The Straight Path Simplified : An Annotated Translation of Qasd al-Sabil
By: Thanwi, Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Muhammad Ashraf (d. 1362/1943)select image to view/enlarge/scroll
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Others, though they continue to strive, may miss the goal leaving them disillusioned and frustrated. Some may even reach the objective, but not having the requisite understanding to realize it, they are left despondent and overcome with spiritual fatigue.
To save people from these pitfalls, there was an immense need to clarify the true meaning and actual objective of the spiritual path. Thus, the erudite scholar and great reviver of the spiritual path, Hakim al-Ummah, Mawllana Muhammad Ashraf 'All Thanwi a authored a simple treatise that highlights the essential principles of treading the path to Allah to serve as a guide for those who sincerely seek Him.
The Straight Path: Simplified presents an annotated translation of this invaluable guide, bringing Hakim al-Ummah's essential work into the modern reader's sphere with explanatory notes that serve as a bridge to his teachings. These notes aid the reader by offering contextual insights, clarifying intricate concepts, and addressing pertinent contemporary concerns.