Jawahir al-Imla : al-Munfrad al-'Alam fi Rasm al-Qalam جواهر الاملاء : المفرد العلم في رسم القلم
By: Hashimi, Sayyid Ahmad (d.1361/1943) السيد أحمد الهاشميLanguage: Arabic
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By: | Hashimi, Sayyid Ahmad (d.1361/1943) السيد أحمد الهاشمي |
Language: | Arabic |
Format: | Hardcover |
Pages: | 247 pp |
Publisher: | Dar al Maarif, Beirut 2001 |
Dimensions: | 17 x 24 cm |
ISBN: | OCLC: 70809171 |
Topic: | Arabic language - Orthography - Spelling. |
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