Juz Amma with color coded Tajweed Rules
Item #: 71061
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic with rules in English
Topic: Quran / Tajweed
Publisher: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India
ISBN: 9788172314200
Juz Amma Your First Qur'an Reading Experience
Item #: 74069
By: Compiled by Learning Roots
Hardcover / Spiral Bound | 38 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Qur'an - Juz Amma for kids 7-9+
Publisher: Learning Roots
ISBN: 9781905516827
Juz Amma جزء عم
Item #: 73248
Softcover | 23 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Part 30
Publisher: Dar al Ghawthani, Beirut 2019
Juz Amma جزء عم بالرسم العثماني
Item #: 80183
By: Taha Usman Print
Softcover |
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an - Large Print
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, California 2024
ISBN: 9786144564103
Juz Qad Sami'a جزء قد سمع
Item #: 73246
Softcover | 20 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quran - Part 28
Publisher: Dar al Ghawthani, Beirut. 2019
Juz Tabarak جزء تبارك
Item #: 73247
Softcover | 20 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quran- Tabarak
Publisher: Dar al Ghawthani, Beirut 2019
Misk al-Qur'an min Jana wa Rihan مسك القرآن مع جنى وريحان
Item #: 44475
By: Zayn, Abir (Preparation)
Hardcover with Media | 32 pp, color, coated paper
Language: Arabic with English
Topic: Learn Qur'an Recitation - Pre-teen, Teen
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2019
ISBN: 9789933362249
Mushaf Warsh (14x20 cm) مصحف ورش
Item #: 74301
Hardcover | 613 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quran- Warsh Recitation
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Istanbul 2013
ISBN: 9789933605803
Mushaf Warsh (17 x 24 cm) مصحف ورش
Item #: 80927
Hardcover | 613 pp, 2 colors, cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quran - Warsh Narration
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut 2023
Qur'an Rainbow Arabic (13 x 18 cm / 5 x 7 in)
Item #: 44366
Cloth Hardcover, Embossed | 611 pp Qur'an (Arabic) + 28 pp Appendix (English)
Language: Arabic with English Appendix
Topic: Qur'an
Publisher: Global Islamic Publications, New Delhi, 2015
Qur'an Tajweed - Ibn Kathir/Qunbil/Bizzi
Item #: 72069
By: Qira'at: Ibn Kathir/Qunbil/Bizzi
Hardcover | 619 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Tajweed - Qunbil/Bizzi
Publisher: Dar al Marefah, Beirut (1435 H)
ISBN: 9789933423957
Qur'an Tajweed al-Wadah: Juz Amma (lrg) مصحف التجويد
Item #: 16154
By: Azhar Islamic Research Academy
Softcover | 30 pp color, Hafs Narration, Spaced Script, Word Index
Language: Arabic with English color key Description
Topic: Tajweed Qur'an
Publisher: Dar al-Marifah
ISBN: 9789933423193
Qur'an Tajweed al-Wadah: Juz Dhariyat (lrg) مصحف التجويد
Item #: 16158
By: Azhar Islamic Research Academy
Softcover | 32 pp color, Hafs Narration, Spaced Script, Word Index
Language: Arabic with English color key Description
Topic: Tajweed Qur'an
Publisher: Dar Al-Marifah
ISBN: 9789933423827
Qur'an Tajweed al-Wadah: Rubu Yasin (lrg) مصحف التجويد
Item #: 16159
By: Azhar Islamic Research Academy
Softcover | 183 pp color, Hafs Narration, Spaced Script, Word Index
Language: Arabic with English color key Description
Topic: Tajweed Qur'an
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut
ISBN: 9789933900250
Qur'an Tajweed al-Wadah: Surah al-Baqara (lrg) مصحف التجويد
Item #: 16163
By: Verified by: Azhar Islamic Research Academy
Softcover | 72 pp color, Hafs Narration, Spaced Script, Word Index
Language: Arabic w/English Color key Description
Topic: Tajweed Qur'an - Surah Baqarah
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut
ISBN: 9789933423124
Quran Mark (Gold Metal Book Mark)
Item #: 45062
Premium Gold Metallic Book Mark | 1 Metallic Book Mark in box
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Bookmark
Publisher: Learning Roots, UK,
ISBN: 683203858342
Quran Mark (Silver Metal Book Mark)
Item #: 45121
Premium Silver Metallic Book Mark | 1 Metallic Book Mark in box
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Bookmark
Publisher: Learning Roots, UK
ISBN: 683203858359
Asbab Nuzul al-Qur'an أسباب نزول القرآن
Item #: 60376
By: Wahidi al-Naisaburi, Imam (d. 468/1076) واحدي نيشابوري، أبو الحسن علي
Hardcover | 256 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Revelation of verses
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9782745121981
Fath al-Qadir (5 vol) تفسير فتح القدير للشوكاني
Item #: 1131
By: Shawkani, Muhammad bin Ali (1173/1759 - 1250/1839) الشوكاني، محمد بن علي
Hardcover | 5 volumes, indexed
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Tafsir
Publisher: Dar al-Wafa, 2008
Fawz al-Kabir fi Usul al-Tafsir الفوز الكبير في اصول التفسير
Item #: 73221
By: Dahlawi, Allama Shah Wali Allah (d. 1176/1762) العلامة شاه ولي الله الدهلوي
Softcover | 158 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Usul Tafsir - Fundamentals of Qur'an Interpretation
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789933403775
Fi Zilal al-Qur'an (6 vol) في ظلال القرآن
Item #: 73484
By: Qutb, Sayyid (1906-1966) سيد قطب
Hardcover | 5630 pp, 6 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'anic Exegesis
Publisher: Dar al-Usul al-Ilmiyah, Istanbul 2019
ISBN: 9786057896032
Fusul fi Usul al-Tafsir - فصول في اصول التفسير
Item #: 75340
By: Tayyar, Dr. Musa'id Ibn Sulayman أ.د. مساعد سليمان الطيار
Hardcover | 202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Principles of Quran Interpretation - Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 6287015570375
Haqa'iq al-Tafsir - Tafsir al-Sulami 1/2 تفسير السلمي وهو
Item #: 2595
By: Sulami, Muhammad Ibn al-Husayn (d.376/986) سلمي، محمد بن الحسين / Sayyid Umran
Hardcover | 894 pp in 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2001
ISBN: 9782745131645
Hashiyat al-Sawi ala Tafsir al-Jalalayn (4 Vol) حاشية الصاوي علي تفسير الجلالين
Item #: 80917
By: Sawi, Shahab al-Din Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Khalwati (d. 1241/1825) شهاب الدين أحمد بن محمد الخلوتي الصاوي
Hardcover | 2072 pp, 4 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Interpretation - Tafsir al-Jalalayn - Mahalli, Jalal al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad, 1389-1459
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9782745127044
Hawl Tafsir Surah Alaq حول تفسير سورة العلق
Item #: 73331
By: Husayni, Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1342/1924 - 1422/2002) عبد الله سراج الدين الحسيني
Hardcover | 247 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Manhaj Qawim, Damascus 2020
ISBN: 9789933609214
Hawl Tafsir Surah Fatiha حول تفسير سورة الفاتحة
Item #: 73325
By: Husayni, Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1342/1924 - 1422/2002) عبد الله سراج الدين الحسيني
Hardcover | 209 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir
Publisher: Husayni, Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1342/1924 - 1422/2002) عبد الله سراج الدين الحسيني
ISBN: 9793360915389
Hawl Tafsir Surah Hujarat حول تفسير سورة الحجرات
Item #: 73327
By: Husayni, Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1342/1924 - 1422/2002) عبد الله سراج الدين الحسيني
Hardcover | 446 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Manhaj Qawim, Damascus 2020
ISBN: 9789933609160
Hawl Tafsir Surah Insan حول تفسير سورة الانسان
Item #: 73326
By: Husayni, Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1342/1924 - 1422/2002) عبد الله سراج الدين الحسيني
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Manhaj Qawim, Damascus 2020
ISBN: 9789933609191
Hawl Tafsir Surah Kawthar حول تفسير سورة الكوثر
Item #: 73324
By: Husayni, Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1342/1924 - 1422/2002) عبد الله سراج الدين الحسيني
Hardcover | 225 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Manhaj Qawim, Damascus 2020
ISBN: 9789933609207
Hawl Tafsir Surah Qaf حول تفسير سورة ق
Item #: 73322
By: Husayni, Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1342/1924 - 1422/2002) عبد الله سراج الدين الحسيني
Hardcover | 156 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Manhaj Qawim, Damascus 2020
ISBN: 9789933609177
Ijaz al-Ilmi ila Ayn? الاعجاز العلمي الى اين؟
Item #: 72293
By: Tayyar, Masa'id bin Sulayman مساعد بن سليمان الطيار
Hardcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies- Scientific Commentary
Publisher: Dar ibn Jawzi, Riyad 1440 H
