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Kanz al-Hikayat: Haffar wa-Taiyar كنز الحكايات: حفار وطيار

By: Mutlaq, Dr. Abir ألبير مطلق

Language: Arabic


حفار وطيار: يريد الأرنب الطيار حديقة الكرنب كلها , لكن الخلد حفار يريدها أيضا! من يكسب السباق ويأكل الخضر كلها ؟ هل رجلا حفار بسرعة رجلي طيار فعلا؟

Treasure Tales: Digger and Lew», a Storytime Picture Book for the child, here in Arabic.
Lew The rabbit wants the cabbage patch all to himself, but Digger the mole wants it, too! Who will win the race and eat all the vegetables? Are Digger's legs really as fast as Lew's?

These charming books combine colorful illustrations with heart-warming narrative, each with its own unique message.

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Product Details
By:Mutlaq, Dr. Abir ألبير مطلق
Pages: 24 pp
Publisher:Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2022 Arabic Edition
Dimensions:22 x 27 cm
Topic:Children's Arabic Picture Storybook - Ages 6-9 Yrs.

Kanz al-Hikayat: Haffar wa-Taiyar كنز الحكايات: حفار وطيار

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