


Activities: My Little Showcase of Getting Ready for School Arabic-English الذهاب الى المدرسة

16911 | Arabic - English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Charg Studio Publishing, South Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: My Little Showcase of Zoo Animals Arabic-English حديقة الحيوانات

16877 | Arabic and English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Chart Studio Publishing, Cape Town, Soth Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: Paste and Color إلصق ولون مع مهى وهادي في المدرسة

10720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel Editions
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Activities: Silsilat Sa'adu Sa'adun (Set of 4) سلسلة ساعدوا سعدون

43558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaybaq, Lina Mustafa لينا مصطفى الزيبق
Pub: Children World, Damascus, Syria
Kids Educational Activities - Ages 4-6


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Alab al-Khafah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولاالسهل العاب الخفة الابسط في العالم

72494 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: H, Alex / Ill: Lapassade, Roxy
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - DIY Games - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Dalil Makyaj al-Atfal al-Absat fi al-Alam ولا أسهل دليل ماكياج الاطفال الابسط في العالم

72492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Multier, Fred / Ill: Ronzon, Stephanie
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Face Paint - Ages 5-10


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 1 تمارين مسلية

72463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 2 تمارين مسلية- أصفر2

72464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Aktub wa Amsahu: al-Waqt أكتب وأمسح الوقت

40904 | Arabic | Erasable Board Book
By: Editions Piccolia
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
Children's Activity Ages 3-6


Ana al-Alif, Hikayat wa-Aghani al-Huruf أنا الألف، حكايات و أغـني الحروف

74551 | Arabic | Softcover w/CD
By: Abdullah, Hassan, Ill: Tuni, Helmi, Voice: Hayder, Jana
Pub: Dar al-Hadaek, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Tales - Songs - Alphabet 4+ Yrs


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Fusul (Book + CD) فصول

42264 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Hamdan Hamdan ya Rahman (Book + CD) حمداً حمداً يا رحمن

42262 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Islamic - Ages 8-12


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Kalimat wa-Ughniyat (Book + CD) كلمات واغنيات

42263 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Abd Allah, Hasan: Lyrics / Kabur, Ahmad: Composer
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Sabah al-Khayr (Book + CD) صباح الخير

42261 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 3+


Arab Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook

74534 | English | Hardcover
By: Alrawi, Karim / Ill: Kazemi, Nahid
Pub: Crocodile Books, New York, 2021
Literature - Arab Tales - Cookbooks - 7+ Yrs


Art: 1-2-3-Ana A'rasm (I Draw) أنا أرسم

11104 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: De Rosamel, Godeleine / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
Children's Art - Preschool Up


Art: 365 Fikrat fi al-rasim wa-al-Talwin فكرة في الرسم والتلوين

16234 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up - Draw and Paint


Art: Drawing-Hadiya الهدية

15159 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gharaballi, Leila Mohammed
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
Children's Arabic Story - Art - Elementary


Art: Maharat al-Tabiqiyah fi al-Funun al-Jamilah المهارات التطبيقية في الفنون الجميلة

40159 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Painting and Drawing - 7 and Up


Arts & Crafts: Maharat al-Tatbiqiyah fi al-Tasamim al-Faniyah المهارات التطبيقية في التصاميم الفنية

16236 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 8 and up


Arts & Crafts: Sana't Biyadi صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

60235 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, W. / Hussain, F.
Pub: Dar Al Moualef, Beirut 2004
Children's Books


Arts and Crafts: Fikrat fi al-Waraq wa-al-Kartun 365 فكرة في الورق والكرتون

40160 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Osbourn Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Ages 7 and Up


Baby Montessori: Animals

45172 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Animals - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Big or Small?

45175 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Sizes - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Follow Me!

45173 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Lines - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Vehicles

45174 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Vehicles - Baby - 0-3 years


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Batbut كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – بطبوط

44033 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Dafdu' كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – ضفدوع

44032 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو

44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney Pixar


Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه!

44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney


Chalkboard: Dinosurat a'la al-Lawh : al-Sabura ديناصورات على اللوح : السبورة‬‎

43438 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut,
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Chalkboard: Hayawanat Bariyat 'Ala al-Lawah : al-Sabura حيوانات برية على اللوح: السبورة‬‎

43468 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2016
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 10: Hassan wa-al-Hudhudan

3731 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 11: al-Qit wa-al-Far al-Zaki

3717 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 12: al-Tajir wa Ibn Irss

3712 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 13: Mughamarat al-Assdika'

3723 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 14: al-Bata wa-al-Arnab al-Moughafal

3725 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 15: al-Akhwane wa-al-Hiya

3726 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 16: al-Thalib wa-al-Tabeil al-Ajwaf

3727 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 17: al-Assad wa-al-Dabii wa-al-Hmar

3730 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 18: al-Amin' wa Kha'in al-Amana

3729 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 19: al-Jamal wa-al-Sdikaa al-Sou

3728 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 1: al-Salib wa Malik al-Hazine

3719 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 20: al-Assad wa Thalib قصص للتلوين

3733 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 2: al-Ghurab wa-al-Soobane al-Sharir

3721 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 3: al-Sulhufat al-Sarsara

3716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 4: al-Nawrass al-Maker

3714 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 5: al-Qurd wa-al-Sulhufat al-Ghayoura

3713 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 6: al-Assad wa-al-Arnab al-Shoujaa

3718 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 7: Sibak al-Sulhufat wa-al-Arnab

3720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 8: al-Hama al-Moutawaka

3724 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 9: Mus'ad wa Sa'id

3732 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin: Set of 20 Books قصص للتلوين

41936 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$30.00

Color and Activity: Hadith Activity Book for Kids

42582 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Quran Activity Book For Kids

42583 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Lovely Presents (Arabic)

40537 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: 1,2,3...4 Teletubbies (Arabic)

40538 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Dipsy's Hat (Arabic)

40540 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Laa-Laa's Song (Arabic)

40542 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Po's Blowy Day (Arabic)

40541 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky's Walk (Arabic)

40539 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color: Book Set of 4

7091 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Asala for Publishing and Distributing, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.00

Color: Dabdoob wa Alam al-Fadha'a دبدوب وعالم الفضاء

11176 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Iftah Ya Simsim: al-Hayawanat min Hawlina إفتح يا سمسم : الحيوانات من حولنا

44814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Iftah Ya Simsim إفتح يا سمسم
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Activity from 3 years


Color: My Coloring Book - Set of 12 Large Books

14982 | English-Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar Chimal, Beirut
Children - Coloring

  Sale Price: US$29.40

Color: Snoopy al-La'ub al-Marah

11172 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Mutazallaj al-Bara'

11174 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Riyadhi al-Nashit

11171 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Sadik al-Muhub

11170 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Sibah al-Mahir

11173 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Stories from the Quran BIG Coloring Book

40570 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword, 2015
Children's Islamic Story and Activity Book Ages 5 up


