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Fan al-Tasaruf bi-Wuduh ‎فن التصرف بوضوح

By: Dobelli, Rolf

Language: Arabic

Hardcover, dustcover, ribbon placeholder

فن التصرف بوضوح 52 خطأ يجدر بك تركها للاخرين‎
يقدم هذا الكتاب منظورا جديدا للتغيير ويعرض المؤلف رولف دوبلي مادته بشكل يحفز على التفكير بنص مكتوب بأسلوب واضح وذكي وممتع ورائعالدكتو.

Translated to Arabic 'Die Kunst des klugen Handelns: 52 Irrwege, die Sie besser anderen überlassen' by best-selling Swiss author Rolf Dobelli (b. 1966). (The Art of Acting Clearly: 52 Wrong Paths That Are Better Left to Others).

Think clearly and act wisely! Anyone who has read Rolf Dobelli's clever texts about our most common mistakes in reasoning knows more, but is still a long way from being off the hook. Because there are other pitfalls on the way from thinking to action. Fortunately, you can get around that - if you know how. Rolf Dobelli gives us the necessary tools. Do not take every wrong path just because others are going it. Learn from the mistakes others kindly make for you. Think clearly and act wisely!

Think clearly and act wisely!

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Product Details
By:Dobelli, Rolf
Format:Hardcover, dustcover, ribbon placeholder
Pages: 226 pp, Color Illustrations
Publisher:Jarir Bookstore, Saudi Arabia, 2020 Arabic Edition
Dimensions:12 x 18.5 cm
Topic:Decision Making - Cognition - Avoiding Mistakes

Fan al-Tasaruf bi-Wuduh   ‎فن التصرف بوضوح

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