سبط بن الجوزي، المؤرخ الواعظ في مرآه الزمان (581 ه / 1185 م - 654 ه/ 1257 م)
'Sibt Ibn al-Jawzi, the preaching historian in the mirror of time' (581/1185 - 654/1257). A work on the life of Yusuf ibn Qizughi Sibt Ibn al-Jawzi, by Ibrahim Zaybaq. A notable preacher and historian of his time, Sibt ibn al-Jawzi was the grandson of the famous Hanbali scholar Abu al-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzi. He followed the Hanafi madhhab.
(581 ه / 1185 م - 654 ه/ 1257 م)