Colour and Learn Du'as (Ar-En)

43851 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Du'as - K - Up


Crafts: Il'ab bil-Baloon اللعب بالبالون

11809 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Activities Book-Arabic-Crafts


Crafts: Mold Clay الابداع بل لمعجون

11812 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabic


Crafts: Origami الابداع بلل لاوراق الملونة

11810 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2009
Crafts - Origami


Crafts: Origami - al-Ashya' al-Basitah أورغامي - الأشياء البسيطة

14823 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - al-Hiyawanat أورغامي - الحيوانات

14822 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - al-Tuyur wa-al-Hasharat أورغامي - الطيور والحشرات

14824 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - lwazim al-Hafalat (al-Munasabat) أورغامي - لوازام الحفلات : المناسبات

14821 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - SET of 4 أورغامي

40593 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

  Sale Price: US$24.00

Crafts: Origami Fann Sina'at al-Namadhij al-Waraqiah الاوريجامي : فن صناعة النماذج الورقية

16802 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hard Cover
By: Bowman, Lucy
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Activities - Arts and Crafts - Elementary & Up

  Sale Price: US$13.50

Crafts: Paper صناعة الطين من الورق

11813 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$3.95

Crafts: Rocks Transformed الحجر المتنكر

11811 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabivc

  Sale Price: US$3.95

Crafts: Wire Fuzzies الاسلك المخملية

11814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$3.95

Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Cinderella دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - سندريلا

42337 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tales and Activities - Ages 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Layla wa-al-Dhib دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - ليلى والذئب

42338 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Peter Pan دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بيتربان

42340 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Pinnocchio دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بينوكيو

42339 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Disney Frozen: Activities & Color العب و الون : فروزن

44815 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015
Children's Activities - Ages 6-10


Disney Pixar: Activities: Atillim wa-Amrah Ma' al-Sayyarat 3 أتعلّم وأمرح مع السيارات 3

43152 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
Learning Activities - Math - Ages 6-8


Disney Pixar: Finding Dory : Read and Color أقرأ وألوّن - مع ستيكرز

70311 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette-Antoine, Beirut, 2016
Children's Stories - Coloring/Sticker Book - Preschool +


Disney Princess Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43867 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney Princesses Activities اميرات: كتاب الألعاب والتسلية

10716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney/Pixar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2006
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4+


Disney Princesses: Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74185 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2020
Coloring Book - First Sentences - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Beauty and the Beast: Read and Color أقرأ وألوّن - مع ستيكرز

70314 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette-Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Stories - Coloring/Sticker Book - Preschool +


Disney: Minnie Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74184 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring Book - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: Power in the Galaxy Color and Stickers احلى تلوين

73927 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucas, George / Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Star Wars: Rogue One Coloring Universe

74186 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucasfilm
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
Coloring Book - Star Wars - 3+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43866 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Starwars: Solo Color and Stickers أحلى تلوين مع ستيكرز

73928 | 9786144693773 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Dome of the Rock Painting Canvas (Al-Aqsa)

81172 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Eid Painting Canvas--Includes Paint

81169 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Eid Decoration - Painting


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Big Kids)

74071 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 8+ Yrs


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Little Kids)

74072 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 5+ Yrs


Hurufi al-Abjadiyah Coloring حروفي الأبجدية

44166 | Arabic | Softcover Coloring Book
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي / Ill: Baalbaki, Muhammad محمد بعلبكي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2017
Children's Coloring Book - Toddler - Pre-k - K


Jungle Stick n' Color: Butterfly

16820 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Cat

16819 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Dog

16818 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Elephant

16817 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Frog

16816 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Hippo

16815 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Lion

16814 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Monkey

16813 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Octopus

16812 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Owl

16811 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Panda

16810 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rabbit

16809 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rooster

16808 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Snake

16807 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Turtle

16806 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Lanaqum Bi Masharia Ra'ia لنقم بمشاريع رائعة

80417 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khoury, J.B. ج ب الخوري
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2022
Arts & Crafts - 8+ Yrs


Lawn li al-Shahinat لون لي الشاحنات

44885 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Learning Arabic Alphabet: Fun Activities for Kids

43779 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mateenuddin Ahmad
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2017
Kids Learn Arabic Letters - Ages 3+


Lift the Flap: Li-man Hadha: Audhuna man Hatani? لمن هذا : أذنا من هاتان؟

44884 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2017
Children's Arabic Story - Interactive - Animals - Baby-Toddler


Luzah لوزة

71422 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Yilmaz, Muzeyyen
Pub: Asala, 2017
Art - Coloring Book - Ages 6-9


Man Ana fi Ramadan ? من أنا في رمضان

44535 | Arabic | Softcover and activity tools
By: Digital Future
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Story and Activity for Youth, Ramadan, Ages 7-12


Marvel Heroes : Activities متعة التلوين...مع ملصقات

73838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Children's Activities - Coloring - Stickers - Marvel - Ages 3+


Marvel: Avengers, Age of Ultron: Read and Color أقرأ وألوّن - مع ستيكرز

70313 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette-Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Superhero Story - Coloring/Sticker Book - Preschool +


Marvel: Black Panther Activities & Color الفَهد الأسوَد - أحلى تلوين

73839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Studios
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Coloring Book w/ Stickers - Marvel, Ages 3+


Marvel: Super Heroes Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74183 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Marvel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring - First Sentences - 4+ Yrs


Masjid an-Nabawi Painting Canvas (Madina)

81171 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Montessori Mukhtabar fi al-Manzil مونتيسوري مختبر في المنزل

44972 | Arabic | Flexi Card Cover w/Flaps
By: Perodi, Chiara شيارا بيرودي
Pub: ASP. Beirut, 2021
Children's Activities - Parenting - Teaching


MU Bros : Let's Learn Arabic ! Activity & Practice Coloring Book

75381 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Learn Arabic - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 1)

75385 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 2)

75383 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Adventure Awaits

75384 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Passport to Fun

75382 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (BLUE) مذكرات طفولتي

41712 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK) مذكرات طفولتي

41713 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK, w/CD) مذكرات طفولتي

41670 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover + CD
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2011
Baby Memory Book


My First Book of Arabic Writing كتاب الاول للخط العربي

73918 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Soltana, Lynda
Pub: Iqra, US, 2022
Children's Arabic Handwriting - Elementary


Palestine: Activity Book

81107 | English | Softcover
By: Joossab, Adilah
Pub: Kube Publishing, Leicestershire 2024
Activity book - Kids - Palestine - Ages 6-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Quwwat al-Fariq Talwinat قوّة الفريق تلوينات... مع الكثير من الستيكرز

43865 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Talwinat Han Waqat al-Qataf تلوينات حان وقت القطاف

72496 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Dawriyat al-Makhlab تلوين دورية المخلب

72490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Haya Intalq! تلوين هيا انطلق

72491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Preschool Activity Book

