The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969 - 1994
By: Said, Edward W. (1935-2003)select image to view/enlarge/scroll
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«Solidly imbued with historical context and geopolitical conjecture…fresh, unpredictable, personal and incorruptible writing.»—Boston Globe
In «The Politics of Dispossession», Said traces his people’s struggle for statehood through twenty-five years of exile, from the PLO’s bloody 1970 exile from Jordan through the debacle of the Gulf War and the ambiguous 1994 peace accord with Israel.
As frank as he is about his personal involvement in that struggle, Said is equally unsparing in his demolition of Arab icons and American shibboleths. Stylish, impassioned, and informed by a magisterial knowledge of history and literature, «The Politics of Dispossession» is a masterly synthesis of scholarship and polemic that has the power to redefine the debate over the Middle East.