Ijmi'a fi-Tafsir 'ind al-Tabari الإجماع في التفسير عند الطبري
Item #: 74298
By: Laham, Dr, Abd Allah Ibn Sulayman د. عبدالله بن سليمان اللاحم
Hardcover | 720 pp, 2 color text, cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Exegetical Consensus - Tabari
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Istanbul / Tafsir Center for Quranic Studies, Riyadh 2022
Jam'a Tafsir Qur'an ( 3 vol.) الجامع تفسير القران
Item #: 73113
By: Ibn Wahab al-Masri, Abd Allah (125/743 - 197/812) عبد الله بن وهب المصري
Hardcover | 635 pp, 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Dar al Gharb al Islami, Tunis 2003
Jam'i fi Asbab al-Nuzul الجامع في أسباب النزول
Item #: 41711
By: Wahidi al-Naisaburi (d. 468/1076) واحدي نيشابوري / Shalabi, Hassan شلبي , حسن
Hardcover | 568 pp, 2 color text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Revelation
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus/Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789953323886
Lubab fi 'Ulum al-Kitab (20 vol) اللباب في علوم الكتاب
Item #: 6211
By: Umar Ibn 'Ali Ibn 'Adil al-Dimashqi al-Hanbali (d.880/1475) ابن عادل الحنبلي
Hardcover | 11936 pp, white paper, 20 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Exegesis - Tafsir Sciences
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2023
ISBN: 9782745122988
Ma'ani al-Quran - lil-Akhfash معاني القرآن - للأخفش
Item #: 82001
By: Akhfash al-Awsat, Sa'id ibn Mas'adah سعيد بن مسعدة الأخفش الأوسط
Hardcover | 360 pp, 2 colors
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9782745135186
Ma'ani al-Quran 2 Vol معاني القرآن
Item #: 21116
By: Sanadiki, Khalid خالد صناديقي
Hardcover | 1202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Qur'an Language and Style
Publisher: Dar al-Sumay'i lil Nashr wa-al-Tawzi, Riyadh, 2017
Mawsu'at al-Tafsir (25 Vol). موسوعة التفسير الماثور
Item #: 50029
By: Markaz Dirasat Quraniya مركز الدراسات والمعلومات القرآنية - جدة
Hardcover | 18702 pp 25 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Dar ibn Hazm Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786030244638
Milak al Taw'il (2v in 1 bk DKI) ملاك التأويل القاطع بذوي الإلحاد والتعطيل
Item #: 72921
By: Ibn al-Zubayr al-Gharnati, Abu Ja'far Ahmed (d. 708/1308) أبي جعفر أحمد ابن الزبي الغرناطي
Hardcover | 536 pp / Editor: Fasi, Abd al-Ghani Ali - الغرناطي أبو جعفر
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis - Linguistic Aspects
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2006
ISBN: 9782745143990
Mukhtasar Tafsir al-Qurtubi (3 vol) مختصر تفسير القرطبي
Item #: 41056
By: Qurtubi, Imam Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Ansari (d.671/1273) الإمام محمد بن أحمد الأنصاري القرطبي / Ni'mah, Ibrahim
Hardcover | 1842 pp, 3 volumes, 2 colors, cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2006
Mukhtasir Tafsir al-Baghawi مختصر تفسير البغوي المسمى معالم التنزيل
Item #: 44233
By: Baghawi, Husayn (d.ca. 516/1122) الحسين البغوي / Zayd, Abd Allah عبد الله بن الزيد
Hardcover | 1040 pp, chamois, 2 colors, ribbon placeholder
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 1439 AH (2018)
ISBN: 9786030266180
Mukhtasir Tafsir Tabari مختصر تفسير الطبري
Item #: 74347
By: Tabari, Muhammad Ibn Jarir (224/838 - 310/923) طبري، محمد بن جرير / Tujaybi, Muhammad Ibn (d.419 AH) / Ed. Arnaut, AbdulKadir
Hardcover | 620 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quranic Exegesis - Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Damascus, 2018
ISBN: 9786144152799
Mutashabih al-Qur'an al-Kareem متشابه القرآن الكريم
Item #: 70072
By: Abd al-Jabbar al-Hamadhani, bin Ahmed bin Abd-al-Jabbar (d.415/1025) عبد الجبار بن أحمد بن عبد الجبارالهمذاني
Hardcover | 800 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'anic Study and explanation
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9782745101587
Ruh al-Ma'ani (16 v. in 11 bk) روح المعاني
Item #: 10396
By: Alusi, Mahmud ibn Abd Allah (d.1270/1854) محمود بن عبد الله آلوسي
Hardcover | 7052 pp (16 Vol in 11 Bk)
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Quran Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2001
ISBN: 9782745133212
Safwat al-Tafasir (3 vol) صفوة التفاسير
Item #: 70401
By: Sabuni, Muhammad Ali (b. 1931, Syria) محمد علي الصابوني
Hardcover | 1764 pp, 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Maktabat al-Assrya, Saida
Shurot al-Mufasir wa Adabuha شروط المفسر وآدابه
Item #: 10966
By: Suyuti, Hafiz Jalal al-Din (ca. 849/1445 - 911/1505 ) الحافظ جلال الدين السيوطي
Softcover | 103 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Commentary Guidelines
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 1994
Tadhkir al-Qur'an تذكير القرآن
Item #: 45122
By: Maulana Wahidduddin Khan وحيد الدين خان
Hardcover | 840 pp, 2 colors on cream paper, ribbon placeholder
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9789953727417
Tafsir Abd al-Razzaq (3 vol) تفسير عبد الرزاق
Item #: 60354
By: Abd al-Razzaq al-San'ani (126/744-211/827) عبد الرزاق الصنعاني
Hardcover | 1528 pp, 3 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Commentary
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, Beirut, (DKI) 1999
ISBN: 9782745126764
Tafsir Abi al-Husan al-Rummani
Item #: 60408
By: Rummani, Ali ibn Isa (d. 384/994) رماني، علي بن عيسى
Hardcover | 512 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, Beirut, 2009
Tafsir Abi al-Sa'ud (8 Vol) تفسير أبي السعود
Item #: 60367
By: Abu al-Sa'ud al-Hanafi (d. ca. 982/1574) ابو السعود، محمد بن محمد
Hardcover | 4160 pp, 8 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI) Beirut, 2010
ISBN: 9782745164759
Tafsir Abi Ali al-Juba'i تفسير أبي علي الجبائي
Item #: 11763
By: Jubba'I, Abu Ali (d. 303/916) أبو علي الجبائي
Hardcover | 260 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Quran Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2006
ISBN: 9782745153593
Tafsir al Muqarin ( 2 vol.) تفسير المقارن
Item #: 72064
By: Ani, Dr. Mahmud Aqil Maruf (Iraq) محمود عقيل معروف العاني
Hardcover | 1082 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Comparative Study
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789933499969
Tafsir al-Baydawi (5 vol) تفسير البيضاوي
Item #: 81254
By: Baydawi, Abd Allah ibn Umar (d. 685/1286) عبد الله بن عمر بيضاوي
Hardcover | 3486 pp, 2 color text, 5 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Resalah Publishers, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9789953320564
Tafsir al-Hassan al-Basri (2 vol) تفسير الحسن البصري
Item #: 60355
By: Basri, Hasan (21/642-110/728) حسن البصري / Mazidi, Ahmad Farid أحمد فريد المزيدي.
Hardcover | 992 pp in 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, Beirut, 2012
ISBN: 9782745172648
Tafsir al-Imam al-Shafi'i تفسير الإمام الشافعي
Item #: 42545
By: Shafi'i (Imam Shafi'i) (150/767 - 204/820) محمد بن إدريس الشافعي
Hardcover | 200 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2009
ISBN: 9782745105752
Tafsir al-Imam Ibn Arafah (5 vol) تفسير الامام ابن عرفة
Item #: 70416
By: Ibn Arafah al-Warghami ابن عرفة الورفمي / Washtani Abi, Muhammad محمد الوشتاني الابي
Hardcover | 4382 pp 5 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Dar ibn Hazm, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9789959855084
Tafsir al-Jalalayn (Resalah Lrg 25x35 cm) تفسير الجلالين
Item #: 40825
By: Suyuti, Hafiz Jalal al-Din (ca. 849/1445 - 911/1505 ) الحافظ جلال الدين السيوطي / Mahalli, Jalal al-Din محلي
Hardcover | 706 pp, index
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789933232153
Tafsir al-Jilani (5 vol) تفسير الجيلاني
Item #: 20097
By: Jilani, Abd al-Qadir (470/1078 - 561/1166) عبد القادر الجيلاني
Hardcover | 2496 pp, 5 volumes, 2 color text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Sufi
Publisher: DKI, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9782745165640
Tafsir al-Kashaf (2 vol) تفسير الكشاف
Item #: 72508
By: Zamakhshari, Abi al-Qassem (d. ca 538/1144) ابي القاسم الزمخشري
Hardcover | 2190 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Exegesis - Tafsir
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut 2016
ISBN: 9789953274737
Tafsir al-Kashaf (4 vol) تفسير الكشاف
Item #: 80217
By: Zamakhshari, Abi al-Qassem (d. ca 538/1144) ابي القاسم الزمخشري / Ed. Mahdi, Abdulrazaq
Hardcover | 2926 pp, 4 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Quran Exegesis
Publisher: Dar Ihya Turath, Beirut 2nd Ed.