44497 | English | Softcover
By: Weekend Learners
Pub: Weekend Learning, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2021
Activities - Toddler - Preschool


Ramadan Activity Book (Big Kids)

74073 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 8+ Yrs


Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids)

74074 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 5+ Yrs


Ramadan Painting Canvas - Includes Paint

81170 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kida Activity - Ramadan - Painting - Ages 3 +


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Awlad سجل حياة الطفل للاولاد

43183 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Banat سجل حياة الطفل للبنات

43182 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


San'tu Biyadi : A'mal Faniyah lil-Atfal صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

44536 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, Wafa / Hussein, Fatima
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2006
Activities - Primary School Ages - Illustrated Guide


Sticker Book (Arabic) Home البيت

6357 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shapes الأشكال

6360 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shopping التسوّق

6358 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Things That Go المركبات

6356 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Time الوقت

6361 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Come and Play (Arabic)

40545 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.75

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Magical Stories (Arabic)

40543 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.75

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: The Teletubbyland (Arabic)

40544 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.75

Stickers & Story: Talia: Ana Atanakaru أنا أَتَنَكَّرُ

16256 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Eid Milad Sa'id ! عيد ميلاد سعيد

16255 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Haflatun fi al-Hadiqah حفلة في الحديقة

16258 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Sadiqati صديقاتي

16257 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Super Muslim Art Studio (Blue)

75502 | English | Softcover
By: Iman Kidz
Pub: Iman Kidz Ltd, London 2023
Kids Activity - Stationary - Art - Boys - Preschool +


Ta Awal Harf min Tasliyah ت اول حرف من تسلية - كتاب ممتع للتلوين و الانشطة

74187 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Coloring Book - Reading - Activities - 4+ Yrs


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 2 تمارين ممتعة

72841 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages Pre-K +


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 4 تمارين ممتعة

72840 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 5 تمارين ممتعة

72839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 6 تمارين ممتعة

72838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tasliyat al-Atfal al-Sighar wa Taw'iyatuhum تسلية الاطفال الصغار وتوعيتهم

80040 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Young, Caroline كارولين يانغ
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
Parenting - Children - Educating - Play - Activities


Tufulati al-Awla طفولتي الأولى، نشاطات معرفية لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة

74558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khateeb, Ahmad, Group of Educators مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Dar al Hadaiq, Beirut 2019
Chidren's Cognitive Activity Book - Preschool - Ages 3-5


Uhibbu al-Yugha أحب اليوغا

45171 | Arabic | Softcover - Cardstock
By: Berk, Ezgi / Ill: Ulusan, Rukiye
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
Chldren's Health - Activity - Yoga - Ages 5+


Ulawan الون

71433 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Salam, Sumer
Pub: Asala, 2017
Children's Coloring Book


Jungle Stick n' Color: Dog

16818 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Color: Snoopy al-Sadik al-Muhub

11170 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Riyadhi al-Nashit

11171 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-La'ub al-Marah

11172 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Sibah al-Mahir

11173 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Mutazallaj al-Bara'

11174 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Dabdoob wa Alam al-Fadha'a دبدوب وعالم الفضاء

11176 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (BLUE) مذكرات طفولتي

41712 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Activities: Maktabati al-Owali مكتبتي الاولي

11891 | Arabic | Hardcover
Pub: Digital-Future, 2010


Color: My Coloring Book - Set of 12 Large Books

14982 | English-Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Dar Chimal, Beirut
Children - Coloring

  Sale Price: US$29.40

Activities: My Little Showcase of Getting Ready for School Arabic-English الذهاب الى المدرسة

16911 | Arabic - English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Charg Studio Publishing, South Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Activities: My Little Showcase of Zoo Animals Arabic-English حديقة الحيوانات

16877 | Arabic and English | Board Book and Activities Box
Pub: Chart Studio Publishing, Cape Town, Soth Africa, 2008
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - up


Jungle Stick n' Color: Butterfly

16820 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Cat

16819 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK) مذكرات طفولتي

41713 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut
Baby Memory Book


Jungle Stick n' Color: Elephant

16817 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Frog

16816 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Hippo

16815 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Lion

16814 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Monkey

16813 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Octopus

16812 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Owl

16811 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Panda

16810 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rabbit

16809 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Activities: Ashkal : al-Hiyawanat ; al-Ilwan الأشكال - الحيوانات - الألوان - اكتب و امسح

16502 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Erasable Shaped Board Book
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Children's Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rooster

16808 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Turtle

16806 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Snake

16807 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Sticker Book (Arabic) Things That Go المركبات

6356 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Home البيت

6357 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shopping التسوّق

6358 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Color: Book Set of 4

7091 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Asala for Publishing and Distributing, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.00

Sticker Book (Arabic) Time الوقت

6361 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shapes الأشكال

6360 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Kalimat wa-Ughniyat (Book + CD) كلمات واغنيات

42263 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Abd Allah, Hasan: Lyrics / Kabur, Ahmad: Composer
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Ana al-Alif, Hikayat wa-Aghani al-Huruf أنا الألف، حكايات و أغـني الحروف

74551 | Arabic | Softcover w/CD
By: Abdullah, Hassan, Ill: Tuni, Helmi, Voice: Hayder, Jana
Pub: Dar al-Hadaek, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Tales - Songs - Alphabet 4+ Yrs


Stickers & Story: Talia: Sadiqati صديقاتي

16257 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Ana Atanakaru أنا أَتَنَكَّرُ

16256 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Eid Milad Sa'id ! عيد ميلاد سعيد

16255 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Haflatun fi al-Hadiqah حفلة في الحديقة

16258 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Arab Fairy Tale Feasts: A Literary Cookbook

74534 | English | Hardcover
By: Alrawi, Karim / Ill: Kazemi, Nahid
Pub: Crocodile Books, New York, 2021
Literature - Arab Tales - Cookbooks - 7+ Yrs


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Chalkboard: Hayawanat Bariyat 'Ala al-Lawah : al-Sabura حيوانات برية على اللوح: السبورة‬‎

43468 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2016
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Chalkboard: Dinosurat a'la al-Lawh : al-Sabura ديناصورات على اللوح : السبورة‬‎

43438 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut,
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Baby Montessori: Animals

45172 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Animals - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Follow Me!

45173 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Lines - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Big or Small?

