Discourses of Rumi: Fihi Ma Fihi
By: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 CE) / Tr: Arberry, A.J.select image to view/enlarge/scroll
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Fihi Ma Fihi is the most famous prose work of Rūmī. It’s a collection of 71 discourses on various topics directly connected to everyday life. Rūmī delivered these speeches to middle class audience. The title of the book means ‘In It What Is In It’ or ‘It Is What It Is’. It is said that Sultanul Walad, the eldest son of Rūmī, compiled the speeches with the help of his other disciples. Rūmī explains the important principles of Sufism in transparent terms in this book. Fihi Ma Fihi can be considered as a right introduction to Mathnavi. Fihi Ma Fihi provides explanations and keys to unlock the meaning of the Mathnavi, Rūmī’s most famous work. The two works were written parallel to each other, and contain many references and stories that are continued from one to the other.