Tafsir al-Khatib al-Shirbini (4 vol) تفسير الخطيب الشربيني
Item #: 74564
By: Khatib al-Shirbini, Muhammad Ibn Ahmed (d. 977/1570) شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد الخطيب الشربيني
Hardcover | 2,944 pp, 4 Volumes, 2 color
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Quranic Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, 2017
ISBN: 9782745142078
Tafsir al-Manar (12 vol) تـفـسـيـر الـمـنـار
Item #: 866
By: Rida, Muhammad Rashid محمد رشيد رضا
Hardcover | 5168 pp, 12 volumes, indices
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Tafsir - Quran Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9782745122230
Tafsir al-Maraghi (10 vol) تفسير المراغي
Item #: 60352
By: Maraghi, Ahmad Mustafa (1881–1945) مراغي، احمد مصطفى
Hardcover | 4576 pp, 10 volumes, lightly tinted paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9782745100184
Tafsir al-Mawardi (6 vol) تفسير الماوردي
Item #: 7572
By: Mawardi al-Basri, Abu al-Hasan Ali (448/1058) أبي الحسن علي الماوردي البصري
Hardcover | 3032 pp, 6 Volumes, Chamois Paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9782745105981
Tafsir al-Mulla 'Ali al-Qari (5 vol) تفسير الملا علي القاري المسمى
Item #: 20101
By: Qari al-Harawi, Mulla Ali (d. 1014/1605) الملا علي القاري الهروي
Hardcover | 2592 pp, 2 colors, Chamois Paper, 5 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2023
ISBN: 9782745175960
Tafsir al-Munir (17 vol) التفسير المنير
Item #: 1058
By: Zuhayli, Wahbah (1932-2015) وهبة الزحيلي
Hardcover | 17 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Tafsir
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut, 2011
Tafsir al-Nasafi (Madarik Tanzil) (3 vol.) تفسير النسفي
Item #: 72292
By: Nasafi, Abd Allah bin Ahmed bin Mahmud (d. ca 710/1310) عبد الله بن أحمد بن محمود النفسي
Hardcover | 2245 pp, 3 Volumes, 2 color text, cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Damascus 2018
ISBN: 9789953520117
Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim (6 Vol, Musnad) تفسير القران الكريم
Item #: 73358
By: Musnad, Abd al-Aziz Ibn Abd al-Rahman (1932-2007) الشيخ عبد العزيز بن عبد الرحمن المسند
Hardcover | 3860 pp, 6 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Exegesis - Contemporary Tafsir
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 1440 AH (2019)
ISBN: 6287015577169
Tafsir al-Qushayri (3 vol) تفسير القشيري
Item #: 12631
By: Qashayri, Abu al-Qasim Abd al-Karim ibn Hawazin (d. 456/1072) بي القاسم عبد الكريم ابن هوازن القشيري
Hardcover | 1408 pp, 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Quran Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9782745128379
Tafsir Ayat Ahkam ( 4 vol in 2) تفسير آيات الأحكام
Item #: 72945
By: Sayis, Muhammad محمد علي السايس / Subki, Abd al-Latif عبد اللطيف السبكي
Hardcover | 1600 pp, 2 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Legal Interpretation of Quran
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut 2018 دار ابن كثير
ISBN: 9789953520414
Tafsir Gharib al-Qur'an - تفسير غريب القرآن
Item #: 80615
By: Kuwari, Dr. Kamilah د كاملة الكواري
Hardcover | 370 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Qur'an Interpretation
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2008
ISBN: 9789953816982
Tafsir Ibn Badis تفسير ابن باديس
Item #: 10535
By: Ibn Badis, Abd al-Hamid ابن باديس، عبد الحميد
Hardcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Quran Commentary
Publisher: Al-Maktaba al-Assrya, 2006
ISBN: 9789953344805
Tafsir Ibn Kathir (8 v in 4 bk Resalah) تفسير ابن كثير
Item #: 10572
By: Ibn Kathir, Isma'il ibn Umar (d. 774/1373) ابن كثير، إسماعيل بن عمر
Hardcover | 3416 pp, 4 volumes, 2 color text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Resalah Publishers, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789933230432
Tafsir Ibn Wahab (2 vol) تفسير ابن وهب
Item #: 12431
By: Dinawari, Abd Allah ibn Muhammad Ibn Wahab (d. 308 AH) عبد الله بن محمد بن وهب الدينوري
Hardcover | 1032 pp, 2 Volumes, 2 color text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2003
ISBN: 9782745139245
Tafsir Juz Amma تفسير جزء عم
Item #: 20159
By: Uthaymin, Muhammad ibn Salih (d.2001) العثيمين, محمد بن صالح
Hardcover | 302 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis - Juz Amma
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2005
Tafsir Juz' 'Amma تفسير جزء عم
Item #: 80613
By: Biqa'i, Burhan al-Din Ibrahim ibn Umar (d. 885/1480) برهان الدين أبي الحسن إبراهيم بن عمر بن حسن البقاعي
Hardcover | 590 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Juz Amma
Publisher: Dar al-Sader, Beirut 2001
ISBN: 9789953130330
Tafsir Mulla Jami تفسير ملا جامي
Item #: 44504
By: Mulla Jami, Nur al-Din Abd al-Rahman (d.898/1492) نور الدين عبد الرحمن الجامي
Hardcover | 208 pp, chamois paper, 2 color text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beriut, 2020
ISBN: 9782745194329
Tafsir Surah Fatihah (Ibn Qayyim) تفسير سورة الفاتحة
Item #: 73333
By: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691/1292 - 751/1350) ابن قيم الجوزية / Ibn Abi Bakr
Hardcover | 288 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Surah Fatihah
Publisher: Dar Manhaj Qawim, Damascus 2006
Tashil li-Ulum al-Tanzil (4 vol) التسهيل لعلوم التنزيل
Item #: 74871
By: Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi al-Gharnati al-Maliki (d.741/1340) ابن جزي الغرناطي المالكي
Hardcover | 1616 pp, 4 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Al-Maktaba al-Asriya, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789953340258
Tibyan fi Tafsir Gharib al-Quran التبيان تفسير غريب القران
Item #: 81081
By: Ibn al-Ha'im, Shihab al-Din Ahmad Mohammad (d. 815/1412) شهاب الدين أحمد بن محمد بن عماد المعروف بابن الهائم
Hardcover | 516 pp, Illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Language - Sijistani
Publisher: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, Beirut 2003
Wa Ukhar Mutashabihat ( 3 vol) واخر متشابهات
Item #: 73442
By: Kubaysi, Dr. Ahmed Obaid (1934-) احمد عبيد الكبيسي (Kubaisi)
Hardcover | 1984 pp 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir / Exegesis
Publisher: Dar al Marefah, Beirut 2018
Amali al-Shajariyah الأمالي الشجرية
Item #: 73700
By: Ibn al-Shajari, Abi al-Sa'adat Hibat Allah Ibn Ali (d. 542/1148) أبي السعادات هبة الله بن علي/ ابن الشجري
Hardcover | 856 pp, White Paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Arabic Language - Grammar - Philology - Syntax - Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2021
ISBN: 9782745101242
Aql al-Arabi fi al-Qur'an العقل العربي في القرآن
Item #: 44936
By: Kammuni, Sa'd (1957-) سعد كموني
Softcover | 359 pp, bibliography
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'anic Studies - Text Interpretation - The Mind
Publisher: al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-Arabi, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789953680965
Aql fi al-Qalb العقل في القلب
Item #: 44469
By: Outri, Dr. Mustafa Maher مصطفى ماهر عطري
Hardcover | 416 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam and Science - Spirituality - Heart and Brain Influences
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2020
ISBN: 9789933362607
Ayat Hifz Quran al-Karim آيات حفظ القرآن الكريم
Item #: 73591
By: Shaghdari, Dr. Ibrahim ibn Abbas د. إبراهيم بن عباس الشغدري
Hardcover | 550 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quran Study - Verses
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam 1443 AH (~2021 CE)
ISBN: 9786038298978
Budur al-Zahirah بدور الزاهرة
Item #: 72065
By: Qadi, Abd al-Fattah bin Abd al-Ghani (1403 H) عبد الفتاح القاضي
Hardcover | 734 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Study - Qira'at - Quran Readings
Publisher: Dar al Ghawthani, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9789933499433
Dabitiyah lil-Shatibiyah الضابطية للشاطبية اللامية
Item #: 74672
By: Qari al-Harawi al-Makki, Ali ibn Sultan Muhammad (d.1014/1606) علي بن سلطان محمد القاري الهروي المكي
Softcover | 88 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quran Studies - Quran Sciences - Shatibi
Publisher: Dar al-Bashair al-Islamiyah, Beirut 2012
Fawz al-Kabir fi Usul al-Tafsir الفوز الكبير في اصول التفسير
Item #: 73221
By: Dahlawi, Allama Shah Wali Allah (d. 1176/1762) العلامة شاه ولي الله الدهلوي
Softcover | 158 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Usul Tafsir - Fundamentals of Qur'an Interpretation
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9789933403775
Hadha Huwa al-Qur'an هذا هو القران
Item #: 70056
By: Najjar, Zaghlul Raghib Muhammad نجار، زغلول راغب محمد
Softcover | 216 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Qur'an - Evidences - Authority
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut, 2014
Hijjaj fi al-Quran الحجاج في القرآن
Item #: 8021
By: Suleh, Abdullah
Softcover | 647 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Linguistic Studies
Publisher: Dar al-Farabi, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953711909
Hiwarati Ma'a al-Quran حواراتي مع القرآن
Item #: 80194
By: Dadush, Ahmad أحمد دعدوش
Softcover | 182 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Contemporary Quran Study
Publisher: Al-Usool al-Elmiyah, Istanbul 2022
ISBN: 9786057896773
Hub fi-al-Qur'an الحب في القران
Item #: 72116
By: Buti, Muhammad Said Ramadan (1929-2013) محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
Softcover | 175 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Love of God, Love of Others - etc.