45175 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Sizes - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Vehicles

45174 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Vehicles - Baby - 0-3 years


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Laa-Laa's Song (Arabic)

40542 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Lovely Presents (Arabic)

40537 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: 1,2,3...4 Teletubbies (Arabic)

40538 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky's Walk (Arabic)

40539 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Dipsy's Hat (Arabic)

40540 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Po's Blowy Day (Arabic)

40541 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Magical Stories (Arabic)

40543 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.75

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: The Teletubbyland (Arabic)

40544 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.75

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Come and Play (Arabic)

40545 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.75

Uhibbu al-Yugha أحب اليوغا

45171 | Arabic | Softcover - Cardstock
By: Berk, Ezgi / Ill: Ulusan, Rukiye
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
Chldren's Health - Activity - Yoga - Ages 5+


Activities: My First Library: Little Marvels (English)

16910 | English | Board Book and Activities Box
By: Better Learning
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Kids Activities - Ages 4 - 8


Eid Painting Canvas--Includes Paint

81169 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Eid Decoration - Painting


Ramadan Painting Canvas - Includes Paint

81170 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kida Activity - Ramadan - Painting - Ages 3 +


Masjid an-Nabawi Painting Canvas (Madina)

81171 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Dome of the Rock Painting Canvas (Al-Aqsa)

81172 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Islamic - Painting - Ages 3 +


Crafts: Origami Fann Sina'at al-Namadhij al-Waraqiah الاوريجامي : فن صناعة النماذج الورقية

16802 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hard Cover
By: Bowman, Lucy
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Activities - Arts and Crafts - Elementary & Up

  Sale Price: US$13.50

Activities: Paste and Color إلصق ولون مع مهى وهادي في المدرسة

10720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel Editions
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 2 تمارين مسلية- أصفر2

72464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 1 تمارين مسلية

72463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Peter Pan دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بيتربان

42340 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Pinnocchio دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بينوكيو

42339 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Layla wa-al-Dhib دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - ليلى والذئب

42338 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Cinderella دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - سندريلا

42337 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tales and Activities - Ages 4+


Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 5: al-Qurd wa-al-Sulhufat al-Ghayoura

3713 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin: Set of 20 Books قصص للتلوين

41936 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$30.00

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 12: al-Tajir wa Ibn Irss

3712 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 15: al-Akhwane wa-al-Hiya

3726 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 16: al-Thalib wa-al-Tabeil al-Ajwaf

3727 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 19: al-Jamal wa-al-Sdikaa al-Sou

3728 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 18: al-Amin' wa Kha'in al-Amana

3729 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 17: al-Assad wa-al-Dabii wa-al-Hmar

3730 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 14: al-Bata wa-al-Arnab al-Moughafal

3725 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 8: al-Hama al-Moutawaka

3724 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 10: Hassan wa-al-Hudhudan

3731 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 9: Mus'ad wa Sa'id

3732 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 20: al-Assad wa Thalib قصص للتلوين

3733 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 13: Mughamarat al-Assdika'

3723 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 2: al-Ghurab wa-al-Soobane al-Sharir

3721 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 7: Sibak al-Sulhufat wa-al-Arnab

3720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 1: al-Salib wa Malik al-Hazine

3719 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 6: al-Assad wa-al-Arnab al-Shoujaa

3718 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 11: al-Qit wa-al-Far al-Zaki

3717 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 3: al-Sulhufat al-Sarsara

3716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 4: al-Nawrass al-Maker

3714 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

ABC's of Palestine for Activists Big and Small (Coloring Book)

75313 | English | Softcover
By: Dada, Alia
Pub: Prolance Publishing, California,
Children's Coloring Book - Ages 6+


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Batbut كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – بطبوط

44033 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Dafdu' كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – ضفدوع

44032 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah
By: Dar al-Maaref
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2019
Bath Book + Puppet Loofah - 6 months +


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 6 تمارين ممتعة

72838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 5 تمارين ممتعة

72839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 4 تمارين ممتعة

72840 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 2 تمارين ممتعة

72841 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages Pre-K +


Art: 1-2-3-Ana A'rasm (I Draw) أنا أرسم

11104 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: De Rosamel, Godeleine / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2009 Arabic Edition
Children's Art - Preschool Up


Man Ana fi Ramadan ? من أنا في رمضان

44535 | Arabic | Softcover and activity tools
By: Digital Future
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut, 2020
Arabic Story and Activity for Youth, Ramadan, Ages 7-12


Disney Princess Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43867 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43866 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Starwars: Solo Color and Stickers أحلى تلوين مع ستيكرز

73928 | 9786144693773 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Minnie Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74184 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring Book - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney Princesses: Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74185 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2020
Coloring Book - First Sentences - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Beauty and the Beast: Read and Color أقرأ وألوّن - مع ستيكرز

70314 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette-Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Stories - Coloring/Sticker Book - Preschool +


Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه!

44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney


Disney Frozen: Activities & Color العب و الون : فروزن

44815 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015
Children's Activities - Ages 6-10


Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو

44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney Pixar


Disney Pixar: Activities: Atillim wa-Amrah Ma' al-Sayyarat 3 أتعلّم وأمرح مع السيارات 3

43152 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
Learning Activities - Math - Ages 6-8


Disney Pixar: Finding Dory : Read and Color أقرأ وألوّن - مع ستيكرز

70311 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette-Antoine, Beirut, 2016
Children's Stories - Coloring/Sticker Book - Preschool +


Disney Princesses Activities اميرات: كتاب الألعاب والتسلية

10716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney/Pixar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2006
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4+


Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK, w/CD) مذكرات طفولتي

41670 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover + CD
By: EdiBimbi
Pub: Dar al-Chimal, Beirut, 2011
Baby Memory Book


Activities: al-Kitab al-Kabir li-al-'ab Ruba wa-Wufi الكتاب الكبير للالعاب ربى ووفي

16803 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Editions Caramel
Pub: Librairie Stephan
Kids Activities - Elementary Years


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 6-7 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16230 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 5-6 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16231 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 4-5 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16232 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 3-4 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16233 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Mala Hazah تعلم الملاحظة مع ثعلوب

16228 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-'Add تعلم العد مع ثعلوب

16227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Kitabah تعلم الكتابة مع ثعلوب

16226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Qara'ah تعلم القراءة مع ثعلوب

16229 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Aktub wa Amsahu: al-Waqt أكتب وأمسح الوقت

40904 | Arabic | Erasable Board Book
By: Editions Piccolia
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
Children's Activity Ages 3-6


Art: Drawing-Hadiya الهدية

15159 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gharaballi, Leila Mohammed
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
Children's Arabic Story - Art - Elementary


Activities: Ila'b ma'i bi-al-Ashkal - Part 1 & 2 إلعب معي بالأشكال

15466 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gosaibi, Sahar bint 'Abd al-Aziz
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2004
Early Child Education - Activities


Activities: I Learn About: Shapes

14594 | Arabic, English, and Spanish | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Academia, Beirut
Children's Activity Book

  Sale Price: US$7.95

Activities: Maharat al-Riyadiyat مهارات الرياضيات

72836 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Educational - Basic Math - Activities - Pre-K +


Activities: Maharat al-Khatut مهارات الخطوط

72837 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Activities - Handwriting Skills - Pre-k +


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Little Kids)

74072 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 5+ Yrs


Ramadan Activity Book (Big Kids)

74073 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 8+ Yrs


Hajj and Umrah Activity Book (Big Kids)

74071 | English | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2021
Islam - Hajj - 8+ Yrs


Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids)

74074 | English-Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Learning Roots, 2019
Islam - Ramadan - 5+ Yrs


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Fusul (Book + CD) فصول

42264 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2013
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 4-8


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Hamdan Hamdan ya Rahman (Book + CD) حمداً حمداً يا رحمن

42262 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2014
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Islamic - Ages 8-12


Anashid al-Mumti'ah: Sabah al-Khayr (Book + CD) صباح الخير

42261 | Arabic | Hardcover + Audio CD
By: Group / Haydar, Nasir: Composer / Haydar, Jana: Vocalist
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut
Children's Arabic Poems and Songs - Ages 3+


Activities: Simplissime: Alab al-Khafah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولاالسهل العاب الخفة الابسط في العالم

72494 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: H, Alex / Ill: Lapassade, Roxy
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - DIY Games - Ages 8-12


Colour and Learn Du'as (Ar-En)

43851 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Du'as - K - Up


Color: Iftah Ya Simsim: al-Hayawanat min Hawlina إفتح يا سمسم : الحيوانات من حولنا

44814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Iftah Ya Simsim إفتح يا سمسم
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Activity from 3 years


Super Muslim Art Studio (Blue)

75502 | English | Softcover
By: Iman Kidz
Pub: Iman Kidz Ltd, London 2023
Kids Activity - Stationary - Art - Boys - Preschool +


Palestine: Activity Book

81107 | English | Softcover
By: Joossab, Adilah
Pub: Kube Publishing, Leicestershire 2024
Activity book - Kids - Palestine - Ages 6-8


Color: Stories from the Quran BIG Coloring Book

40570 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword, 2015
Children's Islamic Story and Activity Book Ages 5 up


Tufulati al-Awla طفولتي الأولى، نشاطات معرفية لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة

74558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khateeb, Ahmad, Group of Educators مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Dar al Hadaiq, Beirut 2019
Chidren's Cognitive Activity Book - Preschool - Ages 3-5


Lanaqum Bi Masharia Ra'ia لنقم بمشاريع رائعة

80417 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Khoury, J.B. ج ب الخوري
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 2022
Arts & Crafts - 8+ Yrs


Activities: Ashghal Yadawiyah Sahlah أشغال يدوية سهلة

41109 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Kush, Sonya / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Minhaj Al Rawda # 3 (ages 5-6) منهج الروضة الثالثة

21004 | Arabic | Softcover Activities Pack
By: Labir /Shoudo
Pub: Antoine 2014
Childrens Learn Arabic Activities - Emerging Ages 3-6


Activities: Asna'u min al-Kartun أصنع من الكرتون

41108 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Activities: Ikhtara'a bi-Wasatahi Hawasasi al-Khamsi أخترع بوساطة حواسي الخمس

41107 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Lannoy, Gaëtane / Casterman
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Children's Activities - Preschool - 8 Years


Lift the Flap: Li-man Hadha: Audhuna man Hatani? لمن هذا : أذنا من هاتان؟

44884 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2017
Children's Arabic Story - Interactive - Animals - Baby-Toddler


Disney: Star Wars: Power in the Galaxy Color and Stickers احلى تلوين

73927 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucas, George / Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Star Wars: Rogue One Coloring Universe

74186 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucasfilm
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
Coloring Book - Star Wars - 3+ Yrs


Crafts: Wire Fuzzies الاسلك المخملية

11814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$3.95

Crafts: Paper صناعة الطين من الورق

11813 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$3.95

Crafts: Mold Clay الابداع بل لمعجون

11812 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabic


Crafts: Rocks Transformed الحجر المتنكر

11811 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabivc

  Sale Price: US$3.95

Crafts: Origami الابداع بلل لاوراق الملونة

11810 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2009
Crafts - Origami


Crafts: Il'ab bil-Baloon اللعب بالبالون

11809 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Activities Book-Arabic-Crafts


Marvel: Super Heroes Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74183 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Marvel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring - First Sentences - 4+ Yrs


Marvel: Avengers, Age of Ultron: Read and Color أقرأ وألوّن - مع ستيكرز

70313 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette-Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Superhero Story - Coloring/Sticker Book - Preschool +


Marvel Heroes : Activities متعة التلوين...مع ملصقات

73838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Children's Activities - Coloring - Stickers - Marvel - Ages 3+


Marvel: Black Panther Activities & Color الفَهد الأسوَد - أحلى تلوين

73839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Studios
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Coloring Book w/ Stickers - Marvel, Ages 3+


Learning Arabic Alphabet: Fun Activities for Kids

43779 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mateenuddin Ahmad
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2017
Kids Learn Arabic Letters - Ages 3+


Hurufi al-Abjadiyah Coloring حروفي الأبجدية

44166 | Arabic | Softcover Coloring Book
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي / Ill: Baalbaki, Muhammad محمد بعلبكي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2017
Children's Coloring Book - Toddler - Pre-k - K


Activities: Simplissime: Dalil Makyaj al-Atfal al-Absat fi al-Alam ولا أسهل دليل ماكياج الاطفال الابسط في العالم

72492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Multier, Fred / Ill: Ronzon, Stephanie
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Face Paint - Ages 5-10


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Talwinat Han Waqat al-Qataf تلوينات حان وقت القطاف

72496 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Quwwat al-Fariq Talwinat قوّة الفريق تلوينات... مع الكثير من الستيكرز

43865 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Haya Intalq! تلوين هيا انطلق

72491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Dawriyat al-Makhlab تلوين دورية المخلب

72490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Banat سجل حياة الطفل للبنات

43182 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Awlad سجل حياة الطفل للاولاد

43183 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure
By: Om Books International
Pub: Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2016 Arabic Edition
Baby Memory Book


Arts and Crafts: Fikrat fi al-Waraq wa-al-Kartun 365 فكرة في الورق والكرتون

40160 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Osbourn Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Ages 7 and Up


Montessori Mukhtabar fi al-Manzil مونتيسوري مختبر في المنزل

44972 | Arabic | Flexi Card Cover w/Flaps
By: Perodi, Chiara شيارا بيرودي
Pub: ASP. Beirut, 2021
Children's Activities - Parenting - Teaching


Lawn li al-Shahinat لون لي الشاحنات

44885 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


Color and Activity: Quran Activity Book For Kids

42583 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Hadith Activity Book for Kids

42582 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Arts & Crafts: Sana't Biyadi صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

60235 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, W. / Hussain, F.
Pub: Dar Al Moualef, Beirut 2004
Children's Books


San'tu Biyadi : A'mal Faniyah lil-Atfal صنعت بيدي : أعمال فنية للأطفال

44536 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sabil, Wafa / Hussein, Fatima
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2006
Activities - Primary School Ages - Illustrated Guide


Ulawan الون

71433 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Salam, Sumer
Pub: Asala, 2017
Children's Coloring Book


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 2)

75383 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 1)

