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Shadi wa al-Khiyar al-Mun'ish شادي والخيار المنعش

By: Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir

Shadi wa al-Khiyar al-Mun'ish شادي والخيار المنعش

Language: Arabic

سلسلة الصحة و الغذاء
الغِذاءُ الصِّحِّيُّ أساسُ الصِّحَةِ السَّليمَةِ لِأطْفالِنا، وهَذا ما يَجِبُ ألّا يَغْفَلَ عَنْهُ أوْلِياءُ الأُمور. فَالغِذاءُ الصَّحِّيُّ هُوَ ما يَجْلِبُ لِأطْفالِنا القُدْرَةَ عَلى مُقاوَمَةِ الأمْراض، القُدْرَةَ عَلى التَّحْصيلِ والتَّعَلُّم، القُدْرَةَ عَلى بِناءِ جِسْمٍ قَوِيٍّ وسَليمٍ والقُدْرَةَ عَلى التَّفاعُلِ الإيجابِيِّ مَعَ مُحيطِهِم الأوَّلِ في سَنَواتِهِم الأولى. وهَذا كُلُّه لا تَمْنَحُهُ أبَدًا الأطْعِمَةُ المُصَنَّعَةُ لِأطْفالِنا مَهْما كانَتْ شَهِيَّةً.

Shadi and the Cucumber. Part of the healthy food series. The base for the health of our children, teaching healthy eating habits should not be overlooked by parents. Healthy food will help resist diseases, and help the ability to learn and to build a healthy keep the child away from processed food no matter how good it tastes, and teach all about healthy foods.
Topic: Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Cucumbers - Ages 5-8|9789953951485|

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Product Details
By:Wareda, Abd al-Ghani عبد الغني ورضى / Ill: Kharbutli, Sahir
Pages: 16 pp
Publisher:Asala Publishing, Beirut, 2018
Dimensions:16 x 23 cm
Topic:Children's Educational - Eating Healthy - Cucumbers - Ages 5-8

Shadi wa al-Khiyar al-Mun'ish  شادي والخيار المنعش

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