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Damascus 2018 6th Ed.
ISBN: 9789933100940
Hujjat al-Qira'at حجة القراءات
Item #: 14910
By: Ibn Zanjalah, Abd al-Rahman bin Muhammad (d.403/1012) ابن زنجلة
Hardcover | 814 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Quran Recitations
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus/Beirut
ISBN: 9789933232061
I'jaz al-Qur'an al-Bayani اعجاز القرآن البياني
Item #: 72124
By: Khalidi, Salah 'Abd al-Fattah صلاح عبد الفـتاح الخالـدي
Hardcover | 700 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Studies - Critique, Language, Style
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Damascus 2016
I'rab al-Mar'i lil-Qur'an al-Karim (6 Vol) الإعراب المرئي للقرآن الكريم
Item #: 7676
By: Dahdah, Abu Faris أبو فارس الدحداح / Bahri, Muhammad Ali محمد علي بحري
Hardcover | 2052 pp, 6 Volumes (296+304+320+305+548+279)
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Textual Interpretation - Language
Publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, 2007
ISBN: 9789953292564 9789953292557 9789953292533 9789953292540 9789953292526 9953292515
I'rab al-Quran al' Azeem إعراب القرآن العظيم
Item #: 72972
By: Ansari, Zakariya ibn Muhammad (823/1423 - 926/1520) أنصاري، زكريا بن محمد
Hardcover | 576 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Ulum Quran - Language, Style, Parsing
Publisher: Dar al-Nashr lil-Jami'at & Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2010
ISBN: 9789773163111
Ijaz al-Ilmi ila Ayn? الاعجاز العلمي الى اين؟
Item #: 72293
By: Tayyar, Masa'id bin Sulayman مساعد بن سليمان الطيار
Hardcover | 208 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies- Scientific Commentary
Publisher: Dar ibn Jawzi, Riyad 1440 H
Illustrated Tajweed (English & Arabic)
Item #: 72063
By: Suwayd, Ayman Rushdi أيمن رشدي سويد
Hardcover | 261 pp,
Language: English / Arabic
Topic: Tajwid - Quranic Recitation
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Istanbul 2021
ISBN: 9786057484932
Irmiz fi al-Quran الرمز في القران
Item #: 11666
By: Nihum, Al-Sadiq
Softcover | 389 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Religious Studies
Publisher: al-Intishar, 2008
ISBN: 978614404248
Isti'ab fi Bayan al-Asbab ( 3 vol.) استيعاب في بيان الأسباب
Item #: 72076
By: Hilali, Salim / Nasr, Mohamad bin Musa سليم هلالي / محمد بن موسي آل نصر
Hardcover | 1792 pp, 3 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Studies - Reasons of Revelation
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 1434 AH
Itqaan fi Ulum al-Quran (2 vol.) لإتقان في علوم القرآن
Item #: 80277
By: Suyuti, Hafiz Jalal al-Din (ca. 849/1445 - 911/1505 ) الحافظ جلال الدين السيوطي
Hardcover | 1648 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quranic Sciences
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9786144154489
Itqan fi Ulum al-Quran (Hazm) الإتقان في علوم القرآن
Item #: 41046
By: Suyuti, Hafiz Jalal al-Din (ca. 849/1445 - 911/1505 ) الحافظ جلال الدين السيوطي
Hardcover | 769 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an - Evidences, Authority, Language, Style
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789953816197
Jam'i fi Asbab al-Nuzul الجامع في أسباب النزول
Item #: 41711
By: Wahidi al-Naisaburi (d. 468/1076) واحدي نيشابوري / Shalabi, Hassan شلبي , حسن
Hardcover | 568 pp, 2 color text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Revelation
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus/Beirut, 2011
ISBN: 9789953323886
Jamaal al-Qurra' جمال القراء
Item #: 74591
By: Humaydi, Dr. Ibrahim Ibn Saleh د. إبراهيم بن صالح الحميضي
Hardcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Recitation Etiquette - Qur'anic Scholars
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam, KSA 1442 H.E.
ISBN: 9786038298527
Kashf al-Hijab a'n Ba'd Asrar al-Khitab كشف الحجاب عن بعض اسرار الخطاب
Item #: 73760
By: Husayni, Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1342/1924 - 1422/2002) عبد الله سراج الدين الحسيني
Softcover | 95 pp, 2 colors, cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Exegesis - Qur'anic Studies - Interpretation
Publisher: Dar Manhaj al-Qawim, Damascus 2021 دار المنهاج القويم
ISBN: 9789933609467
Khat al-Masahif خط المصاحف
Item #: 72111
By: Kirmani, Abu Qasim (ca.505/1110) أبو القاسم الكرماني / Ed. Hamad, Ghanim Qadduri
Hardcover | 184 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Calligraphy Rules
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Istanbul 2015
ISBN: 9789933499655
Kitab al-Masahif ( 2 vol) كتاب المصاحف
Item #: 74378
By: Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Dawud al-Sijistani (d. 316/928) أبي بكر إبن أبي داود السجستاني
Hardcover | 948 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quranic Studies - Revelations - Compilation
Publisher: Dar al Bashair, Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9786144378762
Kitab Ma'ani al-Qira'at كتاب معاني القراءات
Item #: 2600
By: Azhari, Muhammad ibn Ahmad (282/895 or 6 - 370/981) محمد بن أحمد الأزهري
Hardcover | 632 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Readings - Textual Criticism
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 1999
ISBN: 9782745127280
Ma'ani al-Quran 2 Vol معاني القرآن
Item #: 21116
By: Sanadiki, Khalid خالد صناديقي
Hardcover | 1202 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Qur'an Language and Style
Publisher: Dar al-Sumay'i lil Nashr wa-al-Tawzi, Riyadh, 2017
Manahil al-Irfan fi Ulum al-Qur'an (2v in 1bk) مناهل العرفان في علوم القرآن
Item #: 72221
By: Zarqani, Muhammad Abd al-Aziz (d. 1367/1948) محمد عبد العظيم الزرقاني
Hardcover | 544 pp, 2 color text, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Studies; History, Recitations, Reasons of revelations, Abrogation
Publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2022
ISBN: 9782745136879
Manhaj al-Qurani al-Tarbawaa المنهج القراني التربوى
Item #: 80657
By: Najm, Dr. Ferial Mahmoud (al-Ma'aytati) الدكتورة فريال محمود نجم (المعايطة)
Softcover | 338 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Sciences - Educational Approaches
Publisher: Dar Asmaa, Amman 2024
ISBN: 9789957228798
Manzuma al-Muqadimah Jazariya منظومة المقدمة الجزرية
Item #: 74303
By: Ibn al-Jazari (d. 833/1429) ابن الجزري / Ed: Ghawthani, Yahya يحيى الغوثاني
Softcover | 32 pp, color text, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tajwid - Rules of Recitation - Jazari
Publisher: Dar al Ghawthani, Istanbul 2022
ISBN: 9786057388308
Matn al-Durrah al-Mudiyah متن الدرة المضية
Item #: 73991
By: ibn al-Jazari Damascene, (751/1350- 833/1429) ابن الجزري الدمشقي
Softcover | 43 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Pocket Size Matn - Qira'at
Publisher: Dar Ghawthani, Beirut 2007
Min Asrar al-Bayan al-Qur'ani من أسرار البيان القرآني
Item #: 42302
By: Samarra'i, Fadil Saleh (1933-) فاضل صالح السامرائي
Hardcover | 368 pp, 2 color, creme paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Study - Language - Verse Structure
Publisher: Dar ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9786144151976
Min I'lm al-Ard al-Qurani
Item #: 782
By: Sharif
Hardcover | 350 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Qur'an Studies
Min Rawa'i al-Qur'an من روائع القران
Item #: 72086
By: Buti, Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan (1929-2013) محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
Softcover | 301 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Studies
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus, 2019
ISBN: 9789933361884
Miyah fi al-Qur'an المياه في القرآن
Item #: 60412
By: Dulaymi, Ahmad 'Amir دليمي، أحمد عامر
Softcover | 268 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quran Commentary - Water
Publisher: Dar Al Nafaes, Beirut, 2002
Mu'jizah al-Khalidah المعجزة الخالدة
Item #: 15879
