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Sunan al-Muhtadin fi Maqamat al-Din سنن المحتدين في مقامات الدين

By: Abu Abd Allah al-Mawaq al-Gharnati (d. 897/1492) محمد بن يوسف بن أبي القاسم الغرناطي، أبو عبد الله المواق

Language: Arabic


كتاب في التصوف للإمام الخطيب الغرناطي الشهير بالمواق تناول أصول التصوف ومقاماته وأهميته وطرقه وأصوله وكل ذلك في سبيل الترقي والسير إلى الله تعالى

«The Guided Sunnahs in the Stations of Religion», a Sufi work by Imam al-Khatib al-Gharnati (d. 897/1492) (full name Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Abi al-Qasim bin Yusuf al-Abdari al-Gharnati), also known as Abu Abdullah al-Mawaq, a Maliki jurist, Imam, and scholar of Granada).

The work deals with the principles of Sufism, its shrines, importance, and methods and principles, all for the sake of progress and the path to God Almighty. The heart of the writer's idea is the faith stations in which a person is graded, how does a person rise to or descend from those stations.

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Product Details
By:Abu Abd Allah al-Mawaq al-Gharnati (d. 897/1492) محمد بن يوسف بن أبي القاسم الغرناطي، أبو عبد الله المواق
Pages: 320 pp, White Paper
Publisher:Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah (DKI), Beirut, 2020
Dimensions:17 x 24 cm
Topic:Early Work - Islam - Sufism

Sunan al-Muhtadin fi Maqamat al-Din  سنن المحتدين في مقامات الدين

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