75385 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Passport to Fun

75382 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Adventure Awaits

75384 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Bros : Let's Learn Arabic ! Activity & Practice Coloring Book

75381 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Learn Arabic - Islam - Ages 5+


Ta Awal Harf min Tasliyah ت اول حرف من تسلية - كتاب ممتع للتلوين و الانشطة

74187 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Coloring Book - Reading - Activities - 4+ Yrs


Activities & Exercises 4: al Hayawanat أنشطة وتدريبات : حيوانات المزرعة والغابة والطيور

16247 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


Activities & Exercises 3: al-Fakihah أنشطة وتدريبات : الفاكهة - الخضار الطبيعية والفصول

16246 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


My First Book of Arabic Writing كتاب الاول للخط العربي

73918 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Soltana, Lynda
Pub: Iqra, US, 2022
Children's Arabic Handwriting - Elementary


Crafts: Origami - al-Tuyur wa-al-Hasharat أورغامي - الطيور والحشرات

14824 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - al-Ashya' al-Basitah أورغامي - الأشياء البسيطة

14823 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - al-Hiyawanat أورغامي - الحيوانات

14822 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - lwazim al-Hafalat (al-Munasabat) أورغامي - لوازام الحفلات : المناسبات

14821 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - SET of 4 أورغامي

40593 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +

  Sale Price: US$24.00

Art: 365 Fikrat fi al-rasim wa-al-Talwin فكرة في الرسم والتلوين

16234 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up - Draw and Paint


Activities: 365 Fikrat li-Lashghali al-Yadawiyah فكرة للاشغال اليدوية

16235 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 6 and up


Arts & Crafts: Maharat al-Tatbiqiyah fi al-Tasamim al-Faniyah المهارات التطبيقية في التصاميم الفنية

16236 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Books / Watt, Fiona
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2011
Kids Activities 8 and up


Art: Maharat al-Tabiqiyah fi al-Funun al-Jamilah المهارات التطبيقية في الفنون الجميلة

40159 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Usborne Publishing
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2015
Painting and Drawing - 7 and Up


Preschool Activity Book

44497 | English | Softcover
By: Weekend Learners
Pub: Weekend Learning, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2021
Activities - Toddler - Preschool


Luzah لوزة

71422 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Yilmaz, Muzeyyen
Pub: Asala, 2017
Art - Coloring Book - Ages 6-9


Tasliyat al-Atfal al-Sighar wa Taw'iyatuhum تسلية الاطفال الصغار وتوعيتهم

80040 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Young, Caroline كارولين يانغ
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2008 Arabic Edition
Parenting - Children - Educating - Play - Activities


Activities: Silsilat Sa'adu Sa'adun (Set of 4) سلسلة ساعدوا سعدون

43558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaybaq, Lina Mustafa لينا مصطفى الزيبق
Pub: Children World, Damascus, Syria
Kids Educational Activities - Ages 4-6


Color: Snoopy al-Mutazallaj al-Bara'

11174 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Sibah al-Mahir

11173 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-La'ub al-Marah

11172 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Riyadhi al-Nashit

11171 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Snoopy al-Sadik al-Muhub

11170 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Color: Book Set of 4

7091 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Asala for Publishing and Distributing, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.00

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 5: al-Qurd wa-al-Sulhufat al-Ghayoura

3713 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 12: al-Tajir wa Ibn Irss

3712 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 20: al-Assad wa Thalib قصص للتلوين

3733 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 9: Mus'ad wa Sa'id

3732 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 10: Hassan wa-al-Hudhudan

3731 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 17: al-Assad wa-al-Dabii wa-al-Hmar

3730 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 18: al-Amin' wa Kha'in al-Amana

3729 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 19: al-Jamal wa-al-Sdikaa al-Sou

3728 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 15: al-Akhwane wa-al-Hiya

3726 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 4: al-Nawrass al-Maker

3714 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 3: al-Sulhufat al-Sarsara

3716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 11: al-Qit wa-al-Far al-Zaki

3717 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Coloring Book

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 6: al-Assad wa-al-Arnab al-Shoujaa

3718 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 1: al-Salib wa Malik al-Hazine

3719 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 16: al-Thalib wa-al-Tabeil al-Ajwaf

3727 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 7: Sibak al-Sulhufat wa-al-Arnab

3720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 2: al-Ghurab wa-al-Soobane al-Sharir

3721 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 13: Mughamarat al-Assdika'

3723 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 8: al-Hama al-Moutawaka

3724 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Color & Story: Qisas lil-Talwin 14: al-Bata wa-al-Arnab al-Moughafal

3725 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Committee
Pub: Obeikan, Beirut
Children's Arabic Story and Coloring

  Sale Price: US$2.25

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shopping التسوّق

6358 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Shapes الأشكال

6360 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Time الوقت

6361 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Home البيت

6357 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book (Arabic) Things That Go المركبات

6356 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut, 1997
Children't Activity Book - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$2.50

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Magical Stories (Arabic)

40543 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.75

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: The Teletubbyland (Arabic)

40544 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.75

Sticker Book: Teletubbies: Come and Play (Arabic)

40545 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Sticker Book - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6

  Sale Price: US$2.75

Color: Dabdoob wa Alam al-Fadha'a دبدوب وعالم الفضاء

11176 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Arabic Coloring Book 4-8


Hurufi al-Abjadiyah Coloring حروفي الأبجدية

44166 | Arabic | Softcover Coloring Book
By: Muhaydali, Nabihah نبيهة محيدلي / Ill: Baalbaki, Muhammad محمد بعلبكي
Pub: Hadaek Group, Beirut, 2017
Children's Coloring Book - Toddler - Pre-k - K


Colour and Learn Du'as (Ar-En)

43851 | Arabic and English | Softcover
Pub: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2019 Impression
Children's Islamic Coloring Book - Du'as - K - Up


Jungle Stick n' Color: Turtle

16806 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Cat

16819 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Snake

16807 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rooster

16808 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Rabbit

16809 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Panda

16810 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Owl

16811 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Octopus

16812 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Monkey

16813 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Lion

16814 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Hippo

16815 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Frog

16816 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Elephant

16817 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Dog

16818 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Jungle Stick n' Color: Butterfly

16820 | Arabic | Coloring Book + Stickers + Poster + Crayons
Pub: Digital-Future, 2009
Kids Activity


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Lovely Presents (Arabic)

40537 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: 1,2,3...4 Teletubbies (Arabic)

40538 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky's Walk (Arabic)

40539 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Dipsy's Hat (Arabic)

40540 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Po's Blowy Day (Arabic)

40541 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Color and Activity: Teletubbies: Laa-Laa's Song (Arabic)

40542 | Arabic | Softcover
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan, Beirut,
Children's Coloring Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten 3-6