By: Sallabi, Dr. Ali Muhammad الدكتور علي محمد محمد الصلابي
Softcover | 318 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Scientific Miracles in the Qur'an
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9789953853246
Mu'jizah Al-Quran معجزة القرآن
Item #: 8221
By: Qarni, Aaidh (al-Qarni)
Hardcover | 139 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Qur'an Studies
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 2004
Mufid fi Tajwid شرح منظومة المفيد في التجويد
Item #: 73225
By: Suwayd, Ayman Rushdi أيمن رشدي سويد
Hardcover | 208 pp, Illustrated, Color
Language: Arabic
Topic: Tajwid / Qur'an Recitation
Publisher: Dar al Ghawthani, Istanbul 2019
ISBN: 9789933605414
Mufradat Abd Allah ibn 'Amir al-Shami مفردة عبد الله بن عامر الشامي
Item #: 73598
By: Dani, Abi Amr Uthman ibn Sa'id (d. 444/1053) أبي عمرو عثمان بن سعيد الداني / Ed: Damin, Hatim Salih
Softcover | 176 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quran Recitations - Abd Allah ibn 'Amir al-Shami
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 1432 H.E. (2011)
Mufradat Abd Allah ibn Kathir al-Makki مفردة عبد الله بن كثير المكي
Item #: 73600
By: Dani, Abi Amr Uthman ibn Sa'id (d. 444/1053) أبي عمرو عثمان بن سعيد الداني / Ed: Damin, Hatim Salih
Softcover | 168 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quran Recitations - Abd Allah ibn Kathir
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 1432 H.E. (2011)
Mufradat Alfaz al-Qur'an مفردات الفاظ القران
Item #: 73486
By: Isfahani, Raghib (Asfahani, d.502/1109) ال راغب الاصفهاني
Hardcover | 798 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Vocabulary of the Quran / Linguistics
Publisher: Dar al Qalam, Damascus 2020
Mufradat Ali ibn Hamzah al-Kisa'i al-Kufi مفردة علي بن حمزة الكسائي
Item #: 73597
By: Dani, Abi Amr Uthman ibn Sa'id (d. 444/1053) أبي عمرو عثمان بن سعيد الداني / Ed: Damin, Hatim Salih
Softcover | 160 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quran Recitations - Ali ibn Hamzah al-Kisa'i
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 1432 H.E. (2011)
Mufradat Asim ibn Abi al-Nujud al-Kufi مفردة عاصم بن أبي النجود الكوفي
Item #: 73594
By: Dani, Abi Amr Uthman ibn Sa'id (d. 444/1053) أبي عمرو عثمان بن سعيد الداني / Ed: Damin, Hatim Salih
Softcover | 191 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quran Recitations - Asim ibn Abi al-Nujud al-Kufi
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 1432 H.E. (2011)
Mufradat fi Gharib al-Qur'an المفردات في غريب القران
Item #: 70359
By: Isfahani, Raghib (Asfahani, d.502/1109 ) ال راغب الاصفهاني
Hardcover | 555 pp, 2 color
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Studies - Vocabulary - Rare Words
Publisher: Dar al-Marefah, Beirut 2014
ISBN: 9789953852331
Mufradat Quran : Farahi مفردات القرآن : الفراهي
Item #: 73027
By: Farahi, Abd al-Hamid عبد الحميد الفراهي / Islahi الإصلاحي
Hardcover | 476 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quran Studies - Language - Style
Publisher: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, Tunis 2022
Muhadhab fi Usul al-Tafsir المهذب في أصول التفسير
Item #: 73417
By: Humaydi, Ibrahim ibn Salah ibn Abd Allah إبراهيم بن صالح بن عبد الله الحميضي
Softcover | 224 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Principles of Quran'ic Exegesis
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 1440 AH (2020)
ISBN: 6287015577183
Muqadima fi Usul al-Tafsir مقدمة في أصول التفسير
Item #: 74431
By: Ibn Taymiyyah ( d. 728/1328 ) ابن تيمية
Hardcover | 104 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Principles of Quranic Exegesis
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut 2023
ISBN: 9789959859501
Musa wa-al-Tawhid موسى والتوحيد
Item #: 71927
By: Bu Hindi, Mustafa مصطفى بوهندي
Hardcover | 287 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'anic Studies - Comparative - Moses in Bible and Qur'an
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, London/Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9786140320987
Mustafad min Qisas al-Qur'an المستفاد من قصص القرآن
Item #: 41982
By: Zidan, Abd al-Karim زيدان، عبد الكريم
Hardcover | 828 pp, 2 color, creme paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Studies - Qur'an Stories
Publisher: Resalah Publishing, Damascus/Beirut, 2014
ISBN: 9789933230357
Mustalahat Quraniyah مصطلحات قرآنية
Item #: 80358
By: Farhat, Dr. Ahmad Hassan أحمد حسن فرحات
Hardcover | 374 pp, 2 color text
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Terminology- Linguistics
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut 2022
ISBN: 9786144153840
Mutashabih al-Qur'an al-Kareem متشابه القرآن الكريم
Item #: 70072
By: Abd al-Jabbar al-Hamadhani, bin Ahmed bin Abd-al-Jabbar (d.415/1025) عبد الجبار بن أحمد بن عبد الجبارالهمذاني
Hardcover | 800 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'anic Study and explanation
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2017
ISBN: 9782745101587
Mutun al-Tajweed متون التجويد
Item #: 44517
By: ibn al-Jazari Damascene, (d.833/1429) ابن الجزري الدمشقي
Softcover | 66 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Tajweed Basics - Qur'an Recitation
Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut, 2005
ISBN: 9789953810195
Nashr al-Qira'at al-Ashr 5 Vol النشر القراءات العشر
Item #: 80077
By: ibn al-Jazari Damascene, (d. 833/1429) ابن الجزري الدمشقي / Suwayd, Ayman Rushdi أيمن رشدي سويد
Hardcover | 3,400 pp, 2 color text, cream paper, 5 volumes
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Qur'an - Qira'at - Tajweed
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Beirut, 2019
ISBN: 9789933499839
Nuzhat Tajweediyah نزهت تجويدية
Item #: 80051
By: Suwayd, Ayman Rushdi أيمن رشدي سويد
Softcover | 56 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam - Quran - Tajweed - Ages 5-12
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Beirut, 2018
ISBN: 9789933403072
Qabasat min Bayan al-Qur'ani قبسات من البيان القراني
Item #: 50064
By: Samarra'i, Muhammad Fadil Salih (b. 1933) محمد فاضل السامرائي
Hardcover | 300 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Graphical Language Study
Publisher: Dar ibn Kathir, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9786144152652
Qaidah al-Noraniah (Small-Blue) القاعدة النورانية
Item #: 74465
By: Haqqani, Muhammad Nur - Rai, Muhamad Faruq
Softcover | 32 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Recitation- Arabic Reading - Pre-teen +
Publisher: Furqan Group, Jeddah 2021
ISBN: 031704220081
Qawa'id al-Tajwid قواعد التجويد
Item #: 42053
By: Dawudi, Safwan داوودي، صفوان
Hardcover | 160 pp, 4 color text, cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Tajwid Rules
Publisher: Dar al-Qalam, Damascus, 2010
Qawn min la-Shay’ كون من لاشيء
Item #: 44466
By: Ba‘zawi, Usamah Ibn Jamal أسامة بن جمال بعزاوي
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islam and Science - The Universe
Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut/Damascus, 2020
ISBN: 9789933363321
Qur'an Yatahadda القرآن يتحدى
Item #: 60404
By: Khalaf Allah, Ahmad 'Izz al-Din خلف الله, أحمد عز الدين
Hardcover | 476 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an - Apprecation - Guidance
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut, 2001
Quran wa-al-Kawn الـقـرآن و الـكـون
Item #: 10082
By: Khader, Osama Ali اسامة علي الخضر
Hardcover | 856 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Science
Publisher: Maktaba al-Assrya, Beirut, 2006
Quran wa-al-Makhluqat القران و المخلوقات
Item #: 21031
By: Zeidan, Sheikh Mazen Issa
Hardcover | 1 Volume, 178 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Studies
Publisher: Dar Al Mamoun Amman 2014
ISBN: 9789957773397
Read and Rise Qaidah - Madinah Script
Item #: 75149
By: Compiled By Learning Roots
