MENUMENU -مكتبة جرير

Kayfa Takunu Muhandisaan كيف تكون مهندساً

By: DK Children, Vorderman, Carol / Tr: Mutlaq, Albert البير مطلق.

Language: Arabic


استكشف المهارات التي تلزم لتكون مهندسا!

أن تكون مهندسا يعني أن تنظر إلى العالم وتحاول ان تعرف كف تعمل الأشياء .
كتاب كيف تكون مهندساً يساعدك على استطلاع أفكار هندسية مثل المحر كات النفاثة، الانفاق، وناطحات السحاب، وهو حافل بأنشطة مسلية ومشاريع تمكنك من الاجابة عن الكثير من الأسلة المحيرة وتساعدك على تفسير العالم من حولك.

Translated from the DK book «How to Be an Engineer: Discover amazing facts; Figure it out; Do fun activities; See what happens; Build it for yourself; Ask the questions.»

Teach kids to think like an engineer! The engaging projects in this book will encourage kids to investigate using items from around the house. Build a robot arm out of rulers; learn about jet propulsion with balloons; crush toilet-paper rolls to explore materials; and much more. Read about how engineers use their knowledge and imaginations to think critically and solve problems. Be inspired by engineering heroes. Fun questions, engineering experiments, and real-life scenarios come together to make engineering relevant. In How to Be an Engineer, the emphasis is on inspiring kids, which means less time at a computer and more time exploring in the real world.

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Product Details
By:DK Children, Vorderman, Carol / Tr: Mutlaq, Albert البير مطلق.
Pages: 144 pp. Color Illustrations, Art Paper
Publisher:Librairie du-Lubnan - Butterfly Books, Beirut, 2019 Arabic Edition
Dimensions:22 x 28 cm
Topic:Sciences for Youth - Engineering - Activities - 7-9 +

Kayfa Takunu Muhandisaan كيف تكون مهندساً

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