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Tarif, Zarif: Lughz al-Musari‘ al-Majhul لغز المصارِع المجهول

By: Gloria, Hélène / Ill: Alastra, Stéphanie

Tarif, Zarif: Lughz al-Musari‘ al-Majhul لغز المصارِع المجهول

Language: Arabic
Flexibound Card Cover

يَكادُ مازِن وَمَسعود يَطيرانِ مِنَ الفَرَحِ: سَتُقامُ في البَلدَةِ مُباراةٌ في المُصارَعَةِ الحُرَّةِ! هُما يَعرِفانِ جَيِّدًا تَيْم ساح، البَطَلَ القَوِيَّ وَالضَّخْمَ الَّذي لا يُقهَرُ. لَكِنْ مَن هُوَ خَصْمُهُ الجَريءُ وَالمَجهولُ فَريدُ القَرنِ؟ هَل هُوَ اللَّحّامُ صاحِبُ العَضَلاتِ الحَديدِيَّةِ المَفتولَةِ؟ أَم ساعي البَريدِ الَّذي يَركَبُ دَرّاجَتَهُ وَيَدورُ بِها في البَلدَةِ طَوالَ النَّهارِ؟
رُبَّما لَدى شَقيقَةِ مازِن الصَّغيرَةِ فِكرَةٌ أَوضَحُ…

«The Mysterious Wrestler», a cute and funny story in Arabic. Mazen and Masud are all excited. A wrestling fight is organized in their village! They recognize the undisputed champion with the formidable build. But hides behind the mask of his opponent? Is it the welder with muscles of steel? Or the postman who rides his bike all day? Perhaps Mazen's little sister has an idea...
Topic: Arabic Story for Youth - Ages 7 and Up|9786144431641|

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Product Details
By:Gloria, Hélène / Ill: Alastra, Stéphanie
Format:Flexibound Card Cover
Pages: 32 pp, full color
Publisher:Samir Editeur, Beirut, 2019
Dimensions:14 x 18 cm
Topic:Arabic Story for Youth - Ages 7 and Up

Tarif, Zarif: Lughz al-Musari‘ al-Majhul لغز المصارِع المجهول

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