Hardcover / Spiral Bound | 72 pp, color Illustrations, Kiitab Compatible
Language: Arabic w/English
Topic: Islam - Qaidah - Qur'an Recitation - Ages 5 - 9 Yrs
Publisher: Learning Roots, London 2023
ISBN: 9781905516964
Rules of Tajwid (SA Script)
Item #: 80248
By: Safar Group
Softcover | 113 pp
Language: English & Arabic
Topic: Quran Recitation - Tajwid
Publisher: Safar Publications, UK 2018
ISBN: 9781912437238
Salasil al-Dhahabiyah السلاسل الذهبية
Item #: 71196
By: Suwayd, Ayman Rushdi أيمن رشدي سويد
Hardcover | 534 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'anic Readings - Qira'at, Ibn al-Jazri
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Beirut 2015
ISBN: 9789933499631
Sanad al-Qur'ani السند القراني
Item #: 72222
By: Abd Allah, Dr. Muhammad Wuld سيد محمد ولد عبد الله ،الدكتور
Hardcover | 320 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Sciences - Hermeneutics
Publisher: Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah Beirut 2011
ISBN: 9782745171924
Sifat Al-Huruf al Arabiya صفات الحروف العربية
Item #: 72093
By: Suwayd, Ayman Rushdi أيمن رشدي سويد
Spiral-Bound- Laminated | 44 pp, color illustrations
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Recitation - Arabic Language - Tajwid
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Istanbul 2018
Ta'bir al-Qurani التعبير القرآني
Item #: 61073
By: Samarra'i, Muhammad Fadil Salih محمد فاضل السامرائي
Hardcover | 472 pp, 2 color, cream paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Language Style Interpretation
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut 2021
ISBN: 9786144151396
Ta'wil Mushkil al-Qur'an تأويل مشكل القرآن
Item #: 41609
By: Ibn Qutaybah (213/828 - 276-889) ابن قتيبة الدينوري
Hardcover | 536 pp, 2 color text, chamois paper
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Studies
Publisher: Risalah Publishing, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9789933446741
Tajweed Untangled
Item #: 74144
By: Group
Softcover | 75 pp
Language: English with Arabic
Topic: Islam - Qur'an Studies - 7+ Yrs
Publisher: Learning Roots, London, 2010
ISBN: 9781905516315
Tanasub Bayna al-Suwar التناسب بين السور
Item #: 42685
By: Samarra'i, Fadil Salih (b. 1933) فاضل صالح السامرائي
Hardcover | 205 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Language Studies - Proportion and Unity
Publisher: Dar ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2016
ISBN: 9786144151792
Tanbih 'ala Huduth al-Tashif التنبيه على حدوث التصحيف
Item #: 80273
By: Isfahani, Hamza حمزة الأصفهاني (d.360/970 Asfahani)
Hardcover | 299 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quranic Studies - Arabic Language - Idioms, Vocalization, History of Text
Publisher: Dar Sader, Beirut 1992
Tarikh Ard Qur'an تاريخ ارض القران
Item #: 72142
By: Nadwi, Sayyid Sulayman (1302/1884 -1373/1953) السيد سليمان الندوي
Hardcover | 576 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Historical Geography - Qur'an Studies
Publisher: Dar Al Qalam, Damascus 2016
ISBN: 9789933290986
Tarikh Qurra' al-Ashar تاريخ القراء العشر
Item #: 72253
By: Qadi, Abd al-Fattah (d.1403/1982) عبد الفتاح القاضي
Softcover | 95 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Quranic Studies - History - The 10 Readings
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, KSA, 2018
ISBN: 9789933605049
Tasrif al-Qawl تصريف القول في القصص القرآني
Item #: 70820
By: Mostaghanmi, Dr. Amuhammad Muhammad Safi د. امحمد محمد صافي المستغانمي
Hardcover | 350 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'anic Studies - Moses in the Qur'an
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut 2018
ISBN: 9786144152423
Taysir fi al-Qira'at al-Sab'a التيسير في القراءات السبع
Item #: 41055
By: Dani, Abi Amr Uthman ibn Sa'id (d. 444/1053) أبي عمرو عثمان بن سعيد / الداني
Hardcover | 576 pp, 2 color
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Studies - Seven Readings
Publisher: Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut, 2013
ISBN: 9786144150634
Tibyan fi Sharh Ahklaq al Quran التبيان في اخلاق حملة القران
Item #: 73396
By: Ajurri, Abi Bakr (d. 360/970) أبو بكر الآجري / Badr, Abd al-Razzaq عبدالرزاق البدر
Hardcover | 189 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Quranic Studies - Sharḥ Akhlaq al-Qurʼan
Publisher: Dar Ibn Jawzi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 1441 AH (2019 or 20)
ISBN: 9786038274323
Tifl fi-al-Qur'an al-Karim الطفل في القران الكريم
Item #: 72091
By: Khalaf, Abd al-Karim Ali عبد الكريم علي الخلف
Hardcover | 366 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Children - Upbringing
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Beirut 2019
ISBN: 9789933605223
U'lum al-Qur'an علوم القرآن الكريم
Item #: 73806
By: Itr, Prof. Dr. Nur al-Din (d.1442/2020) نور الدين عتر
Hardcover | 302 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Sciences of Quran
Publisher: Dar Manhaj al Qawim, Damascus 2021
ISBN: 9789933609559
Um al-Kitab wa-Tafsiluah امّ الكتاب وتفصيلٌها
Item #: 40679
By: Shahrur, Dr. Muhammad د. محمد شحرور
Softcover | 463 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Qur'an - Hermeneutics - Issues and Scientific Approach
Publisher: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2015
ISBN: 9786144258439
Usul al-Nazariyah al-Naqdiyah أصول النظرية النقدية
Item #: 40388
By: Wadami, Ahmad ودرني، أحمد
Softcover with flaps | 239 pp
Language: Arabic
Topic: Arabic language - Rhetoric - Versification - Tabari
Publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-Jadid, 2006
ISBN: 9789959293374
5 Quranic Books Pack
Item #: 81144
By: Islamic Scholars
Softcover - Hardcover | 800 pp, 5 Books
Language: English w/ Arabic
Topic: Quran - Science of Quran - Exegesis
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore, California 2024
A Sufi Commentary on the Qur'an: Ta'wilat al-Qur'an (Vol II)
Item #: 44631
By: Kashani, Abd Al-Razzaq (d.ca. 730/1330) / Tr: Wiliams, Khalid
Softcover | 690 pp
Language: English Only
Topic: Early Work - Quran Exegesis - Sufi
Publisher: Islamic Text Society & The Royal Aal-Bayt Institute for Thought, UK, 2021
ISBN: 9781911141457
Abrogation in the Qur'an and Islamic Law
Item #: 44704
By: Fatoohi, Louay
Softcover | 410 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an - Abrogator and abrogated verses
Publisher: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2013
ISBN: 9789670526027
Al-Fauz Al-Kabir fi Usul Al-Tafsir
Item #: 44377
By: Shah Wali Allah Tr: Jalbani, G.N.
Hardcover | 93 pp
Language: Englih
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Usul Tafsir
Publisher: Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi 2004 Reprint c.1985
ISBN: 9788171512317
Al-Fawz Al-Kabir fi Usul Al-Tafsir
Item #: 74774
By: Waliyullah, Shah
Softcover | 124 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islam - Tafsir
Publisher: IBT, Kuala Lumpur 2013
ISBN: 9789670526010
Ascendant Qur'an (12 vol)
Item #: 72743
By: Asi, Imam Muhammad
Hardcover | 12 Volumes
Language: English
Topic: Contemporary Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought, Canada 2017
ISBN: 9781927683071
Astrophysics & The Holy Quran
Item #: 40789
By: Khan, Prof. Abdul Rashid
Hardcover | 248 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Astrophysics
Publisher: DarUsSalam, Riyadh 2012
ISBN: 9786035001342
Chronicles From The Quran
Item #: 40044
By: Qotb, Muhammad Ali / Badawi, Muhammad
HardCover | 191pp
Language: English
Topic: Stories from the Qur'an
Publisher: Maktaba al-Assriya, Beirut, 2007
Coherence in the Qur'an
Item #: 44709
By: Mir, Mustansir
Softcover | 136 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an - Continuity - Coherence
Publisher: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2011
ISBN: 9789675062858
Historical Marvels In The Qur'an
Item #: 75373
By: Ali, A.
