MU Girls Coloring Book: Mosques Around The World - Adventure Awaits
By: Sengsone, Judyselect image to view/enlarge/scroll
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Visit both well-known mosques and ones you may have never heard of before. This could motivate you to explore the world and find joy in its wonders. Our capacity for wonder, excitement, and gratitude for the wonderful variety of life on earth is expanded through travel.
With full color glossy front and back covers.
What's Inside?
• Over 30 fun pages to color
• Name & location of each mosque
• Prayer schedule
• How to make Wudu
Why is Coloring Beneficial?
Coloring is not only a traditional and well-liked activity among children, but it is also a simple and effective way to promote their intellectual, emotional, and creative growth. It provides children and adults alike with an opportunity to express themselves creatively. Coloring is enjoyable for young children, who should be encouraged to express their creativity.