Rasul al-Mu'allim wa-Aslibuhu fi al-Ta'lim الرسول المعلم وأساليبه في التعليم

By: Abu Ghuddah, Abd al-Fattah (1917-1997) عبد الفتاح أبو غدة

Language: Arabic


The prophet as a teacher and his methods of teaching. This work studies methods the prophet Muhammad used in teaching and educating his audience. This will be of special interest to teachers, educators, and Imams, but the knowledge it imparts is good for any profession or individual. By the Syrian scholar Abd al-Fattah abu Ghuddah (1917-1997)

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Product Details
By:Abu Ghuddah, Abd al-Fattah (1917-1997) عبد الفتاح أبو غدة
Pages: 234 pp
Publisher:Dar al-Bashair al-Islamiyah, Beirut, 2008
Dimensions:14 x 21 cm
Topic:Education Methods - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Rasul al-Mu'allim wa-Aslibuhu fi al-Ta'lim   الرسول المعلم وأساليبه في التعليم

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