Crafts: Rocks Transformed الحجر المتنكر

11811 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabivc

  Sale Price: US$3.95

Crafts: Paper صناعة الطين من الورق

11813 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$3.95

Crafts: Wire Fuzzies الاسلك المخملية

11814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Arts-Crafts - Arabic

  Sale Price: US$3.95

Activities: Paste and Color إلصق ولون مع مهى وهادي في المدرسة

10720 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel Editions
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4-8


Learning Arabic Alphabet: Fun Activities for Kids

43779 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Mateenuddin Ahmad
Pub: Goodword Books, India, 2017
Kids Learn Arabic Letters - Ages 3+


Color and Activity: Hadith Activity Book for Kids

42582 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Color and Activity: Quran Activity Book For Kids

42583 | English | Softcover
By: Rashid, Muhammad Harun
Pub: Goodword Books, India
Child's Islamic Activity Book Ages 5 +


Palestine: Activity Book

81107 | English | Softcover
By: Joossab, Adilah
Pub: Kube Publishing, Leicestershire 2024
Activity book - Kids - Palestine - Ages 6-8


Crafts: Il'ab bil-Baloon اللعب بالبالون

11809 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Activities Book-Arabic-Crafts


Crafts: Origami الابداع بلل لاوراق الملونة

11810 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2009
Crafts - Origami


Crafts: Mold Clay الابداع بل لمعجون

11812 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Macaw Books
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, 2009
Childrens-Crafts-Art - Arabic


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Quwwat al-Fariq Talwinat قوّة الفريق تلوينات... مع الكثير من الستيكرز

43865 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color and Stickers: Talwinat Han Waqat al-Qataf تلوينات حان وقت القطاف

72496 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Haya Intalq! تلوين هيا انطلق

72491 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Paw Patrol Color: Talwin Dawriyat al-Makhlab تلوين دورية المخلب

72490 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Nickelodeon
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Ages 4-8


Ulawan الون

71433 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Salam, Sumer
Pub: Asala, 2017
Children's Coloring Book


Disney Pixar: Activities: Atillim wa-Amrah Ma' al-Sayyarat 3 أتعلّم وأمرح مع السيارات 3

43152 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2018
Learning Activities - Math - Ages 6-8


Ta Awal Harf min Tasliyah ت اول حرف من تسلية - كتاب ممتع للتلوين و الانشطة

74187 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sesame Workshop
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Coloring Book - Reading - Activities - 4+ Yrs


Disney Princesses: Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74185 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2020
Coloring Book - First Sentences - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Disney: Starwars: Solo Color and Stickers أحلى تلوين مع ستيكرز

73928 | 9786144693773 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney: Minnie Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74184 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring Book - Disney - 4+ Yrs


Marvel: Super Heroes Iqra wa Alawn bi Hasab al-Arqam أقرأ وألوّن بحسب الأرقام

74183 | Arabic - English | Softcover
By: Marvel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2020
Coloring - First Sentences - 4+ Yrs


Marvel Heroes : Activities متعة التلوين...مع ملصقات

73838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2020
Children's Activities - Coloring - Stickers - Marvel - Ages 3+


Stickers & Story: Talia: Eid Milad Sa'id ! عيد ميلاد سعيد

16255 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Ana Atanakaru أنا أَتَنَكَّرُ

16256 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Disney: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43866 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Stickers & Story: Talia: Sadiqati صديقاتي

16257 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Stickers & Story: Talia: Haflatun fi al-Hadiqah حفلة في الحديقة

16258 | Arabic | Softcover - Shaped Handle
By: Akawi, Rihab / Ballon Media
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2012 Arabic Edition
Arabic Story and Sticker Book - Age 4 +


Disney Princess Color and Stickers تعالوا نلوّن مع

43867 | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Disney Frozen: Activities & Color العب و الون : فروزن

44815 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2015
Children's Activities - Ages 6-10


Disney Princesses Activities اميرات: كتاب الألعاب والتسلية

10716 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney/Pixar
Pub: Academia, Beirut, 2006
Children's Arabic Activity Book 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Layla wa-al-Dhib دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - ليلى والذئب

42338 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Pinnocchio دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بينوكيو

42339 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Peter Pan دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - بيتربان

42340 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tale and Activities - Age 4+


Dawwamat - Hikayat wa-Tisali: Cinderella دوامة - حكايات و تسالي - سندريلا

42337 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Hardcover
By: Cernuschi, Claudio / Adapted to Arabic: Qar'an, Fadia
Pub: Dar al-Moualef, Beirut, 2016 Arabic Edition
Children's Arabic Tales and Activities - Ages 4+


Lift the Flap: Li-man Hadha: Audhuna man Hatani? لمن هذا : أذنا من هاتان؟

44884 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Librairie du-Lubnan
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2017
Children's Arabic Story - Interactive - Animals - Baby-Toddler


Marvel: Black Panther Activities & Color الفَهد الأسوَد - أحلى تلوين

73839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Studios
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Coloring Book w/ Stickers - Marvel, Ages 3+


Disney: Star Wars: Rogue One Coloring Universe

74186 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucasfilm
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2017
Coloring Book - Star Wars - 3+ Yrs


Disney: Star Wars: Power in the Galaxy Color and Stickers احلى تلوين

73927 | N/A | Softcover
By: Lucas, George / Disney
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut 2018
Children's Activities - Coloring - Sticker - Ages 4+


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 1 تمارين مسلية

72463 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Activities: Tamarin Masliyah 2 تمارين مسلية- أصفر2

72464 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Caramel S.A., Belgian
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2019
Children's Educational - Activities - Ages 6-8


Art: Drawing-Hadiya الهدية

15159 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Gharaballi, Leila Mohammed
Pub: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2009
Children's Arabic Story - Art - Elementary


Ramadan Painting Canvas - Includes Paint

81170 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kida Activity - Ramadan - Painting - Ages 3 +


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Qara'ah تعلم القراءة مع ثعلوب

16229 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Mala Hazah تعلم الملاحظة مع ثعلوب

16228 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-'Add تعلم العد مع ثعلوب

16227 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Ma Tha'lub: Ta'alam al-Kitabah تعلم الكتابة مع ثعلوب

16226 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / De Klerk, Roger
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2013
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Eid Painting Canvas--Includes Paint

81169 | Canvas Stretched in Frame
By: Blissed Kids
Pub: Blissed Kids, Newport Beach, California 2025
Kids Activity - Eid Decoration - Painting


Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو

44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney Pixar


Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه!