Softcover | 84 pp, illustrations
Language: English
Topic: Islam - History - Quran
Publisher: A. Ali, 2024
Illustrated Tajweed (English & Arabic)
Item #: 72063
By: Suwayd, Ayman Rushdi أيمن رشدي سويد
Hardcover | 261 pp,
Language: English / Arabic
Topic: Tajwid - Quranic Recitation
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Istanbul 2021
ISBN: 9786057484932
In The Shade of The Quran (Set of 18)
Item #: 75209
By: Qutb, Sayyid (1906-1966) / Tr. & Ed: Salahi, Adil
Softcover | 7091 pp, set of 18
Language: English w/ Arabic
Topic: Quran - Tafsir
Publisher: The Islamic Foundation
ISBN: 9780860373971
Jamaal - Ul - Qura'an - جمال القران
Item #: 80569
By: Thaanwi, Maulana Ashraf Ali
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: English
Topic: Quran - Studies
Publisher: ZAM ZAM Publishers, Karachi 2017
ISBN: 9789695832851
Juz 'Amma Primer: with Color Codes for Tajweed
Item #: 72505
By: Ali, Yusuf / Hoque, Zohurul
Softcover | 70 pp / Color on Durable Paper
Language: Arabic & English
Topic: Quran- Juz Amma w/tajweed and transliteration
Publisher: Taqwa Prints, Columbus 2012 / Weekend Learning
ISBN: 9781936569120
Juz Amma with color coded Tajweed Rules
Item #: 71061
Softcover | 64 pp
Language: Arabic with rules in English
Topic: Quran / Tajweed
Publisher: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India
ISBN: 9788172314200
Juz' Amma for the Classroom: Textbook
Item #: 45234
By: Compiled: Ghazi, Dr. Abidullah
Softcover | 252 pp
Language: Engish with Arabic
Topic: Islamic Teachings - Qur'an - Elementary Grades +
Publisher: IQRA' International-Educational-Foundation, Illinois, 2018
ISBN: 9781563161315
Juz' Amma for the Classroom: Workbook
Item #: 45235
By: Senalan, Handan
Spiral Bound | 110 pp
Language: Engish with Arabic
Topic: Islamic Teachings - Qur'an - Elementary Grades +
Publisher: IQRA' International-Educational-Foundation, Illinois, 2019
ISBN: 9781563161254
Key to Al-Imran: Resurgence of the Ummah
Item #: 81110
By: Siddiqui, Abdur Rashid
Softcover | 44 pp
Language: English
Topic: Quran - Surah Imran - Tafsir
Publisher: The Islamic Foundation, Leicester 2002
ISBN: 9780860373865
Learning Arabic Language of the Qur'an
Item #: 74947
By: Uroosa, Izzath
Hardcover | 488 pp
Language: English & Arabic
Topic: Arabic Language - Quran
Publisher: Darussalam, Riyadh 2010
ISBN: 9786035000659
Listening to the Qur'an
Item #: 74054
By: Baig, Khalid
Softcover | 207 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islam - Tafsir - Aqeeda
Publisher: Openmind Press, 2022
ISBN: 9780975515747
Love in the Qur'an
Item #: 75244
By: Muhammad, HRH Prince Ghazi Bin
Softcover | 400 pp
Language: English
Publisher: Islamic Text Society, Cambridge 2019
ISBN: 9781911141419
Maariful Qur'an English (Complete 8 volume set)
Item #: 44572
By: Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi / Ed: Mufti Taqi Usmani
Hardcover | 6087 pp, 8 volumes
Language: English with Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Exegesis in English
Publisher: Maktaba Darul-Uloom, Karachi, 2019
Managing the Quran: An Abridgement
Item #: 44803
By: Succaria, Dr. Ghassan
Hardcover | 155 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islam - Quran - Aspects - Lessons
Publisher: Masadir, Inc, Philadelphia PA, 2019
ISBN: 9789953137421
Noble Qur'an (Ar-En S/C 5.5 x 8.25 in, DarSalam)
Item #: 40787
By: Translation: Hilali / Muhsin Khan
Softcover | 927 pp, medium, fine paper
Language: Arabic and English
Topic: Meaning of the Qur'an in English
Publisher: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 2011
Noble Qur'an Part 30 (Ar-En S/C pocket 3 x 4.5 in)
Item #: 40980
By: Translators: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ad-Din al-Hilali
Softcover | 128 pp
Language: Arabic - English
Topic: Meaning of the Holy Qur'an
Publisher: DarUsSalam, Riyadh, 2003
ISBN: 9789960892573
Noble Quran Part 30 (A-E-R)
Item #: 43846
By: Translated by: Yusuf Ali, Abd Allah
Softcover | 72 pp
Language: Arabic-English
Topic: Meaning of the Holy Qur'an in English w/Transliteration
Publisher: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2006
ISBN: 9788172317218
Noorani Qaaidah (Color Coded)
Item #: 71041
Softcover | 52 pp
Language: English, Arabic, and Urdu
Topic: Qur'an - Tajweed
Publisher: Idara Impex , New Delhi, India
ISBN: 9788171016419
Parables of the Qur'an (hc)
Item #: 45107
By: Qadhi Yasir
Hadrcover | 212 pp, ribbon placeholder, 2 colors
Language: English w/some Arabic
Topic: Qur'anic Studies - Parables - Interpretation
Publisher: Kube Publishing, UK, 2022
ISBN: 9781847741790
Phonetic Rules of Quranic Recitation Made Easy
Item #: 72098
By: Ghawthani, Dr. Yahya Abd al-Razzaq يحيى عبد الرزاق الغوثاني
Softcover | 44 pp
Language: English & Arabic
Topic: Tajweed - Quranic Recitation
Publisher: Dar al-Ghawthani, Istanbul 2019
ISBN: 9789933403898
Pocket Guide: Quran
Item #: 41168
By: Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin
Softcover | 108 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islam - Quran Study
Publisher: Goodword Books, India, 2015
ISBN: 9788178989693
Prophets In The Quran, Volume 2
Item #: 40046
By: Hussain, Iftekhar Bano
SoftCover | 208 pp
Language: English
Topic: Quranic Studies - the Prophets
Publisher: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd, 1995
ISBN: 9781897940297
Qur'an In Conversation
Item #: 72299
By: Birkel, Michael
Softcover | 282 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an - Dialogue - History - Interpretation etc.
Publisher: Baylor University Press, Waco 2014
ISBN: 9781481300988
Qur'an Rainbow Arabic (13 x 18 cm / 5 x 7 in)
Item #: 44366
Cloth Hardcover, Embossed | 611 pp Qur'an (Arabic) + 28 pp Appendix (English)
Language: Arabic with English Appendix
Topic: Qur'an
Publisher: Global Islamic Publications, New Delhi, 2015
Qur'an: The Guidance for Mankind
Item #: 74503
By: Translator: Malik, Muhammad Farooqi Azam
Hardcover | 976 pp
Language: Arabic - English
Topic: Islam - Qur'an
Publisher: The Institute of Islamic Knowledge, 2006
ISBN: 9780911119800
Qur'anic Keywords : A Reference Guide
Item #: 81115
By: Siddiqui, Abdur Rashid
Softcover | 304 pp
Language: English
Topic: Quran - Keywords - Tafsir
Publisher: The Islamic Foundation, Nairobi 2024
ISBN: 9780860374466
Qur'anic Language Made Easy
Item #: 45236
By: Hasan, Hafiza Iffath
Softcover | 348 pp
Language: Engish with Arabic
Topic: Quran Studies - Classical Arabic Grammar - Teen - YA +
Publisher: IQRA' International-Educational-Foundation, Illinois, 2002
ISBN: 9781563160264
Quran (Yusuf Ali, SC, English 4.75 x 7 in)
Item #: 40213
By: Translator: Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Softcover | 442 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an Meaning in English
Publisher: Goodword Books / Jarir Bookstore USA
ISBN: 9788178981413
Quran Mark (Gold Metal Book Mark)
Item #: 45062
Premium Gold Metallic Book Mark | 1 Metallic Book Mark in box
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Bookmark
Publisher: Learning Roots, UK,
ISBN: 683203858342
Quran Mark (Silver Metal Book Mark)
Item #: 45121
Premium Silver Metallic Book Mark | 1 Metallic Book Mark in box
Language: Arabic
Topic: Islamic Bookmark
Publisher: Learning Roots, UK
ISBN: 683203858359
Quran Tajweed: Juz 'Amma with Meaning in English
Item #: 16164
By: Azhar Islamic Research Academy
Softcover | 56 pp color, Hafs Narration, Spaced Script, Word Index
Language: Arabic with transliteration and meaning in English
Topic: Tajweed Qur'an - Arabic-English
Publisher: Dar al-Marifah
ISBN: 9789933423377
Quran Tajweed: Juz Tabarak with Meaning in English
Item #: 74531
By: Azhar Islamic Research Academy
Softcover | 34 pp color, Hafs Narration, Spaced Script, Word Index
Language: Arabic - English
Topic: Tajweed Qur'an - Arabic-English
Publisher: Dar al-Maarifah, Damscus, 2015
ISBN: 9789933458508
Quran: English Meaning (Small)
Item #: 73586
By: Saheeh International
Softcover | 690 pp
Language: English
Topic: Meaning of Quran in English
Publisher: Noor International, Riyadh, 2020
Quranic Verses - An Inspirational Calendar
Item #: 44342
By: Goodword Books
Spiral bound hard board | 365 pp, Color
Language: English
Topic: Quran Verses - Perpetual 365 Day Calendar
Publisher: Goodword Books, India
ISBN: 9789386589408
Revive Your Heart: Putting Life in Perspective (sc)
Item #: 45105
By: Khan, Nouman Ali
Softcover | 252 pp
Language: English w/some Arabic
Topic: Qur'anic Interpretation - Islamic Ethics - Spiritual Essays
Publisher: Kube Publishing, UK, c 2017, 2023 print
ISBN: 9781847741011
Stories of the Qur’an – Quiz Book
Item #: 81241
By: Awais, Ammar
Hardcover | 281 pp
Language: English
Topic: Quran Studies - Quiz - Quran Stories - YA +
Publisher: IIPH Riyadh, 2023
ISBN: 9786035014175
Tafseer As-Sadi (10 Vol.)
