«الْأُذُن»: قصة سريالية وساحرة عن أذن فان غوغ المقطوعة عن الرأس، وبحثها عن الهوية، والهدف، والقبول من قبل رسامة كتب الأطفال الرائدة في إستونيا بيرت رود. عندما قطع الفنان الهولندي فنسنت فان غوغ ...
Arabic Edition of «The Ear», by Estonian writer Piret Raud. When the artist Vincent van Gogh cuts off his ear, the ear is suddenly left alone and headless. What will become of her? Where should she go? What should she do? Acutely aware of how small and insignificant she is in the big, wide world, the ear experiences something of an identity crisis. She simply doesn't know who she is anymore. But thanks to a downcast frog with a heavy heart who simply needs listening to, she realizes what she can offer to the world: a sympathetic ear. Through helping her friends, she discovers a fresh perspective on life
عندما قطع الفنان الهولندي فنسنت فان غوغ ...