44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book
By: Disney Enterprises
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2019
Baby Bath Book - Disney


Activities: Maharat al-Riyadiyat مهارات الرياضيات

72836 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Educational - Basic Math - Activities - Pre-K +


Activities: Maharat al-Khatut مهارات الخطوط

72837 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Group
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Activities - Handwriting Skills - Pre-k +


Luzah لوزة

71422 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Yilmaz, Muzeyyen
Pub: Asala, 2017
Art - Coloring Book - Ages 6-9


Color: Iftah Ya Simsim: al-Hayawanat min Hawlina إفتح يا سمسم : الحيوانات من حولنا

44814 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Iftah Ya Simsim إفتح يا سمسم
Pub: Hachette Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Activity from 3 years


Crafts: Origami - al-Ashya' al-Basitah أورغامي - الأشياء البسيطة

14823 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - al-Tuyur wa-al-Hasharat أورغامي - الطيور والحشرات

14824 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - al-Hiyawanat أورغامي - الحيوانات

14822 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Crafts: Origami - lwazim al-Hafalat (al-Munasabat) أورغامي - لوازام الحفلات : المناسبات

14821 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Sterling Publishing
Pub: Dar al-Chamal, Beirut, 2010
Children's Crafts - Origami - Ages 5 +


Aktub wa Amsahu: al-Waqt أكتب وأمسح الوقت

40904 | Arabic | Erasable Board Book
By: Editions Piccolia
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2014 Arabic Edition
Children's Activity Ages 3-6


Activities: I Learn About: Shapes

14594 | Arabic, English, and Spanish | Hardcover
By: Group
Pub: Academia, Beirut
Children's Activity Book

  Sale Price: US$7.95

MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 2)

75383 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


MU Girls : I Am Beautiful because .... (Vol 1)

75385 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring - Girls - Islam - Ages 7+


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 3-4 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16233 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 6-7 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16230 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 5-6 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16231 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Activities: Amrah Aktob Atamaran Ages 4-5 امرح اكتب اتمرن

16232 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Editions Caramel / Carletti, Emanuela
Pub: Librairie Stephan, Beirut, 2009
Educational Activities - Preschool - Early Elementary


Color: Stories from the Quran BIG Coloring Book

40570 | English | Softcover
By: Khan, Saniyasnain
Pub: Goodword, 2015
Children's Islamic Story and Activity Book Ages 5 up


Baby Montessori: Vehicles

45174 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Vehicles - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Animals

45172 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Animals - Baby - 0-3 years


Disney: Beauty and the Beast: Read and Color أقرأ وألوّن - مع ستيكرز

70314 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney
Pub: Hachette-Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Stories - Coloring/Sticker Book - Preschool +


Marvel: Avengers, Age of Ultron: Read and Color أقرأ وألوّن - مع ستيكرز

70313 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Marvel Kids
Pub: Hachette-Antoine, Beirut, 2017
Children's Superhero Story - Coloring/Sticker Book - Preschool +


Disney Pixar: Finding Dory : Read and Color أقرأ وألوّن - مع ستيكرز

70311 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Disney Pixar
Pub: Hachette-Antoine, Beirut, 2016
Children's Stories - Coloring/Sticker Book - Preschool +


Baby Montessori: Follow Me!

45173 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Lines - Baby - 0-3 years


Baby Montessori: Big or Small?

45175 | English | Board Book
By: Baruzzi, Agnese / Piroddi, Chiara
Pub: White Star / Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2021 Special Edition
Baby Montessori - Sizes - Baby - 0-3 years


Tufulati al-Awla طفولتي الأولى، نشاطات معرفية لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة

74558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Khateeb, Ahmad, Group of Educators مجموعة مؤلفين
Pub: Dar al Hadaiq, Beirut 2019
Chidren's Cognitive Activity Book - Preschool - Ages 3-5


Activities: Simplissime: Alab al-Khafah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولاالسهل العاب الخفة الابسط في العالم

72494 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: H, Alex / Ill: Lapassade, Roxy
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - DIY Games - Ages 8-12


Activities: Simplissime: Dalil Makyaj al-Atfal al-Absat fi al-Alam ولا أسهل دليل ماكياج الاطفال الابسط في العالم

72492 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Multier, Fred / Ill: Ronzon, Stephanie
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Activities - Face Paint - Ages 5-10


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 2 تمارين ممتعة

72841 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages Pre-K +


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 4 تمارين ممتعة

72840 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 5 تمارين ممتعة

72839 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Tamarin Mumti'ah: 6 تمارين ممتعة

72838 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Dayah, Hanadi / Shamah, Manal
Pub: Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Children's Arabic Curriculum - Ages 5-8 - K+


Activities: Simplissime: al-Ikhtibarat al-Alimiyah al-Absat fi al-Alam ولااسهل الاختبارات العلمية الابسط في العالم

72493 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Barde, Nahalie / Ill: Moutarde, Colonel
Pub: Hachette Antoine, 2019
Children's Educational - Scientific Tests - Ages 8-12


Activities: Silsilat Sa'adu Sa'adun (Set of 4) سلسلة ساعدوا سعدون

43558 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Zaybaq, Lina Mustafa لينا مصطفى الزيبق
Pub: Children World, Damascus, Syria
Kids Educational Activities - Ages 4-6


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Adventure Awaits

75384 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Bros : Let's Learn Arabic ! Activity & Practice Coloring Book

75381 | Arabic & English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Learn Arabic - Islam - Ages 5+


MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Passport to Fun

75382 | English | Softcover
By: Sengsone, Judy
Pub: MU Girls LLC, Nevada 2023
Children's Coloring and Activity - Mosques - Islam - Ages 5+


Uhibbu al-Yugha أحب اليوغا

45171 | Arabic | Softcover - Cardstock
By: Berk, Ezgi / Ill: Ulusan, Rukiye
Pub: Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 2020 Arabic Edition
Chldren's Health - Activity - Yoga - Ages 5+


Chalkboard: Hayawanat Bariyat 'Ala al-Lawah : al-Sabura حيوانات برية على اللوح: السبورة‬‎

43468 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2016
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Chalkboard: Dinosurat a'la al-Lawh : al-Sabura ديناصورات على اللوح : السبورة‬‎

43438 | Arabic | Chalkboard Board Book
By: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut,
Children's Activities - Pre-k +


Lawn li al-Shahinat لون لي الشاحنات

44885 | Arabic | Board Book
By: Priddy Books
Pub: Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2021
Children's Activity Book - Trucks - Ages 3-6


My First Book of Arabic Writing كتاب الاول للخط العربي

73918 | Arabic | Softcover
By: Soltana, Lynda
Pub: Iqra, US, 2022
Children's Arabic Handwriting - Elementary


Activities & Exercises 3: al-Fakihah أنشطة وتدريبات : الفاكهة - الخضار الطبيعية والفصول

16246 | Arabic | Hardcover
By: Shamsuddin, Salim
Pub: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2012
Early Childhood Education - Arabic - PreK


ABC's of Palestine for Activists Big and Small (Coloring Book)

75313 | English | Softcover
By: Dada, Alia
Pub: Prolance Publishing, California,
Children's Coloring Book - Ages 6+


Activities: Ashkal : al-Hiyawanat ; al-Ilwan الأشكال - الحيوانات - الألوان - اكتب و امسح

16502 | Arabic | Spiral Bound Erasable Shaped Board Book
Pub: Digital Future, Beirut
Children's Activity - Preschool - Kindergarten
