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Dhikr al-Farq bayna al-Ahruf al-Khamsah ذكر الفرق بين الأحرف الخمسة [ظ،ض،ذ،ص،س]

By: Batalyawsi, Ibn al-Sid (d. 521/1127) ابن السيد البطليوسي / Ed: Nashrati, Dr, Hamzah Abd Allah حمزة عبد الله النشرتي ،الدكتور

Dhikr al-Farq bayna al-Ahruf al-Khamsah ذكر الفرق بين الأحرف الخمسة [ظ،ض،ذ،ص،س]

Language: Arabic

كتاب هام ينصرف موضوعه الى ذكر الفروق بين الاحرف الخمسة (الضاء، والضاد، والصاد، والذال، والسين) التي يغلط منها كثير من خواص الناس فضلا عن عوامهم. وقد جاء الكتاب في خمسة فصول تضمن كل فصل منها المسائل والأمثلة المتعلقة بنطق هذه الحروف

An important book by Ibn al-Sid, that discusses the differences between the five letters (Ḍad, Ḍuwad, Ṣad, Ḍal, and Sin) that many people make mistakes with, not to mention the common people. The book is divided into five chapters, each of which includes questions and examples related to the pronunciation of these letters.

By the Andalusian grammarian and philosopher, Abu Muḥammad Abd Allah ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Sid al-Baṭalyawsi (444/1052 - 521/1127) (also known as Ibn al-Sīd al-Batalyawsī & Ibnu as-Sayyid al-Bathalyusi & Abenalsid).

With research and editing of Dr. Hamzah Abd Allah Nashrati.
Topic: Arabic Language - Particles - Suffixes & Prefixes - Early Works|9782745134325|

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Product Details
By:Batalyawsi, Ibn al-Sid (d. 521/1127) ابن السيد البطليوسي / Ed: Nashrati, Dr, Hamzah Abd Allah حمزة عبد الله النشرتي ،الدكتور
Pages: 383 pp, facsimiles, includes indexes
Publisher:DKI, Beirut, 2013
Dimensions:17 X 24 cm
Topic:Arabic Language - Particles - Suffixes & Prefixes - Early Works

Dhikr al-Farq bayna al-Ahruf al-Khamsah ذكر الفرق بين الأحرف الخمسة [ظ،ض،ذ،ص،س]

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