Item #: 73269
By: Sa'di, Abd al-Rahman Ibn Nasir (1889-1956) عبد الرحمن بن ناصر السعدي / Tr: Khattab, Nasir al-Din
Hardcover | 4688 pp, 10 Volumes
Language: English
Topic: Contemporary Qur'an Exegesis - Tafsir
Publisher: IIPH, Riyadh 2018
ISBN: 9786035013598
Tafseer Soorah Al-Hujurat
Item #: 73261
By: Phillips, Bilal
Hardcover | 304 pp
Language: English
Topic: Commentary of Quran
Publisher: IIPH, Riyadh 2006
ISBN: 9789960967707
Tafsir al-Kabir Vol 1: The Fatiha
Item #: 70682
By: Al-Razi, Fakhr al-Din
Softcover | 501 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an - Tafsir - English
Publisher: The Islamic Texts Society, 2018
ISBN: 9781911141211
Tafsir al-Sa'di (Parts 01-02-03)
Item #: 70440
By: Sa'di, Abd al-Rahman bin Nasir (1889–1956)
Hardcover | 525 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islam - Tafsir - English
Publisher: Darussalam, 2016
ISBN: 9786035004015
Tafsir al-Sa'di (Parts 28-29-30)
Item #: 70434
By: Sa'di, Abd al-Rahman bin Nasir (1889–1956)
Hardcover | 477 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islam - Quran - Tafsir - English
Publisher: Darussalam, KSA, 2014
ISBN: 9786035002806
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Abridged (6 Vol English)
Item #: 75528
By: Ibn Kathir, Imam Abu Al-Fida Ismail/ Ali, Abdullah Yousuf
Hardcover | 4520 pp, 2 color text, 6 Volumes
Language: English w/ Arabic
Topic: Early Work - Islam - Qur'anic Exegesis
Publisher: Darul Ishaat, Karachi 2021
ISBN: 9789694285061
Tafsir Ul Qur'an ( 2 vol.) Daryabadi
Item #: 81024
By: Daryabadi, Maulana Abdul Majid
Hardcover | 1600 pp, 2 Volumes
Language: English w/ Arabic
Topic: Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Darul Ishaat, Karachi 2014
ISBN: 9789694284897
Tafsir: Qur'anic Exegesis
Item #: 44744
By: Adel, G. H. / Taromi-Rad, H. / Elmi, M.J.
Softcover | 189 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'anic Exegisis - Development of
Publisher: IBT, Kuala Lumpur, 2018
ISBN: 9789670526409
Tajweed For Beginners
Item #: 71049
By: Ishaq, M.Q.I.
Softcover | 60 pp
Language: English
Topic: Tajweed
Publisher: Islamic Book Service, India 2017
ISBN: 9788172314675
Tajweed Untangled
Item #: 74144
By: Group
Softcover | 75 pp
Language: English with Arabic
Topic: Islam - Qur'an Studies - 7+ Yrs
Publisher: Learning Roots, London, 2010
ISBN: 9781905516315
The Amazing Qur'an
Item #: 43843
By: Miller, Gary
Softcover | 44 pp
Language: English with Arabic
Topic: Qur'an Studies - Science
Publisher: Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, India, 2011
ISBN: 9788172313579
The Clear Quran (Arabic & English)
Item #: 74595
By: Khattab, Mustafa Dr.
Softcover | 555 + Index pp
Language: Arabic & English
Topic: Quran - Arabic with Meaning in English
Publisher: Al Furqaan Foundation, Chicago 2016 8th Ed,
ISBN: 9780980246971
The Clear Quran (SC, 8 x 5.25 in.)
Item #: 71197
By: Translator: Khattab, Dr. Mustafa
Softcover | 385 pp
Language: English
Topic: Quran Meaning in English
Publisher: Furqan Foundation, 2016
ISBN: 9780977300969
The Clear Quran Dictionary
Item #: 73746
By: Khattab , Mustafa
Hardcover | 493 pp
Language: Arabic & English
Topic: Quran Dictionary
Publisher: FIQE, Chicago 2021
ISBN: 9781949505245
The Clear Quran Tafsir for Kids (Surah 1 and 49-114)
Item #: 44644
By: Translator/Author: Khattab, Dr. Mustafa
Hardcover | 356 pp, color illustrations
Language: English with Arabic
Topic: Quran Meaning in English for kids
Publisher: Furqan Foundation, Chicago, 2019
ISBN: 9781949505221
The Clear Quran Tafsir for Kids (Surah's 1-9)
Item #: 45272
By: Translator/Author: Khattab, Dr. Mustafa
Hardcover | 402 pp, Color Illustrations
Language: English w/Arabic
Topic: Quran for Kids - Interpretation of Quran
Publisher: Furqan Foundation, Chicago, 2023
ISBN: 9781949505283
The Clear Quran Tafsir for Kids (Surah's 10-28)
Item #: 74401
By: Translator/Author: Khattab, Dr. Mustafa
Hardcover | 414 pp
Language: English w/Arabic
Topic: Quran for Kids - Interpretation of Quran
Publisher: Furqan Foundation, Chicago, 2023
ISBN: 9781949505276
The Clear Quran Tafsir for Kids (Surah's 29-48)
Item #: 73978
By: Translator/Author: Khattab, Dr. Mustafa
Hardcover | 316 pp, Color Illustrations
Language: Arabic & English
Topic: Quran for Kids
Publisher: Furqan Foundation, Chicago 2022
ISBN: 9781949505269
The Clear Quran Tafsir for Kids - Set of 4 books
Item #: 45273
By: Translator/Author: Khattab, Dr. Mustafa
Hardcover | 1488 pp, 4 volumes, Color Illustrations
Language: English w/Arabic
Topic: Quran for Kids - Interpretation of Quran
Publisher: Furqan Foundation, Chicago,
ISBN: 9781949505221 / 9781949505276 / 9781949505269 / 9781949505283
Sale Price: US$130
The History of the Noble Qur'an
Item #: 44236
By: Muhaysin, Muhammad Salim
Softcover | 164 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an Study - History
Publisher: Mahajjah Institute
The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and Commentary
Item #: 41370
By: Translation and Commentary: Yusuf Ali
Hardcover with Ribbon Placeholder | 1862 pp
Language: English and Arabic
Topic: Qur'an - Translation and Commentary
Publisher: Goodword Books, India, 2013 printing
ISBN: 9788178980898
The Koran (Pickthall - HC)
Item #: 80179
By: Translator: Pickthall, Marmaduke
Hardcover | 693 pp
Language: English
Topic: Meaning of the Noble Quran In English
Publisher: Penguin / Everyman's Library, New York, 2024
ISBN: 9780679417361
The Lights of Revelation & Secrets of Interpretation
Item #: 75440
By: Baydawi, Abd Allah ibn 'Umar (d. 685/1286) / Tr: Haddad, Gibril Fouad
Softcover | 860 pp
Language: English
Topic: Early Work - Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: Beacon Books and Media Ltd ; UBD Press, Manchester, UK, 2016
ISBN: 9780992633578
The Noble Quran: Tafseer-E-Usmani (3 vol)
Item #: 75095
By: Usmani, Shabbir Ahmed
Hardcover | 2722 pp, 3 volumes
Language: English w/Arabic
Topic: Quran - Tafsir - Exegesis
Publisher: Idara Impex, New Delhi 2017
ISBN: 9789386345028
The One and the Many: The Early History of the Qur'an
Item #: 44844
By: Déroche, François / Tr: DeBevoise, Malcolm
Hardcover | 328 pp, 23 b/w illus.
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an - History - Textual Study
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, 2022
ISBN: 9780300251326
The Qur'an (English Only)
Item #: 74636
By: Tr. by Khalidi, Tarif
Softcover | 534 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an - The Meaning in English
Publisher: Penguin Books, NY 2009
ISBN: 9780143105886
The Qur'an - An Introduction
Item #: 74690
By: Gade, Anna M.
Softcover | 306 pp
Language: English
Topic: Introduction to The Qur'an
Publisher: Oneworld Publications, London 2016
ISBN: 9781851686940
The Qur'an Interpretation (2 vol)
Item #: 41999
By: Hilly, Muhammad-Ali Hassan / Translator: Nassir, E.A.
Hardcover | 2216 pp, 2 volumes
Language: English
Topic: Contemporary Tafsir - Qur'an Exegesis
Publisher: DKI, Beirut, 2016
The Qur'an Text and Commentary Vol 1
Item #: 74118
By: Neuwirth, Agelika
Hardcover | 479 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islam - Quran
Publisher: Yale University Press, 2022
ISBN: 9780300232332
The Reasons for Revelation of the Quran
Item #: 73262
By: Wahidi al-Naisaburi, Abu al-Hasan Ali (d. 468/1076)
Hardcover | 158 pp
Language: English
Topic: Early Work - Qur'an Revelation
Publisher: IIPH, Riyadh 2009
ISBN: 9786035010368
Thematic Commentary on Qur'an (En)
Item #: 3325
By: Ghazali, Muhammad (1917-1996)
Softcover | 804 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an Exegesis - Tafsir
Publisher: IIIT, London, Washington
ISBN: 9781565642607
Understanding the Great Qur'an
Item #: 71953
By: Zein, M. Faruk (1937-2005) / Translator: Kabbani, Ousama
Hardcover | 559 pp, 2 color text, cream paper
Language: English
Topic: Qur'anic Studies - Ulum al-Qur'an - Intercorrelation
Publisher: Jarir Bookstore USA, Garden Grove, Ca, 2019
ISBN: 9786144561942
Universe between the Qur'an and Science
Item #: 72913
By: Kassab, Mohammad
Hardcover | 409 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islamic Thought - Science
Publisher: Dar al Fikr, Damascus 2019
ISBN: 9789933361952
Variant Readings of the Qur'an
Item #: 7914
By: Imam, Ahmed Ali
Softcover | 167 pp
Language: English
Topic: Qur'an Studies
Publisher: IIIT, London, Washington, 2006
Women in the Qurʼan: an emancipatory reading
Item #: 81117
By: Lamrabet, Asma / Tr: Francois-Cerrah, Myriam
Softcover | 178 pp
Language: English
Topic: Islam - Women in Qur'an
Publisher: Square View, Leicestershire 2021
ISBN: 9780993516610